Join Us Each Week! Morning Worship 11:00 AM Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 & 7 2015 JULY A JOINT NEWSLETTER OF THE EBENSBURG PRESBYTERIAN AND THE COLVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH T H E F E L LOW S H I P CHURCH At Pastor Laura’s House Ebensburg Presbyterian Church Colver Presbyterian Church 200 North Center Street 79 Reese Avenue P. O. Box 327 P. O. Box 540 Ebensburg, PA 15931 814 472-6920 Colver, PA 15927 814 748-7253 Join Us Each Week! Morning Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 & 7 at Pastor Laura’s House Earth Day Dear Friends, In the beginning of June, I attended my first meeting as a member of the board of Pine Springs Camp. Pine Springs is a place with which I was well-acquainted growing up. And every time I go back, I am flooded with wonderful memories from my time as a camper and staff member. What is it about Pine Springs that has resonated for so many of us, across several generations? What makes us so connected to that place, even years later? There are lessons of faith that are best taught at places like Pine Springs. Lessons that cannot be taught with words, but must be experienced. Camp teaches us acceptance. There is little that compares to the love counselors show to children. Camp is a place where you know that you are a child of God, wonderful and worthy of love, just as you are. One of my friends who became a counselor made a practice of telling each girl in her cabin “Goodnight, beautiful girl” as she tucked them in. What a simple, but profound thing to do for young girls who hear from the media and culture every day that they are not good enough. Camp teaches us that we have gifts to share. Even the littlest campers learn how to “spring” for meals, setting and clearing the tables. By the time they reach high school, many campers are looking for ways to give back to camp, willing to wash dishes and clean toilets for the chance to help. At camp you learn that everyone has a place in the work of the Kingdom and that God has given you gifts to use to contribute to the community. Camp teaches us awe and wonder. Places where you can go to enjoy God’s creation are becoming fewer and fewer. Places where you can experience true quiet, the night sky and the smell of clean air. Pine Springs is one of those places that can teach us the value of God’s good work and the importance of caring for the earth. And it is a place where you can retreat from the constant interruptions of electronics and screens! Camp teaches us the excitement of God’s story. Camp makes scripture come alive. Meeting the characters from the tales of God’s people helps children realize that they themselves are part of the big story. The struggles people faced in the bible are not so different from what we struggle with today. And they learn that God’s grace has always been there and always will be there. Pine Springs, like so many of our other Presbyterian camps, gives kids a glimpse of God’s Kingdom. How can we extend the same kind of welcome and exhibit the Kingdom of God? How can we better show people that they are loved, that they have gifts to share? How can we better celebrate God’s creativity, love and grace? We might not be able to replicate the wonder of such a special place, but perhaps we can show the same kind of excitement for our mission and ministry! Peace, Laura Page 2 NEWSLETTER TITLE The Way We Worship (From the Book of Common Worship, p. 38-39) BAPTISM As an act of the whole church, Baptism is celebrated (except for extraordinary circumstances) in the context of corporate worship. When Baptism is celebrated, it appropriately follows the reading and proclaiming of the Word. As with the Lord’s Supper, Baptism is a sign and act of God’s self-giving, by which God’s grace is made available to us. The sacraments give a distinctive shape to Christian worship and are the primary signs of the covenant of grace. The meaning of Baptism is many-faceted. Baptism proclaims God’s grace and love for us. In Baptism, God claims us and marks us as God’s own. Baptism signifies our engrafting into Christ, and so affirms our new identity as members of the body of Christ. Through the waters of Baptism, we participate in Christ’s death and resurrection by which we die to all that separates us from God and are raised to new life in Christ. In Baptism we are assured of cleansing from sin, of inclusion in God’s grace and covenant, and of the gift of the Holy Spirit. The significance of Baptism is not limited to the one being baptized. Those present who have been baptized are reminded of their place in the covenant community, of God’s claim on their lives, and of their dependence upon God’s grace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark Your Calendar! Ebensburg Presbyterian Church Annual Picnic - Sunday, August 9th Bring a Friend! Ebensburg Congregational Life Committee Please mark your calendars: On Sunday, July 12, our congregation will join with the Colver congregation for a joint worship service at 10:00 a.m. in Pavilion 3 in the Revloc Recreational Park. We hope that you will be inspired and rejuvenated by enjoying this outdoor worship experience. The pavilion is rented for the entire day, so if any of you would like to bring a picnic to enjoy with your family afterwards, you are welcome to do so. As you may remember, last summer the Congregational Life Committee started informal visits to church members—“Porch Chats”--a project that we are happy to resume this summer. So don’t be surprised if you receive a