Join Us Each Week! Ebensburg Presbyterian Church Colver Presbyterian Church 200 North Center Street 79 Reese Avenue Morning Worship 11:00 AM P. O. Box 327 P. O. Box 540 Ebensburg, PA 15931 814 472-6920 Colver, PA 15927 814 748-7253 Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 & 7 2014 DECEMBER A JOINT NEWSLETTER OF THE EBENSBURG PRESBYTERIAN AND THE COLVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH T H E F E L LOW S H I P CHURCH At Pastor Laura’s House Join Us Each Week! Morning Worship 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:15 AM Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 & 7 at Pastor Laura’s House Earth Day Dear friends, I came across a short film last Christmas called “The Boy”, produced by the Reformed Church in Hungary. From their website (, “What is a real Christmas like? Snow. Christmas tree. Nice presents. Family dinner. The holiday of love. These images come to mind, and these should be the ingredients of the ideal Christmas film. But what is left of the real Christmas once it has been stripped of these usual, reassuring ingredients? The Biblical story. A story void of comfort and indulgence because it takes place at the edge of the world, so that God can show Himself under these impossible circumstances. We believe this is what the real Christmas is.” “The Boy” ponders the question of where that place at the edge of the world might be today. If Christ were to be born in 2014, where do you think his mother would lay him down? If not an animal’s feedbox, where would Christ lay his tiny head? And who would surround him following his miraculous birth? Shepherds were certainly on the bottom of the social order of their day, so what rough characters might the angels visit to announce the birth? Would Mary and Joseph be seen as a nice young couple on a road trip, or would we fear they were dangerous outcasts? I invite you to ponder these questions and ask what impossible circumstances God might be seen in today. Advent is a wonderful time to reflect upon Christ’s growing light in the world. As we add to the light of the Advent wreath each week, little by little, we meditate upon how pieces of Christ’s light shine in the darkness of our world. What starts as a flickering candle flame becomes full-blown dazzling light. When we take the light from the Christ candle on Christmas Eve and share it with each other, it is more than a nice tradition. It is our bold declaration that God is present in even the darkest, most hopeless places. Places that it seems the world has forgotten, at the fringe. Even there, the light grows. Inside of us, too. Even in the darkest, loneliest parts of ourselves, Christ’s light is growing. In the next month, we will have ample opportunities to share Christ’s light with others. My prayer is that we would keep our eyes open for the people who are on the edge, forgotten and abandoned by the world. May we see the flickering flames of Christ shining in them. I hope you all have a meaningful journey to Bethlehem this Advent and a blessed Christmas as we welcome Christ. And may the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of Christ rest and abide with you throughout this season and into the coming year. Peace, Laura Page 2 Services and Sermons: (both Churches) November 30 Isaiah 64:1-9 Mark 13:24-37 December 7 Isaiah 40:1-11 Mark 1:1-8 THE FELLOWSHIP Pine Springs Camp Winter Retreats based on ROOTED –Colossians 2:6-7 2015 Sr. High Winter Retreat from January 23, 2015 7:00 pm to January 25, 2015 1:00 pm ($90 per person) December 14 Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 2015 Jr. High Winter Retreat John 1:6-8, 19-28 from February 20, 2015 7:00 pm to December 21 Luke 1:26-38 February 22, 2015 1:00 pm Luke 1:46b-55 ($80 per person) December 28 Isaiah 61:10-62:3 See or call 814 629-9834 Luke 2:22-40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ebensburg Family Christmas Dinner Ebensburg 2015 Offering Envelopes The Annual Dinner will be held imme- 2015 Offering Envelopes will be available soon. diately following worship on Sunday, Please let us know in the church office if you prefer any changes or additions to what you have December 14th. The church will provide meat, rolls and been using during 2014. Thanks so much! beverages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please bring the following items according to the first letter of your last Colver Women’s Association Reorganizes name: At its meeting on October 8, the executive comA - J Salad mittee and members of the Presbyterian Women K - R Dessert of Colver decided to make some changes to the S - Z Vegetable Please notify the church office or sign organization. The reasons for the changes inup on one of the bulletin inserts to give cluded a decline in membership and increase of the committee an approximate count in age of all of our members. Income from our 2 order to purchase the proper amount of major fundraisers