Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church 88 Main Street, PO Box 129 Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0 Website: www.draytoncrc.org * tel: 519-638-2032 * email: secretary@draytoncrc.org Worship Services: Sunday mornings: 10:00 a.m. Pastor Paul Droogers email: pastor@draytoncrc.org Visiting Children: NURSERY: Is a va ila b le for c hild ren up to 3 yea rs old d ow nsta irs. SUNDAY SCHOOL: Child ren w ho a re ages 3 to grade 4 a re w elc ome to join us for Sund a y Sc hool w hic h is held d ow nsta irs. The c hild ren a re d ismissed d uring the servic e a s ind ic a ted in the ord er of w orship . Child ren In grade 5 through 8 a re invited to ta ke a Sermon Questions fold er from the b a c k of the sa nc tua ry to a nsw er q uestions d uring the servic e. They a re exc used a fter the sermon for their Sund a y Sc hool c la ss. Sharing God’s Grace and Hope Mission: The Christia n Reformed Churc h of Dra yton is a Christ-c entred fellow ship led b y God ’ s w ord a nd sp irit to sha re His g ifts of g ra c e a nd hop e. Sunday, May 10, 2015 May 10 ~ Welcome to worship on this Mother’s Day! A special welcome to all our guests! This morning we join the S. and Rust families in celebration as Ayla Emily S., infant daughter of Mark & Katie, and Zach M., infant son of Mathias and Cheryl, both receive the holy sign of baptism. The Haiti Mission Team, represented by Katie D., Pieter W., Jordan V. and Rob S., will provide us a brief report about their joining God in mission last February. A special video will be shown during a time of offering that will prepare us to give towards the Nepal Earthquake Relief Efforts through World Renew next Sunday. And, finally, we’ll pause for a brief moment right before the doxology so new elders and deacons can be selected by lot. Pastor Paul will lead our service. May 17 ~ Next week Sunday, part of the May long weekend, our time of worship will be led, Lord willing, by Pastor Kees Vandermey from Glen Allen. We look forward to receiving Pastor Vandermey back to Drayton including his ministry among us. As this is the third Sunday of the month, Pastor Paul has a regularly-scheduled Sunday off. Coffee: Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the worship service this morning. Greeters are asked to help with coffee clean up after the church service. Offerings: May 10 ~ 1: Budget 2: Operation Manna Operation Manna: We invite you to give generously. Today, the deacons will gather in the Operation Manna offering. Your gift will help ministries and Canadian CRC’s love and bless their neighbours in Jesus’ name, May each of us give as we have been blessed. May 17 ~ 1: Budget 2: Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief PLEASE NOTE: On May 17 we plan to have a special collection for the Nepal Earthquake. As that is the May long weekend, we realize some of us may have plans to be elsewhere. Please find a specially-marked basket in the fellowship hall where gift can be left to be collected by the deacons. You are invited to leave your contribution there any time between now and next Sunday. Thank you for your care and support. Collections Received on May 3, 2015 ~ World Renew Maternal & Child Health Drayton Christian Reformed Church Sunday, May 10, 2015 10:00AM Worship Service Worship Leader: Pastor Paul Droogers Music Leader: John L. Baptisms of Ayla S and Zach R Order of Service WE COME, NEEDING GOD’S GRACE Welcome & Announcements *Call to Worship *Opening Song: *Silent Prayer followed by: *God’s Greeting *We Greet One Another *Song of Praise: WE SEE, GOD WORKING IN GRACE Haiti Mission Team Presentation Baptisms of Ayla S and Zach R *Song of Thanksgiving: Baptismal Prayer GPH #246: 1, 3, 4 Come, Thou Almighty King LUYH #532: 1, 3 Be Still, for the Presence GPH #454 Now Thank We All Our God GPH #269: 1, 3 Baptized in Water Children ages 3 through Grade 4 leave for Church School WE HEAR, GOD’S WORD OF GRACE Prayer for Illumination Bible Reading: Sermon: *Song of Response: Joshua 3:9-4:7 Waters to Remember GPH #588 Tell Your Children Children Grade 5 through Grade 8 leave for Church School WE RESPOND, SERVING WITH GRACE Congregational and Offertory Prayer Offerings: 1. Church Budget 2. Operation Manna Multi Media Presentation: “Nepal Earthquake Update” by Gospel for Asia *Closing Song: LUYH #361 Because He Lives *God’s Blessing Selection of New Office Bearers by: Elder Markus Frei *Doxology: GPH #638 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow *Indicates, please stand if