“A Second Chance” WHEN WE MEET: The families of Felicity Christian Church 847 State Route 133 P.O. Box 102 Felicity, OH 45120 Date: Sunday, May 24 Time: 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Office Phone: (513) 876-2937 would like to invite the Church family to attend a Graduation celebration here at the Church following the Felicity-Franklin High School Graduation Ceremony. Website: www.felicitychurch.org DESTINEY BELT, MARISSA COCHRAN, MIKAYLA HAMILTON and MIKEY SIMPSON Or Current Resident A Church with a Great Commitment to the Great Commission and a Great Passion for the Great Commandment. Sunday Contemporary Worship: 8:15 a.m. Bible School: 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship: 10:30 a.m. FREE5:1 (Jr./Sr. High) : 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesday Adult Bible Study: 7 p.m. STAFF: Rick Gabelman, Senior Minister rgabelman@yahoo.com Monty Eastman, Associate Minister theguemc@msn.com Jimmy Maupin, Student Minister James.maupin1@gmail.com Cornelisons, Alex Hoog, Custodians 2015 Graduation Celebration LINK456 (4th-6th Grade): 6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. DATE: April 19, 2015 Anthony Stokes needed a second chance. He was suffering from cardiomyopathy. It is a heart disease which is often terminal. He was only 17 years old. His mother said he had 6-9 months to live. The problem was, that he had a troubled past and doctors were concerned about how he and his family wouldn’t comply with the strict plan for medication and follow up treatments. His story made the news, and as a result, his name was put on the list, and in 2013, he was given a new heart on Aug. 21, 2013. Unfortunately, the new heart did not translate into a new start. He was arrested twice since the surgery, and on April 2 he stole a car and refused to stop for police. He crashed the car into a sign killing him. Not everyone is given a second chance at a new life- or are they? Isn’t that precisely what becoming a Christian is all about? Jesus offers us the opportunity to have a second chance, and a third, and a million more chances if we trust in his grace. Let’s not ever mess it up- for the world. It was great to be back home and in worship Sunday. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Though I enjoy going to church on vacation, there really is no place like home. - Rick Serving Our Savior Early Service 2nd SERVICE Greeters: Greeters: 4/26: Jeff & Amy Smith 4/26: Steve & Julianne Hamilton 5/3: Billy & Shana Stevenson 5/3: Paul & Marlene Riddle Serving: Leader for Worship: D. Cornelison, T. Broadwell, N. Little M. Fancher, M. Roehm, Presiding: J. Jennings; R. Buckler, P. Parrish Meditation: Serving: B. Stevenson Riddle, Morrison, R. Fisher, Hamilton, Diesel* Sunday, April 26 - 1 p.m. @ George & Nina Fry’s house (1910 Kinnett Rd.) COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE Junior Church: Bible School @ 9 a.m. - Worship @ 10 a.m. Kim Schwettman Nursery: Helped to brighten up our Springtime. God bless 185 all of you. Bible School 166 Your Friends @ Garrison Place Second Service 96 281 $18.25 $20 Dear Felicity Christian Church: Words cannot express the heartfelt thanks for the wonderful meat and cheese tray for my mom’s passing. With all my families love, thank you and Memorials: Weekly Need: WOMEN’S MINISTRY blessing to all our residents at Garrison Place Early Service TOTAL: Full week: 15-fcc_75 The crosses and doorknob hangers were a great ATTENDANCE & OFFERING Worship: code to the length of camp your child is attending. To All Youth: Myrna Little Special: Building Fund scholarship amount. Match the THANK YOU: Nora Lewin & Nikki Maupin Bible School: the Church Coupon Codes that will calculate 4 day: 15-fcc_60 Elaine & Kathy Parrish TOTAL: Below are the 3 day: 15-fcc_45 Nursery: Mark & Tonia Blackburn Camp’s newly updated website. 2 day: 15-fcc_30 GRADUATION SUNDAY Junior Church You can register online at the 1 day: 15-fcc_15 Communion Preparation: Toddler Church REGISTER NOW FOR CAMP!! Coming Sunday, May 24th Serana Taulbee Susie Shinkle & Emily Carnahan Children’s Ministry Starting Tuesday, May 5 @ 5 p.m. At Colonial Pines Golf Course (Rt. 222) Watch for a sign up sheet CLAY PIGEON SHOOT D. Donovan, J. Broadwell, Communion Preparation: MEMBERSHIP MINISTRY $6631.50 God bless. $6669.75 - Mary Estep $6707.32 Guest Speaker: Kathi Eastman PRAYER LIST UPDATE Our sympathies to the family and friends of Jack Borchers (Moose Borchers’ father) who passed away last week. His service will be: Visitation: Monday, 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Mittendorf Funeral Home in Covington, KY. Funeral Service: Tuesday @ St. Anthony’s in Madisonville
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