call from a member of the committee asking about setting up a time for a “Porch Chat.” (We made about 10 visits last summer and are aiming to make about 10 more this summer.) Looking ahead, we plan to host an evening community service for World Communion Sunday, as we did last year. We will once again be putting together a joint choir and offering special communion breads in order to celebrate our oneness with sisters and brothers far and near. Lastly, it’s not too early to start thinking about what you might offer to our Advent Prayer Stations—poetry, visual art, music, special Nativity sets, etc. We’ll be telling you more about this over the next few months. (If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask someone on the committee.) Page 3 NEWSLETTER The Colver Session met and discussed the newsletter. It is not clear how many people are actually receiving and reading the newsletter that we send out. To assist in gathering the most accurate information, if you have been receiving the newsletter by mail and have an email address, please forward your email address to: If you wish to continue receiving the newsletter by mail, please let us know by calling Belinda Lambie at 814-748-7773 or calling the church at 814-748-7253. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ebensburg Community Outreach Committee This committee would like to extend a big “Thank You” to each and every member and friend who have recently made donations to or volunteered their time for both the meal for the Shalimar Youth Group and/or our hot dog sale during “Wheels & Wings”. The coordination of each of these events is made so much easier when you all so willingly pitch in. THANK YOU! THE FELLOWSHIP Ebensburg Annual Silver and Gold Celebration We continue to spotlight our members who were honored this year at the Silver and Gold Banquet. 50 Year Members Jim & Shirley Cassidy Jim and Shirley joined our congregation in June of 1965. Jim was ordained a Deacon in January of 1966 and an Elder in January of 1969. He was a High School Sunday School Teacher, a Sunday School Superintendant and he also began service as a Trustee in 1995. Jim is originally from Glen Campbell, PA and Shirley is from Canoe Twp. in Indiana County. Shirley had been a seamstress in Punxsutawney and then worked for over 20 years at Spencer Shoes in Jamesway. Jim retired as a chief lineman for Penelec where he had worked for 40 years. Jim and Shirley have one daughter, Beth Ann Kyler, who lives in Emerald Estates. Jim enjoys walking Beth Ann’s English lab, Lucie, and often has her in his truck when he stops in. Both Jim and Shirley are avid Pittsburgh Pirates fans and look forward to watching them win! 45 Year Member June Fedora ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June was born and raised in Ebensburg and has lived here for 73 years. She was married to John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fedora for 52 wonderful years. They had two children, John and Jodi. John is married and has ~~~~~~ two boys. He is a CPA and the controller of Bud's Auto Sales. Jodi is married and has two The first Game Night sponsored by the boys and 1 girl. Jodi is a third grade teacher at Women’s Post Card Group proved fun. Central Cambria Elementary. Games played included checkers and 21. June is the proud grandmother of five grandchildren. She enjoys going to all their sporting We, at Ebensburg, were fortunate to events and all their school events, and their parhost an amazing presentation by the ticipation in the Cambria County Fair. June enyouth from the Shalimar United Meth- joys knitting and crocheting. She was a deacon in odist Church who traveled all the way the church and worked at L. Robert Kimball's for from Florida approximately 27 years. Page 4 THE FELLOWSHIP Services and Sermons: (both Churches) July 5th - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2 Samuel 5:1–5, 9–10 David becomes the new king, a shepherd to the people of Israel. Mark 6:1–13 Prophets are not honored at home; Jesus commissions the twelve. July 12th - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 2 Samuel 6:1–5, 12b–19 Returning the ark to Jerusalem, David dances before the Lord. Mark 6:14–29 Herod puts John the Baptist to death; reports of Jesus spread. July 19th - Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 2 Samuel 7:1–14a The Lord says: I will make a house for my servant David. Mark 6:30–34, 53–56 After a brief respite, great crowds surround Jesus and the disciples. July 26th - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 2 Samuel 11:1–15 David assaults Bathsheba and arranges the death of her husband. John 6:1–21 Jesus feeds five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. About members of our Church Families… From The Mountaineer Herald… In the Good Old Days… 50 Years Ago, in 1965, Carol Morrison represented Ebensburg at the Annual Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival at Wellsboro. 90 Years Ago, in 1925, The Rev. B. F. Heany left the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church to accept a call in McDonald, Washington County. