Grapevine - Our Savior Lutheran Church

Our Savior Lutheran Church, 13611 Laurel Bowie Rd, Laurel, MD 20708
(301) 776-7670 office; (240) 568-9189 Fax;
Vision Statement: Our Savior Lutheran Church will be a Spirit-empowered family of faith,
focused on Jesus Christ, whose members and mission reflect the diversity of our neighborhood
and holistically address the needs of our neighbors with the love of God.
March 22, 2015 – 5th Sunday in Lent
Our Savior Hispanic, Arlington VA
Prayers of comfort for Tom Hausman, former coworker of Christine Maconachy, who lost
his wife and home in a fire.
 Jessi Collins (friend of Linda Nape) has lung cancer and is pregnant.
Debbie Berger
Ruth Hughes
Robinson Family
Dick Smith
Rachel Clark
Darlene Jensen
Dianne Shields
Gemy Taylor
Mike Cody
Jenkins Family
Alan McCurry
Leslie Shields
Hannah Tucker
Joyce Danson
Peggy Killeen
Tristan McNamara Carol Ann
George Walter
Michele Forney
Elizabeth King
Cathie Mott
Jamie Wilson
Lionel Francis
Marcia Kuhn
Amy Ridenour
Mary Salvator
Don Haxton
Carol Landahl
Kate Ridenour
Joan Scouten
Doris Bodnar (sister of Ken Rukenbrod)
Cyndy Hockman (sister of Celeste Bresette)
*Dan Zwarych (brother of Jim Bresette)
Bill Iliff (brother of Nancy Love)
Danielle Castro (friend of Brenda Petito)
John Orosz (friend of Erich McGuffey)
Marge Bresson (mother of Dan Bresson)
*David Makowski (Ms. Evelena’s husband)
Nick Coleman (son of Nancy Love’s friend)
Betty Anne Poole (friend of the Zarcone’s)
Margaret Cutlip (daughter of Marcia & Ken Kuhn) Kim Passmore (friend of Marilyn M. & Tina M.)
Larry Dawes (father of Deb Kilpe)
Sheila Rice (mother of Michael Rice)
Al DeLessio, Jr (brother of Amy Pergosky)
Katy Tzamaras (friend of Nancy Love)
Jeff Dodson (brother of Tracy Bowman)
Don Steinbach (father of Jim Steinbach)
Raymond Dunton (father of UPS man)
Anita Zehner (mother of Cindy Zehner)
Luis Fernando (son of Ms. Zoila)
Fred (nephew of Frances Sweet & Helen Kasemeyer)
*Malia Grobeck (granddaughter of the Nape family) Kyle (friend of Frances Sweet)
Kari (daughter-in-law of Marcia Kuhn)
IN HARMS WAY: Cody Johnson, Philip Stewart
*New this week in prayer
NEW BEGINNINGS: Stephanie (Dark) & David Phillips expecting on Sept 21, 2015
ADULT BIBLE CLASSES: Please join us today as Karen Soeken continues her study
on 1-2-3 John. The study meets in the Fellowship Hall at 9:40. At 11:00 Art Marshall
continues the study of Paul's great letter to the Ephesians. This letter provides one of
the best known statements of our Lutheran beliefs: "For it is by grace you have been
saved through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so
that no one can boast." (2:8-9). So come and journey with us as we study its powerful
message of grace.
LAST LENTEN SERVICE: We continue the theme from Sunday mornings, Restoring
Relationships. Please come for dinner which will be served from 5:30 – 6:30. $5 per
person, $15 per family of 4 or more. Holy Week begins March 29th with Palm Sunday,
April 2nd is Maundy Thursday, Apr. 3 is Good Friday, Apr 4 is Easter Vigil and then Easter
on April 5th!
looks beautiful with all the flowers that people have dedicated. Please see the Ministry
Center to place your order for this Easter. Any questions please contact the office at 301
776-7670 or and speak to Donna.
ANNUAL EASTER BREAKFAST needs your goodies! Please sign up at the ministry
center to provide Continental breakfast foods and well as help in between services
throughout the morning to replenish the tables. Bring your favorite donut, cheese danish,
fruit, cheese. Any questions please call the office. Please NO NUTS, and some gluten
free items would be appreciated.
8:15 EASTER CHOIR starts tomorrow!! This group is made up of single people and
families with kids of all ages. Please come join us in proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection!
