St. John’s Sunday Bulletin November 16, 2014 ✤ 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Holy Evangelist Matthew I Corinthians 4:9-16 ✤ Matthew 9:;9-13 ✤ Tone 6 Reader: Kevin Dougherty Homily by: Fr. Marc Dunaway Entrance Of The Mother of God Into The Temple Feast Day - November 21 Vesperal Divine Liturgy – Thursday Evening, November 20 We will have a Vesperal Divine Liturgy to celebrate this Feast on November 20, Thursday Evening at 6:15pm. St. John’s Wednesday Family Night 6:00pm - Dinner in the Church basement. 6:35pm – 8:00pm Classes for all ages – See Flyer on Bulletin Board for Details A Parenting Study Group – 7-8 pm - Instructional content from Focus on the Family’s “Your Child: The Essentials of Discipline” Good Works Basket - through November 23 Our Annual Thanksgiving Stuffing Collection 163 Boxes of Stuffing are still needed by Nov. 23 for Eagle River Community Thanksgiving Dinner Boxes. So please remember, "Let's get Stuffing!" (Check for store coupons for stuffing in the newspaper and grocery store.) 30 Holiday Backpacks for The Downtown Soup Kitchen Are being filled with some basic and essential items for winter and will be due Nov. 19. A thank you from the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) for our Cathedral families' donations of Baby Kits is on the Bulletin Board downstairs! Thank you. Sisters of Mary and Martha Folk Dance Night – Sunday, November 30 6:30pm in the Cathedral Basement We will be having a “Fold Dance Night” featuring live music by some of St. John’s own talents. There will be instructions given for every dance – so come, learn the steps, or brush up on a few. All Teens and adults are welcome. See the Flyer downstairs for info. Bazaar Update This year’s Christmas Bazaar raised $2,334.10 for the Sisters of Mary and Martha. Thanks you everyone who worked so hard to make the day a success! His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH’s West Coast Enthronement Gala, Saturday, January 31, 2015 SAVE THE DATE! By the grace of the Holy Spirit, we are prayerfully anticipating the upcoming Enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph. Since many will not be able to attend the event in New York, we are blessed to announce an official West Coast Diocese event celebrating the Enthronement on Saturday, January 31, 2015 in Los Angeles, California, with the proceeds to benefit Camp St. Nicholas and Youth Education Programs. We are praying for enthusiastic participation by all churches in the Diocese to honor our beloved Metropolitan Joseph. This is the only celebration taking place on the West Coast - do not miss this historic celebration in the life of our Archdiocese. Please note that there will be a Commemorative Program Book that will include memorable images from the actual enthronement. Ticket and program book information will be available shortly. For further information, contact co-chairs: Rose Samore: or Jasminka Gabrie: Liturgy Baby-sitting Available Today: Helen G. & Sloan M./ Next Week: Rose F. & Kathleen S. Local Community News and Personal Notes Moving Help Mary Greene will be moving on Monday, December 1 from her apartment on Monastery (Zink’s) to her new apartment on Darby Road (Morrison’s). If you can help her with this move, please let her know soon. Her number is 696-8482. Birthdays This Week Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 17 – Eric Johnson 17 – Megan Rogers 19 – Russell Clodfelter 20 – Timothy Terrell M A N Y Nov. 20 – Jennifer Richardson Nov. 21 – Dolph Ihde Nov. 22 – Joe Streff Y E A R S ! St. John’s Reading Group Wednesday Readers: 10am to 11:30am in Reading Room. 3rd Sunday (11/16) - ‘L’ through ‘R’ Hosting – K & J Medders & A. Picon 4th Sunday (11/23) - ‘S’ through ‘Z’ Hosting – Wells & V & L Temple Clare House Meal Fourth Saturday of Each Month For the Month of November our scheduled meal is 11/22. – Sign up on the Downstairs Bulletin Board. Apartment on Monastery Dr. - Available December 1 Al Zink has a two-bedroom cozy apartment available December 1. It is a daylight basement apartment and includes utilities for $850/month. Please call him if interested at 632-0394. “One Accord” Excerpts from Christian Writers Past and Present “We have a sacred obligation to prepare our youth and new members to receive the power of God. If we teach our children to do their homework but not to pray, we are only preparing them for misery. Good grades cannot save us from a tormented conscience. We cannot prepare a catechumen just by getting him to memorize dogmas. We must help him to be healed from the wounds of sin”. —His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH Saint John Orthodox Cathedral P.O. Box 771108 18936 Monastery Drive Eagle River, Alaska, 99577 (907) 696-2002 Fax: (907) 696-5555 Website: Diocesan Website: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Pastor: Fr. Marc Dunaway Assistant Priests: Fr. John Downing / Fr. Robert Polson Fr. Thomas Frizelle / Fr. John Rogers Schedule of Regular Services: Saturdays: Great Vespers-7:15pm Sundays: Matins-9am/Divine Liturgy-10am Wednesdays: Vespers 7:15pm / Thursdays: Divine Liturgy 8:15am (On School Days) Wednesdays and Fridays 6th Hour Prayers – 12:00 noon (On School Days) Confession Times: Fr. Marc, Fr. Robert & Fr. Thomas after Great Vespers on Saturdays
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