Prince of Peace Lutheran Church & School 424 Kings Grant Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Office: (757) 340-8420 FAX (757) 340-8421 School (757)340-3033 Email: Web: Sunday, July 5, 2015 OFFERINGS and ATTENDANCE for June 28 $4,426.00 8:30: 69 11:00: 28 99 MISSIONARY to Macau, China: Rev. Michael Parris HEALTH, HEALING AND GOD'S CARE: Judy Carls, Karen Chipok, Lubov Lutsyshyn, Orvel Eagle, Beverly Andrews, Mary Agnes Skerski, Anita Blackwell, Jean Vaughan, Mike Barri, Linda Eagle, Carolyn Hamlett, Chris Christiansen, Bill Zeopke, John Carwile, Lorraine Bitting, Mike DeBoer, Matthew Zimmermann, Lauren Goodloe, Marcia Geisert, Amanda Gerber, Hazel Seitz, Christy Driscoll, Bea Kupke, Katherine Smith, Ross Scarcelli, Betty Anne Kuprel, Victor Perrotti and Charlotte Colvin. CURES FOR DISEASES: Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis ACTIVITIES AT CHURCH THIS WEEK: Sunday: 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:45am Sunday School and Bible Study 11:00am Contemporary Worship Saturday: 9:00am Trustees Work Day PRINCE OF PEACE PRESCHOOL SUMMER CAMPS We are so excited about our summer camps this year and so are our children. Session One is all about Art! Art Camp will run Monday through Friday, July 13 – 17 from 9:00 – 12:00. Children age 2-6 (entering Kindergarten) are welcomed. Snacks will be provided. The cost per session is $100. There are still applications in the church office or you can sign up online. PRIME TIMERS LUNCH The Prime Timers will be meeting on Wednesday, July 15 at 11:30 for lunch. This event will take place at the Outback Restaurant of Hilltop on Laskin Road. A sign up sheet will be posted. THE ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God for Matthew Light's Baptism Anniversary and for Ryan Light's Birthday. LARGE PRINT MINISTRY Large Print Ministry will not be meeting in the month of July. We will resume printing in August. NURSERY The Nursery is available for FREE in the education wing for 6 months to 5 years old. ALTAR FLOWER CHART If you have a special occasion that you would like to recognize by providing flowers for the altar, we encourage you to reserve your date on the 2015 flower chart posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hallway. PRAYER REQUEST CHANGES The prayer list published in the event sheet undergoes periodic editing that may unintentionally remove someone who should remain on the list. If you or a loved one in need of prayer is no longer listed, please contact the church office to make changes to the list. ATTENDANCE SHEETS Please record your attendance each Sunday in the red books at the end of each pew. SEPARATE CHECKS Please use separate checks for your offerings (i.e., regular plate offerings, special gifts, "All to the Glory of God Campaign," etc.). Separate checks greatly help our counters SERVING AT PRINCE OF PEACE IN JULY GREETERS 7/5/2015 (E) Diane Current, Dave Schreiber (L) Bob and Carol Sinibaldi 7/12/2015 (E) Lynn Scarcelli, Christel Mount (L) Pat Theiman 7/19/2015 (E) Lauren Dickerson (L) Sharon Sides, Vina Gerber 7/26/2015 (E) Michael and Gail Laughrey (L) Jim and Marilyn Ostberg ELDERS 7/5/2015 Rick Skelly 7/12/2015 George Schmidt 7/19/2015 Paul Gesling 7/26/2015 (E) Brian Hess, (L) Pastor Ostberg COMMUNION 7/12/2015 Rick Skelly, Dave Schreiber 7/26/2015 Glenn Hersch, Mike Bumbaco READERS 7/5/2015 (E) Dave Schreiber, (L) Carol Sinibaldi 7/12/2015 (E) Buck Haney, (L) Mike Bumbaco 7/19/2015 (E) Shawna Gugle, (L) Sharon Sides 7/26/2015 (E) Diane Current, (L) Michelle Wilson ANNIVERSARIES 7/7 Karl and Darla Tauscher 7/9 George and Martha Kickhofel 7/9 Antar and Michele Wilson 7/9 Lawrence and Beth Zimmermann 7/16 Edward and Josefina Irwin 7/17 Daniel and Lauren Dickerson 7/18 James and Marilyn Doyle 7/31 Hubertus and Helga Koehn ACOLYTES 7/5/2015 (E) Celeste Perrotti and Jillyan Borgers (L) 7/12/2015 (E) Liam Janssen and Gus Perrotti (L) Naomi Wilson and Drew Schaefer 7/19/2015 (E) Lauren Foley and Allison Bostleman (L) Madison and Andrew Willenbrink 7/26/2015 (E) Megan Hughes and Kathryn Borgers (L) Zach and Daniel Mullen COUNTERS 1st Sunday Sandi Janssen, Dave Schreiber 2nd Sunday Rich Theiman, Mike Bumbaco 3rd Sunday Walter and Connie Hoff 4th Sunday Lynn Scarcelli, Bill Pore 5th Sunday Bob and Carol Sinibaldi (as needed) BIRTHDAYS 7/1 Hubertus Koehn 7/1 Josiah Wilson 7/5 Dee Ferrera 7/9 John Snelling 7/10 Connie Hoff 7/15 Donna Miller 7/16 Casey Lessmann 7/16 Joan Rosenvinge 7/17 Delmar Hasselbacher 7/19 Steven Hesse 7/19 Pat Thieman 7/22 Christel Mount 7/23 George Kickhofel 7/24 Tina Hess 7/24 Edith Houck 7/27 Carolyne Hamlett 7/29 Shawna Gugel-Foley 7/31 Mara Bostelman 7/31 Jill Lessmann PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ July 2015 ~ ◄ June Sun 5 Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed August ► Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Independence Day 8 9 10 11 8:30 Traditional 9:45 SS & Bible Class 11:00 Contemporary 9am Trustees Work Day 12 13 14 15 8:30 Traditional 9:45 SS & Bible Class 11:00 Contemporary 9:00 Preschool Summer Camp 9:00 Preschool Summer Camp 10:15 Kings Grant House 9:00 Preschool 9:00 Preschool Summer Summer Camp Camp 11:30 Prime Timers Lunch 16 9:00 Preschool Summer Camp 19 20 21 22 24 8:30 Traditional 9:45 SS & Bible Class 11:00 Contemporary 1:00 King's Grant Presbyterian Blood Drive 26 27 23 17 10:15 Kings Grant House 28 29 18 25 Wedding at the Beach 30 8:30 Traditional 9:30 Voters Meet 9:45 SS & Bible Class 11:00 Contemporary Patti Watters Flute Pastor: Rev. Douglas Rosenvinge (757) 340-8420 Church Office: Mary Tempfer (757) 340-8420 Preschool: Alicia Mangels (757) 340-3033 31 Notes:
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