Pinckard Baptist Church 3401 Pinckard Pike Versailles, KY 40383 Evening Service 6:00 pm Dr. Mike James, Pastor (859) 873-6260 MORNING WORSHIP July 5, 2015 11:00 am Prelude “One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails)” Prayer and Welcome Worship “America the Beautiful” No. 630 (1) “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” No. 633 (1,3) (Children dismissed to Children’s Church) Worship through Tithes & Offerings Worship Message “God Bless America” 1 Timothy 2, 1-5 Pastor Mike James Worship “How Great is Our God” Announcements Benediction Postlude Welcome to Pinckard! We are glad you have chosen to worship with us today. Please fill out the flap on your bulletin and drop it in the offering plate or stop at our Welcome Center and sign our Visitor’s log and learn more about our church and our weekly activities. We welcome you to visit us again Sunday nights at 6PM we are beginning a series of sermons on Paul's first letter to the church at Corinth. Perhaps no other book in the New Testament is as relevant to church life today as is 1 Corinthians. The problems Paul dealt with in this letter - cliques in the church, spiritual pride, abuse of sex, misuse of Christian liberty, different opinions about worship, confusion about spiritual gifts, and mistaken concepts of the resurrection - are the same problems facing the church today. This makes 1 Corinthians one of the most relevant books in the entire Bible. See you tonight, Bible in hand, Pastor Mike Prelude Welcome and Announcements Worship “Rock of Ages” “Shall We Gather at the River” Offertory Prayer Worship through Tithes & Offerings Message Pastor Mike James Benediction Postlude No. 342 (1,3) No. 518 (1,4) Weekly Activities Sunday,___ 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm July 5_____ Sunday School Morning Worship Worship Team Evening Service Children & Youth Activities Personnel Committee Monday, 7:00 pm July 6_____ Trustees’ Meeting Wednesday, July 8______ 7:00 pm Children/Youth Activities, Prayer & Bible Study. Week of July 5– July 11, 2015_ Deacons of the Month: Nursery Workers: Morning Worship: Sunday Evening: Wednesday Evening: Don McCoun, Casey Jetton Curtis & Shelly Lloyd Autumn Drane Kara Jetton Carla Cadwallader Casey Jetton Van Ministry: Sunday, July 12 Nursery Workers – Morning – Philip and Hope Patterson Allison Alexander Evening – Beverly Walling Wednesday, July 15 Karen Hawkens Sunday, June 28, 2015 Sunday School: 71 Offering: Worship: 132/Children 13 Needed for Budget: $4,440.00 $5,422.65 Announcements We are updating our addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Please complete and turn in the update sheet in your bulletin. There is a box located on the table in the foyer. Potlucks are Dismissed for the month of July. See you are Prayer and Bible Study at 7pm. Children and Youth activities at 7pm. It’s that time again! again! Vacation Bible School is July 26th – July 30th! Watch for SignSign-Up Sheets beginning beginning next Sunday. We need meals for our VBS workers, Carnival workers (July 25th), and Nursery workers. Step Out In Faith and Volunteer for one of these areas! Link to signsign-up: Super Saturday ’15! KBC training for all areas of Ministry! Saturday, August 22nd, Immanuel Immanuel Baptist Church, Lexington. For more information, ee-mail or call (866) 489489-3571. VBS Carnival is Saturday, July 25th from 2pm – 4pm at the church. Save the Date: Elkhorn (CKNB) WMU Picnic July 20th, 6pm. Highlands Baptist Church, Lexington. Bring a vegetable, salad, or dessert to share. Meat/Drinks provided. Bring a toy for the “Christmas in July” Association Toy Project.
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