Grapevine - Our Savior Lutheran Church

Our Savior Lutheran Church, 13611 Laurel Bowie Rd, Laurel, MD 20708
(301) 776-7670 office; (240)568-9189 Fax;
Vision Statement: Our Savior Lutheran Church will be a Spirit-empowered family of faith,
focused on Jesus Christ, whose members and mission reflect the diversity of our neighborhood
and holistically address the needs of our neighbors with the love of God.
March 8, 2015 – 3rd Sunday in Lent
Outreach Ministry: New Hope Missions Lutheran Mission, Mooresville, NC
Don Steinbach, Jim Steinbach’s father having medical procedure on Monday.
Hannah Tucker who is hospitalized.
Fred, nephew of Frances Sweet and Helen Kasemeyer, who has cancer.
Kyle, friend of Frances Sweet, who has a rare lung disease.
Debbie Berger
Doris Bodnar (sister of
*Al DeLessio, Jr
Erich McGuffey)
Kate Ridenour
Robinson Family
Dianne Shields
Leslie Shields
Carol Ann Snyder
Mary Salvator
Joan Scouten
Dick Smith
Gemy Taylor
*Hannah Tucker
Katy Tzamaras
Betty Anne Poole
Kim Passmore (friend
(friend of Nancy
George Walter
Anita Zehner
Nancy Love)
of Marilyn Murchison
& Tina McGuffey)
Sheila Rice (mother
of Michael Rice)
Darlene Jensen
Amy Ridenour
of Brenda Petito)
(brother of Amy
Jeff Dodson (brother
of Tracy Bowman)
*Marge Bresson (mother
Raymond Dunton
of Dan Bresson)
(father of UPS man)
Luis Fernando (son
of Ms. Zoila)
Ken Rukenbrod)
Danielle Castro (friend
Nick Coleman (son of
Nancy Love’s friend)
Rachel Clark
Mike Cody
Margaret Cutlip
(daughter of Marcia &
Ken Kuhn)
Joyce Danson
Larry Dawes (father of
Deb Kilpe)
Michele Forney
Lionel Francis
Don Haxton
Cyndy Hockman
(sister of Celeste
Ruth Hughes
Bill Iliff (brother of
Jenkins Family
Peggy Killeen
Elizabeth King
Marcia Kuhn
Carol Landahl
Jeannine L'Heureux
Alan McCurry
Tristan McNamara
Cathie Mott
John Orosz (friend of
*New this week in prayer.
IN HARMS WAY: Cody Johnson, Philip Stewart, Joe Villarreal
Stephanie (Dark) & David Phillips expecting on Sept 21, 2015
(mother of Cindy
ADULT BIBLE CLASSES: So far in our study of 1John, we have looked at three characteristics
of the true believer. Join us today as we hear about the fourth characteristic. We meet in the
Fellowship Hall at 9:40. Next week we will talk about love. You won't want to miss that topic!
At 11:00 Art Marshall continues the study of Paul's great letter to the Ephesians. This letter
provides one of the best known statements of our Lutheran beliefs: "For it is by grace you have
been saved through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that
no one can boast." (2:8-9). So come and journey with us as we study its powerful message of
LENTEN SERVICE: Every Wednesday at 7:15pm until Holy Week. We continue the theme
from Sunday mornings, Restoring Relationships. Please come for dinner which will be served
from 5:30 – 6:30. $5 per person, $15 per family of 4 or more. Holy Week begins April 2 nd with
Maundy Thursday, Apr. 3 is Good Friday, Apr 4 is Easter Vigil and then Easter on April 5th!
OPEN ARMS PARENTS APPRECIATION DINNER: Hosted by Our Savior community on
March 13 at 5:30 and is looking for helpers and people to supply potluck food for that evening.
Sign up at the Ministry Center. If you would like to help, please contact Rachel Clark at 240 5689189.
8:15 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY meets the second Saturday of each month. Come join us
March 14 at 10:00 am in the Conference Room. ALL are welcome! From beginner to expert.
Assistance is available for those wanting to learn and/or those needing help on a new project.
POC: donna sheaffer / 301-839-1824.
EASTER CHOIR is a fun group made up of single people and families with kids of all ages.
Please come join us in proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection! Open to anyone who wants to worship at
8:15 on Easter Sunday. Please email if you can come, so we can have
music and bells and rhythm instruments ready for you. This choir practices only twice: Monday,
March 23, 7-8 pm, and Monday, March 30, 7-8:15 pm, and will sing on Easter Sunday at 8:15
SAVE THE DATE-EASTER PREP WORKDAY: will be Saturday, March 28, from 8 am
until 4 pm. Details will follow soon. We have LOTS to do to get our buildings and grounds in
Resurrection Condition! Please come and spend at least a few hours serving your Lord and fellow
church members by helping us achieve that.
LWML DATES: Place on your calendars, April 11th for the DC Marva Spring Rally and for
April 25th the Annual Spring Tea and auction. Please continue to save your previous mites, an
thus spread His Word.
