Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive sinners. Do not bring us times of trial but rescue us from the evil one. For Your’s is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Covenant Congregational Church Children’s Sunday – Pentecost Sunday Service of Worship June 8, 2014 10:30 a.m. Jesus said: “Whoever welcomes a child in my name, welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5 PRELUDE Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart arr. Vogt SUNDAY SCHOOL SONGS WELCOME GATHERING SONG Spirit of the Living God 276 *CALL TO WORSHIP from Jeremiah 31 Let all the people sing out loud! Young women and men, rejoice! For the Lord has brought our children home; in His house shall they find their strength. Come, O people, praise the Lord! Come, all people, praise the Lord! SONGS OF WORSHIP Pepperoni Praise Band Our God PRESENTATION OF SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AWARDS Grace is Enough (from this year’s VBS) PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Jesus Loves Me Children’s Orchestra *Song of Praise Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is Love; God is love. Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is Love; God is love. (repeat all) *The Lord’s Prayer Grades 4&5 With assistance from our PK to 1st grade class Battleship Scripture: SUNDAY SCHOOL SONG *CLOSING SONG *INVOCATION We give You thanks for all the ways that You bless our lives: the beauty and abundance of nature, the love of family and friends, the joy of knowing You and hearing Your word. Like on that first day of Pentecost, send down Your Holy Spirit during this time of worship so that we might dream Your dreams and see visions of the world as You created and desire it to be. Guide our thoughts and actions. Bring us closer to You so that we might do Your will and dwell in Your house forever. Amen. James 3: 3-5, 9-10 Matthew 7:12 Psalm 91: 11-14 Ephesians 4:31-32 My God (from last year’s VBS) arr. R. Wheeler Go Fish Guys Grades 2&3 Spirit of the Living God 276 *CLOSING PRAYER A Child’s Prayer for Morning Now, before I run to play, let me not forget to pray. To God who kept me through the night and waked me with the morning light, Help me, Lord, to love Thee more, than I ever loved before. In my work and in my play, be Thou with me through the day. Amen. *BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE Meet Me in The River Pepperoni Praise Band ************************************************************************************************ *Please stand in praise to God, if able Tomlin Nipp GROWN UP’S MESSAGE BUILDING ON A ROCK Mighty to Save SUNDAY SCHOOL SONG Books of the Old Testament Books of the New Testament CCLI License No. 982653 Welcome to worship on this Children’s Sunday! As our Sunday School year comes to a close, our children lead us in worship and share some of what they have learned through the year. We are thankful that God gives us the privilege of being in a community in which young and old can learn from, worship with, and serve alongside one another. The red geraniums are a Children’s Sunday tradition in our church since 1902. Each child is invited to take one home at the conclusion of the service. Sunday School Attendance Awards: Brayden Burton (6) Lyla Ingalls (5) Elsie Agurkis (5) Tyler Ingalls (5) Tanner Agurkis (3) Sunday School Volunteers: Shepherd: Missy Burton Opening: Kirstie Wheeler, Susan Santry Attendance & Registration: Janet Linehan Pre-School to Grade 1: Karen Short, Grades 2 & 3 - Beth Abreu, Joyce Nelson Substitute Teachers: Janice Narsasian, LouAnn Falls, Julianna Anderson Grades 4 & 5: Melissa McCormick Confirmation: Pastor Johnny, Ruth Porter, & Judy Buck Senior High: Paul Poirier Pathfinders (K-2) - Jeff Burton Trailblazers (3-5) – Ann Agurkis, John-Erik Nelson Jr. High Youth Group – Pastor Johnny, Adam Buckley Sr. High Youth Group – Lindsay Bailey, Jeff Burton, Steve Willette, Cathy Zelinski , Pastor Johnny The Children and Youth Spiritual Formation Ministry thanks all of the coordinators, teachers, counselors, and volunteers in Sunday School, Children’s Church, Nursery and Youth Groups who have given their time this past school year to all of the children of our church. Our programs would not be possible without your faithfulness. You make a difference in the lives of our kids! Remember to register for VBS. August 11-15th Online Registration available for both children and volunteers CHILDREN’S SUNDAY JUNE 8, 2014
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