26th - Drayton Christian Reformed Church

Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church
88 Main Street, PO Box 129 Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0
Website: www.draytoncrc.org * tel: 519-638-2032 * email: secretary@draytoncrc.org
Worship Services:
Sunday mornings: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor Paul Droogers
email: pastor@draytoncrc.org
Visiting Children:
NURSERY: Is a va ila b le for c hild ren up to 3 yea rs old d ow nsta irs.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Child ren w ho a re ages 3 to grade 4 a re w elc ome to join us for Sund a y Sc hool w hic h is
held d ow nsta irs. The c hild ren a re d ismissed d uring the servic e a s ind ic a ted in the ord er of w orship .
Child ren In grade 5 through 8 a re invited to ta ke a Sermon Questions fold er from the b a c k of the sa nc tua ry
to a nsw er q uestions d uring the servic e. They a re exc used a fter the sermon for their Sund a y Sc hool c la ss.
Sharing God’s Grace and Hope
Mission: The Christia n Reformed Churc h of Dra yton is a Christ-c entred fellow ship
led b y God ’ s w ord a nd sp irit to sha re His g ifts of g ra c e a nd hop e.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
April 26 ~ This morning we are thankful to join the GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting
the Saviour) Group as we together observe this year’s GEMS Sunday. A number of
GEMS Group participants will help lead us in worship together with the Praise Team.
Pastor Paul will help us think a little more about this year’s theme “Bring the Message”
based on Isaiah 6:8. May we experience the presence, beauty and instruction from our
Triune God as we humbly bring the gift of our worship before Him.
On this GEMS Sunday, we give thanks to God for the GEMS Ministry within the life of congregation!
Thank you to all the leaders who have dedicated this past year to helping girls study God’s Word, build
relationships and engage various activities! Thank you to all the girls who attended! We pray a blessing
on all that was said and done. We especially pray God would equip each participant by His Spirit to
speak and live the message or truth about Jesus Christ!
May 3 ~ Next week Sunday our morning worship service will be led by Mr. Adam Veenstra who is
being recommended by our Search Committee to Church Council and the congregation for the position
of Youth Pastor within our church family. Mr. Veenstra, originally from Bloomfield, ON, is finishing up
his studies at Calvin Theological Seminary and will graduate from there next month. Please plan to take
a moment and say “Hi!” during our time of fellowship after the service and ask him a question you may
have. The Search Committee and Church Council will further visit with Adam over lunch.
Coffee: Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the worship service this morning.
Greeters are asked to help with coffee clean up after the church service.
April 26
~ 1: Budget 2: GEMS
May 3
~ 1: Budget 2: World Renew: Maternal and Child Health
Collections Received on April 19, 2015 ~ Ramoth House
Church Family
Please remember in your prayers those who are confined to their homes: Bertha D., Janet K., Margaret
K., Diny R., Grace R., Alice S. and Hennie S.
When you have a need, please contact your Pastoral Care Worker, Elder, or Deacon. We are here to
serve you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Birthday to…
Donna K.
Jane G.
Lori K.
Tamara H., Ben H.
Happy Anniversary to...
Bert & Grace G.
Martin & Darlene V.
Nominations for Elders and Deacons:
The following individuals have served God and this
church with their work, their compassion and their prayers: Deacons (2): Jane Geerlinks, Cora-Jane
Stevens; Youth Elder (1): Rob D.; Elders (3) Alfred R., Hank T., Sid V., Phil V.
The procedure for the nomination and selection of officebearers has been updated to comply with the
Church Order. The following individuals have been nominated to serve in these positions:
Adam D., Rita K., Emily N., Grace S.
Youth Elder: Randy G., Janelle M.
Tom D., Steve D., Steve K., Albert S., Clara S., Nanda Z.
Council is convinced that all individuals nominated are believers "...who are Christlike, who are mature
in their faith, and who exercise their offices with prayer, patience and humility" (Form for Ordination of
Elders and Deacons).
 On Sunday, May 3, the congregation will be given an opportunity to confirm the qualifications
of these individuals.
 On Sunday, May 10, the names of the individuals who have received at least a 60%
confirmation from the congregation will be selected by lot.
 On Sunday, May 31, newly selected office bearers will be installed during the worship service.
