WHAT WON DROUS LOVE IS THIS - Cornerstone Baptist Church

Today is Palm Sunday
The Lord’s Day, March 29, 2015 e-bulletin
took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel!’” John 12:13 (NIV)
Today at Cornerstone
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
Offertory: Worship Choir
Message: Pastor Sam Bryant
Building Committee Meeting
12:00 PM
Short meeting to decide new committee chair & work day.
Anyone interested in being on the committee is welcome to attend.
Stewardship Statistics
Average weekly offering needed
Average Four Weeks Offering
Offering 03/22/15
$ 4,664
$ 5,158
$ 7,895
Women’s Ministry Event: Today is the last day to bring in your items for Safe Harbor House!
Directory Additions
Please add Brian & Judy Caviggiola, along with two of their three children to your church directory, Corinne (Cedarville student) &
Phillip. Address: 2245 Leon Ln., 45502. Brian’s cell phone#: 765.251.4124; e-mail: brianc6516@gmail.com; birthday: 9-24; wedding anniversary: 8-15-87; Judy’s cell phone#: 765.251.4116; e-mail: jcaviggiola2000@yahoo.com; birthday: 4-16; Phillip’s birthday:
2-4-98; he is a junior in high school; Corrine’s address: 251 N. Main St., P.O. Box 2453, Cedarville, 45314; birthday: 8-23. Thanks!
Resurrection Sunday Breakfast
Plan on joining us Sunday, April 5th, at 9:30 am for an Easter Breakfast put on by the Hospitality Committee.
There is a sign-up in the foyer to bring in food items. We hope you can come and fellowship with us as we
celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Sunday School has been canceled for Easter Sunday. Thank You!
Annual Business Meeting Results
The results from our Annual Business meeting election of officers and committee are in today’s e-bulletin insert. Continued on the back
lists the other committees here at Cornerstone. If at any time you would like to serve on one of these board appointed committees, be sure
and see your Care Deacon. Our fiscal year runs from April 1-March 31 each year. The new budget amount of $242,495 ($4,663
average weekly offering needed) for the upcoming fiscal year passed unanimously. A ballot for the sign which read: The Board of Deacons
recommends the purchase of a new church sign from Stewart Signs with previously-approved designated funds, not to exceed $14,000 and
contingent on the Zoning approval from the city of Springfield, passed unanimously as well. All officer and committee responsibilities begin
on the first Sunday in April. Thanks!
Building Committee
In the foyer there is a sign-up list to get on the rotation schedule to help the Building Committee mow the church
lawn and weed. Also, if you would like to join the Committee, please see our Building Committee chairman, Gene
Perks. Thanks!
Children’s Ministry Workers
SS: Mandy Hatton
AM Worship: Jill, Maria, & Kristen Heintz
Children’s Church: Audrey Jones
Usher Team:
Bob Mengel
Frank Augustus
Roger Manns
Sunday School
Fellowship Time
Morning Worship