George Street United Church Weekly Newsletter - March 22, 2015 *PLEASE NOTE: This is a scent-free building Thank you for joining us in worship today. If you are visiting us for the first time, please sign our guest book in the main entry under the stained glass window. Children are welcome to join in our service each Sunday. Please join us in the auditorium for fellowship and coffee/tea after the service. Assistive Hearing Devices are available. Please ask an usher for assistance. If you know of someone who is ill, in hospital, or in need of pastoral care, please let Don or Lynn know as soon as possible, or leave a message at the office, 705-742-4162. If you are admitted to PRHC, and you wish that information to be made available to Don or Lynn, please mention your association with GSU to the admitting officer or to your nurse. Meal for the hungry is today, March 22 nd. Due to a trade with St. Andrew's, we will be doing 2 meals this month and none in April. Thanks for your continued support. Ina. A short service will take place on Wednesdays, during the Season of Lent, at 11:00 a.m. in the south transept of the Sanctuary, followed by a bag lunch. The CE Committee will be relaunching Kids Club in the near future. Anyone who would like to consider helping, are asked to contact Kevin Vaughan, 705-772-1138, for more information. John Jull’s noon-hour recital on Wednesday, March 25 th, has been postponed. We look forward to rescheduling in the near future. Easter Sunrise Service will take place at 7 a.m. on Easter Sunday morning, April 5 th, Courthouse Hill at Victoria Park. It will be led by clergy and lay people from our centre city churches and The Salvation Army Band. A light breakfast will follow at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. Please come and join together in this early morning act of worship as we celebrate the Resurrection on this most special day of the Christian Year. Messiah Sing-A-Long at George Street on Good Friday, April 3 rd at 7:30 p.m with the Kawartha Lakes Singers. Arlene Gray, Conductor and Douglas Schalin, Organist. Bring your Score or rent one for $10. Come and sing or come and listen. Suggested donation of $10. Portion of the proceeds for YES Shelter for Youth and Families. GSU Affirming Initiative • • • Please visit the information table during coffee after worship for reading materials and educational websites. Bay of Quinte Conference Affirming Ministries Workshop @ Trinity United on Saturday, April 18th, 9:30 am - 4 pm. See flyers on our bulletin boards for more information Today, Affirm United Peterborough Chapter is hosting Mariam Monsef in dialogue at St. Andrew’s United Church at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome. Call Lyn or Judy for more information at 705-741-4271. Peterborough is part of an international movement to develop “Age Friendly” cities. A coordinator has been hired, web site put up, and a survey that all are encouraged to complete is available. The coordinator will be speaking at our March 25 th A.O.T.S. meeting. Since this initiative is directed mainly at seniors, we invite you to attend. Please come through the centre door to the auditorium for 7:00 p.m. Alex Jackson. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Marion Convery and her family on the recent death of Marion’s son, Phillip. GSU Events for March 23rd - 29 th Tuesday, 24th 7:00 Council - CR th Wednesday, 25 11:00 Lenten Service - S th Thursday, 26 6:45 Choir - Coronation Rm. Sunday, 29th Palm Sunday On April 3rd, a combined Good Friday Service will take place at 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s United Church. George Street United Church - 534 George Street North, Peterborough, Ont., K9H 3S2 (705) 742-4162 Rev. Don Uhryniw: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Music Director: Arlene Gray: Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m. Church Secretary: Nancy Jeffrey: Website: Pastoral Care & Outreach Coordinator: Lynn Smith Reeve: Caretaker: Rob Steele: Security & Elevator: Kathy Gillis Library: open the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month Greeters & Ushers, Team 4: Shirley Walton, Vina & Bob Thompson, Ted Shaw
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