Welcome to Talbot Street Church Nursery is available for children up to age 2 on the first floor. Children age 3 to Grade 6 are invited to join our WonderKids program and will be dismissed during the service. Hearing devices are available from one of our ushers or the sound technician in the back. Join us for refreshments in the atrium after the service. EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS AT TALBOT STREET CHURCH Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Join the GEMS and Cadets for a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Saturday, November 1st between 5:30 and 7 pm. Payment will be by donation. All funds raised will be used for leadership training and to send GEMS and Cadets to camp. We hope to see you there! Common Ground College and university students are welcome to join us after the worship gathering Sunday in the fellowship hall for a home cooked meal and some great conversation. Hospitality Lunch Interested in meeting new people? A lunch will be held on Sunday, October 26 at the home of Frances Cook. If you are interested in attending please check in at the information desk for address and directions after the worship gathering or contact Grace Nielsen at gracenielsen@hotmail.com or 226-663-1699. Seniors Event Seniors are invited to come together on November 6 at 10:30 am at Talbot Street Church to hear Harvey Katz speak on discipleship. Coffee will be on and a potluck lunch follows. Contact Alice Baratta if you need more information 519-453-2172 or anbaratta@execulink.com Prayer and Care Congratulations to Rick and Wendy Hibma who th celebrated their 50 wedding anniversary on October 24. We grieve with Laura Nydam, Tim and Karianne at the loss of Laura’s Mom, Berdela Van Antwerpen, 87, in Grand Rapids, MI, on Wednesday morning. May the Lord grant them comfort and peace. Geri Westerik has recently been diagnosed with cancer and will start radiation treatment Monday, October 27. She requests the prayers of the congregation. OCTOBER 26, 2014 Reasonable Faith Class Interested in taking your faith deeper and exploring how to articulate and defend your beliefs? Dr. William Lane Craig provides online teaching in a class called Reasonable Faith. This class is available to stream live or download and view. We are exploring interest for participation in this class. Possible times: 11:30 am following our morning worship gathering, 7:30 pm on Monday or Wednesday evenings. Class length will be one hour with approximately half of it teaching time by Dr. Craig and the other half in a discussion format. Indicate interest by calling the office or emailing office@talbotstreetchurch.com Lost and Found A basket has been placed on the shelf over the coat rack nd on the 2 floor for lost and found items. If you have misplaced something at the church please check there first. Seniors November Birthdays th th th Delia Hibma – 5 , Keith VanRys – 8 , Betty Huygen – 16 , th th John Olthoff – 24 , Ursula Pestell – 25 , Albert Veltman – th 26 , Anna Vanderleeuw – 28th Financial Information Talbot Street Ministries GROW Ministry Shares Deacons $ 5,410 $ 1,252 $ 837 $ 1169 Today’s Cause: Ministry Shares Ministry Shares are financial contributions that congregations of the CRC in North America make toward the global ministries and programs of our church. Next Week’s Cause: World Renew – Hunger Relief World Renew has been working tirelessly to ensure people around the world are fed. Your financial gifts support the goals of justice and mercy for all to alleviate hunger around the world. Message: Generous Living II: Not just talk....... Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:16 – 9:5 Pastor: Steve Dozeman Weekly Calendar Sunday, October 26 10:00 am Worship Gathering 12:00 pm Common Ground 5:00 pm Sanctuary Worship 7:00 pm Youth Group Monday, October 27 10:00 am Sanctuary Lunch Sermon Notes: Tuesday, October 28 7:00 pm Catechism 8:00 pm The Well Wednesday, October 29 9:30 am Coffee Break 3:00 pm Sanctuary Dinner Thursday, October 30 7:00 pm GEMS Saturday, November 1 5:30 pm Spaghetti Dinner Sunday, November 2 10:00 am Worship Gathering 5:00 pm Sanctuary Worship 7:00 pm Youth Group SERVING SCHEDULE TODAY – October 26 Greeters: H & R Bywaters, R & C Dykstra Welcoming Hosts: J Edlund, D Reitsma Ushers: M Wiersma, M Brouwer, E Lammers, M & K VanDaalen, N Baratta School Shepherd: M Postma, B VanderMeulen Coffee Servers: B & W Gesink, K & M VanDaalen Nursery: L Steele, L Hoekstra, R Brouwer, S Flynn, B Heerema, A Zwart NEXT WEEK – November 2 Contact Info Office Hrs: Mon. to Fri. 8:30 – 4:00 Youth Director: Sandra Bork Pastor of Care: John DeVries Pastor: Steve Dozeman Ministry Co-ord.: Heather Fieten Facilities Director: Don Steele Worship Director: Jeremy Zeyl Office Ph.: 519-432-7997 youth@talbotstreetchurch.com johndevries@crcna.org stevedozeman@talbotstreetchurch.com heatherfieten@talbotstreetchurch.com property@talbotstreetchurch.com jeremyzeyl@talbotstreetchurch.com x 209 x 201 x 203 x 202 x 208 Greeters: D & D Flaherty, K Dykstra, M Bork Welcoming Hosts: F Cook, D Kuiken Ushers: R Heersink, L Veltman, J VanDalen, F DeGroot-Boersma, R Fledderus, J Witteveen School Shepherd: H Olthoff, D Kuiken Coffee Servers: S & D Hibma, E & D Zondervan Nursery: M Lende, J Lise, A Bukata, L Hazenberg, C Kuiken Check the website (talbotstreetchurch.com) and the Community Bulletin board, on the north wall of the Fellowship Hall for announcements regarding events, concerts and seminars in our community.
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