ORDER OF WORSHIP May 10, 2015 10 AM 6th Sunday of Easter Solo: How Can It Be J. Ingram, P. Mabury J. Johnson Concerns of our Church Family Congregational Prayer ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: GOD AWAITS US! Prelude: I Offer My Life/O Jesus, I Have Hebrews 10: 11 – 18 Assurance of Pardon Promised OFFER OUR THANKSGIVING: GOD BLESSES US! Offering: *All Sing: arr. Carol Tornquist Before the Throne of God Above All Hail the Power of Jesus Name/ Ministry and Christian Education Funds Offertory: Let All Things Now Living Lift Up Your Hearts 682 arr. Hal Leonard You Are My All in All arr. Carol Tornquist [Children and parents come forward during last [Please pass the Fellowship Pads] stanza of this song for Children s blessing] Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. OPENING HIS WORD: GOD SPEAKS TO US! Children s Worship Blessing Psalm 98: 1 – 4 Opening Scripture Leader: People: See, What a Morning Lift Up Your Hearts 181 *Welcome People of God, what is our prayer for these children? God has spoken by the prophets, spoken the May the Lord be with you as you unchanging Word, each from age to age learn of Jesus and his love. proclaiming God, the one, the righteous Lord! Children: And also with you. Mid the world s despair and turmoil one firm People: May the word of the Lord grow in anchor holding fast: God eternal reigns forever, your hearts. God the first and God the last. *God s Greeting Children: Thanks be to God. *Greet One Another People: *All Sing: God Has Spoken by the Prophets Worship and Rejoice: 667 Prayer *All Sing: All Sing: Go in peace. Come, Thou Almighty King Lift Up Your Hearts 492 Father, I Adore You Psalter Hymnal 284 [Children ages three through Grade 1 dismissed for Praise and Play, & Children and Worship] God has spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ the everlasting Son, brightness of the Father s glory, with the Father ever one; spoken by the Word HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE HIM: GOD ACCEPTS US! Call to Confession Hebrews 4: 16 Restoring Our Cities Joe and Alice Geelhoed incarnate, God of God, ere time was born; Light of light, to earth descending, Christ, as God in *Postlude: Lord, I Lift Your Name On human form. High/Doxology arr. Carol Tornquist God is speaking by the Spirit, speaking to our (*stand, if you are able) hearts again; in the age-long Word declaring, God s own message, now as then. Through the Minister Rev. David Bast rise and fall of nations one sure faith yet standing Liturgist Rev. Sarah Albers fast: God abides, the Word unchanging, God the Organist Annelle Dekker first and God the last. Plymouth Band Scripture: John 5: 31 – 47 (p. 1115) David Exoo, Luke Tilma Pianist Rachel Plasman Soloist Amy Blom Accompanist Minister: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Sermon: Witnesses to Jesus *Apostles Creed – Said Responsively GO BOLDLY AND SERVE: GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US! *Invitation *God s Parting Blessing People: *All Sing: Amen. Go, My Children, with My Blessing Lift Up Your Hearts 946: 1, 3 Hayley Shin Scripture Reader Jenny Koopmans YOUTH AND EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS WORSHIP Sunday May 10, 2015 Good morning and welcome to Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church! This morning Rev. Bast will preach on John 5:31-47, Witnesses to Jesus. In the afternoon Rev. Al Gelder will lead worship. His meditation will be on Acts 10:44-48, Get Out of the Way. Next week Sunday Rev. David Bast will lead the morning service. His sermon will be on Colossians 3:1-4 and Acts 1:1-11, Where is Christ; Who Are We. Eric Sawar will lead the afternoon service. His text will be from Acts 11:19-27, Encounter of the Christian Faith. TITHING OPPORTUNITIES May 10, 2015 AM: May 10, 2015 PM: May 17, 2015 AM: May 17, 2015 PM: Ministry/Christian Education Funds Guiding Light Ministries Ministry/Christian Education Funds Back to God Ministries Online Giving available at phcrc.org. FROM COUNCIL For the duration of Pastor Steve’s sabbatical, May through September 2015, Pastor Sarah will serve as senior member of staff. All concerns and pastoral care needs should go through her. And, as senior staff, she will mentor Betsy DeVries and serve as our liaison with the seminary. Discovery Hour and Inklings will be celebrating our last Community Breakfast on May 17 at 9am in the Fellowship Room. Students are asked to arrive at 8:45am. This will be our last morning of Sunday School until the Fall. Breakaway's End of the Year Party is TONIGHT at Matt & Megan's house. We will meet from 5:307:30pm for dinner, crazy games, and a bonfire. Friends are always welcome. Our address is 5665 Juanita Dr SE in Kentwood. Lifeline's End of the Year Party is next Sunday, May 17 at 5:30pm. We will be meeting at Matt & Megan's house. Our address is 5665 Juanita Dr SE in Kentwood. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Bassinet Blessings: To help welcome Abigail Grace James to our church family, we have the opportunity to give a small wrapped anonymous gift to her and her family. A bassinet will be out through June 14 to collect your gifts. Blessings abound! Prayer Partners Needed! Are you willing to be a prayer partner for someone on our Colorado Challenge Team? We are looking for a minimum of 12 people to support the group going to Colorado this summer. If you are interested or would like more details, please talk with Megan or sign up at the Welcome Center. Yesterday’s Kids: Today is the last day to sign up for our Wednesday, May 13, noon meal ($8) and program featuring David Boersma, Clinical Forensic Psychologist. He will be speaking about his career evaluating persons charged with crimes and his court testimony on his opinions. If you signed up and need to cancel, please call Marilynn Draisma (9499468) today. Meals will be ordered Monday morning and must be paid for. Thank you. You're invited to come out and watch as the PH Men's Softball teams start out the season playing against each other! Join us THIS Thursday, May 14, at 7:30pm at the Christian Recreation Center (Diamond 5). Final Community Breakfast Celebration: We hope you'll join us next Sunday, May 17, at 9 am for a time of fellowship and intergenerational learning. This event is for all ages! We will wrap up what we've been learning about the tabernacle and worship, complete our worship banners and enjoy a potluck meal together. There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center. Equip Groups: If you're interested in participating in an Equip Group, please contact Kelly Buist or Pastor Sarah. You are welcome to join the Equip Group potluck on Sunday, May 17, following the morning worship service to learn more about participating in this small group ministry. The congregation is invited to Calvin VanZytveld’s senior cello recital on Thursday, May 28, 7:30pm at St. Cecilia Music Center. The program will include favorite cello solos, a new string quintet by William VanZytveld, and the “Doxology” trio movement by Mendelssohn. Join us for a family friendly Movie Night at Mulick! The community is hosting a movie night at Mulick Park on Friday, May 29. The movie starts at 8pm, but come early to set up your blankets and lawn chairs, for soccer and the bounce house! Free popcorn and drinks are also provided. If you are interested in serving our neighborhood by bagging popcorn, handing out snacks or cleaning up the park afterwards, please talk with Megan Wunderink. The spring issue of Plymouth Pulse is now in your communicator boxes. If you wish to view the Pulse in color, please check the church website, at www.phcrcorg. Church Picnic: Is Saturday, June 6, at Palmer Park in Wyoming. A sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center. The last Sunday to sign up at church is May 31st. You can sign-up by email or phone to Deb Hall, debhall012@gmail.com or 450-4274 until the Wednesday before the picnic. Plymouth Heights Family Weekend: Sign up today at the Welcome Center for the weekend of September 25-27. We will stay at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds near Grand Haven. There are eleven beautiful 3-bedroom cottages available right next to the camping area so you can camp or stay in a cottage. The past two years have been very enjoyable! Plan to join the fun again this year for the whole weekend or for just Saturday activities and potluck on September 26. Visit the website, www.crcg.org, to learn more. Great Lakes Urban. We are looking for riders, sponsors, and volunteers to help make this year's ride memorable! Please sign up and /or ask questions at the table in the Community Room after the morning church service. Please call or email with questions to: Alice: 616-498-2108, ahgeelhoed@gmail.com or Joe: 616-262-5387, jlgeelhoed@hotmail.com. Sunday May 10, 2015 9:00AM Discovery Hour Gr. 5-8 (Youth Room) Inklings Gr. 9-12 (Youth Room) 10:00AM Morning Worship Service Ushers: Steve Penning, Bill Kamstra, Bruce Gilman, David Tiesenga Prayer Servants: Eric Uitvlugt, Mary Gerritsen OUTREACH ANNOUNCEMENT June 13 - 18, starting on Saturday in Benton Harbor, ROC-Michigan bicycle tour will cross the lower half of this great state and end on Thursday, the 18th in Detroit. This is the second annual fundraising and awareness raising bike tour for smaller non profits that benefit the community development of cities in Michigan through our CRC and Reformed Church. The host organization is Thursday 7:30PM Plymouth Heights Men’s A and B softball teams at the Christian Recreation Center (Diamond 5) Sunday May 17, 2015 9:00AM Community Breakfast (Fellowship Room, downstairs) 10:00AM Morning Worship Service Ushers: Dave & Mary Kline, Tom Diepstra, Ernie Noorman Prayer Servants: Frank Diepstra, Chrysanthi Sinniah Children and Worship (4 through first grade): Carol Honderd, Jenny Koopmans Praise and Play (3 and 4): Susan Poel, Morgan Rottman Nursery: Becky Jansen, Linda Mulder, Wendy Brummel, Deedre Vriesman, Susan Post Children and Worship (4 through first grade): Carol Honderd, Jenny Koopmans Coffee Fellowship: Tom & Bea Diepstra Nursery: Erin Sich, Susan Holwerda, Michelle Holwerda, Jane Tiesenga, Mandi Tiesenga 5:30-7:30PM Breakaway (Middle School) at Matt and Megan’s house! 5:30 PM Administrative Meeting Tuesday 7:00-9:00PM Basketball Snacks: Karen VanderLaan 7PM-8:15PM Friendship: Ice Cream Social Praise and Play (3 and 4): Kate DenBraber, Michaela Bolt Friendship Ice Cream Social is Tuesday, May 12, at 7pm. Please join us as we celebrate the end of our year with singing, prayer, fellowship and ice cream. Family Promise: Want to learn more about Family Promise and how you can help homeless families? Feeling like some training would help you be a more effective volunteer? Volunteer orientation will take place on Tuesday, May 12, at 6pm or on Thursday, June 18 at 10am. The session takes about 60 minutes. Location: 906 S. Division at the Family Promise Day Center. We would encourage all of our volunteers to attend a training session, if you have not already done so! Monday 7:00PM Coffee Fellowship: Paul & Susan Holwerda Evening Worship Service 5:30-7:30PM Lifeline (High School) at Matt & Megan’s house! 5:30 PM Evening Worship Service
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