you are able Church Family Please remember in your prayers those who are confined to their homes: Bertha D., Janet K., Margaret K., Diny R., Grace R., Alice S. and Hennie S. When you have a need, please contact your Pastoral Care Worker, Elder, or Deacon. We are here to serve you in the name of Jesus Christ. On this Mother’s Day, pray for all mothers and those wishing to be mothers within our church family, extended families and around the world. We praise God for the gift of motherhood and say “Thank You” for all the work our moms do. Pray for individuals struggling with infertility, those who are expecting babies, moms who suffer strained relationships, moms who miss or grieve the loss of a spouse or children and those who must cope with health difficulties. As we prepare to highlight and respond to the Nepal offering, we receive a report by the United Nations that an estimated 129,000 pregnant women have been affected by this disaster. Pray for these women and their families. As a church family we extend our sincere Christian condolences to Jerry & Lucy H., Deborah & Barry K., Lori & Fred V., their families and extended family, with the sudden but peaceful death of their daughter and sister, Arlene H., this past Tuesday. Arlene had been recovering from cancer treatments and fighting a leg infection. She suffered a stroke and brain bleed last weekend. Please pray that “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,” (Philippians 4:7) will guard and keep this family’s heart close to the resurrected and living Lord Jesus Christ. This last week Grace R. struggled with acute pneumonia which long-term patients in care facilities, such as her Royal Terrace home, can experience. Towards the end of the week she showed signs of improvement for which we are thankful. Continue to remember Grace in prayer as well as her husband, Hank. Pray also for Diny R. at the Wellington Terrace and her husband, Hilbert. At this past Tuesday’s meeting of Church Council the public professions of faith from Alex G., Brooke M., Jesse V. and Shaelyn W. were both heard and accepted. Together with these individuals and their families we give deep thanks to God for this significant decision and milestone! Pray for Alex, Brooke, Jesse and Shaelyn as they prepare to share their profession with our church family on Sunday, May 24, Lord willing. Plan to join us for a time of thanksgiving, celebration and prayer. This coming Friday many of our youth will be traveling to the campus of Wilfrid Laurier University, in Waterloo, to attend the annual All-Ontario Youth Convention together with about 1,000 other youth. They will be gone until Monday and spent time around their theme “Image of God” based on 1 John 3:1. Pray for safety in travel, enjoyment in fellowship and a powerful working of the Holy Spirit in these young lives! Please continue to remember Jo-Ann B., wife of our previous Pastor Gary B., in prayer as she experiences complications following donor lungs not taking, kidneys not functioning and scleroderma. Other health concerns include her liver, bone marrow and haemoglobin. Doctors have informed the Bs that barring a miracle, she will not be recovering. This weekend Jo-Ann will be surrounded by all her family members. Happy Birthday to… Sunday: Shawna R., Michelle T., Carter M., Sarah B. Monday: Kaitlin S., Tara D., Emily D. Friday: Rachel V., Briana V. Happy Anniversary to... Monday: Doug & Sandy S. Thursday: Harold & Dorothy S., Rob & Sara v. Friday: Henry & Sonia B. Ascension Day Worship will be a combined effort between the Palmerston, Listowel and Drayton Christian Reformed Churches. Everyone is invited to the Listowel Christian Reformed Church this coming Thursday, May 14 for an Ascension Day service. Pastor Ralph Wigboldus will lead our time of worship beginning at 7:00PM (please note time correction). Selection for Elders and Deacons: Today the selection of Elders and Deacons will take place The following individuals have served God and this church with their work, their compassion and their prayers: Deacons (2): Jane G., Cora-Jane S.; Youth Elder (1): Rob D.; Elders (4) Alfred R., Hank T., Phil V. and special thanks to Sid V. for his willingness to serve an extra year as Chair of Council to wrap up our transition ministry. The following individuals have been nominated to serve in these positions: · Deacon: Adam D., Rita K., Emily N., Grace S. · Youth Elder: Randy G., Janelle M. · Elder: Tom D., Steve D., Steve K., Albert S., Clara S., Nanda Z. On Sunday, May 31, newly