Bulletin here

Song of Response – “Does Jesus Care?”
Welcome to
Erb Mennonite Church
Benediction and Fellowship Meal
November 30, 2014
Our Vision: to make disciples of Jesus who are Prayerful, Passionate,
Growing in Christ, Prepared, and Telling Others!
Welcome to our worship celebration this morning. We hope you
feel at home with us and we welcome you to join us again.
Greeters: Walter & Marian
Lesson: “Good News Brings Rejoicing” – Isaiah 52:1,2,7-12
Combined adult classes meet in sanctuary taught by Pastor Mike.
Toddler- 1st grade meet in rooms 3 & 4 – Melissa
2nd- 5th grades meet in viewing room – Shontel & Meghan
Jr. Youth and Youth meet in youth room – Donovan Lefever
Welcome & Announcements
Ryan Miller
Looking Ahead:
Dec. 10, Wednesday – Sewing Circle, 9 – 11:30 AM
Dec. 13, Saturday – Men’s Fellowship, 7 – 8:30 AM
Dec. 24, Wednesday – Christmas Eve Service, 8 – 9 PM
Birthdays this week: Kim, Aaron, Madison
The youth group would like to thank you as a congregation for supporting them in
their ham and cheese sale.
Food Collection for Manheim Food Bank – Please bring your items by
next Sunday.
Call to Worship, Prayer & Praise
Today is the last Sunday for the Fall Sunday school quarter. Please place all gently
used books in the box provided in the foyer. These will be sent to Africa for further
Advent Candle Lighting
Steve & Carita, Jenifer, Shantel, Patrick & Alana
Leader – Dwilyn Ebersole
Ingathering of our Tithes
Recipient: Teen Central
Hearing the Word – John 10:1-10
Message – “Wonderful Counselor”
Next week’s service – December 7:
Messenger: Pastor Will; Moderator: David Schrock; Second Sunday of Advent
Sermon Title: “Our Mighty God”; Text: II Corinthians 12:7-10
100% of offering for Eastern Mennonite Missions General Fund
Anniversaries this week: Lloyd ♥ Eunice (64 yrs.)
Nursery Care: Melba, Kaitlyn
Worship in Song
This Week: (November 30 – December 6)
Wednesday – Youth Group, 7 PM
Wednesday – MLT Meeting, 7 PM
Pastor Will
Martin– cataract surgery on other eye on Dec. 2nd
Reba– knee surgery on Dec. 1st
Ella– recovering from hip replacement back at Landis Homes
Faith– health concerns
Dwight– spiritual protection during prison term
Pastors and Ministry Leadership Team
Garry & Ruth– serving the Lord in Israel
Brent, Abby & Tamar– serving the Lord in Israel
Phone Tree- If you have an announcement or a prayer request please call
Donna or Pastor Will.
Today is the last Sunday to hand in your nominations for the deaconess role.
Please hand them in to one of the MLT or place them in the MLT mailbox located
on the left side of the foyer.
Greeter/Host Schedule – It is time to make the new schedule for January – June 2015.
If you wish to be added or taken off the schedule, please contact Donna.
Christmas Caroling – If you are planning on caroling this Christmas season as a
Sunday school class or youth group, please coordinate the date with the church
secretary. This is to ensure that not everyone does this the same day and that no one
is missed in our retirement homes. Also there are song sheets available in the church
Nursery Schedule – It is time to make a new schedule for January – June 2015. If you
wish to be taken off the list or want to be added as a helper, please contact Becky.
Updated Church Directory for 2015 – We would like to update our directory for the
beginning of the year. If any of your contact information has changed within the past
year, please let Donna know by December 14.
Community Events
Hallelujah Chorus – You are invited to participate in a spontaneous singing of the
Hallelujah Chorus on Saturday, December 13 at 11 a.m. in the food court at Park
City Shopping Center, Lancaster. If you would like to sing, please respond by sending
your name and voice part to mccl@lancastermennonite.org or by calling
(717) 455-7025. An optional rehearsal will be held on Tuesday, December 9 at 7 p.m. at
Neffsville Mennonite Church. To review your voice part, please visit
Our Ministry Leadership Team (MLT)
Pastor Will Shertzer……………………….....................phone: (717) 723-2748
Email: pastorwills@comcast.net
Assoc. Pastor Mike Zimmerman..………………………phone: (717) 627-2461
Email: mmzimm@dejazzd.com
Youth Pastor Dwilyn Ebersole……………....................phone: (717) 587-0074
Email: dlebersole@windstream.net
Leon Harnly – Worship; Vice-chairman
Dean Stoner – Care
Ryan Miller – Discipleship; Chairman
Donovan Lefever – Outreach
David Schrock – Prayer; Secretary
Dave High IV – Stewardship