Father, into Your Hands… First Christian Reformed Church Sunday March 29, 2015 Pastor Gary Bomhof WE GATHER IN HIS NAME FIRST CHURCH NEWS Prelude: Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Choir: Blessed is He Who Comes Song: All Glory Laud and Honour (St Theodulph) Scripture Reading Choir: Sing, Hosanna God’s Greeting Time of Friendship We have a 'Get Well' card for JoAnn at the welcome desk in the foyer that we hope everyone will have a chance to stop and sign. Service of Reconciliation Call to Confession Song: What The Lord Has Done In Me Assurance of Pardon Song: Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) The Name of The Lord Message Scripture: Luke 23: 44-46 Easter Breakfast - please join us for breakfast before the Easter Sunday worship service to start off our Easter celebration and for some family fellowship. Breakfast starts at 8:30am until 9:45. Message: “Father, into Your Hands…” Pastor Gary Bomhof We Respond in Giving, Prayer and Praise Song: I Seek My Refuge in You, Lord Commissioning of Pastor Josh Pastoral Prayer Our Tithes and Offerings: Denominational Ministry Share (One Offering) We Leave to Serve Blessing Doxology: Praise and Thanksgiving Postlude: Holy Week Services Thursday April 2, at 7pm- Maundy Thursday Friday April 3, at 7pm- Good Friday Sunday April 5, Easter Breakfast at 8:30am Sunday April 5, at 10am- Easter Sunday Cake will be served today in honour of Antonia Teuling’s 85th Birthday. Flowers: In the past we have decorated the sanctuary with pot mums for Easter Sunday. The Worship and Arts team have ordered the plants and you may purchase them if you want in memory of a loved one and you may take it home after the service. The plants are white or yellow daisy pot mums. A Worship Team member will be at the kiosk today to take your order. The cost is $10.00 each. FIRST CHURCH EVENTS AND NEWS Remember the many people who are unable to worship with us regularly due to illness or age including Hermina de Gruyter, Alice de Wit, Lies Harkema, Marge Groeneveld, Henny Oosterhoff, Dicky Mulder, Winnie Tensen, Idonna Christensen, Helen Spanninga, Janet vanderMeulen, Peter Humting, Jannie deBoon, Cor Bruin, Cor and Pearl Nienhuis, Lois Braaksma and Henk Werkema. Guests: We extend a special welcome to guests who are joining us this morning. JaMtime is for the children age 3 to those going into Grade 5. There is a supervised nursery care for infants to age 3. Everybody is cordially invited to a time of fellowship and friendship in the Social Hall following the worship service Men's Breakfast will not meet on April 4th and will resume the 11th of April. Nominations are now being accepted for persons willing to serve the Lord as part of this church council. This is an exciting time to become part of the visioning of, and building relationships leading to a vibrant and healthy church. We are in need of 4 elders and 2 deacons, please submit names to Wilf Opden Dries or Jim Bakker. “Safe Church Policy” News: Council has decided that in order to move forward with a Safe Church Policy, criminal record checks will be required from all volunteers 18 years and over who are involved in any children’s ministry of First CRC Red Deer. The goal is to have every VBS volunteer have 100% compliance for this July. The compliance goal for volunteers in JamTime, Cadets, Gems and Nursery Staff, is September 2015. If you are involved in any of the above mentioned ministries please come to the Kiosk and pick up a Volunteer Application Form that will exempt you from the app fee. There is generally a three - six week waiting period depending on the time of year. When you receive your crim check you will keep the original but we will request a copy for our records. If you require more information or have concerns please contact any member of the First Safe Church Policy Committee (Josh Friend, Tyler Westera, Lena Drok, Jeanette Schalk, Sharon Stange or Jane Sanguin) Change of Address: Jeff and Renata Andersen RR #4 Site 16, Box 11, Red Deer AB T4N 5E4 MUSIC NOTES All Glory, Laud, and Honor - Theodulph, bishop of Orleans, wrote this text around 820 AD while he was imprisoned at Angers, France, for conspiring against King Louis the Pious. The story goes that in a Palm Sunday procession, King Louis passed the prison in which Theodulph was housed and heard the imprisoned bishop singing this hymn. According to the legend the king was so moved that he freed Theodulph and decreed the singing of "All Glory, Laud, and Honeor on all subsequent Palm Sundays. There were originally THIRTY-NINE verses. Today we will sing five! Save the Date - May 3, 7 pm. The Chancel Choir is partnering with Annette Bradley's Koinonia High School Choir for an amazing concert. Come out and enjoy an evening of great sacred choral music. YOUTH No Foundations tonight or April 5, Easter Sunday. YMT meets Wednesday at 7:30pm No Young Adults Bible Study Thursday , instead everyone is invited to attend the Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm BIRTHDAYS March April 29 31 01 Carel Louw Kim Bakker Aaf Kooiman 29 Gerdie Teuling 06 Beatrix Dalstra NEXT WEEK Today Monday Thursday Friday 3:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 7:00pm Afrikaans Service Friendship Maunday Thursday Service Michener Hymn Sing Good Friday Service STEWARDSHIP NOTES Today’s Tithes and Offerings: Denominational Ministry Shares (Only One) Future Offerings 05 12 April Collection from March 15 & 22 Food Grains Bank Deacon’s Benevolence Fund Budget Cardus Cuba – Torriente Project $9,657.00 $655.00 $1,485.00 SERVING TODAY Greeting: Tyler Westera Helping Hands: Mike Sandstra Nursery: Sharon Stange, Sharyn Lodewyk, Taryn or Dave Prins, Tori Stryker Coffee Hosts: Gord and Ger Klootwyk Serving Elder: John vanDorp SERVING NEXT WEEK Greeting: Bill Scholten Helping Hands: Jeff Visser Nursery: Verla opdenDries, Sonya Wagenaar, Carlie Sange, Shaylyn Wagenaar Coffee Hosts: Herman & Cathy Nicolay Serving Elder: Wilf opdenDries UPCOMING EVENTS You are invited to attend the upcoming production of That Towering Cross which will premiere on March 26-28th, 2015 at the Memorial Centre in Red Deer. Local playwright Andrew Kooman was asked to write an Easter play to go along with music arranged by Kimberly Messer. The production is under the direction of Annette Bradley and Laura Geelen. The Easter production’s choir features 60 members from 20 churches in the Central Alberta region. Andrew was able to write the choir into the story as in integral part of the show which helps bring the story to life on the stage. The following is a brief synopsis of the story: Anna returns to the small town church she grew up attending for its annual Easter production after a ten year absence. When she meets Joshua after the performance, her view of the cross as a tired, old symbol is challenged not only by his invitation to imagine it differently, but her need for it to be something more. We appreciate your help in spreading the word about this exciting event. Tickets are required but are free to the public thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. You can get tickets for any of the four shows (March 26th at 7pm, March 27th at 7pm, and March 28th at 2:30pm and 7pm) by calling 403-343-1611. They are also available for pick up at 53rd Street Music (4902 53 St, Red Deer) or at Scott’s Parable Christian Store on Gasoline Alley. Donations will be accepted towards the CAPCC’s housing project for single pregnant women. For more information or to learn about the new housing project please call the Centre at 403-343-1611. CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION First Christian Reformed Church 16 McVicar Street Red Deer, AB T4N 0M1 firstcrc@telusplanet.net Phone: 403-346-5659 www.firstcrcreddeer.org
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