bulletin - Bethel Church

June 7, 2015
WELCOME to our worship celebration! Today we continue our series on The Art of Neighbouring,
addressing “The Time Barrier.” Pastor Ray and Youth Pastor Andrew are team-preaching this series,
which will conclude next week with “The Fear Factor.” Today we also look forward to celebrating the
baptism of Allison Susanne, infant daughter of Brad & Laura Bloemendal, and we will ordain and
install Jim Hurrelbrinck as a Deacon. We are delighted to have a “Throwback Sunday” feel with More
than Conquerors leading some of the worship. More than Conquerors was a youth worship team
here at Bethel, that Brad Bloemendal was a member of when he was in high school. All the members
of the team are friends and are back for the baptism, and so we are blessed by their reunion to lead us
in worship today.
A warm welcome to guests. We invite you to stay for refreshments we share together after the
worship service. For more information about our church and its ministries please come to the
Welcome Centre. We invite you to fill in a Guest Card and place it in the offering bag, or bring it to
the Welcome Centre to receive a welcome gift from Bethel.
Halton Hills Christian School - an affordable, Christ-centered,
inter-denominational, values-based, Christian educational institution, where each student matters;
offering a premium-quality, full-service day-school program where traditional Christian perspectives
are integrated into all subject areas; serving children of all aptitudes from pre-school to grade 8 who
reside throughout the greater Halton Hills area and beyond. Its operating budget is funded by tuition,
fund-raising and free-will donations.
June 14 - Milton Church Plant
June 21 - W.O.W (Visionledd)
S.M.P.G. (SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER GATHERING) meets 8:00 am Sunday mornings to pray for the
worship service, our church and community. Come out and join us on occasion or on a regular
basis. We meet downstairs in classroom #7, in the Children & Youth Wing.
COUNCIL meets this Monday, June 8th, 7:30 pm in the Youth Room.
ELDERS & DEACONS BOARDS meet next Monday, June 15, 7:30 pm. Deacons in Room 102 and Elders
in Room 101.
KNIT & CHAT meets Tuesday July 9th at 10am. Everyone is welcome!
GEMS CAMPING. This weekend some 65 girls and a dozen or so counsellors are on their annual
camping outing. We’re thankful for this shared experience to round out their ministry year!
YOUNG ADULTS: This Sunday night. June 7. We will be watching a video tonight called "Twisting the
Truth, The Source of Deception" by Andy Stanley. Even if you haven't been out yet, you are welcome
to jump in at any time. This small group is a casual night of learning together through watching a
message/teaching and having some discussion afterwards. The next meeting dates are June 21 and
28th. The last two meetings are back to back so that we can finish before we get into July. So we
would love to see you all at the Faber's at 7:30pm. Ruth and Sandra
MEN’S BREAKFAST is scheduled for next Saturday, June 13th from 8:30 – 9:30 am. For $3 (to cover
cost), you can enjoy an hour of good Christian fellowship over a breakfast of coffee, toast & eggs.
Invite a neighbor… it’s a perfect time to build community and to get to know others. This is the last
one for the summer so feel free to join us! For more info, contact Jake Adema at 905-877-4080.
KNIT & CHAT NEWS: on Tuesday June 23 we are planning to visit St Jacobs Market. It is always a nice
outing! Please feel free to join us even if you are not a regular attendee. We may need a few extra
drivers. If you are able to help please call Ann @ 519-853-0758 or Lynda @ 519-853-2393
LIBRARY LINES. A warm welcome to Helena van der Wal, who has taken on being Assistant Librarian.
We are still looking for adult help in our library. All library items are for a 4 week loan. Blessings, Amy
FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY TRANSITION. We thank Hilda Looyenga for faithfully serving for 13 years in
leading the Fellowship Committee, coordinating the provision of thousands of cups of coffee and tea
and more for Sunday mornings and beyond. We welcome Janet Sinkgraven and Rita Leferink as the
new co-coordinators, and are very grateful for their willingness to serve.
THE SYNOD OF THE Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) meets June 12-18, at
Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Synod is the annual bi-national meeting of the CRC denomination
to address matters of shared policy, practice, and ministries. Our own Richard van der Wal is going as
an elder delegate from Classis Huron. Please keep him in prayer as he prepares, travels, and
THIRSTING FOR GOD CONFERENCE – Saturday, June 20, 2:00 pm through the evening, including a
free BBQ, and Sunday, June 21, 3:00 pm – Faith Mission Centre (10463 2nd Line, Campbelleville).
Featuring Rev. Jonathan Currie from First Saintfield Presbyterian Church, North Ireland, with guest
soloist Hiram Joseph at the Sunday event. Kids program for children ages 4-12 during each conference
meeting. To register please call 905-854-3284 or email fmcampbellville@aol.com. More information
at www.faithmissioncanada.org. There is no charge for this weekend. Free will offering boxes
available for those wishing to contribute.
FROM THE TREASURER: We gratefully acknowledge those that gave generously to our church during
the month of May. You provided $64,653.00 for our operating budget and ministry shares. Also, we
received $900.00 for the Building/Loan Reduction Fund and $1,902.00 for the Benevolence Fund. In
addition, the following charitable causes were helped by your generosity: Beginnings: $1,617.00,
Halton Hills Christian School: $365.00, Citizens for Public Justice: $1,019.00, Operation Manna:
$2,129.00, Eurovangelism: $1,711.00, Homeless Youth Project: $225.00 and Youth Group local
outreach: $150.00.
Summer vacations are getting closer and the church expenses just don’t take a vacation unfortunately.
Please consider this in your regular giving. You can provide post-dated cheques for the time you’re
away from home or even better, sign up for our Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) plan. Your church
donations are then automatically deducted from your bank account. If you’re interested, please let me
know and I’ll provide a sign-up sheet to you. You can also download the application form from the
church website: http://actoncrc.com/giving/
You can't fool the kids in Sunday school; they are way too smart...
'If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get
into heaven?' I asked the children in my Sunday school class. 'NO!' all the children answered. 'If I
cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into
heaven?' Again the answer was, 'NO!' 'Well,' I continued, 'then how can I get to heaven?' A five-yearold boy shouted, ‘you gotta be dead!'
QUICK REFERENCE DIRECTORY UPDATE: I am planning an update to the Quick Reference Directory to
be distributed in the next couple of weeks. A table by the mail folders has been set up with the Quick
Reference directory laid out. Please take a moment to check if your information is complete. You may
also email Leila Vos at office@actoncrc.com if you know of a change that needs to be made.
From HHCS: We look forward to graduating twenty-nine young people on Wednesday, June 17,
2015. You are invited to join us at 8:00 p.m., in the Georgetown Christian Reformed Church, Trafalgar
Road, Georgetown, as we say farewell and wish God’s blessing to the grade eight graduating class.
A GREAT LEARNING OPPORTUNITY! – Saturday, June 20, starting at 10:00 am. The Gideons are
offering an outreach training opportunity as a cooperative venture of the churches of Acton, to reach
out with the Gospel into our community. Host will be the Salvation Army Community Church.
Training will be from 10:00 to noon. This will be followed by an optional opportunity to put what you
learned into practice. After a light lunch we will go out in pairs in a door-to-door outreach. The
resources we will share are a beautifully illustrated Scripture magazine, “Light – The Hope of the
World”, and a book-mark type insert with access to the free Gideon NewLife App, with a full copy of
the Bible and other spiritual helps, and a guide to local churches. The training opportunity is free but
we do need to have you RSVP by June 8 to plan for food and resources. Please contact Art & Helen
Pasanen if you are planning to attend or for more information – kashp@sympatico.ca or