FROM OUR PASTOR - Lakeside United Methodist Church

2333 Hilliard Rd.
Henrico, VA
April 2015
Lakeside United Methodist Church Mission Statement
We are a community of faith which strives to: worship God in all we say and do; recognize
and affirm the spiritual gifts of the Body of Christ; and, unite through sacrificial love in
service to God.
Greetings Lakeside Friends:
The promise offered in the words of one of my favorite
hymns unfolds in April.
"In the bud there is a flower; in the seed an apple
in cocoons, a hidden promise; butterflies will soon be
In the cold and snow of winter, there's a Spring that
waits to be, unrevealed until its season, something
God alone can see."
I have counted on that promise in the days of gray
skies and icy conditions. It is a true joy to feel the sun
on my back as I gaze into beautiful blue skies. I think
my feet are finally thawing out!
Spring has always been a powerful symbol of new life.
What shall we do in these resurrection days? Our
Risen Savior spent time with friends, soaked up their
love and firmly reinforced his platform of sacrificial love
from which they were to operate, as he prepared to
leave them. Not a bad bucket list. I hope yours includes
some extra acts of compassion and the joy you receive
from them.
I encourage you to live each day as though you are
prepared to leave. After all:
"In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity;
in our doubt there is believing; in our life eternity.
In our death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory,
unrevealed until its season, something God alone
can see." (Hymn of Promise, # 707, UM Hymnal).
April 5 is Easter Sunday, a time to rejoice in new life.
Come celebrate the promise.
7:00 PM UMM Executive Mtg.
7:00 PM Lay Leadership Team
9:30 AM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Finance
4 / 18 – 4 / 25
4 / 24
30 Hour Famine
3 / 29
Palm Sunday
7:00 PM Maundy Thursday
Lakeside UMC
7:00 PM Community Worship
Lakeside Presbyterian Church
10:00 AM Children’s Easter Celebration
8:00 AM Early Worship
10:30 AM Worship - Cantata
Christ Is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!
Proposed Change to
Church Policy
“Christ is Risen” has been our joyous
proclamation throughout the ages of Christian
Faith. This year we have the special opportunity
to share our joy through our giving to two
important missions of our church: The World
Service Fund and Summer Arts Camp.
The World Service Fund is the financial lifeline
to a long list of Christian missions and ministries
around the world, including paying missionary
salaries, working to increase the number of
young clergy, helping to build new churches,
advocating for peace and justice ministries,
expanding Bible studies, providing leadership
training for Youth ministry and many other
important ministries throughout the world.
Recommendation to change Church Policy #8
A. Any use of the Church facilities by an outside
group must receive approval of the Facility Use
Committee appointed by the Church Council,
consisting of the chairperson of the Church
Chairperson of
the Kitchen
Committee, and Chairperson of the Buildings
and Grounds Committee. After this approval, if
the Church calendar is clear for the facility
requested, the Administrative Assistant will list
the activity on the Church calendar. The
Chairperson of the church Council will serve as
Chairperson of the committee. The Facilities
Use Committee shall establish and maintain
guidelines for use of the facilities.
Recommendation to change Church Policy #8 to;
A. Any use of the Church facilities by an outside
group must receive approval of the Facility Use
Committee appointed by the Church Council,
consisting of the chairperson of the Church
Chairperson of
the Kitchen
Committee, Chairperson of Trustees and
Chairperson of the Buildings and Grounds
Committee After this approval, if the Church
calendar is clear for the facility requested, the
Administrative Assistant will list the activity on
the Church calendar. The Chairperson of the
church Council will serve as Chairperson of the
committee. The Facilities Use Committee shall
And maintain guidelines for use of the
Be sure to take note of the beautiful art being displayed
on the church bulletin boards. Many thanks to our
APRIL 18 - 25, 2015
Communications Team Chair, Leslie Whitman, for
We, Lakeside UMC, are hosting the CARITAS these powerful faith expressions.
Please be in prayer about how you can serve
during this week of mission. If you have any
questions or can volunteer to serve, please call
Dina Giese, 262-2967 or 221-3050 or email:
We extend our deepest sympathy to Ed Ewbank and
family over the passing of his wife, Joan. Expressions
of sympathy may be sent to 5316 Walker Ave.,
Richmond, VA 23228
Hermitage Country Store
The Hermitage Country Store will be open on Friday,
April 24, 2015 from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. For more
information or questions, please call Gina Richardson
at 359-5618.
Thank You
Many thanks for all the cards, flowers, visits and
prayers received by Jane during her stay at
Manor Care. The Memorial service and the
celebration of her life on March 14, 2015 was
beautiful and greatly appreciated. Thanks to the
ladies who provided the desserts and all who
participated. We extend our heartfelt thanks for
your love and support to Jane.
The family of Jane Wright
Thank you so much for allowing us to use the
church for our meetings. We are extremely
grateful and feel very lucky to have such a
beautiful and perfect place to have our
meetings. Also, our group wanted toad an
additional $10.00 this month as a small thank
you for allowing us to use you incredible kitchen
for our One Year Anniversary Meeting on
February 3.