selected office bearers will be installed during the worship service. This past Tuesday, at the meeting of Church Council, our Search Committee made a formal motion to extend a call to Candidate Adam V., with us this past Sunday, for the position of Youth Pastor here at the Drayton CRC. The recommendation was approved and plans are being made for a brief Congregational Meeting following the May 31 worship service for the purpose of voting on this motion as a congregation. Please mark this date on your calendars. This coming Wednesday Classis Huron will meet at Waterloo Christian Reformed Church (209 Bearinger Rd) starting at 9:00AM. Chair Person for the day will be Rev. Henry S. and Vice-Chair is Rev. Amanda B. Delegates from our congregation are Pastor Paul and Elder Markus F.Pray for wisdom and unity as delegates discuss a variety of ministry details. Pray also for the examinations of Candidate John M. called by Community CRC of Kitchener, and Candidate Tim L. called by Lucknow CRC. A request from Acton CRC for a License to Exhort for Mr. Nick K. will be considered as will a request from Rev. Chris Pool, formerly of Collingwood CRC, to extend his ministerial credentials. ATTENTION: Please be advised that the church emails and website are all .org. There is no more .com and anything sent to .com will bounce back with an error message. Please update all your address books for the church contacts to: secretary@draytoncrc.org pastor@draytoncrc.org www.draytoncrc.org Church Events VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ~ JULY 6-10, 2015 ~ 9:00 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. Contact: Candace Burnett at 519-638-2311, diamond.countryliving@gmail.com, To Register and volunteer, go to:WWW.GROUPVBSPRO.COM/VBS/EZ/DRAYTONVBS Reapers of Hope: Thank you so much for the people who volunteer faithfully each time. We could use more people though, so if you are interested in helping, please join us. We start at 8:30 a.m. until noon on the first and third Thursday of each month. Please call 519-638-3185 if you need more information. Youth Group News Hanging Baskets! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who purchased hanging baskets from our Youth Groups fundraiser. We sold 125 baskets! The profit will go towards our summer SERVE project in July to Woodstock, Ontario! Thanks again for your support and we hope you enjoy your flowers! Youth’s Summer SERVE: A big Thank You to Candace Burnett & Elden Westendorp for volunteering to go with the youth to Woodstock this summer for their SERVE project! Only 2 more months away. Attention Youth Going to All Ontario Youth Convention: The All Ontario Youth Convention is only a week away! We have 12 youth & 4 small group leaders from our church who have signed up for AOYC. We wish Bryan, Elden, Amy, Carolyn, Kaitlyn, Jasmine, Riley, Alex, Josie, Kelly, Brent, Brooke, Erika, Brandy, Jesse, & Rueben an awesome weekend! Please meet at the church on Friday, May 15 at 6:00 sharp! Some leaders are leaving earlier on Friday, so we may need one more volunteer to drive some youth to Wilfred Laurier. If this is something you could help out with if needed, could you let one of the leaders know. We will be back Monday early afternoon! ~ Bryan, Elden, Leanna, Rita & Sonia Youth Group this Month: Meeting: Please Note!! We will be having a Q & A session this week Thursday, May 14, (changed from recent e-mail). Please meet in the youth room from 7-9pm. Kaitlyn and Jasmine, please bring snacks. This will be our last meeting for the season so please plan to attend! We will still go paintballing and have a year end BBQ! Paintballing- We will be going paintballing. We are trying to come up with a day that would be best for all the youth as we know that many want to go. We are thinking a Friday night would be best! Can you please e-mail me if you could make Friday, May 22 or 29? We will get a date together one of these days! Church Activities Sunday: ~ Morning worship at 10:00 a.m. Baptism ~ Sunday School: Ages 3 to Grade 8 Tuesday: ~ Deacons meeting at 8:00 pm Wednesday: ~ Classis Meeting in Waterloo Thursday: ~Ascension Day service in Listowel at 7:00 pm Friday: ~Youth Group leaves for All Ontario Convention in Kitchener Next Sunday: ~ Sunday worship at 10:00 am Requested Announcements Walk for Life: In support of Guelph and Area Right to Life join the walk on May 9, 2015. In Guelph: Registration: 9:30 am at Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate Parish Hall, 28 Norfolk St. In Fergus: