General Information Weekly Service Times Sunday Wednesday 8 am - Prayer Time 5 pm - Fellowship Meal 9 am - Worship 6 pm - Awana (2 yrs-6th Gr.) 9:15 am - Jr KidzChurch (3-K) 6 pm - LSM Worship 9:15 am - KidzChurch (1st-2nd Gr.) 6:15 pm - Men’s Bible Study 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:15 pm - Ladies Bible Study 4 pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:15 pm - Prayer & Bible Study 5 pm - Ladies Precept Bible Study 5:30 pm - Financial Peace 6 pm - KidzChoir (1st-6th Gr.) 6 pm - Worship Monday 7 pm - Men’s Bible Study Missions LCM News JrKidzChurch (Ages 3-K) and KidzChurch (1 & 2 Grade) dismissal is during the offering. Children 3rd-6th Grade activity page is available at the Welcome Desk. Bring your completed page to Amy in the old foyer before Sunday School to receive a treat! We will send dresses to Nicaragua in June. Our goal is 100! The patterns and information are located on the counter in the library. Awana (Ages 2 yr.-6thGr.) Wednesdays at 6 pm. 2/18: PJ Night. Wear your favorite pajamas! Senior Saints Summer Missions & Ministry Offering continues through March 1. Please support the Nicaragua Mission Trip, Children and Youth Camps by taking an envelope off the board in the sanctuary foyer and return by March 1. The Concord Baptist Associational Senior Meeting will be tomorrow at 11 am at New Vision Baptist Church. Women’s Ministry st nd Come dive in to Kidzchoir (1st-6th Gr.) - We are practicing for our Spring Musical, Splash Kingdom this evening at 6 pm. Men’s Ministry Please join us in welcoming Justin Lowe, son of Tim & Robin Lowe and Austin Warrick son of Chris & Tracy Warrick today through baptism. Men’s Ministry Organizational Lunch Meeting will be Sunday, February 22 at 11:30 am. We will organize the leadership team and plan our first retreat, which will be May 1-3 at Tims Ford State Park. Deacon’s Meeting will be next Sunday, February 15 at 5 pm. The Main Event, Lifeway’s Conference for men, is returning to Nashville, June 19-20 at Municipal Auditorium. Register by March 1st and save $30 on ReThink Ministries Meeting for Deacons, Administrative Committee, Church Council and Church Staff will be this Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Financial Report Attendance Report 2014-15: Goal - $541,135 2014-15 YTD Goal - $239,348.45 Weekly Goal - $10,406.45 Actual Received - 2/8: $10,490.40 Actual YTD Received - $218,829.65 Sunday School: 242 Worship: 330 Nursery Schedule: Sunday, February 15: Babies: Lauren Sturm & Chrissy VanHoose. Toddlers: Brad & Jessica Lynn. Sunday, February 22: Babies: Michelle Kent, Elizabeth & Olivia Miller. Toddlers: Les & Lovita Greer. Churchwide News You are invited to attend Michelina Bartolotto and Michael Jordon’s wedding Saturday, February 21 at 3 pm at LBC. If you plan on attending the reception, please RSVP at 615-394-6551 or They are registered at Wal-Mart, Target and Kohls. LBC sponsors a Cub Scout Pack! Come cheer on your favorite car at the Pinewood Derby, Saturday, February 21 at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. Lascassas Baptist Preschool Our Bible verse for February is, "We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19. We will be closed on tomorrow, February 16th for observance of President’s Day. We will begin calling parents next week that are on our waiting list for the summer and fall programs. As of 2/13/15 we have 44 students on a waiting list to enroll at LBP! Thank you for your prayers and support of this outreach ministry to our community. Front Porch Devotions will be Saturday, February 28 at 9:30 am at the home of Dara Botts. For directions, please call Dara at 2689288. Wednesday Night Menu • • • • • Fried Beefsteak Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy Corn Salad Biscuits Blonde Brownies Reservations/Cancellations Reservation deadline: Tuesdays at noon Adults: $5 Students $3(12-College) Kids: $2 (4-11) Kids: Free (3 & under) Name: ________________________________ # of Adults _____ # of Students(12-college) _____ # of Kids(4-11) _____ # of Kids (3&under) _____ ☐ Add to regular weekly dinner list Welcome February 15, 2015 Wrather.jpg Please fill out & take to the SA Welcome Desk in the foyer for a free gift. Name: ______________________ Spouse: _____________________ Please circle appropriate age group(s): Young Adult (18-29) Median Adult (51-64) Adult (30-50) College Student Administrative Committee Joe Hardman 615.273.2548 Chairman Amanda Bradley 615.556.0295 Phyllis Knight 615.273.2221 JR Eastman 615.364.9070 Tim Lowe 615.260.5767 Bill Irwin 615.408.4068 Gary Moore 615.896.9495 Mike Vaught 615.396.7208 Jessica Lynn 615.785.2483 Treasurer Church Council Gordon Carlisle 615.975.1310 Director of Worship Steve Botts 615.415.3579 Director of Ministry Coy Young 615.809.6036 Director of Fellowship Larry Fisher 615.975.3313 Director of Discipleship David Puckett 615.896.4716 Director of Missions Seniors (65+) Address: ____________________ ___________________________ City: _______________________ State: ______Zip: _____________ ❑Cell ❑Home________________ ❑Cell ❑Home________________ Church Deacons Ryan Taylor (A-B) Secretary Dan Dement (C-D) Dwain Arnold (E-G) Chip Cook (H-J) Jerry Kelton (K-L) Chairman Bill McBroom (M) Vice Chairman Jeremy Warren (N-R) Rex Ellsworth (S-V) Luke Bradley (W-Y) 615.867.8299 615.849.9793 615.893.7062 615.848.8534 615.624.7307 615.893.2673 615.995.6266 615.895.6219 615.556.0192 E-mail: _____________________ Children’s Names: _____________Age___Grade___ _____________Age___Grade___ _____________Age___Grade___ First Time Guest Member of a Church Church Name: ________________ City: _______State: ___Zip _____ How did you find out about LBC? Church Staff Dr. Kenneth Summey - Pastor Dale Bleam - Worship Minister Jonathan Moore - Student Minister Allison Wrather - Children’s Director (Nursery-2 yr.) Susan Clark - Children’s Director (3 yr.- Kinder.) Amy Vinson - Children’s Director (1-6 Grades) Stephanie McConnell - Church Secretary Michelle Eastman - Weekday Preschool Director Jenny Sissom - Weekday Preschool Director Kay Hendrix - LBP Office Manager Lascassas Baptist Church 4750 E. Jefferson Pike Lascassas, TN 37085 615.890.1858 615.796.8544 615.509.4712 615.668.6602 615.351.0098 615.713.0633 615.796.1241 615.890.1858 615.273.3333 615.765.7598 615.273.2991
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