General Information Weekly Service Times Sunday Wednesday 8 am - Prayer Time 5 pm - Fellowship Meal 9 am - Worship 6 pm - LSM Worship 9:15 am - Jr KidzChurch (3-K) 6 pm - OCC Packing Party 9:15 am - KidzChurch (1st-2nd Gr.) 6 pm - LSM Worship 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:15 pm - Ladies Bible Study 4 pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:15 pm - Called To Be Holy 5 pm - Ladies Precept Bible Study Men’s Bible Study 6 pm - KidzChoir (1st-6th Gr.) 6:15 pm - Prayer & Bible Study 6 pm - Worship Thursday 7 pm - Men’s Bible Study LCM News JrKidzChurch (Ages 3-K) and KidzChurch (1st & 2nd Grade) dismissal is during the offering. Children 3rd-6th Grade activity page is available at the Welcome Desk. Bring your completed page to Amy in the old foyer before Sunday School to receive a treat! Awana (Ages 2 yrs-6th Gr.) Wednesdays at 6 pm. This Wednesday is the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party. Church Wide News LBC Thanksgiving Meal will be Sunday, November 23rd at 5 pm. Meat, sides, bread & drinks will be provided. Please bring salads and desserts. Women’s Ministry Volunteer Opportunity for December 20th at the Operation Christmas Child Warehouse in Atlanta processing shoeboxes for shipment. This is for ages 18 and older, men and women. If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing or for questions, please contact Ava Donnell. 618-0675 or Senior Saints Ministry Concord Baptist Associational Senior Meeting will be here at the church on Monday, December 15th at 11 am. There will be a short gathering in the sanctuary followed by a luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. The meal will be provided by the church but we are asking members to bring a dessert. Sign up sheets will be available soon. Deacon’s Meeting is this evening at 5 pm. Lascassas Baptist Preschool Financial Report Attendance Report 2014-15: Goal - $541,135 2014-15 YTD Goal - $93,658.05 Weekly Goal - $10,406.45 Actual Received – 11/2: $15,473.37 Actual YTD Received - $85,308.62 Sunday School: 207 Worship: 288 Nursery Schedule: Sunday, November 9: Babies: Bobbie & Erin Davidson. Toddlers: Olivia Arnold & Leslie McKee. Sunday, November 16: Babies: Lauren Sturm & Chrissy VanHoose. Toddlers: Donna Hamblin & Debbie Richmond. Our Arts & Crafts Fair will be on Saturday, November 22nd here at LBC. There are still a few vendor spaces left and registration forms at the Welcome Desk if you are interested in participating. If you have questions, please feel free to call the preschool office at 895-2370. Our annual Thanksgiving Program and Meal will be on Monday, November 24th at 10 am in the sanctuary. We would like to invite our church family to the program and stay for lunch and visit with our preschool families. If you plan to eat we need your reservation form and money by Monday, November 10th. Reservation forms are available at the Welcome Desk. It is almost that time of year again to purchase Poinsettias for our sanctuary and to decorate your home for Christmas. We have order forms on the Welcome Desk. All order forms need to be completed and returned to the Welcome Desk by Sunday, November 23rd. Poinsettias will be delivered the second week in December. All proceeds from the poinsettia orders will go to the weekday preschool ministry. Wednesday Night Menu • Pork Chops • Long Grain Wild Rice • Fried Squash • Rolls • Baked Apples • Banana Pudding Reservations/Cancellations Reservation deadline: Tuesdays at noon Adults: $5 Students $3(12-College) Kids: $2 (4-11) Kids: Free (3 & under) Name: ________________________________ # of Adults _____ # of Kids _____ ☐ Add to regular weekly dinner list Welcome November 9, 2014 Wrather.jpg Jim Hardman is our Administrative Committee Chairman for 2014-15. He is married to Debbie for 31 years and have two children Chris, age 26 who will graduate from MTSU in December with a Master’s degree in Sports Management & Katie, age 22, who will also graduate in December from MTSU with a degree in Organizational Communications. They have been members of LBC for 8 years. Please SAV fill out & take to the Welcome Desk in the foyer for a free gift. Name: ______________________ Spouse: _____________________ Please circle appropriate age group(s): Young Adult (18-29) Median Adult (51-64) Adult (30-50) College Student Seniors (65+) Address: ____________________ ___________________________ City: _______________________ State: ______Zip: _____________ ❑Cell ❑Home________________ ❑Cell ❑Home________________ Church Deacons Ryan Taylor (A-B) Secretary Dan Dement (C-D) Dwain Arnold (E-G) Chip Cook (H-J) Jerry Kelton (K-L) Chairman Bill McBroom (M) Vice Chairman Jeremy Warren (N-R) Rex Ellsworth (S-V) Luke Bradley (W-Y) 615.867.8299 615.849.9793 615.893.7062 615.848.8534 615.624.7307 615.893.2673 615.995.6266 615.895.6219 615.556.0192 E-mail: _____________________ Children’s Names: _____________Age___Grade___ _____________Age___Grade___ _____________Age___Grade___ ☐First Time Guest ☐Member of a Church Church Name: ________________ City: _______State: ___Zip _____ How did you find out about LBC? Church Staff Dr. Kenneth Summey - Pastor Dale Bleam - Worship Minister Jonathan Moore - Student Minister Allison Wrather - Children’s Director (Nursery-2 yr.) Susan Clark - Children’s Director (3 yr.- Kinder.) Amy Vinson - Children’s Director (1-6 Grades) Stephanie McConnell - Church Secretary Michelle Eastman - Weekday Preschool Director Jenny Sissom - Weekday Preschool Director Kay Hendrix - LBP Office Manager Lascassas Baptist Church 4750 E. Jefferson Pike Lascassas, TN 37085 615.890.1858 615.796.8544 615.509.4712 615.668.6602 615.351.0098 615.713.0633 615.796.1241 615.890.1858 615.273.3333 615.765.7598 615.273.2991
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