PEW CUSHIONS NOW AVAILABLE: A few cushions are now available for use during
church services. If you need a little cushioning for your back, please make use of one of the new
pew cushions available in the designated basket in the sanctuary foyer and return after the service.
Thanks to Ellie Ramsay for making the cushions!
BUYER/SHOPPER/RESEARCHER NEEDED: Are you gifted with the ability to research
items on the web or in stores, or really know how to find bargains? Our Savior will be making
many purchases over the next several months ranging from office supplies to electronics to
building materials, and we need someone to help us find the best deals. This can be done at
whatever time is convenient for you. Please call or email the church office (
for details.
than a dozen OSLC and Open Arms laptops, desktops, and servers have been switched from the
‘extinct’ Windows XP operating system to Windows 7 or 8 or Linux. Significant upgrades to
antivirus programs and network security have also been made.
“KIOSK” COMPUTER FOR ANYONE’S USE: A refurbished Linux-based “Kiosk” machine
is now available in the Way for anyone to use as a guest machine to check email, browse the web,
and learn how to use our Church Community Builder software, which is free and allows you to
see what OSLC groups are doing, request to join them, and also lookup members you’d like to
call or email. No password is needed to access the Kiosk machine, but it doesn’t retain any content
you download or create. To save any data, you must bring your own removable USB “thumb
GUEST NETWORKS COMING SOON: We have also migrated from Verizon DSL (slow) to
Comcast broadband (15 to 25 times faster). Soon (in March) we will partition our network into
separate employee and guest networks to better protect sensitive OSLC and Open Arms data.
When we make that separation, there will be new Wi-Fi devices and passwords for guest access.
If you need help with the Kiosk machine, or if you wish to request Wi-Fi access for your tablet,
smartphone, or laptop while in the OSLC or Open Arms facilities, please see Richard Libengood,
Tina McGuffey, Natasha Bowlds, or Donna Dark for assistance.
THE TECHNOLOGY PLANNING TEAM: continues to meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
at 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall 2. We are working towards a new video camera in the sanctuary
that will stream our worship service onto TV screens in the Prayer/Cry room, Nursery and Lobby.
This will allow parents with special needs children or those whose children need some extra
attention outside of the worship service will still be able to see, hear, and participate in the service
if they so choose. A second system with TV screens near the main entrance and lobby will provide
listings of what activities are occurring where during the day. Further down the road will be the
ability to stream our worship service to GodTube, YouTube, or the web so our friends at Parkview
and even members who are hospitalized, traveling, or on vacation can stay in touch with their
OSLC family.
THE SANCTUARY RENOVATION TEAM: continues to work on collecting an array of
finishes, lighting, flooring, colors, and technology improvements to present to the congregation to
vote on in the future. This possibly includes new flat screen LCD monitors for each side of the
Sanctuary instead of the current projector and screen combination, which could be moved to the
Fellowship Hall for use with bible studies and Congregational meetings. An additional monitor at
the rear of the Sanctuary would allow those seated by the choir or Praise Team as well as the
Worship Team to be able to also see what everyone else sees. Look for an article in the sounds in
the near future with more details.
TIME TO ORDER EASTER FLOWERS: Every Easter the altar area looks beautiful with all
the flowers that people have dedicated. Please see the Ministry Center to place your order for this
Easter. Orders will be taken until March 22nd. Any questions please contact the office at 301 7767670 or and speak to Donna.
8:15 am Traditional Worship, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship
11 am Traditional Worship, 1pm New Hope International Worship
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5
Submission to Grapevine by WEDNESDAY 4:00 pm to
7-9pm ESOL Class (C)
7-9pm GriefShare (P)
645-8pm Handbells (S)
7-9pm Elders (FH)
TUESDAY – Mar 10
930-1130pm Manna in Mornings (L)
930-12pm Circuit Pastor’s Mtg (C,L,S)
12-2pm Manna for Moms (FH)
12-3pm Staff Meeting (C)
6-8pm Tutoring (FH)
7pm Prayer Warriors (P)
7-9pm Praise Team (S)
FRIDAY- Mar 13
530-630 Open Arms Family Dinner (L)
7pm N/A (FH)
WEDNESDAY- Mar 11; Lent Service
9-11am ESOL Class (C, FH, P)
5-915pm Choirs, Confirmation, Dinner, Bible
Study (C, L, FH1, CR, P,MP,RK,K,)
715pm Worship Service (S)
SUNDAY – Mar 15
10am –Book Club (W)
12-9pm VDC Ultreaya (S,FH)
130-330 Strategic Planning (L)
C=Conference Room; CR=Choir Room; FH1=Fellowship Hall 1; FH2=Fellowship Hall 2; K=Kitchen; L=Library; LB=Lobby; MP=MultiPurpose Room; N=Nursery; P=Prayer Room; RK=Room Behind Kitchen; S=Sanctuary; W=the Way; Y=Youth Room