has continued to decline over the past 4 years. It has been harder to get workers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meat. for Bazaar and to sell tickets for the calendar ~~~~~~ We look forward to seeing you! party. The changes include: 1) No longer hold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the annual bazaar and calendar party; 2) to deA Note The firstfrom Game Night sponsored by the crease meetings from monthly to 4 times per year Women’s Post Card Group proved fun. the Colver Financial Secretary (March, June, October, and December). We will Games played includedthe checkers andenve21. To save on postage, offering lope boxes will be available for pick up continue with 1) bake/soup sale for election days; at the church after December 7. The 2) funeral dinners; 3) executive board; 4) fellowend of the year statements for tax pur- ship outings; and 5) Bible Study from Horizons poses will be distributed during the Magazine. Special meetings or additional fundmorning worship services beginning raisers will be held as needed throughout the year. Changes will take effect in 2015. January 11. THE FELLOWSHIP Page 3 Colver Basement Floor Receives Long-needed Waxing Waxing the basement floor of the church is a daunting task and is one that happens every few years. It is time consuming and back breaking work. Four days were spent in November having a crew come and move furniture, wax and buff the floors. The cost to have the floor finished is $2,170. Donations toward the cost of finishing the floor would be greatly appreciated. To make a donation to this project, please place it in an envelope label it “Floor project.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Eve Services The Colver Presbyterian Church Christmas Eve Communion Service will be held Wednesday, December 24th at 5:00 pm. “Silver Bells” for the Salvation Army Once again this year volunteers from both the Colver and the Ebensburg Churches will be ringing bells at the local WalMart in support of our local unit of the Salvation Army. The dates are: Colver Monday, December 8th from 4:00 to 9:00 pm and for Ebensburg Thursday, December 11th from 4:00 to 9:00 pm. Come out and support those who brave the weather each year (rain or snow!) for such a worthy cause. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colver Cans for Cash Did you know that Colver collects aluminum cans to recycle for its youth programs? Anyone who would like to get rid of aluminum cans, recycle, and help with youth programs can drop of cans outside the basement entryway of the church. With holiday parties coming up, donating your cans to the church can go a long way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ebensburg Presbyterian Church Christ- Ebensburg Giving Tree This advent season we will feature a mas Eve Svc. is scheduled for Wednesday, Giving Tree in the sanctuary. The December 24th 7:00 pm. style of the tree and decorations will be different than we typically use but ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the intent is to highlight and provide opportunity for giving. The tree will COLVER WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION be decorated with ornaments representing misINSTALLS OFFICERS sions we have already given to from the benevolence fund this year. Look for take away ornaThe Colver Women’s Association ments that detail suggestions for Jared Box Coninstalled is officers during the tributions, Board Games, and other gifts for local worship service on November 23. students. We encourage you to take one or more of these ornaments and place the gifts in the apDuring this service, the women propriate baskets under the tree. also took up the Thank Offering. Page 4 THE FELLOWSHIP Youth Group Trip to Winter Jam BIBLE STUDY at Laura’s House (844 8th Street, Colver) All youth grades 6 and up are invited to attend the Winter Jam concert at the Bryce Jordan Center on Friday, January 16th at 6 PM. Tickets are $10, which we will pay at Dec. 2 No Bible Study the door. Please contact Laura by December 28th to RSVP for this fun evening. (Once we have a count on how many Dec. 9 7 PM youth are attending we will set up a carpool and ask for chaperones.) Dec. 16 1 PM Dec. 23 1 PM and 7 PM Go to for more information about the Dec. 30 1 PM and 7 PM concert, including a list of all the bands we will hear! Music Events in Colver Each Sunday the Chancel Choir helps to lead our morning worship with anthems and responses related to the seasons of the church. The children of the church will be helping with that during Advent. The Children’s music group “Ring and Sing” will be presenting special music on the following days: Sunday November 16th and 23rd they will sing during the worship hour at 9:00 a.m. Sunday evening, December 14th at 6:00 p.m. they will participate, along with the Chancel Choir and others, in our annual Christmas program which is sponsored by the Colver Presbyterian