Join Us Each Week! Morning Worship 11:00 AM Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 & 7 2014 NOVEMBER A JOINT NEWSLETTER OF THE EBENSBURG PRESBYTERIAN AND THE COLVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH T H E F E L LOW S H I P CHURCH At Pastor Laura’s House Ebensburg Presbyterian Church Colver Presbyterian Church 200 North Center Street 79 Reese Avenue P. O. Box 327 P. O. Box 540 Ebensburg, PA 15931 814 472-6920 Colver, PA 15927 814 748-7253 Join Us Each Week! Morning Worship 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:15 AM Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 & 7 at Pastor Laura’s House Earth Day Dear Friends, November is the season of thankfulness. It is the time where we say aloud the things for which we are grateful. Some of my friends on Facebook take on the practice of naming one thing they are thankful for every day, from members of their family to the perfect cup of coffee. Many families have a tradition of saying what they are thankful for as they gather around the Thanksgiving table. But I think we Presbyterians are good at living out our gratitude throughout the year. Charles Wiley from our denomination’s Office of Theology and Worship loves to talk about this. He says that each Christian tradition has a gift to offer the wider church. From Catholics, a reverence for the Lord’s Supper; from Pentecostals, an awareness of the power of the Holy Spirit; from the Holiness tradition, an emphasis on the transformation of the human heart. So what is the gift that Presbyterians give to the wider church? Dr. Wiley says it is our emphasis on “grace and gratitude”. We again and again emphasize our utter dependence upon God’s grace. One of the criticisms of Reformed theology is that if everyone is so completely reliant upon God’s grace, why bother trying to live a good life? The short answer is, well, you don’t. That’s the point of the gift of grace. But! Because we have seen and experienced the power of God’s grace moving through our lives, we are moved to respond with gratitude. Our lives become an outpouring of gratitude for God’s merciful and gracious actions towards us. Therefore, when we pray a prayer of confession in worship, it is not because we think we will not receive mercy unless we do so. We pray a prayer of confession because we know we have already received God’s grace! And so we pour out our hearts and recognize our flaws as we stand in awe of God’s mercy. When we give our tithes and offerings in worship, it is not because there is some sort of transaction happening where we bring our pennies and God gives us blessings. And we don’t bring our offerings because we know the church has a budget to be met. No! We bring our offerings because when we recognize where our gifts come from and “praise God from whom all blessings flow”, how else could we respond but by joyfully offering up not just the spare change of our lives, but our very best? When we serve our neighbors, it is not in an effort to boost our church rolls. We reach out to our neighbors because we are so overjoyed at how God has graciously shaped our lives, we simply must let that joy spill over into acts of friendship and generosity for our brothers and sisters. This is the rhythm to our worship and to our lives! This November, as we approach the harvest table, let us be thankful for our distinct Presbyterian “DNA”, and remember that we are people of Grace and Gratitude! Peace, Laura Page 2 Services and Sermons: (both Churches) November 2 Psalm 103 Matthew 5:1-12 November 9 Amos 5:18-24 Matthew 25:1-13 November 16 Zechariah 1:7, 12-18 Matthew 25:14-30 November 23 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Matthew 25:31-46 November 30 Isaiah 64:1-9 Mark 13:24-37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ebensburg Congregational Life Comm. THE FELLOWSHIP Confirmation Class Pastor Laura will be teaching a joint confirmation class in the spring. The class, for middle school-aged youth not yet confirmed, will run from April 12 (the Sunday after Easter) to May 17, with confirmation occurring during worship on Pentecost (May 24). During the six weeks of classes, we will gather for Sunday lunch, work together on a group project, and learn what it means to be a member of the church using the six “Great Ends of the Church”: The proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind The shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God The maintenance of divine worship The preservation of the truth The promotion of social righteousness The exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world Please mark your calendars NOW for these important classes! The Congregational Life Committee is happy to report that the initial “Porch Chats” went quite well and will be continued when the mild weather returns next spring and summer. During the month of September, members of the committee (joined by Judy Carl and Laura Blank) enjoyed visits to 9 house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ holds. All of us on the committee agree that these visits were a pleasant and rewarding way to connect with various Ebensburg Personnel Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ members of the congregation in a re~~~~~~ laxed and informal way. We hope that The Personnel Committee extends the experience was equally positive for thanks and congratulations to all The first Game sponsored by the those whom weNight visited! involved in the 2014 Potato Fest Women’s proved fun. in Our planPost is toCard haveGroup visited everyone activities at the church. Many Games played included checkers and 21. the congregation by this time next year. positive comments have been reIf anyone in the congregation is interceived and deservedly so! ested in joining committee members as visitors, please tell Martha O’Brien— we are very interested in having you ~~~~~~~~~~ join us as we continue to reach out to all members. THE FELLOWSHIP Page 3 Youth Mission Project Jared Boxes The youth will be collecting donations for “Jared Boxes” throughout the months of November and December. From their website ( “The goal of the Jared Box Project is to lift the spirits of chronically ill children. The boxes symbolize the importance of play and are filled with well wishes, hope, and love. A Jared Box is a shoebox size plastic storage box filled with small gifts, toys, cards, and games. Each box contains items selected for a specific age and gender. The boxes are delivered to hospitals