Advance Notice: As we anticipate the month of May, we give thanks to God for various special events
part of our worship activity, here at the Drayton CRC. On May 3 we look forward to joining Mr. Adam
Veenstra on his journey to discern God’s calling in his life including possible youth ministry. On May 10
we’re privileged to join Mark & Katie S., Mathias & Cheryl R. and their families at the baptismal font.
Pentecost Sunday falls on May 24 which will also be Profession of Faith Sunday. And finally, on May 31,
we’ll celebrate God’s gift of leadership to His church as we’ll be installing new elders and deacons
joining Church Council. Please pray for all preparation for these services, as well as all involved.
Ascension Day Worship will be a combined effort between the Palmerston, Listowel and Drayton
Christian Reformed Churches. Everyone is invited to the Listowel Christian Reformed Church on
Thursday, May 14 for this year’s Ascension Day service. Pastor Ralph Wigboldus will lead our time of
worship beginning at 7:30PM.
Prayer Requests:
We have received a prayer request from Classis Huron concerning the B. Family. This past Tuesday
Clara B., wife of Pastor Harry B.n and mom to Pastor Darrell B. of River City CRC in Cambridge, passed
away following a brief but fierce battle with cancer. Pastor Harry and Clara belong to the Collingwood
CRC but the funeral for Clara was held this past Friday at the First Christian Reformed Church of Barrie.
Pray the Lord will comfort all who grieve this loss.
Our denomination’s Office of Social Justice is asking us to pray for the migrant crisis in Europe. This
past Sunday yet another migrant ship capsized and many people looking for a better life instead lost
their lives. Although the European Union only recently decided to scale back its rescue operations to
deter migrants from making the trip from Libya to Italy, it is now considering doubling the size of this
effort. Pray for leaders who will be making decisions. Pray for all who have lost loved ones. Pray for
nations like Libya and South Africa where continual violence adds to this complexity. May the Church of
Jesus Christ become a haven of refuge not just in this part of the world but also globally.
We have been asked by Christian Reformed World Missions and World Renew to pray for Ethiopian
families who lost loved ones by the recent ISIS execution. Even as we continually pray for comfort, let’s
also ask the Holy Spirit to help us stay focused on God’s calling in our lives: to love Him first and our
neighbours as ourselves.
Church Events
JULY 6-10, 2015
9:00 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M.
Contact: Candace Burnett
Reapers of Hope: Thank you so much for the people who volunteer faithfully each time. We could
use more people though, so if you are interested in helping, please join us. We start at 8:30 a.m. until
noon on the first and third Thursday of each month. Please call 519-638-3185 if you need more
Youth Group News
Attention Congregation:
Hanging Basket Fundraiser: Please have you hanging basket order in TODAY. You can email them
to me as well hsbrouwer@tdtech.ca! The baskets will be ready for pickup on Saturday May 9 right in
time for Mothers Day!
We are still looking for a female chaperone for our youth group’s summer SERVE project. It is nice and
close to home this year in Woodstock. The date is July 18-25. If you have any questions please feel free
to contact one of the leaders!
Youth Group: We will be meeting on Wednesday this week since the CCS program is on Thursday
evening. We will plan for road clean on Wednesday, weather permitting. Please keep an eye for email
with more updates. Have a good week!
April 26 - Hanging Basket order deadline!
April 29 - Road clean up weather permitting.
TRILLIUM FORMAL: If you haven't RSVPd yet, please get your name on the list asap (note - if we don't
have enough people, this event is going to be cancelled) so we can send our numbers to our caterers.
The date is May 2nd for this event and it's from 6-11PM. Tickets are $25 and include your dinner and
dance. Dress is as casual as formal as you wish (theme is "Denim & Diamonds!")
Church Activities
~ Morning worship at 10:00 a.m. GEMS SUNDAY!
~ Sunday School: Ages 3 to Grade 3
~ GEMS Mother/Daughter night at 7 pm
~ Grandparents Day at Community Christian School at 11 am
~ Elders Meeting at 8 pm.
Wednesday: ~ Open House during day for the parents at CCS
~ Evening Coffee Break at 7:45 pm
~ Youth Group at 8:30 p.m. (Road cleaning, weather permitting)
~ Profession Classes at 7:30 pm
~ CCS Spring Play in sanctuary at 7:30 pm
Next Sunday: ~ Sunday worship at 10:00 am
Requested Announcements
Festival of Praise. On Saturday May 2 at 7:30 pm there will be a festival of
Praise happening in Goderich at the Lakeside United Church (former North
street United Church) 56 North Street.
