NEWS & NOTES Sunday, April 19, 2015 New Life Christian Reformed Church, Highland, Indiana ANNOUNCEMENTS COUNCIL ELECTIONS: On Sunday, April 26, our Congregation will be voting to elect new officers before our morning worship service. The Council is asking the congregation to approve three Elder nominees: Jerry Kuiper, Herb Sitter, and Kevin VanTil. We are also asking the congregation to elect two Deacons from a list of four nominees: Tim Brummel, Ron DeYoung, Fred Leep, and Ray Sikkema. Absentee ballots are available by the church office for those who cannot be there on April 26. MOTHER’S DAY AD: The Illiana Right to Life Committee will once again be placing a pro-life Mother’s Day ad in The Times, voicing our support for Life and providing contact information for various local Crisis Pregnancy Centers. A form was placed in your mailbox that can be filled out and returned to Shelly Ketelaar or placed in her mailbox. We asked for a minimum donation of $5 per name to help defray the cost (additional donations are very much appreciated). All names and donations must be received by Sunday, April 26. Extra forms are available in the Church Office. THE GEMS MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET will be held on Wednesday, May 6. Punch will be served at 5:30 pm and the dinner is at 6:00 pm. Cost is $15 per person (current GEMS girls are free!). An RSVP with payment should be submitted by April 26. SYNERGY PIZZA NIGHT: Please join us on Friday, May 1, when we meet at Sanfratello’s in Highland at 6:30 pm for pizza & fellowship! All those who are post high, in their 20’s or 30’s are welcome to come! Invite your friends! Please sign up on the sheet in the back of church. PARTNERS IN PRAYER: Would you be blessed to be part of a group of other pray-ers at church? We have four teams so your Partners in Prayer Team would meet once every four weeks before the morning service. If you are interested in being added to one of our teams, please call Ed Rudenga (219-440-7837). JAIL LETTER WRITING: For your convenience, cards are available in front of the church office–please pick one up and send it to an inmate this week: Troy Govert, XB-335, Lake County Jail, 2293 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307; Andre Vena, A-441, (same address). REQUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLIANA CHRISTIAN will be holding their Annual Association Meeting on Monday, April 20 at 7:30 pm, in the cafeteria. The agenda includes election of new board members and 2015-16 budget approval. The Annual Report issue of the Illiana Newsletter is being mailed to your home. OUR CALENDAR TUESDAY, APRIL 21 6:00 AM–MEN’S BIBLE STUDY 9:45 AM–COFFEE BREAK 6:30 PM–HANDBELL REHEARSAL 7:00 PM–COFFEE BREAK 7:30 PM–CHOIR REHEARSAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 WARMING SHELTER 7:00 PM–CADET PRACTICE FOR CADET SUNDAY 7:00 PM–COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 23 9:15 AM–PRECEPTS CLASS 7:00 PM–PRECEPTS CLASS JAIL MINISTRY: Mon.-Thurs.-7 PM STUDENT MINISTRIES VIDA (Jr. High-Grades 6-8) •Vida will have their next meeting on Sunday, April 26, 6-8 pm, at Faith-Highland. •Friday Night Breakout will be on May 8, time and location TBA. ENCOUNTER (Sr. High-Grades 9-12) •Encounter will meet tonight, 6-8 pm, at 8927 Cottage Grove Place, Highland, IN (same as previous years). •High School Coffee House will meet on Tuesday, April 28, at Panera in Schererville, 7-9 pm. Hope to see you there! ROSELAND CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES invites you to join us at our Spring Banquet, “Renewed, Recharged, Refocused” on Thursday, April 23, 2015, at Georgios, 8800 West 159th St. in Orland Park. Doors open at 6:30, dinner served at 7 pm. No tickets will be issued, but reservations are needed. Please restrict guests to high school age and older. Contact your church representative, Hank Otte, or call Kisha Pleasant @ (773) 264-5665 for reservations or more details. SPRING SING: Suburban Bible Church (3010-41st Street Highland, IN) will be hosting an evening of music and worship on Friday, April 24 at 7 pm. The event is free and open to everyone who loves music! HCS AUCTION: Save the Date for Highland Christian School’s annual fundraising Auction! Don’t miss out on this year’s ONE DAY ONLY event. Saturday, April 25. Doors open to view items at 5 pm, and bidding starts at 5:30 pm. Hot & cold food, various desserts and beverages will be served beginning at 5:00 p.m. Enjoy the excitement of bidding, share in the fellowship of those around you, have a GREAT time – all while supporting our school. For up to date information about the Auction, go to or visit the HCS Auction Facebook page! THE MEN OF A-CHORD are pleased to announce their annual “Night of Song”. The concert will be on Saturday, May 2, at 7:00 pm at Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Lansing (3500 Glenwood-Lansing Rd). The concert this year will include the Heritage Singing Men of Jenison, MI. Each choir will sing numbers separately and a number of songs together. There will be brass instrumental and plenty of audience participation in singing many of your old favorites! Make plans now for a great evening of song & praise to our great God. A free-will offering will be taken. For more info please go to or contact any member of the group. CROSSROAD CONNECTION: Helping Kids Find Christ in Chaos. This week, Dr. Marv Vander Vliet, the boy’s ministry director of West Michigan Youth for Christ’s Juvenile Justice Ministry, explains how establishing relationships with youths in juvenile detention centers can help them develop a firm foundation in Christ in the face of chaos. Go to to watch this week’s Crossroad Connection! GROUNDWORK: JONAH AND GOD'S GRACE: - The conclusion of Jonah’s story reflects back to us a sad truth about our fallen nature. But at the same time, Jonah's conversation with God in Jonah 3 & 4 gives us hope in the greatness of our Creator's grace. Subscribe for free weekly email notifications at Tune in and join the Groundwork conversation on your local radio station, WMBI 91110) or listen at NEXT SUNDAY, April 26, 2015 MORNING WORSHIP: CADET SUNDAY “Gathering God’s People”; Revelation 14 Offering: Cadets AFTERNOON WORSHIP: “A Time to Mourn”; 2 Samuel 1 Offering: Ministry Opportunity Fund GREETERS: 9:30 AM–Joe & Julie Sitter/Paul & April Armendariz 5:00 PM–Dan & Judy Zandstra NURSERY: 9:30 AM–Shelley Boender/Josh Kostelyk/Tiffany Ketelaar AM & PM SOUND OPERATOR: Ron DeYoung/Paul Armendariz AM POWER POINT OPERATOR: Sharon VanderWoude WELCOME CENTER: Cathie Bennett & Christina Wiltjer COFFEE SERVERS: John & Jill Boender COOKIE SERVER: Sandra Porter REMEMBER IN PRAYER Shut-ins Pearl Adams Deb Bakker Bea Breuker La Chanthvyong Lois Johnston Millie Meekma Marietta Moes Eleanor Porter Henry & Virginia Schoon Sissy Siersema John Terpstra Vivian Wartsbaugh Grayce Witvliet Special Needs AJ Boender Dakota Brummel Keira Fennema M. J. Lytle JoAnn Martinez Bob & Bea Moes Nuke Moes Dot Plohg Judy Rottier Dennis Slifko Marilyn Sodo Lyd VanDyk Nola Witvliet If you have a name that should be included or you would like your name removed, please contact Jerry Kuiper (838-4632) or the church office (838-0506). New Life Christian Reformed Church of Highland Dr. Bill Sytsma, Pastor Phone – 219-838-0506 Fax – 219-838-1550
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