and are given to chronically ill children. The Jared Boxes provide a special diversion for young patients as they receive chemotherapy and other medical treatments.” Please see the attached list of recommended toys and gifts to donate for the boxes. You can also donate shoebox-sized plastic containers that we will fill with all the goodies! The youth will then take all donated items, sort and pack them into age and gender specific boxes and deliver them to UPMC Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh in January. Youth will be providing updates on the progress of their project during worship, so stay tuned! Suggested Items to be Placed in Jared Boxes Children's Ages with Appropriate Toys/Items Under 2 Bibs, rattles, soft books, teething rings, booties, pacifier, sippy cup or bottle. (No tiny toys that could cause choking) 2-4 Dolls, Matchbox® cars, Play-Doh®, crayons, coloring book, bubbles, card games, soft balls, paint set, books, puppets, poseable figurines, costume jewelry, soft animals. (No tiny toys that could cause choking) 4-8 Silly Putty®. or Play-Doh®, paints, books, art supplies, bubbles, card games-UNO®, Old Maid, Go Fish etc… puzzles, travel-size board games, plastic animals (dinosaurs, farm animals, etc.), cars, dress-up toys, stuffed animals, stickers, Nerf® balls. 8-11 Card games, paints, Silly Putty®, calculator, Silly String, gel pens, yo-yo, craft kits, brainteasers, books, art supplies, travel-size games, word search puzzles, small toys, Nerf® balls. 11 & Up Electronic games, word search/crossword puzzles, books, playing cards, craft kits, brain teaser games, journals, art supplies, nail polish, stress balls, travel size board games. Page 4 THE FELLOWSHIP Upcoming Youth Events Sunday, Nov 2nd HAS BEEN CANCELLED *** Johnstown Tomahawks Faith and Family Night Friday, Nov 7th, carpool at 6 PM Adults $8, Kids $6. Please RSVP to Laura by Fri (10/31) BIBLE STUDY at Laura’s House (844 8th Street, Colver) Nov. 4 1:00 & 7:00 Nov. 11 7:00 Only Nov. 18 No Bible Study Nov. 25 1:00 & 7:00 Fifth Sunday Worship You are invited to participate in a new worship experience! As the sessions have worked through questions of how to strengthen the friendship between our congregations and how to renew excitement for our worship, we have decided to embark on an experiment. Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in a month (about four times a year), we will worship together in a location outside of our church buildings. This will serve multiple purposes: *Give us a time to grow in Christian community by worshiping together *Allow us to think “outside the box” about how we worship *Call to mind the people of faith in other parts of the world who do not have a safe place to worship *Remind us that “the Church is not a building, the Church is not a steeple, the Church is not a resting place, the Church is the PEOPLE” November 30th will be our first opportunity to try this out! Instead of our normal morning worship, please join us for worship at 1 PM at the Young Peoples Community Center (300 Prave Street, Ebensburg). We will be meeting in the Community Room. Come ready to experience worship in both familiar and new ways! THE FELLOWSHIP Page 5 About members of our Church Families… From The Mountaineer Herald… Ed Huttenhower, director of the Small Business Development Center at St. Francis Univ. was pictured with a staff member on behalf of Rep. Frank Burns who offered a citation in recognition of the SBDC’s 35th anniversary. As one of 18 centers in the state, this SBDC works with business owners in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset counties to help them maintain a competitive edge. Ed was also shown honoring this year’s region’s entrepreneurs and small business advocates at their annual awards luncheon. In the Good Old Days… 40 Years Ago, in 1974, John P. Fedora was elected president of the Cambria County Bankers Association. At that time he was assistant vice president of the Laurel National Bank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hillary Huttenhower, daughter of Ed and Donna Huttenhower and a 2001 graduate of Central Cambria High School, is scheduled to appear as a contestant on the TV show "Jeopardy" Wednesday, November 5th. Hillary obtained her PhD in Chemistry from Georgia Tech and is currently a materials engineer living in Manchester, CT. Jeopardy! Productions, Inc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ebensburg Presbyterian Church THE FELLOWSHIP November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1All Saints Day Turn Clocks Back 3 Happy Anniversary! Jim & Suzie Link 4Happy Birthday 9 Morning Worship 11:00 Food Pantry Collection Cub Scouts 4:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 Happy Birthday! David Feath 10 11 Bible Study 7:00 16 17 2 Morning Worship 11:00 Communion Cub Scouts 4:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 Youth Bonfire 5:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Dedication Sunday 23 Morning Worship 11:00 Communion Cub Scouts 4:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 30 Joint Worship @ YPCC 1:00 Deacons’ 5th Sun. Offering 1st Sunday of Advent Happy Birthday! Deb Dixon Anne Makosy Ebensburg Area Clergy 10:00 Bible Study 1:00 & 7:00 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 5 6 7 Johnstown Tomahawks Faith & Family Night Carpool at 6:00 8 13 14 15 21 22 Counselor Noon 20 Happy Anniversary! John & Joy Robbins 26 27 28 Happy Birthday! Sally Tiracave 12 Counselor 9:30 Narcotics Anon. Bus. Mtg. 10:45 Session Meets 7:00 Veterans Day Happy Birthday! Cynthia Pugh Dybeck 24 Happy Birthday! Bill McKim 18 No Bible Study 19 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 25 Bible Study 1:00 & 7:00 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Happy Anniversary! Ken & Penny Bussard Thanksgiving Happy Birthday! Michele Rice 29 Counselor 9:30 Happy Birthday! Blake Bussard Happy Anniversary Bill & Mary Lou Carlisle THE FELLOWSHIP Page 8 Ebensburg Presbyterian Church 200 North Center Street PO Box 327 Ebensburg, PA 15931 The Great American Smokeout, held annually on the third Thursday in November, is an annual event in the United States to encourage Americans (of whom 45.8 million smoke) to quit tobacco smoking. The American Cancer Society held it's first Smokeout in 1977. The event challenges people not to smoke cigarettes for 24 hours, hoping their decision to quit will last forever.
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