NEKOOSA UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 715-886-3371 Email Address: The Weekly Church Calendar SUNDAY -Fourth Sunday after Pentecost-Pocket Change Sunday-Father’s Day9:30 am… Worship 9:45 am – 10:30 am…Sunday School (3-6 yr olds) 10:45 am…Coffee Hour with Fellowship 06/21/15 MONDAY 9:00 am… Exercise class 7:00 pm… VBS meeting 06/22/15 TUESDAY 6:00…The Let’s Walk Group 06/23/15 If you are a visitor we are delighted you are here with us! All are welcome here, no matter where we are on our spiritual journey. We ask our guests to sign our Visitor Book, located at the rear door of the Sanctuary. If you are a visitor with children, ask an Usher for our special “Kids Activity Bags and Games”. All worshipers are asked to sign the attendance pad in your pew. Today’s flowers are given by Bill Dickey in loving memory of Sharon Dickey and Tomeko Wolf. Happy Father’s Day! Thank you to the men in our lives who have shared their love support and encouragement…be he father, grandfather, brother or friend. God Bless! Today we welcome two new members into our church family, Kristen Saylor and Laurie Kaehn. Please join us for cake and coffee in fellowship hall after worship. Today is also Pocket Change Sunday. There are containers in the narthex for your coins. Monday, June 22nd, VBS committee will meet at 7:00 pm. The Let’s Walk Group will meet on Tuesday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm and every Tuesday during the summer. Meet in the church parking lot if you would like to walk along the beautiful Wisconsin River. You can walk as fast or slow as you would like. Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, June 24th at 5:00 pm. WEDNESDAY 5:00…Youth Group 6:00…Supper/Prayer Service 06/24/15 THURSDAY 9:00 am …Exercise class 06/25/15 FRIDAY 06/26/15 On Wednesday, June 24th at 6:00 pm, we will have our Potluck Supper/Prayer Service. This is an opportunity to attend worship service if you can’t make it for the Sunday morning service. Sit N Stitch will meet from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm on Saturday, June 27th. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your crafts and join in. On June 28th, we will have an outdoor worship service with Port Edwards UMC down in Riverside Park in Nekoosa at 9:30 am followed by a potluck. Please bring a dish to pass and your lawn chairs. We invite the congregation to share any extra garden bounties by leaving their vegetables, fruits, flowers and seeds on the table in the entrance area. For those who enjoy these harvest goods, we ask a monetary donation be made to our Mission & Outreach committee to aid them in any future projects or missions. Come and support our Youth on Wednesday, July 1st from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm at the 3rd Annual SATURDAY 9:00 am – 4:00 pm…Sit N Stitch 06/27/15 SUNDAY -Fifth Sunday after Pentecost06/28/15 9:30 am… Worship at Riverside Park with Port Edwards UMC 10:45am…Potluck with fellowship Car Wash and Brat Fry (in our church parking lot) sponsored by the Christian Education Committee. Hand wash for just $ 6.00. Brats $3.00 and Hotdogs $2.00 with all the fixings. Please spread the word about this wonderful event. Thank you for supporting our Youth. Vacation Bible School will be on Monday, July 27th through Thursday July 30th from 5:30pm8:00pm. Exercise Class will be on Thursday at 9:00 am. If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Kumm. The June Word is on the table in the entryway. Pick up your copy today.
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