Sincerely, Northside Steps
Our apportioned amount for World Service is $5,145
for 2015. Half of our special Easter Offering will go
toward this national and international outreach
Summer Arts Camp is a very fine program with a great
reputation in our local community. For two weeks,
students attend a day camp here at Lakeside UMC,
where they participate in many art activities including
hands on visual art, music and drama. This camp
means a great deal to our church. It gives us a unique
opportunity to offer an experience in art that might not
otherwise be available to children in our community.
The budget for the camp is $4,000, which covers the
cost of paying very fine teachers from neighborhood
schools, tee shirts for participants, art supplies, and
other costs. The students are charged a $50 fee to
help with some of this cost, but quite often we let
children come on “scholarship” if their family cannot
afford the fee. Half of our special Easter offering will
go towards the budget of this local outreach mission.
Look for the Easter Offering Envelope in your box of
giving envelopes and give generously. Our special
gifts proclaim, Christ Is Risen Indeed!
Rev. Rita Callis
Birth Celebrations
We celebrate the births of:
Grace Marie Gay, born on January 3, 2015. Proud
parents are Amy Morgans and Frank Gay.
Regan Ann Jackson, Proud parents are Jennifer and
Brian Jackson. Proud grandparents are Nina Teel and
Donnie Perry.
Vacation Bible School
Warming Thoughts! Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it. VBS will be in session June 14 to
June 21, 2015, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. This year we will be exploring the life of David, the mighty warrior
and servant of God. We will have classes for children, preschool through fifth grade, and adults. Hope to see
you there. For more information, please contact Bob Friend at 672-8828.
Youth Group News
There will not be a Youth meeting on Easter Sunday April 5. Youth will be meeting on April 12 and
19. There will also be no meeting on April 26 as we will have just completed the 30-Hour Famine.
Our regular Youth Group Schedule
Youth Choir: 5 to 5:30 PM
Dinner: 5:30 to 6 PM
Program/Activity: 6 to 8 PM
The 30-Hour Famine will be held on the weekend of April 24 & 25. Our Youth will be joined by
Mt. Pisgah UMC Youth from Midlothian for this mission project. Please support our youth in this
service project to support people in need around the world.
Our youth will be involved in several service projects in the near future; including Stop Hunger
Now, Imagine No Malaria Lemonade Stand, and additional local area service projects.
Any youth of middle or high school age is welcome to join our group or visit any of our Sunday
evening meetings.
We are always looking for volunteers to help lead programs, fix dinners, or help in other ways
with the youth group. Email us at for more information.
Yours in Christ,
Cody & Jessica Dedmon
Youth Ministry Team Leaders
Lamb’s Basket
The Lamb’s Basket is our community food pantry
sponsored by the churches of Lakeside and
surrounding areas.
Donations most needed are: peanut butter, jelly,
canned meat, lunchables, macaroni and cheese,
crackers, soups, spaghetti sauce, pet food, and
Please join us for our Easter Celebration on
Saturday, April 4 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. For
toddlers through elementary age children we will
have Easter crafts, a retelling of the Easter story and
snacks, followed by an Easter Egg hunt. Come join
the fun!
We extend a special note of appreciation to Cory Arbogast and Company for their fine work in clearing our
parking lot and sidewalks during all of the terrible weather in February. We were able to maintain most of our
church office schedule, we were able to hold our scheduled Memorial Services and we did not have to cancel
worship. Blessings be upon our dedicated volunteers who also worked very hard to keep our Church open. It
is great to see the sun shine.
The great chili cook-off had 14 winners! There were 14 entries, (I tried all of them) and it was difficult to vote for
just one as the “best” recipe. The official tally for first and second place was: 1st – Jimmy Hedrick; 2nd –Helen
Hedrick, but I think we had 14 winners! Many thanks to all the cooks and tasters for helping our summer Music
and Arts Camp in this way.
Coming up on March 29 is Palm Sunday, with the children’s choir singing during that service. The Easter
celebration of the resurrection on April 5 will feature the presentation of a new cantata, “Wondrous Love”, by the
chancel choir and guest instrumentalists. On April 19 the Men’s Chorus will sing, and there will be a guest
organist, as Jeanne and Caroline are invited to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church as they celebrate their
100th anniversary. (This is the church where we served before coming to Lakeside). On May 10 (Mother’s Day)
the children’s choir will sing for the last time this year; rehearsal on the 3rd is very important.
Caroline Fergusson
Love to rock???
Whatever your age or stage of life, please
consider volunteering as a nursery helper
during worship services.
Children's Ministry is seeking assistant book readers,
rockers, and lullaby singers to help now and then in
the nursery. Please contact Bob Friend if interested,
at 672-8828.
April 12 will be the celebration of Wes Ferguson’s 85th
birthday, and he would like everyone to share this
special occasion with him! There will be a lunch
reception in the fellowship hall following the worship
service, and everyone is invited; just fill out the blue
reservation form in the bulletin, or let the office or
Caroline know if you can attend, so we know how
many to plan for. No gifts necessary; Wes will be
honored by your presence!