This event is hosted by the male Choir the “Men of Note” of Clinton and area.
Other participants are 4 more male choirs: Men of Praise, Woodstock; Sursum Corda, Sarnia; ChathamKent Chr. Male Choir, Chatham and Crescendo of Mt Brydges.
There will be individual choir songs as well as mass choir performances. And there will be
congregational singing as well. And as a special treat we have invited the Huron Harp School from
Goderich to let you enjoy special music on numerous harps!
Tickets are $10.00 contact: Jack K. at 519-638-2075. Menno E. at 519-291-3097, Gerard v. at 519-9987933. Come on out and bring friends and family.
For more info call Douwe and Jannie Top, 519 887 8610 or email douwetop@xplornet.ca.
Community Christian School is celebrating Christian Education week during the
last week of April.
Tuesday, April 28 is our annual Grandfriend’s Day. Each year grandparents and
grandfriends come to school to visit the classrooms and enjoy a soup and buns lunch. This year the
students will be presenting “There’s Malice in the Palace” after lunch. Grandfriends will have the
opportunity to visit the classrooms in the morning and then lunch and the play will take place at the
Christian Reformed Church, Drayton. All grandparents and grandfriends are invited. The day begins at
11:00 a.m. at the school.
On Wednesday, April 29 there will be an all day Open House hours for all parents and guests to visit
classrooms. We will also be hosting a Living Books Book Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday.
‘Malice in the Palace’ will be presented once again on Thursday, April 30th in the evening at 7:30 p.m. at
the Drayton Christian Reformed Church.
Come help us celebrate Christian Education!
Community Christian School strives to provide an education which helps students develop a lens
through which to view the world and to love and serve the Lord and others. Most of the curriculum is
written by Christian authors/companies and meets and exceeds the program recommendations set by
the Ontario Ministry of Education and is taught by teachers who love and serve the Lord. Please feel
free to call the school for information or to set up a time to visit. www.ccsdrayton.org ;
office@ccsdrayton.org; 519-638-2935.
Woodland Christian High School is proud to be hosting the 39th Annual Ontario Christian High
School Choral Festival on May 1st. Over 400 students from 10 Christian High Schools with perform
individually and as a one whole choir as they sing and fellowship together. The evening performance is
open to the public at 7:30 PM in the Woodland gym. Admission at the door only will be: $10/ person,
$5/student or $25/family. Join us for this evening of celebration and praise.
Woodland Christian High School is invites you once again to participate in the annual Nurture the
Vision Spring Fund Drive. During the week of May 4-8, volunteers from your community will be
contacting friends of Woodland to ask for your financial support. Your gifts will help Woodland continue
to provide excellent Christian high school education to young people from your community, and it will
help to keep the cost of that education affordable for as many families as possible. When you are called,
please support this important annual fund drive.
If you have any questions or get missed but wish to make a donation, please contact Anne V. (519)6385629, the Fund Drive Coordinator in Drayton or visit our school website for online giving
options: www.woodland.on.ca.
Eurovangelism Banquet: Tuesday, May 5 in Orangeville at the Bramalea Baptist Church and Friday,
May 8 in Cambridge at Avenue Baptist Church. To reserve your place contact 1-866-630-6301.
Walk for Life: In support of Guelph and Area Right to Life join the walk on May 9, 2015. In Guelph:
Registration: 9:30 am at Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate Parish Hall, 28 Norfolk St. In Fergus:
Registration at 1:00 pm at Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church at 600 Belsyde Avenue.
In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Holland, you are invited to a
Thank You Canada concert by the SoliDeo Gloria Male Choir from Urk (www.solideogloria.nl) and the
the Musica Sacara Chorus on Saturday, May 2, Knox Presbyterian Church, 59 Riddell In Woodstock;
Wednesday, 7:30 pm; May 6, at 8:00 pm, at St. Georges Anglican Church, 99 Woolwich Street in Guelph.
(May 5, Soli Deo will be at Redeemer in Ancaster) Tickets are $20 per person, $10 for students and $5
for ages 14 and under available at the door or reserve them by emailing john-vdl@hotmail.com or call
News from North America
UNDERSTANDING TEMPTATION: - Join us as we study James 1 to learn what James has to say about
temptation and its origin. Then we’ll look at his choice to end the chapter discussing the relationship
between faith and actions. Subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com or
visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen now.
