June 2015 - Huntington Congregational Church

19 Church Street
Shelton, Connecticut 06484
Phone - (203) 929-1223
website: www.huntingtonucc.org
E-mail: hcc@snet.net
The Rev. Lucille L. Fritz, Minister
James T Bruni, Minister of Music
Kirsten E. Keith, Director of Christian Ed
Karen S. Boroski, Editor/Office Manager
From Our Minister…
Dear Friends,
We certainly have some exciting things coming up in the life of
HCCUCC! One thing to highlight is that we will be embarking on the
Open and Affirming (ONA) process.
We will have various events for us to learn and share. We can ask
questions and share concerns. At the end of the discernment
process, we will have a congregational vote to decide if we will
designate ourselves as an ONA congregation or not. Watch your
Sunday bulletins and the weekly e-mail for more info on dates of
these ONA events.
Rev. Lucille’s prayer days will be Thursdays, June 11th, July 9th, and
August 6th. Please let her know it you have any joys or concerns you
would like her to lift up.
Rev. Lucille will be on vacation August 12th through August 24th.
People have ask me why we should designate ourselves as ONA. We
are welcoming! Note this rationale given by the UCC ONA Coalition:
‘All Are Welcome’ isn’t enough. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) people of faith often experience emotional and spiritual injury in
churches that condemn their capacity to love and seek love. Because they’ve
learned that “All Are Welcome” usually doesn’t apply to them, they can’t
assume that any church will be safe for them and their families.
A public welcome by an ONA church sends a clear message to LGBT seekers
that they have a home in the United Church of Christ.
A congregation’s affirmation and support through an ONA covenant can be
a life-changing and life-saving experience—especially for LGBT youth.
A public welcome to LGBT seekers helps churches grow. When new ONA
churches attract new members, many of them are young straight couples
starting new families: they identify with the values ONA represents, and
want their children to learn the faith in a welcoming church.
Strengthen The Church Offering
June 14, 2015
On June 14th we will be taking the offering, Strengthen The Church!
Strengthen The Church is one of four mission offerings within the
United Church of Christ, which grows the UCC’s future by:
• Funding new church starts and invigorating existing
• It supports nurturing lay and pastoral leadership
• Building youth and young adult ministries
• And it supports the “God is Still Speaking” Ministry,
a campaign by the United Church of Christ to simply
remind us that God still has a lot more to say.
We here at HCCUCC aren’t stopping there. We are seeking to be
Open and Affirming to anyone who comes through our doors. We
are envisioning ourselves as a place of extravagant welcome to all,
embodying the statement, “No matter who you, no matter where you
are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” Jesus never turned
anyone away, neither shall we.
All gifts are directed to activities and programs of our church’s local
conference as well as the UCC’s national ministries. Your generosity
today ensures our vibrant life today and tomorrow.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me.
Thank you for your support - The Mission Committee
Rev. Lucille
Graduate Sunday
Graduate Recognition Sunday is scheduled for June 21st during
the morning worship service.
We would like to hear from graduates of high school, vocational
school, and colleges (both under-graduate and graduate degrees).
These adults & young adults will be recognized at the worship
service. We will need the names for the Graduate Sunday
bulletin and the summer issue of The Belfry.
Please e-mail the office at hcc@snet.net or call
203.929.1223 by June 12th if you are/or know of a
graduate from our church.
Robert Wilson Sunday & Children’s Sunday
Join us in Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday,
June 14th for an ice cream social celebrating Robert Wilson
Sunday and Children’s Sunday!!
As many of you know, each year, Gertrude Wilson generously
donates an ice cream snack after service on Children’s Sunday.
This tradition began in loving memory of Gertrude’s husband,
Robert, who loved ice cream and children. Prior to Robert’s
passing, Gertrude and Robert welcomed our entire
congregation in June 1973 and 1974 to worship
together on their farm and then have a picnic
afterwards. Members even had the opportunity to
learn how to milk the cows!
Spring Cleanup
Sunday,June 29th thru Wednesday, July 2nd
This year VBS's theme is G-Force. We will be learning God's
words and works Monday, June 29th thru Thursday, July
2nd from 5:30-7:45pm. We need help in all areas! If you'd
like to volunteer to help during VBS set up, organize the
dinners, cook, there's some way everyone can help. Please
speak with or call (203-929-4225) Kirsten Keith if you're
able to help in any way. Thank you!
Thank you to willing workers: Rev. Lucille, Bob Mosley, Judy
Tucker, Merle Chase, Susanne Bracchi, Rita Boland, Gordon Harris,
Holly Fassbender and Bob and Linda Sember for helping to beautify
our grounds. Much was accomplished but there is more to be done.
