M i n i s t r i e s at N E W H O P E Song of Preparation for the Word LORD’S DAY WORSHIP ADULTS Speak, O Lord* Sunday School Classes - 8:30 am JULY 5, 2015 The Names of God We Unite as God’s People - Fellowship Hall., led by Rich Edwards Learning Evangelism from Jesus - Conference Room, for women Pastoral Prayer Offertory W e G at h e r F o r W o r s h i p W e W o r s h i p G o d t h ro u g h H i s W o r d Prelude Welcome & Announcements Preaching of God’s Word Elder Nathan Agen Books and Chocolate: During July, we’ll be reading Be Still My Soul by Elizabeth W e R ES P ON D TO G OD ’ S WOR D Song of Response May the Mind of Christ My Savior -Hymnal #644 Preparation for Worship Benediction Call to Worship Elder Nathan Agen “Praise the LORD. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” ~Psalm 150 Next Week: Hosea 9 *Music & lyrics available in basket in narthex. All music & lyrics reprinted by permission; CCLI License #153437 on Galatians is held each Tuesday morning at 10:00am, led by Mary Hovde. If you are a woman who is looking for a more intense opportunity for spiritual growth, perhaps you’d like to meet one-on-one with someone for Bible study and prayer. For more information, please contact Mary Hovde at (920) 432-7167. MEN every Thursday morning at 6:00am for an hour in the conference room. We are currently reading Heaven by Randy Alcorn. For more information, please contact Dave Keller. Songs of Praise From All That Dwell Below the Skies -Hymnal #7 O, Shout for Joy* Confession of Sin Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer -Hymnal #713 The Apostles’ Creed -Hymnal, p. 845 Women’s Bible Studies: A summer study Men of Iron: Men of New Hope meet Invocation Affirmation of Faith Elliot for discussion on August 3. Books are available in the library if you’d like to join us. Please contact Julie Agen (library@nhopc.org) or stop in New Hope Library if you have any questions. Discipleship/Mentoring. Postlude NO Evening Service Happy 4th of July! PK: Lower level K-4h grade: First floor classrooms Pioneer Clubs Children in grades K-5 are invited to join us each Wednesday at 6:30pm, September through April, for a time of games, crafts and exploring God’s Word. YOUTH Middle School - Lower level High School - Lower level WOMEN Hosea 8 Sunday School - 8:30am Sunday School - 8:30am Pastor Jim Ferguson Time of Greeting W e En t er In to G od ’ s Pr es e n ce K-Groups: Our church’s small group ministry meets throughout the week in different locations. If you are interested in teaching, starting or joining a Kgroup, please contact the church office or make a note on the registration card. CHILDREN Youth Group Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join us each Wednesday at 6:30pm, September through May, for teaching time from God’s Word, outreach activities, games and much more! HALF CENTURY & OVER FELLOWSHIP A time of fun & fellowship for those who have reached the half century mark! For more information, contact Pat Arriens 664-1045 or Lynda Schouten 336-6503. MUSIC MINISTRY Praise Teams: If you play an instrument or sing and are interested in serving in this ministry, contact Dennis Opelt at 336-3039 or dopelt@yahoo.com. INQUIRERS’ CLASS Each quarter, we hold an Inquirers’ Class in which you can learn more about becoming a member of New Hope and get more information on what we believe. Please contact the office to find out when the next class will be held. Vision Welcome, Guest We’re delighted you are worshipping with us today. The New Hope family is eager to greet you, answer any questions you may have, and minister to you in any way. In the pew rack in front of you, there is a registration card. Please fill this out so we can get to know you better. After the service, please stop by the Welcome Center in the foyer so that we may offer a small gift to acknowledge your presence with us. Core Values We worship God. We study the Word. We love people. We depend on prayer. To our members, we also wish to know that you were here today so please fill out the member side of the registration card. Please use the card to tell us of any address, phone number or email changes. If you have a prayer request, please write it down and we will pray for you. If you don’t want it shared on the New Hope prayer chain, please write “pastor only.” Nursery is provided both during Sunday School and the worship service for children ages 0-3. For more details & further announcements, pick up a copy of the monthly Happenings in the narthex. Fellowship Meal Sunday - Next Sunday, July 12 is our monthly fellowship meal Sunday. Please plan to join us for good food & fun fellowship after the worship service. New Hope Facility Use: General Reminder - The church building is available for use by members; however, in order to make sure there is space available for your meeting, Bible study, prayer group, etc., it is necessary that you contact the office ahead of time to reserve space. Purpose We desire to increase the number and maturity level of followers of Jesus Christ, first by sharing with them the good news about Jesus, second by enfolding them into a fellowship of believers, and finally by teaching them how the Bible, God’s Word, applies to all of life. About Us We are affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church which has been planting churches and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1936. We believe God's infallible and life-changing Word, and the historic Christian faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. WORSHIP MISSIONS Worship Times: Sunday School 8:30 am Worship 10:00 am Evening Service 6:00 pm New Hope Supports: This Week at New Hope Check out the complete calendar at www.nhopc.org Today 8:30 am 10:00 am Sunday School Worship Service NO Evening Service Dunc & Mary Pfantz, The Seed Company, Green Bay Trey Franks, Harvest Aviation, Florida Brent & Leah Amundsen, Covenant Youth of Alaska, Alaska Troy & Megan Meissner, Lake Lundgren Bible Camp, Pembine, WI Victor Atallah, Middle Eastern Reformed Fellowship Providence Academy, Green Bay Sangre de Cristo Seminary, Colorado OPC Committee on Foreign Missions COMMUNICATIONS Announcements for Bulletin: accepted by e-mail until noon on Wednesdays. Announcements for Happenings: accepted by e-mail through the Wednesday prior to the last Sunday of each month. Event and Facility Requests: Before an event can be on the church calendar or in the bulletin, a Facilities Request Form must be submitted to the office. Monday 9:00 am VBS STAFF Tuesday 9:00 am VBS Wednesday 9:00 am VBS James Ferguson, Pastor Cell: (920) 362-6853 Email: pastor@nhopc.org Thursday 6:00 am 9:00 am 6:30 pm Men of Iron VBS Deacon’s Meeting Friday 9:00 am VBS Saturday Next Sunday 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:00 pm Sunday School Worship Service Fellowship Meal Evening Service To all who are spiritually weak and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to whomsoever will come, this church offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of the Bible in all of life. Anne Tess, Administrative Assistant ELDERS Nathan Agen Nels Agen Pete DeRossi Dave Keller Dunc Pfantz Jon Reuter Dave Tenpas Dave Vander Ploeg Roy Voskuil DEACONS New Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) 2401 Deckner Ave., Green Bay, WI 54302 Phone: (920) 468-8565 Website: www.nhopc.org Email: office@nhopc.org Office hours: M, T & Th: 10-2 W & F: Available by phone or email Rick Cohler Joe Hawbecker Steve Hoffman Bill Knoespel David Schoeneweiss Mike Spronk Jim Tegen Mark Voskuil Jim Wilke
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