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Custodian Position at the Ebensburg Church The personnel committee will be conducting interviews for the custodian position. If you know anyone who is interested in applying, please have them fill out an application which can be found on the clipboard next to the office door. Page 5 Stories of Redstone Christ at work in our midst THE FELLOWSHIP We Honor Our Graduates We continue to honor our Ebensburg Graduates of the class of 2015. Creating Anthony Lee Taylor is the son of Ken and Tina Community with a Taylor of Colver. He is a senior at CCHS where he Farmers’ Market has taken an academic schedule. He was baptized and Coffee, music and confirmed in the Colver Presbyterian Church where fellowship may not he attended Vacation Bible School every year and be the hallmarks of then helped with games when he was older. He spent a farmers’ market, 11 years in the AYSO Soccer league in Ebensburg. but they are what He loves camping, fishing from his boat, and hunting. He has gotten 2 deer, a turkey, pheasant, and many sets the Westmont P r e s b y t e r i a n fish so far. He especially enjoyed the puppy drum he caught in the Outer Banks. He also enjoys traveling Church’s Commuto amusement parks and riding big coasters, espenity Farmers’ Mar- cially Cedar Point. ket apart from othFor the Colver Centennial in 2011, Anthony made ers. The market replaques to recognize citizens of Colver. They were flects Westmont’s desire to reach out displayed on the poles with the flags. He received an beyond its walls and share the love of award from State Rep. Frank Burns at the Centennial Christ with their community. opening ceremony. He also has made pens, and other The market supports local vendors--- items with his woodworking tools. farmers, bakers, growers of fresh flow- Anthony will attend Penn Highlands Community ers and plants, etc. who grow or pro- College in the fall at both the Ebensburg and Richduce in the area. Several of the vendors land campuses where he will study for an Associate have been members of the market from of Science degree in Environmental Studies. He then its inception seven years ago, and have can choose from several different options at four year developed a strong relationship not only colleges to earn a BS. with the church, but also with those in Blake the community that support the market. Bussard, There is a fellowship table where shopAnthony pers can have a complimentary cup of Taylor and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ coffee, tea or hot chocolate and music is Lucas ~~~~~~ provided by one of the church’s memTaylor bers playing the keyboard. There is being The first Game Night sponsored by the free face painting for the children, and honored at Women’s Post Card Group proved fun. an ice cream social once a month. The our recent Games played included checkers and 21. market is open, rain or shine, each Sat“Graduate urday from 9:00AM to noon from late RecogniMay to the second week in October. tion” It is through Christ that the Community Sunday Farmers’ Market has been a success and Service. continues to provide a valuable service to the vendors and shoppers. THE FELLOWSHIP Ebensburg Presbyterian Church July 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Counselor Noon Thu 2 Fri 3 Happy Birthday! Bill Carlisle Curran Vaughn 5 Morning Worship 11:00 6 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Happy Birthday! Justin Jeffers Happy Birthday! Bennett Vaughn 12 Morning Worship 10:00 Joint Service Pavilion #3 Revloc Park 13 Happy Birthday! Marcus Magley 19 Morning 20 Happy Anniversary! Jim & Sheila Farrer Worship 11:00 Happy Birthday! June Noel Happy Anniversary! Bill & Phyllis Morrison 26 Morning Worship 11:00 Happy Birthday! Richard “Nik” Nikolishen 7 14 4 Independence Day 8 Session 7:00 9 Happy Birthday! Jim Dixon Walter Feath Happy Anniversary! Herman & Judy Carl 15 16 10 11 Happy Birthday! Vicki Askew 17 18 Counselor 9:30 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Happy Anniversary! Tim & Kristy Forberger Happy Birthday! Luke Vietmeier Happy Anniversary! Tim & Debra Shamble Narcotics Anon. Bus. Mtg. 10:45 21 22 Counselor Noon 23 24 25 29 30 Happy Birthday! Aric Bracken Geraldine Hobson 31 Happy Anniversary! Joe & Isabel Paterson Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 27 Sat 28 Point of Freedom N.A. Group 6:00 Happy Birthday! Judy Car. Happy Anniversary! Fremont & Margaret McKenrick Happy Birthday! Pat Mohney Page 7 NEWSLETTER TITLE Colver Presbyterian Church July 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 3 4 Happy Birthday, Amy Blasdell! Happy Birthday, LaRue Smith! Colver Fit Club 11-12:30 Friday Saturday Independence Day 5 6 7 Happy Anniversary, Carl & Irene Makin! 12 13 Happy Anniversary, Jared &Belinda Lambie & Rev. Jim & Sheila Farrer! 19 20 Happy Birthday, Alesha Charles! 27 Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Jonathan Leasure & Jada McNeal! & Jenny Davis! 9 Happy Birthday, Michael Shutack! 14 15 Happy Birthday, Diana Taylor! Happy Birthday, Amy Hurst! 21 22 16 23 10 11 Happy Birthday, Amy Brown! Colver Fit Club 11-12:30 17 18 Happy Birthday, Ray Hill! Colver Fit Club 11-12:30 24 25 Colver Fit Club 11-12:30 Happy Birthday, Sue Stoyka! Happy Birthday, Jewllee Long! 26 James Cameron 8 28 29 30 31 Happy Anniversary, Deb & Mike DeGretto! Happy Anniversary, Alan & Barb Kensinger! Happy Anniversary, Rev. Chaz & Amy Blasdell! THE FELLOWSHIP Page 8 Ebensburg Presbyterian Church 200 North Center Street PO Box 327 Ebensburg, PA 15931 Independence Day, July 4th During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the American colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4. One of the most enduring myths about Independence Day is that Congress signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Most delegates actually signed the Declaration on August 2, 1776.
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