Calendar Sunday, June 7, 2015 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service/Baptismal 4:00 pm Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center) 4:30-5:00 pm Library Open 5:00 pm Youth and Parents meeting with AJ 7:00-8:00 pm Prayer Time (Chapel) White/Shank Monday, June 8, 2015 9:30 am Staff Meeting (Conference Room) Tuesday, June 9, 2015 9:00 am-1 pm K-5-2nd Graders Summer Program 3:00 pm Bertha Smith Group (church) 6:30 pm Barry Group, meet at Peggy Shaw’s home 8:00 pm FBC Softball Game, Woodside Park Wednesday, June 10, 2015 9:00 am-1pm 3rd-5th Graders, Summer Program 10:00 am Prayer Meeting (Chapel) 6:00 pm Orchestra Rehearsal (Worship Center) 6:30 pm Bible Study (Worship Center) 7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal (Worship Center) Thursday, June 11, 2015 Friday, June 12, 2015 News You Need To Know 10:30 am Greeters : Dwight Page, Betty Coker, Sheila & Tony Brooks Shut-In of the Week: Fay Pryor, 301 Hellams St. Ministering at Assisted Living: Ft. Inn Nursing Home, Pam Riddle; Quillen Manor, Peggy Layton Hospital: Aggie Norris, Memorial, Tony Brooks home from hospital Vacation Bible School, Sunday, July 12-16, First Baptist Church Fountain Inn June 7, 2015 206 North Weston Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 864.862.3350 6:30-8:45 pm, children 3 Yrs. old-completed 5th grade. Will you begin now helping with this ministry? Needed: Card Board Rolls/tubes from Paper Towels & Toilet Tissue Mark your calender: Church-Wide Picnic, June 14th at the church Pennsylvania Trippers! HEAR THIS!!!!! June 30th is DEADLINE FOR FINAL PAYMENT…. checks payable to FIFBC. Save these Dates: July 6-10, 10:00 am until? Vacation Bible School– ADULTS ONLY! More details to follow…..Nursery provided! CONGRATULATIONS to Tony and Shelia Brooks on their 44th Wedding Anniversary. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: June 7-13 07– Mary Purchase, Guy Hanna, Amy Riddle 08- Carol Roper, Susannah Gable 09- Sarah Thackston, Margaret Alberson, Charles Stewart, Dustin Heinrich 10- Bill Garren, Shelly McMullan, Billy McDannald 11- Casey Robinson, Justin Peterson, Adleigh Grace Ferguson Men’s Breakfast: Sunday, June 21, Fellowship Hall, 8:00 am……. Happy Father’s Day”…… Sign up on your Connection Card! Sunday School Attendance Sunday School Fountain Inn Nursing Home Total: This facility is equipped with hearing assistance. Ask an usher or deacon for a receiver. Budget Summary May 31, 2015 Weekly Receipts Weekly Budget YTD Receipts YTD Budget @fbcinn 244 22 266 $ 13,015.00 16,228.00 311.540.72 357,019.81 Sundays: 9:15 am Sunday Bible Study 10:30 am One Family — One Worship Today’s Message Series: “Life With One Another” Title: “One Another” Philippians 2:19-30 Dr. Condy Richardson NURSERY/PRESCHOOL VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL CHILDRENS’ MINISTRY NURSERY/PRESCHOOL WORKERS Connie Maxwell Children’s Home JUNE 7, 2015 Nursery (Ages/Birth-1 Yr. Olds) Crystal and Ashton Willis Preschool Workers (2-4 Year Olds) Help is needed! KIDZ CITY (K-5-2ND Grade) Chapel Lynda Hanna & Kathy Case JUNE 14, 2015 Nursery (Ages/Birth-1 Yr. Olds) Michele Garrett & Blakely Garrett Preschool Workers (2-4 Year Olds) Libby Roper & Lisa KIDZ CITY (K5-2ND Grade) Chapel Crystal and Ashton Willis Children ages: K5-2nd Grade join us for MISSIONS OPPORTUNITY Thank you to all the individuals and Sunday School classes that donated money towards the CMCH graduation party we hosted for Hannah and Brittany this past Thursday evening! Your love and generosity allowed us to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments and graduation from Emerald High School in Greenwood. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to these precious girls! Summer Children’s Program this summer for children who have JUST completed K5-5th Grade. K5-2nd Graders begin this Tuesday, June 9, from 9 am-1pm 3rd-5th Graders begin this Wednesday, June 10, from 9 am-1pm We will NOT meet the week of VBS (July 12-17). For Children 3 Years - Completed 5th Grade Meet AJ in the game room at the back of the church! WMU MISSIONS ACTION PROJECT JUNE Canned goods drive for Golden Strip Relief Resource Center. Drop-Off tubs in the library. KIDZ CITY! Parents: Your child will hear a “Kid Friendly” Bible Study during the worship service. Pick your child up from his/her Sunday School class so they can enjoy the first part of worship with their family. They will then be dismissed and go to Kidz City. (Chapel) Pick up your children in the chapel following worship service. DISCIPLESHIP CHURCH CHURCH--WIDE PICNIC PRE-REGISTRATION WILL BEGIN SUNDAY, JUNE 28TH Mark Connection Card or call Anna Richardson to volunteer as an ADULT Attention Parents of Preschool Age Children! The weekday preschool is in the process of enrolling K-3 and K-4 children for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. Your child must be 3 or 4 years of age by September 1, 2015 to qualify for enrollment in either class. (We make exceptions.) The child must also be potty trained. A flat registration fee of $165.00 is due at the time of enrollment. If there is enough interest in a 2 year class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9:00-12:00 PM, we will consider that as well. Contact Lee at . If you are interested in enrolling your child in K-3 or K-4 for the 2015-2016 school year, you may obtain a registration form from the church office or the weekday preschool. We look forward to serving you in the next school year! The Weekday Preschool leader in VBS! This past Sunday evening we finished our study of the Holy Spirit. Both this study and the prayer study may be offered again this Fall (watch the newsletter). We will continue having prayer time from 7-8 on Sunday evenings in the Chapel and everyone is invited. (You may pray silently if you prefer.) We look forward to seeing you this evening at 7:00 pm. Lead by: Ron Shank & Skip White WEDNESDAY EVENING WORSHIP CENTER 6:30 PM “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” Lead by: Pastor Condy Books: $12.00 ONLINE GIVING An easy and secure way to contribute your offerings to God just go to Make one-time donations or schedule recurring gifts 100% confidence that your financial data is secure Unable to attend church? You can now donate anytime, anywhere Church-Wide Picnic on the church grounds Sunday, June 14, 12 noon. Menu will consist of grilled hamburgers, baked beans, slaw, chips, drinks and dessert. Fun for the kids will begin following lunch: Blow-Ups, Hay-Rides, Petting Zoo, Ice Cream, Italian ice and more!!!!!! Call the church office, sign up on connection card or email:!!!! AJ’S SOFTBALL UP UP--DATE Fountain Inn First Baptist and Presbyterian Fellowship Woodside Park, Tuesday, June 9, 8:00 pm. Come cheer FBC on to victory!!
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