Registration at 1:00 pm at Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church at 600 Belsyde Avenue. Community Mennonite Fellowship, 109 Wellington Street South in Drayton is celebrating their 25th Anniversary on May 22 to 24. Weekend includes Homecoming for youth, Community Carnival and Sunday service and potluck meal. More info on poster and invitation cards in the Fellowship Hall. News from North America FREE WEBINAR - Join us May 13 for "Spiritual Care for Alcoholics, Addicts and Their Families" presented by Tom Kragt, Minister of Congregational Life & Recovery at Evergreen Ministries. This webinar will explore various aspects of addiction, recovery, and how the church can be a place of healing for individuals and families impacted by alcoholism and addiction. For details and registration for this free, one-hour event visit crcna.org/webinars FAITH AND WORKS: - The Christians James was addressing in his letter seem to have forgotten what real faith was. We study James 2 to discover James’ description of real faith and to discuss how it applies to us. Tune in and join us each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com or visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen now. TRUST IN THE LORD – HEROES 5: - Rescuers finally find Liz and Morrie, and they are turned in to headquarters. Liz feels like a failure – not a rescuer, but rather someone who had to be rescued. Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special song, “Leap of Faith,” at kidscorner.net/offer. FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook. Make this summer a memorable one - In July and August, cyclists will take to the roads to raise awareness about global poverty and encourage Christians to become part of the response. Will you join them? Volunteers are urgently needed to make the 10th Anniversary Sea to Sea ride in Southern Ontario from June 29-July 4 possible. For more information about how you can get involved, call 1-888272-BIKE or visit seatosea.org. POVERTY AND POOR HEALTH - often go hand in hand. Share your skills and experience at a Christian hospital in Tanzania. Three 6-12 months positions are available for medical volunteers to assist the African Inland Church Hospital in treating patients with quality care. More information on this rewarding opportunity is available at www.worldrenew.net/gvp or volunteer@crcna.org. SUMMER IS COMING! - Are you a youth/young adult still looking for a unique opportunity to serve somewhere this summer? ServiceLink has some great ideas for you including a camp lifeguard, cabin leader, family retreat camp volunteer, SWaP participant, VBS in Asia and more. Check our website www.crcna.org/servicelink or contact us at volunteer@crcna.org for details. Keeping In Touch…. The following are asked to send a card, letter or email to: Nitin & Ruth S.….……………………………………………………………….…..………….…. .Donna K. nrsardar@gmail.com. Jonathon & Janice B..……………………………………………………….................….. Ed & Rita K. Jonathan_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org or janice_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org Kathleen L.……………………………………………………………………………………... … Janet K. email: klauder@worldrenew.net skype: kathleen_lauder Mark & Heather K...................................................................................................................Ed & Jenaette K. pastormark@reslifenc.org phone: 919-482-2382 May 2015… Serving Elders & Deacons Keith V Jake V Rob D Henry B Ed H Ushers: Back West Back East Back Centre Upstairs Greeters Coffee Servers Sound System Projectionist Hall Monitor Serving in Foyer: May 10 – Jeff D May 17 – Mark S May 24 – Jack S Floating Greeters: May 10 – Elden & Julie W May 17 - Femmy L May 24 – Femmy L May: Martin D Albert R Ralph H Bob S May 10, 2015 May 17, 2015 Sijtse & Jitske P Rick & Leanna S John & Rita C Ann V Randy G Anthony W Corrie D Eric & Tara D Maynard D Nathan D Ann B Library Jane M Alice N Joel’s Assistant Janice V Teresa W Grade 5&6 SS Lisa G Alfred R John G Rita K Grade 7&8 SS Nursery Little Lambs Subs Bingo at the Terrace Royal Terrace May 10, 2015 May 10, 2015 Brenda Van D Melinda V Janice V Sandy S Jitske P Darlene V Jasmine D Kaitlyn D Shannon S Tamara H Meagan R Kirsten D Brenda V Sharon M Jasmine D Karissa G May 21: Pat H., Elly H.; June 3: Lucy v. May 10: Joyce K.; May 17: Jane G.; May 24: Missionary Church Large print Psalter Hymnals are available. Please contact an usher if you wish to use one.
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