JOYS and CONCERNS ♥ Continued prayers for Bill Charton. He developed an infection and is back in the hospital (Aultman, Room 6612). ♥ Prayers for Katie Bair (Deb Tryon’s daughter). She is having health issues. ♥ Continued prayers for Emily Johnson (Gladys Johnson’s granddaughter). She is undergoing medical testing ♥ Prayers for Jeff Smith, who is having health concerns. ♥ Continued prayers for Tammy Trotter as she continues to recover from knee surgery. ♥ Praises for the emerging partnership with New Way UMC ♥ Praises for Sharon Waldrop (Glenn & Betty Tipton’s daughter). She is recovering fine, and would like thank everyone for the prayers and support. Belle Stahl (Doug Lautensleger’s grandmother) Jonathan Boughman (Kim Boughman’s son) Bonnie Jones (Leanne Treadway’s friend) Sheryl Black (Violet Earl’s friend) Gladys Burrier (Judy Gopp’s mom) Don Huberty (Jen Schumacher’s dad) Angela Mast (Jen Schumacher’s sister) Blake Billier (Bonnie Willis’ nephew) Heather (Friend of Sandy Provost) Dave Lamp (Friend of Christy Bracken) Chris (Deb Tryon’s friend) Megan (Diane Wilson’s daughter) Randy Rhoades (Rich Griffin’s step-father) Rose Griffin (Rich Griffin’s grandmother) Shelby White (friend of Dee Elliott) Pam Lingrel (Jay Moock’s mother-in-law) Annie Brechbuhler (Faith Black’s grandmother) Emily Johnson (Gladys Johnson’s granddaughter) Dan Jackson (Erica Montgomery Weiner’s brother in law) Daniel Yohe (Tim Tryon’s cousin) Martin Kracker (Marilyn Perretta’s neighbor) Dan Schneck (Molly Schneck’s father-in-law) Marvin Foster (Joan Foster’s brother-in-law) Ben & Kiri Strobel (Violet Earl’s grandson and his wife) Rick Barkheimer (Diane Wilson’s cousin) April 26, 2015 MISSION & CORE VALUE STATEMENT "At Richville UCC we are disciples sharing our faith to make new disciples, so that we all will celebrate GOD by living life to the fullest - growing in faith, love and service with our families and community. " CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUN 26 For anyone curious about being baptized or becoming a member of Richville UCC or having their child baptized, please contact Pastor Will at (330) 704-8350 or email him at specifically in this regard. Diane Wilson Shirley Kalleker Jean Sundheimer Janice Stetler Emerie Wanzer Jerry & Linda Risher Don Perretta Nicholas Bailey Bill Charton Sam Kolonchuk Carolyn Stauffer Mary Jo Purney Trevor Kiko and Family Debbie Ciesielczyk Art Risher Darlene Gottler Robin Reed Chris McBurney AT RESIDENT FACILITIES: Allay Senior Care: Denny Mowery Country Lawn: Hazel Mattern [Karen Barkheimer’s mother] (Room 201) Inn at University Village: Gloria Dressler (Room 605) (330) 833-6490 direct line Rita Waddell [Kathy Dressler’s mother] (Room 103) AT HOME: MON 27 TUE Tuesday Schedule* Baptism: Grace Trotter 3 THU 30 Wednesday Schedule* or a member of your family is in the hospital or facing upcoming surgery. If you would like Pastor Will or someone from Called 2 Care to serve home communion or if you would like a visit, please call the church office. For pastoral emergencies, Pastor Will’s cell number is (330) 704-8350. SAT May 1 2 8 9 9:30 am T.O.P.S 5 7:00 pm Consistory 6 Tuesday Schedule* 7 Wednesday Schedule* 9:30 am T.O.P.S. 4:30 pm Saturday Dinner (Swiss Steak) START OF OUR FILL THE PANTRY SHELVES CAMPAIGN *Sunday Schedule 9:15 am Adult Discussion Groups 10:30 am Updates in the Life/Work of the Church 10:30 am Worship 10:30 - 11:45 am Rotational Sunday School (Children Dismissed from Worship) Today we are celebrating the sacrament of baptism for Grace Elizabeth Trotter Debby Tryon Announcements: (Pastor Parish Committee Chair) *Tuesday Schedule 10:00 - 10:45 am Staff Meeting Hospitality Team for this week is: Welcome Center Karen Provost Downstairs Dee Elliott Worship Reader: Gary Mulheim Fellowship Hour: Cindy Miller Crib/Nursery: Alisha Dennis *Wednesday Schedule 6:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Bells 8:00 pm Chancel Choir If you are interested in participating in the service by being an usher, greeter, bell ringer, worship reader, acolyte, fellowship host, or crib/nursery helper, please sign up in the Welcome Center. Post Worship Fellowship Hour Worship Attendance for Sunday, April 19: 91 Pat Mingus PRAYER CHAIN: Please call Judy Gopp at (330) 477-6593 or the church office at (330) 832-1891 if you FRI Newsletter Mailed 4 Sunday Schedule* (with communion) WED 29 28 Sunday Schedule* ...IN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP OR BAPTISM? Please remember the following members and friends of Richville UCC with your prayers, cards or visits. Complete addresses for the Resident Facilities and Shut-In information is available on the bulletin board opposite the church office. Please help us keep our prayer concerns list up-todate and let us know if someone no longer needs to be on the list. CONTINUING PRAYER FOR: The Messenger weekly Whether for worship, Bible study, or personal use, it is beneficial to know our Wi-Fi password: 3724898703 **CHURCH OFFICE HOURS** Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM “like” us on Facebook HELP US FILL THE SHELVES! PHP and other food pantries struggle during the summer months because of increased needs. To help assist with this, we are doing a FILL THE PANTRY SHELVES campaign. From May 3rd thru May 17th, we will be collecting non-perishable items. Items can be dropped off in the Narthex, and in the PHP shopping cart in the Fellowship Hall. MOTHER DAUGHTER BANQUET May 14th at 6:00 PM The deadline to sign up for our next PrxOSAC outing has been extended! The deadline is now April 27th! If attending, please sign the sign up sheet in the Welcome Center. NOTE: We need at least 24 people signed