East Side Christian Church

East Side Christian Church
November 16, 2014
Consecration Sunday
Bringing in the Light Come, Now is the Time to Worship
Bell Choir
John Cory
Opening Song*
Call to Worship
No. 63
How Majestic is Your Name
Psalm 8
Rev. Fred Turner
How Majestic is Your Name
Words with Children
Jan Kendall
In the Big Scheme of Things
Closing Song
Rev. Turner
Lord, I Want to be a Christian
Go in Peace
A Warm Welcome to our special guests:
Will Rogers College High School Cheer Team
Give Thanks
Invitation to the Table
Communion Hymn
Gather Us In
vs 1,4
Words of Institution & Prayers of Consecration
Sharing the Bread and the Cup
Consecration of Gifts & Offerings
Rev. Turner
You Are A Blessing/Together We Bless Others
No. 63
Welcome/A Call to Prayer
Evan Taylor
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Stewardship Sentences
Evan Taylor
Scott McQuade
*Praise Offering
No. 46
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Coached by Eileen Torpy
Rev. Turner
All are invited to participate;
please eat the bread and drink the cup as they are passed to you.
*Some of you may wish to stand, and some of you may not. It is not
your standing or sitting that God notices, but rather what is in your
CCLI# 1140107
Mission Statement of East Side Christian Church
Affirming that Jesus is the Christ, our Lord and Savior, we seek to be faithful to God's
call. We challenge ourselves to lead people to Christ, provide spiritual growth opportunities and be a loving church family. We commit to the sharing of our time, talents,
and resources to our church and community.
Looking Down the Road
Sun., Nov. 16
Mon., Nov. 17
Tues., Nov. 18
Thurs., Nov. 20
Consecration Sunday
CWF Circle 6, Parlor, 6 PM
Handbells, 6 PM, Ensemble, 7:10 PM
CWF Service Day, 10-2
Praise Band, 7:30 PM
Fri., Nov. 21
K.N.O.C.K. Night, 5:30-9:30 PM
Sun., Nov. 23
All Church Thanksgiving Dinner after worship, followed by….
Decorating the sanctuary and more for Christmas!
Mon., Nov. 24 We will not be printing a newsletter this week
Tues., Nov. 25 Handbells and Ensemble have the evening off
Praise Band, you know the time
Thurs., Nov. 27 It Sucks to Work on Thanksgiving! 10-2
Thurs., Fri, Nov. 27-28 Church office will be closed
Sun., Nov. 30
First Sunday in Advent
Tues., Dec. 2
Handbells, 6 PM, Ensemble, 7:10 PM
Sun., Dec. 14
Congregational Meeting
Happy Birthday Jesus baby shower for Emergency Infant Service
Each Sunday at East Side
9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
12:00 - 2:30
Sunday School for all ages
Morning Worship Service
Youth activities
Regular Events (See schedule above for changes)
Second Sunday
3rd Friday
Communion to Homebound
Handbell rehearsal, 6:00 p.m.
East Side Vocal Ensemble Rehearsal 7:10 PM
Praise Band Rehearsal, 7:00 PM
KNOCK (Kids night out) 5:30 PM
Outside groups that meet on our campus:
Mon. –Fri.
Mon. –Fri.
Adult Children of Alcoholics, 2 PM
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous
Gatesway Work Adjustment, 8-3
Senior Adult Activities, 8AM-4 PM Life Senior Service
8 AM Walking in the Gym
Mon. & Thurs
7:00 p.m. Mixed Martial Arts
5:45 PM Jazzercise
3rd Tues.
7 PM Transplant Support group
Hearing Assistance units are available for all church services.
Ask the ushers or the technicians at the sound booth for one.
Child care is available.
East Side Christian Church
1438 S. Indianapolis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74112
Phone 918-744-1377 Fax 744-1379 web: www.escc.org email: office@escc.org
Today’s Reading from Scripture Psalm 8
Announcements for Sunday, November 16, 2014
We give a warm East Side welcome to our guests today, the Will Rogers
College High School Cheer Team!
G@A, brilliant Lord,
yours is a household name.
Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you;
toddlers shout the songs
That drown out enemy talk,
and silence atheist babble.
I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous,
your handmade sky-jewelry,
Moon and stars mounted in their settings.
Then I look at my micro-self and wonder,
Why do you bother with us?
Why take a second look our way?
Yet we’ve so narrowly missed being gods,
bright with Eden’s dawn light.
You put us in charge of your handcrafted world,
repeated to us your Genesis-charge,
Made us lords of sheep and cattle,
even animals out in the wild,
Birds flying and fish swimming,
whales singing in the ocean deeps.
CWF Circle 6 meets tomorrow at 6 PM in the Parlor. All ladies are welcome!
This Thursday, November 20, will be the next Service Day to assemble and
tie quilts for Emergency Infant Services. Plan to meet in the Quilters room
from 10-2. The Service Day team will take December off and resume in
Kids Night Out Classic Klub aka K.N.O.C.K. night, is Friday, Nov. 21. If
you would like to make a reservation for your youngster(s), please let the
office know by Wednesday.
This year’s turkey drive is a goal of 20 turkeys for needy families of WRHS
students. Can you help? See Evan or check the newsletter for more info.
G@A, brilliant Lord,
your name echoes around the world.
The Message version
Church Staff
Rev. Fred Turner
Evan Taylor Co-ord. of Community Outreach
Marj Watts
Office Manager
Austin Ambrose
Choir Director
John Cory
Dir. of Praise Band
Caitlynn Morgan
Youth Director
Scott McQuade
Jackson Todd
Building Superintendent
Liz Hume
Nursery Supervisor
JoAnne Cox
Dir. of Congregational Care
Robert Higeons
Sound Technician
Bill Kendall
Video Guru
Praise Band: Guitar and Vocals, John Cory Vocals, Barbara Fairlie, Lynn Williams, Morgan
Gurthet, Austin Ambrose Bass and Vocals, Jason Farris
Thanksgiving Dinner, next Sunday, Nov. 23, after church
$8.00 for adults, $3 for children 11 and under
For reservations, find the sign up sheet in the foyer or call
or email the church 918-744-1377 or office@escc.org
After lunch there will be an opportunity to help with the
Christmas decorating!
Praises to share and prayers are requested for…
Sing praises for the faithful givers, workers, prayer warriors, and volunteers who step up each day to help East Side open the doors to our
members and our community. We are so very thankful for each of you!
Those in our church family in need of your prayers include Jo Booth,
Anna Hubbard, Joyce Williams and son Mickey, Vida Marie Smith, Terry
Lundgren, Sheila Hood, Floyd Sellers, Goldie Brocato, Randy Thomas, Jean
Norbin, Andrew Haverstick, those on your own personal list, their families
and caregivers.
Keep our church council members in your prayers as they continue to
prepare for 2015.
Additions? Please call the office or send an email to