Open to anyone who wants to worship at 8:15 on Easter Sunday. Please email if you can come, so we can have music and bells and rhythm
instruments ready for you. This choir practices only twice: Monday, March 23, 7-8 pm,
and Monday, March 30, 7-8:15 pm, and will sing on Easter Sunday at 8:15 am.
SATURDAY, EASTER PREP WORKDAY: March 28, from 8am - 4pm. Please consider
signing up at the Ministry Center as well as online. We have LOTS to do to get our
buildings and grounds in Resurrection Condition! Please come and spend at least a few
hours serving your Lord and fellow church members by helping us achieve that.
CHILDREN'S CHOIR will sing on Palm Sunday, March 29, at 11 am; and on Good
Friday, 7:30 pm.
WEEKLY DEVOTIONS: Last week there was a weekly devotion in your worship folder
that was connected to the sermon and very relevant to the week. This week it will be
available from the Ushers. The theme is “Restoring Relationships through Forgiveness”.
Sunday, March 29, 11 am: Children and Sanctuary Choirs;
Maundy Thursday, April 2, 7:30 pm: Sanctuary Choir; Good
Friday, April 3, 7:30 pm: Children, Youth, and Sanctuary Choirs,
Handbell Choir and Praise Team; Easter Vigil, Sat., April 4, 7:30
pm: Sanctuary Choir. Easter Sunday: 6:30 am and 9:30 am: Praise Team; 8:15 am:
Easter Choir and Handbell Choir; 11 am: Sanctuary Choir, strings, and Handbell Choir.
CHILDREN'S AND YOUTH CHOIRS will practice at the regular times on Wednesday,
April 1: 5-5:45 pm for Youth and 6-6:45 pm for children, to prepare for Good Friday
worship. There will be NO dinner, no cherub choir, no studies for children or adults,
no confirmation, no youth group.
OSLC-COMMUNITY WIDE EASTER EGG HUNT will be on Saturday, April 4th starting
at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall. There will be a special Easter craft and story time as
well as the egg hunt. For preschool – 5th grade children.
LWML DATES: Place on your calendars, April 11th for the DC Marva Spring Rally and
for April 25th the Annual Spring Tea and auction. Please continue to save your precious
mites, and thus spread His Word.
MISSION FAIR: April 12th in the Fellowship Hall, after each service. There will be a
Mission Fair high lightening most of the missions that people have attended as well as
those that the youth will be attending this coming summer. Come and hear about Haiti,
Ecuador, Peru and Montana.
LIFELINE SCREENING will be back all day Thursday, April 23, 2015. They were here
last year. They offer 5 different health screenings for health conditions including
osteoporosis, stroke, and aneurysms. OSLC members receive a $10 discount when
booking by phone or online in advance. See the posters in the Way and Lobby and pick
up a pink information sheet from the Sounds table in the Lobby for further details.
8:15 am Traditional Worship, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship
11 am Traditional Worship, 1pm New Hope International Worship
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5
Submission to Grapevine by WEDNESDAY 4:00 pm to
MONDAY- Mar 23
7-9pm ESOL Class (C)
7-9pm GriefShare (P)
TUESDAY – Mar 24
930-1130pm Manna in Mornings (L)
12-2pm Manna for Moms (FH)
12-3pm Staff Meeting (C)
6-8pm Tutoring (FH)
7pm Prayer Warriors (P)
7-9pm Praise Team (S)
WEDNESDAY- Mar 25; Lent Service
9-11am ESOL Class (C, FH, P)
2pm Parkview Bible Study
5-915pm Choirs, Confirmation, Dinner, Bible
Study (C, L, FH1, CR, P,MP,RK,K,)
5:30pm Tech Plan & Support team Mtg (FH2)
715pm Worship Service (S)
10am Quilting
645-8pm Handbells (S)
7pm Stephen Ministry Mtg (C)
FRIDAY- Mar 27
7pm N/A (FH)
7pm Youth leave for Impact Conf in Ocean
8am-4 Workday (Easter spruce up)
SUNDAY – Mar 29 – Palm Sunday
C=Conference Room; CR=Choir Room; FH1=Fellowship Hall 1; FH2=Fellowship Hall 2; K=Kitchen; L=Library; LB=Lobby; MP=MultiPurpose Room; N=Nursery; P=Prayer Room; RK=Room Behind Kitchen; S=Sanctuary; W=the Way; Y=Youth Room