Rick Ward
Seth Savage
Anne Bryant
Alexandra Smith
Chris Pomfrey
Sowmya Prathipathi
Jeff Robinson
April Wermuth
Katie Hedrick
Grace Swadley
Jack Iglehart
Elizabeth Rumford
Emmanuel Gomez
Roland Tarley
Wes Fergusson
Robin Smith
Fervan Huffer
Robin Smith
Emma Taylor
Joyce Spiller
Doris Costley
Fran Mauzy
John Wermuth
John Robinson
Alyse Wermuth
Adam Kelchner
Tina Lakoh
Angela Hedrick
Alexandra Gomez
Adam Ewbank
Jo Anne Kelchner
Cheryl Arrington
Bettie Roach
If your birthday does not appear in our monthly birthday list, please call the church office at 266-7016 and
leave your date of birth so we may record it and celebrate your special God-given day with you.
The best mathematical equation ever: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
Palm and Passion Sunday March 29 - Our Children’s Choir will sing during the 10:50 am Worship Hour
Holy Thursday - A unique celebration of The Last Supper, 7 pm on April 2 here at Lakeside UMC
Good Friday - A Community Worship Service at Lakeside Presbyterian Church, April 3, 7 pm.
Easter Day Worship - April 5: Early Service at 8 am with breakfast to follow.
Worship at 10:30 am with orchestral music and our Chancel Choir’s Easter Cantata
Wednesday, April 1
6:00 PM Tutoring
Wednesday, April 15
6:00 PM Tutoring
Thursday, April 2
9:00 AM Tai Chi Class
Friday, April 3
7:00 PM LARCUM Service
Saturday, April 4
9:00 AM Choir/Musicians Rehearsal
10:00 AM Children’s Easter Celebration
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Thursday, April 16
9:00 AM Tai Chi Class
5:30 PM N. Richmond Kiwanis
6:30 PM Neighborhood Watch
6:30 PM Adult Bells
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
Sunday, April 5
8:00 AM Easter Early Service
8:30 AM UMM breakfast
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship
5:30 PM Knit Wits
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Monday, April 6
Church Office Closed
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Tuesday, April 7
7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)
7:00 PM UMM Executive
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Wednesday, April 8
7:00 PM Lay Leadership Mtg.
Thursday, April 9
9:00 AM Tai Chi Class
6:30 PM Adult Bells
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
Friday, April 10
6:00 PM AIM
6:00 PM Cub Scouts overnighter
Saturday. April 11
9:30 AM Girl Scouts
Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Sunday, April 12
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:50 AM Worship Service
12:15 PM Happy Birthday Celebration
Wes Fergusson
2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship
4:30 PM Children’s Choir
5:00 PM Youth Music
5:30 PM Youth Dinner/Program
5:30 PM Knit Wits
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Monday, April 13
6:30 PM Cub Scouts
7:00 PM Girl Scouts
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Tuesday, April 14
9:30 AM Rich. Dist. Clergy Mtg.
9:30 AM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Finance Meeting
7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)
7:00 PM Henrico Pops
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Friday, April 17
6:00 PM AIM
Saturday, April 18
C.A.R.I.T.A.S. Guests Arrive
6:00 AM MTPCOG Worship
9:30 AM Brownies / Girl Scouts
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Sunday, April 19
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:50 AM Worship Service
2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship
4:30 PM Children’s Choir
5:00 PM Youth Music
5:30 PM Youth Dinner / Program
5:30 PM Knit Wits
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Monday, April 20
6:30 PM Cub Scouts
7:00 PM Girl Scouts
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
7:15 PM Boy Scouts
Tuesday, April 21
7:00 PM Henrico Pops
7:00 PM North-Side Steps
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Wednesday, April 22
6:00 PM Tutoring
6:30 PM United Methodist Men
Thursday, April 23
9:00 AM Tai Chi Class
6:30 PM Adult Bells
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
Friday, April 24
6:00 AM AIM
Saturday, April 25
C.A.R.I.T.A.S. Guests Leave
9:30 AM Brownies/Girl Scouts
6:30 PM MTPCOG Worship
Sunday, April 26
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:50 AM Worship Service
2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship
4:30 PM Children’s Choir
5:30 PM Knit Wits
6:00 PM MTPCOG Worship
Monday, April 27
6:30 PM Cub Scouts
7:00 PM Girl Scouts
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Tuesday, April 28
9:30 AM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)
7:00 PM Henrico Pops
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Wednesday, April 29
6:00 PM Tutoring
9:00 AM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
April 30
Tai Chi Class
Adult Bells
Chancel Choir
*Mountain Top Pentecostal Church of God
Please remember to check with the
Church Office before scheduling a
meeting or event. Thank you.
Lakeside United Methodist Church
2333 Hilliard Road
Richmond VA 23228
Lakeside United Methodist Church
2333 Hilliard Road
Richmond, VA 23228
Phone: (804) 266-7016 - Fax (804) 266-7183
Church Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Website: e-mail:
Pastor: Rev. Rita Callis
Director of Music: Jeanne E. Bluford
Organist: Caroline H. Fergusson
Administrative Assistant: Victoria L. White
Sexton: Dina Giese