up in order to reserve the group rate. If we do not get 24 people to sign up, we will have to consider alternate ideas. The outing will be held on Saturday, May 30th at the AKRON RUBBER DUCKS game. First pitch is at 6:35 PM against the Erie Seawolves. The cost is $22 a person, which includes an all you can eat buffet. The buffet includes burgers, hot dogs, BBQ pulled chicken, sides, cookies, tea, lemonade and water. Money can be given to Faith Black or Alisha Dennis. If writing a check, please make it out to Faith Black (please put Akron Rubber Ducks in the memo line). INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! If you have questions, please contact Faith Black at (330) 844-1327, or Alisha Dennis at (330) 4187981. It is once again time for the Richville UCC Mother/Daughter Banquet! It will be held Thursday, May 14th at 6:00 PM. The cost is $9 for Adults, and $4.50 for Children. Tickets are available from Ruth Schumacher. The program will be a puppet show presented by Mustardville and promises to be very entertaining. There will also be lots of fun and prizes. We are sure you will want to be a part of it! Looking forward to seeing you! Beckie and the rest of the crew SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Consistory has requested a Special Congregational Meeting to be held Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 12:00 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and approve a Location and Lease agreement to drill a second well on our property with Discovery Oil & Gas (Represented by Dave Matak). Dave will be at the meeting to answer any questions or concerns. MAY SATURDAY DINNER Saturday, May 9, 2015 4:30 - 7:00 PM CONFIRMATION SUNDAY May 17, 2015 ON THE MENU: SWISS STEAK On Sunday, May 17th, we will be confirming three new members from the Confirmation 2 class: The cost is $9.00 for Adults, and $4.50 for kids under 12 years old. Call ahead drive-thru carry out is available! GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE! See Ruth Schumacher, or call (330) 484-3003 Tim Wiggins Pauline Trotter Grace Trotter It will be a joyous celebration after months of prayer and study for these young people. Please lift them up in prayer between now and May 17, as they make their final preparations to be confirmed. NEW MEMBER RECEPTION On Sunday, May 31st, we will be receiving five new members into our congregation: Bill and Maureen Stetler Stacey Tillapaw Trisha Carter Christy Bracken SAVE AND DONATE THOSE LIDS! Many of the items we receive from our Walmart distribution program are missing lids, spray tops and working pumps. PHP food pantry has requested that our church save lids from laundry (liquid) soaps, working pumps from hand soaps and lotions, and lids from bleach bottles. If these items could be marked with the name or generic brand, that would be helpful to us when we are packing items for pick up. There is a marked box in the donation area for this collection. If you left a baking dish or pan in the church kitchen, please take it home. There are some baking dishes/pans on the table in the Fellowship Hall that need claimed. If they are not claimed within a few weeks, they will be donated to an organization that can use them. Thank you to EVERYONE who sent birthday cards! It was so much fun to find all of that mail in my box and I had so much fun opening all of them. I love RUCC! Gloria Dressler Thank you to everyone for the prayers, calls, visits, food, and cards following my recent fall. My arm is healing as expected. I will be in a cast for 2 more weeks and then a removable brace during therapy. You have all been so kind to me and I appreciate this more than you will ever know. God bless all of you. Patti Moock SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday, June 7 - Sunday, August 30 Worship at 9:30 AM Join us for Special Music and Guest Accompanists You’re always welcome no matter what you are wearing. But during the summer months, we encourage you to dress casually, as you would for the rest of the day. June is just around the corner, and the choir and Music Director will have a summer break. If you, or someone you know, would be willing to provide special worship content in the place of the anthems, etc (poetry, vocal/instrumental music, liturgical dance) please call the church office at (330) 832-1891. You may also sign the Music Calendar located in the Welcome Center with your name and telephone number. Thank you! THE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! Our regular Sunday School schedule ends May 17th. During the summer (May 24 through September 6), there will be one sign up for Children’s Church and another sign-up for Nursery in the Welcome Center. There are many things available for the children to do in Children’s Church, including: movies in the movie room, craft supplies in the patio room and computers in the Confirmation 1 room. Or, you are welcome to bring your own activity/idea. If you are willing to volunteer for Children’s Church or for the Nursery, please sign the sheet in the Welcome Center. We welcome any newcomers that have never helped before. The Christian Education Committee will endeavor to always get someone to sign-up for the Nursery, however if no one signs up for Children’s Church on a particular Sunday, the boys and girls are to stay upstairs in the Sanctuary with their parents during worship. The Safe Church Policy will continue through the summer months. Thanks so much for your support! The Christian Education Committee THANK YOU to everyone who stayed for the COGs Bake Auction last Sunday! We raised over $1,200 for future COGs events!
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