If you have a little time and would like to volunteer, please speak to
Linda Sember. If you have plants that need to be divided we would be
happy to take your excess. Please see Linda.
Church Council Highlights
May 12, 2015
Sue Lindley, Clerk
DIACONATE: Confirmation 5/24 with a reception to follow. 5/31 Music
Sunday. New florist – Eastside Greenhouse, Ansonia. Rev Lucille’s vacation
8/12-24. The concerts on the Green start 6 /24 and Vitality Team to hand out
water and have gift card raffles. Car show Sunday, August 30 from 12-4.
WOMAN'S FELLOWSHIP: My Sister’s Place to leave bin with donation
slips. Kentucky Fried Chicken for June Spooner House meal, Tag Sale is in
place, just need more participants. Successful Mother’s Day plant giveaway and
the Board’s annual dinner June 6th at Linda Sember’s home.
TRUSTEES: Estimate of $20,000 for the FH flooring – the hall and the kitchen.
Willett Houser to give estimate on stained glass window repairs. Assured they
will not disrupt the look of windows. Eagle Scout project has been approved by
the Eagle Scout Council. Gerry to meet with David Keith to review Eagle Scout
project in our Choir Loft—take out the pews, replace the carpet, add new chairs.
Reuman House clean-up Saturday June 13th or June 6th, if Tag Sale is rained out.
STEWARDSHIP – This year the campaign will be Everybody’s Church.
Asking different committee members to speak each week about how their
committees serve the church. Spooner House meals was discussed.
MISSIONS: Blankets and Tools collection was taken. Strengthen the Church
will be June 14.
MODERATOR: Reported for the Bishop Property Committee – There have
been calls, but no firm offers as yet. Long Range Planning Committee –
Discussion held about what items would to be listed for the Capital Campaign.
Final determination came through a motion made by Gerry Fassbender and
seconded by Sue Lindley. (The list can be found in the Council Minutes posted
on the bulletin board in the alcove.) Laura Salvio expressed a concern regarding
the use of an architect to do a proposal for the entryway. Gerry explained using
an architect is much better than just using a builder. Soren stated that we still
have monies left for the architectural fees.
MINISTER: Open and Affirming process consultant is Micki Nun-Miller from
the United Church of Cornwall. Vacation Bible School 6/24 – 7/2 from 5:30 to
7:45. Asking people to come about 5:15 to welcome families. Last year Soren
stood out on the sidewalk to welcome and direct folks where to go and felt this
was most helpful. Our neighboring pastor at St. Paul’s, Rev. Amjad Samuel, will
be installed on Thursday, May 28th at 7:00. Lucille will be there on behalf of the
Shelton Clergy. The Council retreat - May 30th at Housatonic Boat Club from
10-3. Cost $10 each.
Due to last year’s success, Women’s Fellowship is planning
another outdoor Tag Sale this year, so get into those attics, basements,
storage sheds, and closets! Time to clean out! Tell your friends about
it—spaces are open to all. Each spot is the size of a parking space.
The cost is $20 per spot and/or donate your proceeds to Women’s
Fellowship for their projects/missions.
The date is set for Saturday, June 6, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain
date June 13). Having so many people together prompted more people
to browse. We will also be looking for bake sale items.
For more information, call Denise Wilson at 929-2656 or email
HCC-UCC and the Sound Coalition are helping Habitat
For Humanity build a new house and need
volunteers! Our next work day is Saturday, June 20th.
The work is fun, rewarding, and does not require any
experience. The day typically starts at 9 a.m. and
ends at 2 p.m. We usually carpool from the church.
There is a signup sheet in the alcove. Please contact
Bob Moseley at 203-925-0383 If you have any
Prayer List
We had a wonderful seventh Treasures, Talents and Tastes
Auction. Some members made donations from their own businesses
or solicited from where they shop. Other members used their creative
talents to come up with great items to auction or surveyed their
homes and made beautiful donations. All of the church’s committees
made wonderful donations. As a result, this was another successful
auction. The well-fed crowd opened their wallets and went home
with some great “T”s. If you didn’t attend, we hope you will join us
next year.
The profit of over $8,000 will help support this year’s operating
budget and Spooner House will receive a check for $300.
The Auction was the result of the work of many people and we
would like to thank everyone who participated. It couldn’t have
happened without you!
