A Weekly Publication of Calhoun First United Methodist Church United Methodist Mission Statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Senior Pastor Dr. Bob Hoffmann Office: 706-403-4596 Cell: 706-263-5254 drbob@calhounfirst.com Associate Pastor Rev. Katie Mattox Office: 706-403-4604 Cell: 770-755-8151 kmattox@calhounfirst.com Music Director Rev. Robert (Bob) Daniel musicbob@calhounfirst.com 706-403-4598 Ministry Assistants Krista Hall, Children Missy Hathcox, Middle School Carol Gomez, High School Receptionist Amanda McGill amanda@calhounfirst.com Front Desk: 706-629-2685 Church & Financial Secretary Laura Dutton laura@calhounfirst.com Office: 706-403-4594 Worship Leader Chris Agan topher.agan@gmail.com Musicians Donna Looney, Organist Margaret Thornton, Pianist Nursery Staff Sharon Leberman, Coordinator tags777@aol.com Cell: 678-986-6690 Hailey Kelley James Kelley Laura Leberman Kristin Stanley Director of Preschool Shea Walraven fumc.preschool@gmail.com Preschool Office: 706-629-2813 Director of David Learning Ctr Julie Hare daycare@calhounfirst.com Day Care Office: 706-629-3110 205 East Line Street P.O. Box 517 Calhoun, GA 30703 www.calhounfirst.com February 9, 2015 From the Pastor… Because we know that teaching boys and girls the message and the stories of the Bible is one of the most important things we can ever do, “We Believe in Sunday School!” And as we teach our children and grandchildren God’s Holy Word, we need to remember that a child learns a lesson best when that information is presented effectively at the time he/she is ready to receive it. Thus, when a child starts to school, his interest and exposure to the world of books and reading are greatly increased. As a preschooler, a child has to rely on others to read to him. But later when that child is in elementary school, he/she can begin to read for himself/herself. Although first and second graders cannot yet read large portions of scripture, there are several foundational considerations to keep in mind. First, they can begin reading Bible verses that they have already heard for years. Second, they can begin to learn and recognize the names of some of the books and characters of the Bible. Third, they can learn to group Bible books as belonging in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Fourth, they can begin to find Biblical references by books, chapters and verses. Those of us who are parents need to know that we are our children’s first and most important teachers. Therefore, let me suggest that parents consider doing specific and definite things to foster and encourage good and positive feelings about Bible Study. For instance, give each child a Bible of his/her own. Also, have daily family devotions and worship in the home. Provide books about stories in the Bible. Encourage your child/children to use their Sunday School curriculum during the week. Talk often with your child/children about the Bible, its stories and timeless truths. Furthermore, spend time helping your child/ children to learn Bible verses by heart. As we promote and emphasize Sunday School and Bible Study this new year, I look forward to greeting you and your children this Sunday as we gather in the Father’s House for Bible Study and worship. Be well, do good, and stay in touch! In His Service, Bob Sermon for This Sunday, February 15: “The Sacredness of Human Life” Scripture: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-26 Lay Ministers for Sunday, February 15 8:30 Usher/Greeter Reed Davis 11:00 Greeters Angela Green, Jennifer Thomason 11:00 Ushers Barett Hagood, Capt; Philip Beamer, Jerry Mashburn, Eric Prater, Steve Thomason TV & Sound 8:30 Tonya Craig 11:00 Todd Anderson Randy Black February Altar Guild Ruth Mathews Offering Counters Russell Dudley, Jimmy Prater, Haley Stephens, Barrett Hagood James Nicholas Linn Born February 4, 2015 to Nichol & Will Linn and Big Sister Clara Grandparents: Bob & Lee Linn Nick & Linda Sainato The family is doing great! Congratulations and God’s blessings to all! Our Faithfulness February 8, 2015 Budget Received $13,961.35 Weekly Budget $12,160.00 Over +/Under +$1,801.35 Year-to-Date Pledged Received $46,019.00 Pledged Budgeted $40,290.92 Over +/Under +$5,728.08 Non-Pledged Received $32,999.85 TOTAL $79,018.85 Less Expenses - $59,295.56 Over +/Under +$19,723.29 Attendance Sunday School Worship 128 255 Happy Birthday! Our Members Joe & Barbara Blackmon Lee Clegg Martha Cleveland Lolita & Kody Conley Bill Green Nancy Jordon Susan Magnicheri Judy McCarver Joanne Owens Mildred Padgett Clyde Petty Rae & Edna Quinn Paul Whittemore Claude Wright Frank Wright Church Members in the Military Our Friends February 15 Barbara Greeson Sophie Stepp February 16 Chase Arnold Maggie Cochran Joe Stewart February 17 Alan Hathcox Edward Kemper Bill Mathews Betty Wilburn February 19 Shawn Edens Emma Schmidt February 20 Lynne Kelly February 21 Pat Lewis April Prater Teresa Rice February 18 Henrietta Palmer Mana Smith Happy Anniversary! In Memoriam February 15 Carl & Julie Kessler Mr. Paul Whittemore 1921 - 2015 February 17 Brad & Cherri Rains Member of Calhoun First United Methodist Church since 1946 Remember in Prayer February 