First Baptist - A Church to Call Home Experience Life, Growth, and Worship with Us First Baptist Church Bentonville Weekly Newsletter & Upcoming Events The Week of Sunday, December 28, 2014 WELCOME! Our desire is for you not only to feel welcomed by a warm handshake and a friendly smile, but to experience the joy of serving God with other caring believers in Northwest Arkansas! First Baptist has something for everyone in your family. We sincerely want to help you connect with others and find a place of service, so we invite you to visit us after the Sunday morning service at our Welcome centers in our church foyer. Our friendly staff and church members will do everything they can to answer all of your questions and help explain our limitless opportunities for authentic fellowship; whether it’s a ladies Bible study, men’s outreach event, student or children’s activity or camp, or a great Sunday Morning Bible Study class - we have a place for you to plug in to grow and serve. Feel free to also check out our website at and see all of the exciting opportunities for you and your family to engage in ministry here at First Baptist. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES will be 5:00-6:30pm. LOST AND FOUND… Please check the Lost & Found area adjacent to the handicapped elevator. Any unclaimed items will be donated. BETHLEHEM CHRISTIAN ACADEMY is a Christian school in Zambia, Africa. Each child at BCA receives a hot meal each day, an education, and hears the gospel of Jesus Christ. BCA is fully funded by sponsors from the USA. It takes only $35 a month to sponsor a child. Each child at BCA receives a hot meal each day, an education, and learns about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Want to be a Christmas blessing to someone, sponsor a child in Zambia. For more information or to sponsor a child, visit the website 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS must be delivered or mailed (and postmarked) on or by December 31, 2014 in order to be claimed as a charitable contribution deduction in 2014. Checks that are placed in the church offering during the first worship service in 2015 will not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction in 2014 even if the check is predated to 2014 or was actually written in 2014. However, checks that are postmarked 2014 will be deductible in 2014 even though they are not received by the church until 2015. Hand-delivered contributions will be accepted as 2014 contributions if they are received by the Church Office by 3:00pm on Tuesday, December 30th. WOMEN’S MINISTRY EVENT… ADDICTED TO ANXIETY: Kiss Anxiety Goodbye…learn how to identify triggers; find peace in the truth; and live in freedom, Thursday, January 15th, 6:30-8:30pm in the Worship Center. THE LIFT TOUR… is January 30th-31st, for all 7th-12th grades. The Lift Tour is a world-class weekend experience that will challenge students at all points in their spiritual walks to forsake selfish dreams, desires and demands, and embrace a Christ-centered lifestyle. This high-energy event focuses on passionate worship, engaging teaching, and spiritual discipleship designed to fuel faith within the hearts of teenagers to build mature followers of Jesus who don’t just survive in society, but thrive. The Lift Tour will be held at Cross Church – Pinnacle Location. Cost is $40. To register or for more information, go to WOMEN’S MINISTRY BIBLE STUDIES resume in January! Tuesday morning study begins on January 6th, 9:00am, in the Chapel. Sunday afternoon study begins January 11th, 4:30pm, and meets in the children’s building basement classroom. Monday night study begins January 12th, 5:30pm, in the Parlor. For more details on the studies and upcoming events, please see “Women’s Ministry” on our church website, CHURCH OFFICE HOURS… Please note the Church Offices will be closed for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays on Wednesday, December 24th-26th and December 31st-January 2nd. Offices will be open Monday and Tuesday, December 29th and 30th, 9:00am-3:00pm. FAMILY DEDICATION will be Sunday, January 18th. Any member who would like to dedicate their infant, must complete a form by January 9th. Please email Michele at for form and information. STRING OF PEARLS 2015! We are super happy and crazy excited to bring back our fun-filled, up-all-night, girls-only, Jesus-packed weekend…STRING OF PEARLS!! Join us this year as we get brutally honest and totally real about what it means to “Get Real” in our relationship with Christ. We are covering it all!! Get ready to get up, close and personal about where you stand with this guy named Jesus! And of course, come chill with your favorite college leaders and get a sweet t-shirt with your registration!! Who’s with me…Saturday, February 7th & Sunday, February 8th, at the Doubletree, Bentonville. Cost is $60. Scholarships are available. CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S JOB CORPS OF NWA… Christian Women’s Job Corps of NWA is an outreach ministry seeking to equip and encourage women, in a Christian context, for life and employment. CWJC offers transformative experience combining spiritual support with particular soft and functional skills assisting them in their lives at home and in the workplace. We are glad to share with you our schedule for 2015. Classes are held twice a week--Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. We offer two sessions, a morning and evening class. Our first term is as follows: Orientation – January 26th; Class begins – January 27th; Class ends – April 9th; and Graduation is April 11th. Tuesday and Thursday morning classes are 8:30am-12pm and evening classes are 5:30pm-9:00pm. This is a 10-week commitment. Each class offers Bible study, job readiness skills, life skills, mentoring and computer training. Applications are being accepted. For further information, please contact CWJC at 479.899.6511. Weekly Schedule Sunday, December 28, 2014 8:00am Early Sunday School 8:30am Library Open 9:15am Worship Service 9:15am 2X2 10:45am Late Sunday School Wednesday, December 31, 2014 No Scheduled Activities Church Offices Closed Thursday, January 1, 2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Friday, January 2, 2015 No Scheduled Activities Church Offices Closed Monday, December 29, 2014 No Scheduled Activities Tuesday, December 30, 2014 No Scheduled Activities Saturday, January 3, 2015 6:30pm College/Young Adult Bible Study Worship Center 200 SW “A” Street Bentonville, AR 72712 Phone 479.273.3379 Administration Offices 220 S Main Street Bentonville, AR 72712 Fax 479.273.3048
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