Rev. Lucille L. Fritz
Minister of Music
James T. Bruni
Director of
Christian Education
Kirsten E. Keith
Soren Ibsen
Deacon Co-Chairs
Gail Schoennagel/
Sue Lindley
Trustees Chair
Gerry Fassbender
Women’s Fellowship
Sue Lindley
Auction Co-chairs
Linda and Bob Sember
Huntington Center
Nursery School
Linda Rizzitelli
The Summer Belfry will be available the week of
June 22nd.
Please have your articles into the office by June 17th.
Thank you!
Gertrude Wilson
Philip Jones
Thomas Nickse
Lupe Maybeck-Nicholas
Arlene & Steve Grey Mickey Cappos
Connor Scalia
Tim Leonard
Sally & John Lindberg Gail Bishop
Lindsay Provenzano Jennifer Pazerecki
David Wentz
Gay Steinle
Michael Scoopo
Tom Symski
Andrew Stein
Bob & Nettie Geffert Ann Hatkoff
Ruth Derosier
Dan Hartman
Vincent Crudo
Noreen Glynn
Valdon Barrere
Bill & Sherrie
Robert Nocodemus
Joe Caputo
Kate D’Alessio
Juli Lindsay
Ralph Gainer
Pat M
Gail Piche
Jacquie Mari
Steve Connor
Joy Blodgett
Irving Moy
Bob & Ruth Johnson Mary Glynn
9:30 am
Sunday Worship/
Sunday School
& Child Care
Office Manager/
Belfry Editor
Karen S. Boroski
“I wish to thank those who remembered me with
cards & gifts (& lunch) on Administrative Assistance Day,
April 22nd. Thank you all!
Peace, Karen”
Birthday Greetings to the following who will celebrate
during the month of June:
1 Max Bracchi, Lucas Zinsky,
Kaitlyn Kozlowski, Linda Rogers
2 Gary Morrison
3 Rick Heiden, Walter Hempel, Mike Crawford
5 Rich Steinis, Samantha Bailey
7 Megan Melanson
8 Allyssa Verdicchio
10 Terri Johnston, Margie Mingrone
11 Tom Ryder, Kevin Sands
12 Judy Tucker
13 Gordon Bauer
14 Andrew Fassbender
15 David Ferris
16 Rob Liddel, Roland Wehger
18 Deb Zinsky
20 Rebecca Adler, John Krystopowicz
22 Kaitlin Patchkofsky, Matthew Zelanin
23 Suzanne Bracchi
27 Sandra Chandler, Ruth Stewart
28 Nancy Passaro
29 Kevin McCarthy
30 Barbara Glynn, Lily Banks, Brady Kellogg
Our condolences to the family of
Thaddeus Iracki, grandfather of
Karen Kellogg, who entered into rest in May.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family
during their time of bereavements.
Congratulations to the following couples who will celebrate
wedding anniversaries in June:
Marge & Ed Brighindi, Rob & Stacy Boroski
Suzanne & Mark Bracchi
Trish & Brad Wells
Joan & Joe Bloemen, Debbie & Ray Oppel,
Amy & Schuyler Wells
Sheila & Bob Moseley
Mary Jane & Bob Liddel
Barbara & Jim Connery, Sarah & AJ Bordos
Emily & John Daelhousen
Kim & Steven Adler
Karen & Bob Boroski
Denise & Steve Wilson
Eleanor & Richard Warren, Patty & Win Oppel
Priscilla & Fred Kunesch
Our congratulations to Hunter Thomas Goldspink, son of
Kristine & Greg Goldspink, who received the Sacrament of
Christian Baptism on May 10, 2015.
His sponsors are Diane Barrett & Harry Goldspink.
Also, our congratulations to Michaela Lynn Hanas, daughter of
Melissa & Tom Hanas, who received the Sacrament of Christian
Baptism on May 17, 2015. Her sponsors are Jennifer & Jeff Hanas.
JUNE 2015
9:30am- Cr. III
10:30am-FH Usage
6:30am- Mission meeting
7pm – Trustees
6pm - Scouts
11 Lucille’s Prayer Day
School/Child Care
9:30am- Cr. III
7pm - Council
9:30am – Worship &
Summer Belfry
article deadline
9:30am- Cr. III
9:30am – Worship &
Child Care
9:30am- Cr. III
10:30am-FH Usage
6pm-Men’s Fellowship
9:30am – Worship &
Child Care
9am-RH clean-up
7:30pm-Circle I
Tag Sale rain-date
10:30am-FH Usage
715pm – WF Ex Brd
Spooner House Meal
(Women’s Fellowship)
You may view the Belfry & Calendar on our website at www.huntingtonucc.org