November 9, 2014 In preparation for worship PLEASE SILENCE YOUR CELL PHONES pm in the room next to the kitchen, off the Vestry. If you need help with groceries, please stop by or contact Betsy Tombarelli for assistance ‐ WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU ‐ A message from the Congre‐ gational Care Team … Please let us know if you are unable to attend West Church services & fellowship because of upcoming surgery or a lengthy illness. We want to sup‐ port and care for you. Here are some ways to connect with us: Call Deedee Roberts ‐ 978‐373‐4559 or to reach a member of the Pastoral Staff, call the church office at 978‐ 373‐3034 ‐ if it is after office hours, you can leave a mes‐ sage on their voicemail, or go to the website to send them an email ‐ Worship Celebration Preparation ∗ ∗ Opening Hymn ‐ #353 For the Beauty of the Earth Call to Worship Renewal ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Missions Spotlight ‐ Update from John & Brooke Bryant Songs of Praise and Worship Offering Sermon ‐ Rev John Galda ‐ Perseverance of the Saints ‐ Never Give Up Sermon Text ‐ Galatians 6:7‐10 Commitment ∗ ∗ Closing Song Benediction PRAYER REQUESTS ‐ Share your prayer concerns with the Prayer Team (all re‐ quests are strictly confidential). Call 978‐373‐6337/Option #4 or re‐ . CHILD CARE ‐ Our nursery serves children ages 4 yrs. and under. CHILDREN’S BULLETINS ‐ Available at the sound booth. CHILDREN’S SERMON SACKS ‐ Available at the Connection Center. CRY ROOM FOR INFANTS ‐ For moms and dads ‐ a room for infants during worship services. The Cry Room is located on the 2nd floor in the old Media room (room 202UL). The use of this room is designed for infants up to 1 year of age, and is not intended as a playroom for older children. TODAY ‐ 9:00 am & 10:45 am ‐ Worship Service ‐ Worship Center 9:00 am ‐ Children’s Sunday School ‐ Lower Level 9:00 am ‐ Youth Sunday School (grades 6th ‐ 12th) ‐ Great Room (brick church) 10:30 am ‐ Adult Sunday school ‐ Minor Prophets ‐ Room 201‐UL Keep in touch with all things West! West Church is also a drop off point for the community ‐ Nov. 17‐21, 6‐8 pm & Sat. Nov 22, 10am‐12pm, in the Vestry. Sign up for West Connect newsletter on the homepage. OUR GIVING & ATTENDANCE UPDATE Date 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 Budget Week's Giving $ 14,281. $ 11,707. $ 8,590. $ 9,878. $ 11,951. $ 13,139. Y-T-D Giving vs Budget Difference $ (23,816.) $ (25,249.) $ (29,798.) $ (33,060.) $ (34,248.) per Week Attend 258 242 234 282 265 Contribution income is under budget by 5.9% this year. Would you consider a special gift to help us get back on track? Thank you! Why not set up systematic electronic giving at West‐ by clicking ‘$ Give Online’, or on your own banks online bill pay program. Contact Bob Wilson for more information at We extend our Christian sympathy to Mary Lou Noonan and Family on the death of her father, Walter Hughes. Pray for Pastor Gene and his wife, Sandy while on their trip to Israel. Pastor Gene returns next week & will be preaching next Sunday. MISSIONS LUNCHEON TODAY ‐ John and Brooke Bryant have been our mis‐ sionaries for 25 years. They will share some of their story during the service, but even more at a potluck luncheon right after second service. Bring food if you can, but that’s optional. SPAGHETTI SUPPER & SILENT AUCTION ‐ Sat., November 15th, 4 to 8 pm, Ves‐ try. Help support our Boy Scout Troop 5. Tickets: $5/pp or a max of $25 per family, on sale by a member of Troop 5 Sunday’s at the Con‐ nection Center, or at the door. CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES ‐ West Church shoeboxes are due back NEXT SUNDAY Nov. 16th. Return your boxes at the display in West Entry Hall. Questions, please contact Mary Lou Noonan, 978‐681‐8928. NEW SMALL GROUP ‐ New 13‐week small group meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights, studying Hebrews: Access to God. The book of Hebrews helps us understand how the Old Testament “shadows” are fulfilled in Christ and the new covenant. Study begins Tue., Nov. 18th, 7 pm at the home of Karl & Nancy Dickey, 710 Main St., Haver‐ hill. Contact Karl at or 978‐373‐0739. PRAYER MEETING ‐ Tue., Nov. 18, 7 pm, Worship Center. Join us for powerful corporate prayer ATTN: MEN ‐ NO THIRD SATURDAY BREAKFAST THIS MONTH MENS PIZZA NIGHT ‐ Saturday, November 22 at 6 pm in the Great Room. Enjoy food, fellowship, games and a challenging message by Francis Chan. Suggested donation at the door: $10/pp. HOLD THE DATE! Advent Wreath Making, Potluck & Carol Sing on Sun‐ day, November 30th from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. Details in next week’s West Connect, and at the Connection Center. DONATIONS NEEDED ‐ Advent will soon be upon us, and we are looking for donations of artificial Christmas trees. Please contact Pastor Eric or Robin for info or email: YOUTH GROUP ‐ Jr. & Sr. High youth group every Wednesday night, from 6:30‐8:30 pm, Great Room of the brick church ‐ for students grades 6 through 12. Hear God’s word, be together and of course, have some fun! THE MERCY MEAL MINISTRY NEEDS HELP ‐ We are looking for folks who would like to provide a dinner meal, on occasion, for West Church individuals/families in a time of crisis. If you can help, or want more info, please contact our Coordinator, Jane Lechner, or 603‐382‐6335. OUR FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED ‐ Our Family Kitchen food pantry is serv‐ ing a large number of families on a weekly basis, and supplies are getting low. Are you able to donate items? A list of items is located at the Connection Center. For donations of refrigerated or freezer items, contact Betsy to make arrangements etom‐ Please check the expiration date on all items & donate items that you and your family enjoy. THE FAMILY KITCHEN FOOD PANTRY ‐ The Family Kitchen (the West Church food pantry) is open on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 7:30
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