A HERO STANDS BY - HEROES 3: - Liz, Lucille, Chamy, Morrie and Mr. Lacerta are finally on their way to
Caiman City. When they arrive they meet Shizzle, a rap-talking leader in the relief effort. They are
assigned to pack the boats with relief supplies, but Liz wishes they could be on the boats. Follow the
adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download
this special song, “Leap of Faith,” at kidscorner.net/offer.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended
families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular
email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
FREE WEBINAR - Join us May 13 for "Spiritual Care for Alcoholics, Addicts and Their Families" presented
by Tom Kragt, Minister of Congregational Life & Recovery at Evergreen Ministries. This webinar will
explore various aspects of addiction, recovery, and how the church can be a place of healing for
individuals and families impacted by alcoholism and addiction. For details and registration for this free,
one-hour event visit crcna.org/webinars
Canadian Teachers: - Are you interested in exploring the impact Christ-centred education has in a
developing nation? Embark on a 10-day Discover & Learn trip this summer with EduDeo Ministries as we
listen to, learn from, and encourage Christian school teachers in Nicaragua. Visit edudeo.com for more
information. Applications due by May 1, 2015.
CAMP SHALOM SUMMER STAFF: - Camp Shalom is looking for more counselors, lifeguards and
maintenance staff. If you love Jesus and like working with kids or individuals with special needs, then
this might be for you. All positions are paid and you must be 17 before Dec. 31st, 2015 to apply. Visit
www.countrysidecamp.com to apply.
The All Ontario Youth Convention - is coming soon - it isn't too late to register! Visit
allontario.com/register to sign up. This amazing event helps teens to grow in their faith and discover
their identity as image-bearers of God. Can't afford registration? Email sponsorship@allontario.com for
financial help.
An Essential Part of Hospitality - Disability Concerns and our network of hundreds of advocates are
eager to help your church grow in hospitality with people who have disabilities. Got questions? Talk
with your own church's disability advocate, or contact us at disabilityconcerns@crcna.org or 888-4630272.
Keeping In Touch….
The following are asked to send a card, letter or email to:
Nitin & Ruth S .……………………………………………………………………….…..………….…. .Ed & Peggy H
Jonathon & Janice B…………………………………………………………………….................…. George K
email: Jonathan_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org or janice_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org
Kathleen L ....... ……………………………………………………………………………………... … Hank & Roelie K
email: klauder@worldrenew.net skype: kathleen_lauder
Mark & Heather K............................................................................................................................Janet K
email: pastormark@reslifenc.org phone: 919-482-2382
April 2015…
Serving Elders
& Deacons
Ed Kraal
Jeff D
Mark S
Jack S
Jane G
Back West
Back East
Back Centre
Serving in Foyer:
Apr 26 – Albert V
May 3 – Ed K
May 10 – Jeff D
May 14 – Mark S
Phil V
Larry B
Alfred R
Francis C
Coffee Servers
Sound System
Hall Monitor
April 26 – Doug & Sandy S
May 3 – Elden & Julie W
May 10 – Elden & Julie W
May 17 Femmy L
Martin D
Albert R
Ralph H
Bob S
April 26, 2015
Floating Greeters:
Henry & Sonia B
Bert & Teresa W
Maynard D
Fetsje P
Mindy V
May 3, 2015
Andy & Evelyn K
Larry & Ann B
Elden & Julie W
John K
Wes V
Corrina D
Julie W
Sharon M
Joel’s Assistant
Helen R
Dorothy S
Grade 5&6 SS
Bep V
Sid V
Grade 7&8 SS
Little Lambs
Bingo at the Terrace
Royal Terrace
April 26, 2015
May 3, 2015
Sonia B
Corrina D
Tinny V
Marg H
Leanna S
Lauren V
Josie H
Abby R
Lori K
Rachel R
Jocelyn D
Kamryn R
Corinna D
Mindy V
Abby R
Kaitlyn D
May 6: Mia R., Jane Geerlinks; May 21: Pat H., Elly H.
April 26: Missionary Church; May 3: Tony M.; May 10: Joyce K.
Large print Psalter Hymnals are available. Please contact an usher if you wish to use one.