First Baptist Church of Ferndale exists to glorify God by helping people find peace and purpose through a relationship with God. II Corinthians 5:20 November 9, 2014 TODAY’S MESSAGE: “Loving Samaria: Part III” Pastor Dave Lunsford Monthly General & Mission Fund Need $16,550.00 $3,529.25 Giving for Month of November Elevator Debt $115,000.00 $60,855.00 Total Reduction This Year Benevolent Fund Giving for Month of November $75.00 Our General Fund includes the support of our church and worldwide missions. You may give to the other funds by designating your gift on the offering envelopes. Current financial reports are available upon request. Want to See Your Missionary Dollars at Work? Check out the blog by Ethan and Melissa Molsee at The Molsees have completed language study in France and are settling in to ministry in Togo. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY—FRIDAY FROM 9 PO Box 69, Ferndale, WA 98248 5759 Vista Drive ● Phone 360-384-3111 AM TO 1 PM Pastor David Lunsford: Ministry Coordinator, Kim Anderson: Administrative Assistant, Joanna Funkhouser: Technology Coordinator, Andrew Anderson: Web Page: Connect to: FBCguest ● Sign in with password: fbcferndale - TODAY9 : 3 0 A M S u nd a y S c h o o l f o r A l l A ge s 1 0 :4 5 A M W o r s h i p S e r v i c e To our new friends, we are glad to meet you today! To our old friends, we are glad to see you again! Our Nursery is staffed by loving helpers who will give your infants & children through age 2 excellent care. Our Children’s Church helps your children, age 3 through grade 3, learn God’s truth in an age appropriate way. The worship leader will announce dismissal for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance devices are available; please ask an usher. If you have a question or a special need, please ask an usher. Children’s Bulletins are available in the Foyer for children who stay with parents. The Comfort Room in the Foyer is for mothers with new babies. The Welcome Room provides an opportunity for fellowship, refreshment, and encouragement after the Worship Service. THE WEEK AT A GLANCE TODAY, NOV. 9 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Elders Meeting Veterans Day TUESDAY, NOV. 11 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 5:00 pm 6:15 pm Worship Team Rehearsal AWANA THURSDAY, NOV. 13 2:00 pm Prayer Meeting FRIDAY, NOV. 14 8:00 am 6:00 pm ROMEO Fellowship High School Youth Group SUNDAY, NOV. 16 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Junior High Youth Group Nursery 11/16 Sunday School Worship Children’s Church 11/16 Pre-Primary Grades 1-3 Welcome Room 11/16 Sue Lunsford, Klaudia Briet Amy Harman, Katie Lence, Moriah Hively Trudy, Bethany, and CJ Lence Lydia Ahn, Levi Williams Ilene Engler, Chris Ramey PRAISE SERVICE & PIE SOCIAL Our annual Praise Service and Pie Social will be on Sunday, November 23 at 6:00 pm. This is a wonderful time to reflect on God’s goodness for 2014 and give Him praise for all He has done. The entire hour will be devoted to singing and speaking God’s praise. After the service we will get a jump start on Thanksgiving with a whole bunch of pie! Bring enough pie for your family and we’ll share together. A new young adult Sunday School class taught by Pastor Dave will begin next Sunday November 16. This class is for single and married young adults and will meet in the room behind the balcony. Watch for other fellowship and ministry activities which will be planned and facilitated by the young adults. Ben Sutton Left for Togo Wednesday, October 29, to help finish up the electrical work on the new hospital in Mango. Pray that the Lord will go before him to smooth the way to completion and to prepare any hearts that Ben might touch for the Lord. Keep Ben’s family in your prayers as well, and pray for his safe return on November 21. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD It’s time to pack shoeboxes again! This holiday season, you can share God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas with a child in need. Fill your shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other small gifts. We will be collecting them at the church on Sunday November 23. See Deborah Johnson for more information.
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