Welcome to Talbot Street Church
Nursery is available for children up to age 2 on the first floor.
Children age 3 to Grade 6 are invited to join our WonderKids
program and will be dismissed during the service.
Hearing devices are available from one of our ushers or the
sound technician in the back.
Join us for refreshments in the atrium after the service.
Green Christmas
Join us on November 22, 9 am to 4 pm for a fair trade,
local artist, hand-made, gift giving expo. Check online for
more information.
GEMS Seniors Lunch
If you are 65 or older, you are invited to stay for lunch after
our worship gathering this Sunday to meet and socialize
with some of the GEMS girls from our church! A delicious
lunch of soup, buns and dessert will be provided.
Common Ground
College and University students are welcome to stay after
the worship gathering today for lunch and conversation.
Join the fun in the third floor multi-purpose room.
Seniors Fellowship
Seniors are invited to join for a time of fellowship
(postponed from last week) on Thursday, November 13 at
10:30 am. Harvey Katz will speak on discipleship and a
potluck lunch will follow.
Coffee Break
We are hosting a World Renew National Baby Shower on
Wednesday November 26 from 9:30 – 11 am. All women
are invited to come and celebrate the healthy lives of
mothers and babies all around the world and to learn how
World Renew is currently focusing on child and maternal
health. There will be an opportunity for you to donate to our
'shower gift'. For an invitation please call Kim Mason 519686-3883.
Prayer and Care
Please be in prayer for Len and Colleen Greidanus
and their family. This past Sunday, Len’s brother
Rick Greidanus, 56, was participating in a
marathon, suffered a heart attack and died. May
God surround them with his comfort and peace.
Betty Huygen’s mother, Margaret Verboom, 92,
passed away on Monday of this week. The funeral
was this past Thursday morning in Komoka.
Brenda Steiginga has been discharged from the
hospital and is resting at home. Praise God for an
answer to prayer.
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Reasonable Faith Class
Interested in taking your faith deeper and exploring how to
articulate and defend your beliefs? Dr. William Lane Craig
provides online teaching in a class called Reasonable
Faith. This class is available to stream live or download
and view. We are exploring interest for participation in this
class. Possible times: 11:30 am following our morning
worship gathering, 7:30 pm on Monday or Wednesday
evenings. Class length will be one hour with approximately
half of it teaching time by Dr. Craig and the other half in a
discussion format. Indicate interest by calling the office or
Looking for Kids who Play Music!
Do your children take any music lessons? We want to
invite any and all children who attend Talbot St. to be a
part of the musical preludes during our advent worship
gatherings to share songs they may be learning for
Christmas or otherwise. Please contact Jeremy Zeyl.
Croquette Fundraiser
We are selling croquettes again for the GROW campaign.
You can find order forms in your mail slots. Orders with
money are due by November 23 with delivery in early
December. Any questions please call Corinne Dykstra: 519
474-1916 Thank you for supporting the GROW campaign.
Seniors November Birthdays
Betty Huygen–15 , John Olthoff–24 , Ursula Pestell–25 ,
Albert Veltman–26 , Anna Vanderleeuw–28
Financial Information
Talbot Street Ministries
Ministry Shares
World Renew
$ 8,026
$ 2,912
$ 974
$ 1,550
Today’s Cause: Christian Education: LCES and
London Christian Elementary School and London
District Christian Secondary School provide quality,
Christ-centred education to students in JK through
grade 12. Both provide an education that integrates
Christian faith, learning, and living for a life of Christian
Next Week’s Cause: Deacons
Message: The Peace and Word of
Christ – Lead to Worship
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, November 9
10:00 am
Worship Gathering
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
Common Ground
5:00 pm
Sanctuary Worship
7:00 pm
Youth Group
Scripture: Colossians 3:1-17
Pastor: Gerald Hogeterp
Sermon Notes:
Monday, November 10
10:00 am
Sanctuary Lunch
7:00 pm
Parenting Seminar
Tuesday, November 11
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
The Well
Wednesday, November 12
9:30 am
Coffee Break
3:00 pm
Sanctuary Dinner
Thursday, November 13
7:00 pm
Saturday, November 15
2:00 pm
Sunday, November 16
10:00 am
Worship Gathering
5:00 pm
Sanctuary Worship
7:00 pm
Youth Group
TODAY – November 9
Greeters: G & C Linnell, F Cook, F DeGrootBoersma
Welcoming Hosts: D Zondervan, E DeVries
Ushers: F Cook, J Westerhof, H Beishuizen, H
Marnoch, D Kerton
School Shepherd: B Brakel, H Marnoch
Coffee Servers: J Lantz, C Leystra-Lantz, L & G
Nursery: J Hoekstra, S Bork, T Wassink, L
Greidanus, C Collinson
NEXT WEEK – November 16
Contact Info
Office Hrs: Mon. to Fri. 8:30 – 4:00
Youth Director: Sandra Bork
Pastor of Care: John DeVries
Pastor: Steve Dozeman
Ministry Co-ord.: Heather Fieten
Facilities Director: Don Steele
Worship Director: Jeremy Zeyl
Office Ph.: 519-432-7997
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Greeters: J & E DeVries, A Dykstra, S Bork
Welcoming Hosts: H & A Vanderlaan
Ushers: D Kerton, B Gesink, G Westerik, M
Regnerus, K Zwart, L Oudman
School Shepherd: A Vanderlaan, W Gesink
Coffee Servers: M DeViet, J Maloney, R & C
Nursery: A Lise, D Riehl, K Collinson, Charissa
Greidanus, M Bosma
Check the website ( and the Community Bulletin board, on the north wall of the
Fellowship Hall for announcements regarding events, concerts and seminars in our community.