18 Reed & Anita Davis February 19 Jeff & Melanie Beamer Iris Abercrombie Marvin Agan Cyndi Alsobrooks Johnny Brown Andrew Brumlow Tim Clark Ed Collins Cloyd Dick Renee Gibson Edna Gowder Jill Burger Hales Jimmy Henderson Craig Henson Walter Johnson Sharon LaChance Richard Langston Peggy & Jack McEntire Vicki McKeown Esme Miller Amanda Hall Mitchell Nina Moore Jerrell Puckett Runette Rampy Beda Fowler Ryan Charlotte Shaw Sarah Shaw Patti Spieker Hazel Beth Steely Nell White Dena Autry Wofford Tommy Wyatt U.S. Military Personnel Our Missionaries Tim & Ansley Crabtree: Scotland Humphrey Kanga: Kenya Special Thanks… ...to Rev. Bob Daniel for preaching the EVOLVE Services Feb 1 & 8. The Season of Lent February 18 - April 4 Ash Wednesday Service The Methodist Men will have their first meeting of the year this Thursday, February 12, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All men are invited and encouraged to attend as we start another busy year of mission and community service. Please join us as we honor Brigitte Sasser with a bridal shower! Sunday, March 8 2:00-4:00 pm (drop in) Fellowship Hall Brigitte is registered at Dillards and at Bed, Bath & Beyond. The shower is hosted by Chancel Choir Members. The Next Fifth at First… ...will be Eggstra Special! Sunday, March 29 Save the date! There will be activities for all ages as we celebrate the fifth Sunday of March! Easter Egg Hunt in the Park 4:30 pm Covered Dish Supper 5:30 in the CAC Jim Hendricks Piano Concert 6:30 in the Sanctuary Children’s Easter Activities 6:30 in the CAC The Family Ministries Committee is very busy making plans for a wonderful event for our church family. Please plan to join us! February 18, 6:30 pm Sanctuary Ash Wednesday is the official beginning of the Season of Lent, leading up to Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Wednesday Evening Lenten Services Weekly February 25 - April 1 6:30 pm Sanctuary Palm Sunday March 29 Beginning of Holy Week Children will process in with palm branches. Bible Believer’s Choir will sing during 11:00 Worship. Children’s Connection I hope everyone is ready for our Valentine Dance! This Wednesday, February 11 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Dinner will be served at the event. If anyone would like to volunteer to help, please contact me at 770-881-0645. Can’t wait to see everyone in their Valentine Dance attire! Krista Krista Hall Children’s Ministry Assistant Bible Believer’s Choir... ...will be singing at the 11:00 Traditional Worship Service on Sunday, February 22, 2015. Holy Week Noonday Lenten Services March 30 - April 2 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hall Lunch Served Maundy Thursday Service April 2, 6:30 pm Sanctuary Good Friday Service April 3 12:00 pm St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Easter Sunday April 5 Children and Youth Wednesday Night Activities will continue with their regular schedules during Lent. VAC Pantry While shopping for groceries, please pick up some extra of the following for the VAC Pantry: Canned Vegetables Canned/Boxed Soups Bisquick Candy Needed for Egg Hunt The Family Ministries Committee reports that they have plenty of plastic eggs on hand for the Egg Hunt on March 29. We will need lots of candy to fill them. Easter candy is now displayed at most area stores. Keep an eye out for a good price and pick up an extra bag or two for the church when you are shopping! Official Church Calendar February 15-22, 2015 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8:30 am Early Traditional Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship 11:00 am EVOLVE Worship 4:30 pm Confirmation Class 4:30 pm Handbell Choir 5:30 pm Youth Activities MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Presidents Day Schools Out for Winter Break 1:00 pm Walking in Gym 4:00 pm Heart & Soul 6:00 pm Girl Scouts in CAC TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Schools Out for Winter Break 6:30 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Boy Scouts THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Van Reserved for Covenant SS Class 8:00 am Preschool in CAC till Noon FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 8:00 am Preschool in CAC till Noon 1:00 pm Walking in Gym SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:30 am Early Traditional Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship featuring Bible Believer’s Choir 11:00 am EVOLVE Worship 4:30 pm Confirmation Class 4:30 pm Handbell Choir 5:30 pm Youth Activities WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Ash Wednesday County Schools Out City Schools Back in Session 8:00 am Preschool in CAC till Noon 10:30 am Staff Meeting 1:00 pm Walking in Gym 5:15 pm Bible Believer’s Choir 6:00 pm Youth Bible Studies 6:30pm Ash Wednesday Service 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Calhoun First United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 205 E. Line Street P.O. Box 517 Calhoun, GA 30703 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Calhoun, GA PERMIT #238 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������
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