! ! ! ! ! ! SERMON NOTES! ! ! ! ! ! Sunday! January 18, 2015! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Morning Worship 10:45 AM! THE MANIFESTO OF JESUS! Pastor Gary McNitt! Kids Church! JK. to Gr. 5 will be dismissed during the service! ! ! ! Evening Service! 6:30 pm! THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS! Pastor Gordon Wright SERVING AT BSBC! GREETERS & WELCOME CENTRE - January 25! 1 Chris & Dorothy McCleak 2 John Medel! 3 Helena Mornan WC Barb Rattee Nursery - TODAY! 9:15 Joan Sands, Lois Clifford! 10:30 Katrina Metcalf, Joan Sands, ! Bonnee Brohman, Angelica ! Turcotte, Julia Hislop Nursery - January 25! 9:15 Lynda Watson, Chris Peters! 10:30 Nancy Little, Brandy Peters, ! Cynthia Hislop, Brae-Lyn Clifford, ! Emily Hislop BSBC VISION! Our vision is to be a thriving congregation in downtown Kitchener: home to a diverse and growing family of believers united in Jesus Christ; a place where one can begin their Christian experience, belong to a caring family of fellow believers, and become a mature ministering disciple of Christ. 90 Benton Street, Kitchener, ON N2G 3H4! Senior Pastor.........................................Gary McNitt! Associate Pastor................................Gordon Wright ! Pastor of Young Adults..............................Jaye Rice! Pastor of Music & Worship...............Doug Thomson! Pastor of Children & Youth................Mark Mowbray! Children’s Ministries..........................Robin Hazzard! Parish Nurse……………………..Megan McCullough! !! CHURCH OFFICE 519.745.3792 HOURS Mon. to Fri. 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm ! ! ! ! ! ! THIS WEEK! TODAY Sunday School! Morning Service - Gary McNitt! Jamaica Mission Prep! College & Careers Luncheon! Evening Service - Gordon Wright Tues. Benton Lights! Board Meeting Wed. Exercise Class! Knitters & Crocheters! AWANA! Prayer Meeting! College & Career Small Group Thurs. 9:30 am! 10:45 am! 12:15 pm! 1:00 pm! 6:30 pm 9:15 am! 7:30 pm 10:00 am! 1:30 pm! 6:30 pm! 7:00 pm! 8:00 pm Women at Prayer! Men’s Sports 9:30 am! 7:00 pm Fri. Youth: Talent Night 7:00 pm Sun.! Jan 25 Manitoulin Team Breakfast Meeting! Sunday School! Morning Service - Gordon Wright! Church Potluck & Evening Service 8:30 am! 9:30 am! 10:45 am! 4:30 pm JAMAICA MISSION TEAM meeting TODAY! after the morning service in the youth café. KNITTERS & CROCHETERS: We will be hearing from a guest speaker from the House of Friendship when we meet this Wednesday, January 21 at 1:30 pm in Benton’s library. COMING UP! MANITOULIN MISSION TEAM: Meet Sunday, January 25 at 8:30 am for breakfast in the youth cafe. Pick up an application from the Welcome Centre and join us to find out what the mission to Rabbit Island Reserve is all about. POTLUCK MEAL: There are many significant meals in the Gospel of Luke. As a part of our series through this Gospel there will be a potluck supper on Sunday, January 25 at 4:30 pm here at Benton. All are welcome! Please sign up at the Welcome Centre. LADIES COFFEE HOUR: Join us Tuesday, January 27 at 9:30 am to hear Monica Nickel (daughter of Herb & Angela Fangrad) speak about Finding God in the Unexpected. Keitha Johannes will also present a feature on Hospitality With A Folded Touch. COLLEGE & CAREER RETREAT: All C&C take note! Our winter retreat is coming up fast! Join us at the Wellman’s cottage in Kincardine from January 30 to February 1. Our topic for the weekend will be In Pursuit of Holiness. Cost: An affordable $40. Space is limited so if you're interested, please talk to either Paul Clifford or Pastor Jaye. COUPLES RETREAT FEB 20-22: We will meet once again at the Arden Park Hotel in Stratford and our speaker will be Doug Blair, pastor at Blue Water Baptist Church, Sarnia. Cost is $350 per couple. Registration forms are available on the foyer table. PLEASE NOTE! 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES: Your envelopes are in your mailbox. If you do not have envelopes please contact Isabella Wilson at 519-745-3792 ext 8 or iwilson@bentonstreetbaptist.org.! PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING: Those who prefer the convenience of pre-authorized giving will find forms on the foyer table or in the church office. These forms are also to be used by those who are currently using pre-authorized giving and would like to adjust their giving in response to our budget increase for 2015.! FRIENDLY KRITTERS CALENDARS: Pick up your copy of this delightful calendar at the Welcome Centre for $5 each.! THE FAMILY PROJECT: Sign up for this 12-part DVD-based curriculum that explores positive, hope-filled stories showcasing the beauty of God’s design in our everyday lives. You’ll dive deep into the theology of the family and will also be offered practical resources to help families thrive. Pastor Mark is leading this study during AWANA on Wednesday nights, beginning January 14 in Benton’s library. Sign up with the church office or Pastor Mark. ™ The Family Project is a comprehensive, 12-part, DVDbased small-group curriculum stories showcasing the beauty of God’s design in our everyday lives. You’ll dive deep into the theology of the family and will also be offered practical resources to help families thrive. JOIN US FOR A SMALL-GROUP EXPERIENCE! Date: Time: Location: Register: A PROGRAM OF SUNDAY SCHOOL JK—Grade 5 at 9:30—10:30 am in Room 202 Bible Stories: Bring your Bible so that we can look up the stories together. Worship: Sing fun ac ve worship songs. Prayer: Sharing prayer requests, praying for our friends that don’t know Jesus, drawing and wri ng in our prayer journals. THIS WEEK Friday January 23 @ 7pm Make sure you see Shaena Hazzard or Makayla Kugler to let them know what you will be sharing with the group. Parent pick-up: 9:50-10:00 pm. Ac vi es: Cra s & games that focus on the Bible applica on. Snack GETTING CLOSE!!! Winter Retreat Friday-Sunday February 6-8 Sunday January 25 is the last day to sign up! KIDS CHURCH Pick up an info pack on the slat wall. Partway through the service JK—Grade 5 kids will be invited to Kids Church; star ng in the Gym and finishing in Room 202. Bible Stories: Same theme as Sunday School, told in a different way. Offering: We take up an offering each week. We want the kids to know that God loves a cheerful giver. Small Groups: Each week the children are in the same small group to play games and do ac vi es that focus on the Bible applica on. Snack Ac vity: Each week we do one of these: Crea vity, Sport, Skill, or Worship. COMING UP... Sat, Jan 30: PA Day Fun & Service Night Fri, Feb 13: Valen ne Fundraiser
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