Women. The program is open to everyone so please bring a friend and join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Refreshments will be served following the program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Presbyterian Home of Greater Johnstown Adopt-a-Grandparent Program This is a program to give a Christmas/holiday gift to each of the elderly in our local nursing home. With your $20 donation, a gift set (which includes gift, tax, wrap & delivery) will be given to one of the residents. The gift set you give will have a tag saying it comes from you! There are 75-100 people in Johnstown's Presbyterian home & the goal is to provide 1 gift set for every person living there. This set includes a satin hands hand cream & a mint bliss foot & leg lotion, so this is perfect for men or women!! To contribute to this program, please contact Tara Kushner at 814 248-5764. THE FELLOWSHIP Page 5 About members of our Church Families… From The Mountaineer Herald… Sarah Segear and Brooke Lyons, students at Central Cambria High School, were recently among those participating in Stephen Schwartz’s timeless telling of the book of Matthew, “Godspell”, which included parables, teachings, scripture, singing and dancing: a great night out for families! In the Good Old Days… 30 Years Ago, in 1984, Martha O’Brien, Talus Rock Girl Scout Council President, was among 11 council representatives at the 1984 National Council Convention in Detroit, Michigan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELCOMED INTO THE COLVER FOLD Colver welcomed new children and two adults into its church family. In September, the congregation participated in the baptisms of Christian Ondishko IV, son of Lynn (Stoyka) and Christian Ondishko and Isaac LaMantia, son of Toyna (Link) and Joseph LaMantia. Dan and Amy Brown became members of the Colver Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 16. Their daughter, Leah, was baptized on November 23 during the morning worship service. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Judy and Herman Carl report that the Northern Cambria Community Band will be performing the following Holiday Concerts: Thursday, Dec. 4th 6:00 Richland Towers Saturday, Dec. 6th 2:00 Cherry Tree United Methodist Church Sunday, Dec. 7th 4:00 Tuesday, Dec. 9th 6:30 St. Benedict Presbyterian Church Ebensburg Rebekah Manor Tuesday, Dec. 16th 7:00 Indiana Mall Ebensburg Presbyterian Church THE FELLOWSHIP December 2014 Sun Mon 1 Walker Bag Project Due Pastor ——— 7 Morning Worship 11:00 8 Tue 2 Wed 3 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 —— Laura —— — on ———- 10 Counselor Ebg. Area Clergy Noon 9 Bible Study 7:00 10:00 Cub Scouts 4:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Session Meets 7:00 15 Christmas Party Immediately 16 Bible Study 1:00 17 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Following Worship Cub Scouts 4:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 21 Morning Worship 11:00 Congregational Mtg. following Worship 22 23 Bible Study 1:00 & 7:00 24 Christmas Eve Service 7:00 R.S.V.P. due for WinterJam -- vacation -→ 30 Bible Study 1:00 & 7:00 Light-up Ceremony Kimball Park 6:00 18 Happy Birthday! Martha O’Brien Holly Lyons Happy Anniversary! Ed & Donna Huttenhower Choir 7:00 19 Happy Birthday! Sylvan Vietmeier 25 Christmas Day 26 Happy Birthday! Carol Vaughn Clare Morrison 29 Happy Birthday! Larry Davis 5 Dickens of a Christmas 11 12 Salvation Army Happy Bell Ringing Birthday! @ Walmart Tracy Dixon 4:00—9:00 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 28 Morning Worship 11:00 4 Happy Birthday! Teagan Vaughn Fri Sat 6 Happy Birthday! Paige Forberger Community Choir 3:00 UCC Church 13 Choir Practice 7:00 Happy Birthday! John Kinkead 14 Morning Worship 11:00 Thu 31 Counselor Noon Point of Freedom Happy N.A. Group 6:00 Anniversary! Bennett & Carol Vaughn 20Counselor 9:30 Narcotics Anon. Bus. Mtg. 10:45 Happy Birthday! Joy Robbins Bob Magley 27 Page 7 NEWSLETTER TITLE Colver Presbyterian Church December 2014 THE FELLOWSHIP Page 8 Ebensburg Presbyterian Church 200 North Center Street PO Box 327 Ebensburg, PA 15931 December is say “Hi” to a Neighbor Month. This is the perfect month to think about your relationship with those in near proximity to you. We’re busy with parties, dinners, gift exchanges and counting down to the New Year so it’s already a very social season. Did you reach out to your neighbors this month too? Have you even met your neighbors? Have you greeted them on your way in the door? Bake something for them, make them an ornament, or invite them over for coffee. You may find a treasured friend that you didn’t realize was only a quick walk away. Or there may be an elderly shut-in nearby who is in need of a little neighborly help and conversation. Offer to pick up groceries, bring them something to eat or help shovel snow. Say “Hi” to your neighbor!
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