Welcome to Church!

In Isaiah 43:1-4, God says:
I have redeemed you ...
I have called you by name ...
You are mine ...
I will be with you whatever you go
through ...
You are precious to me ...
I love you.
Do you believe this?
Does your daily life reflect these facts?
Are you firmly rooted in who you are in
God's eyes?
Let this truth be the basis of who you are,
and the springboard of all you do.
Let our lives be a witness for Jesus:
1. by our lips - say a word for Jesus at
some point in each day.
2. by our lives - act to show that you
belong to Him.
3. by our love - look for opportunities each
day to act in a loving way.
Senior Pastor: John Smith
Youth Pastor: Dan Hutchison
Congregational Care Coordinator: Pete Clarke
Intern: Renata Carmichael
Administrator: Jan Norton
Mission/Evangelism: Janine Collins
Young Adults: Stuart Semmens
Time Out: Raie Semmens
Worship: Neil Brown
Peter Clarke
Roger Harrison
David Perkins
Stuart Semmens
Gus Swindon
Cheryl Bingham
Peter Collins
Office & Hiring Manager: Heather McKillop
Office Assistant: Di King
Accounts: Agnes Webb
Citywide Baptist Church
ABN: 61931 927 293
BSB: 034 866
Account No: 10880
Ref: Tithe or Missions
Postal Address: PO Box 814, Rosny Park, 7018
Office / Mornington: 400 Cambridge Rd.
Lenah Valley: 2 Pottery Rd.
Phone: 6244 4333
Email: church@citywidehobart.org.au
Web: www.citywidehobart.org.au
Venue: 0409 856 955
Office Hours: Mon 8.30—4.45
Thurs 8.30—4.45
Fri 8.30—4.45
Weekly budget—$3,100
Total to date—92.7%
This black margin to carry on down from the logo—so may need adjusting in size to line
19 April, 2015
Welcome to Church!
9.00am Prayer
10.00am Pastor John
Worship: Robyn Jacobson
Lenah Valley
10.00am Prayer
10.30am David Perkins
Worship: Agnes Webb
Dear Folks
Welcome to Citywide Baptist Church. We warmly welcome our visitors today. Please stay on for a
cuppa after the service that you are attending. It would be great to meet with you.
This morning David Perkins is speaking at Lenah Valley. I will be speaking at Mornington on our theme,
‘We shouldn’t, mustn’t forget that God is Father’.
Next week is my final service as Senior Pastor of Citywide Baptist Church. It will be a combined service
and I am looking forward to sharing with all three of our congregations. It will also be an opportunity
for the whole church to meet our Interim Pastor elect for Citywide, Rev Dr David Roffe. David will be
inducted into the role as Interim Pastor at the beginning of the service by Pastor Stephen Baxter the
Southern Regional Minister for Tasmanian Baptists.
The service will also be a Baptism Service. At this point in time, two people have asked for baptism.
Jess Wikeley and Cindy Eyles. Perhaps God is speaking to you about this important matter. Please
speak to me about this. It would be a blessing to share with you.
Good to share at yesterday’s Men’s Breakfast. The next breakfast will be on Saturday 23rd May, same
place and time, Lenah Valley, 7:30 am. Mark it in your diary today.
Blessings all.
Are you visiting?
… ask for an ‘Introduction to Citywide’ flyer
and stay for a cuppa and chat...
To reach the people of our city and beyond with the grace, truth and love of Jesus Christ
so they become authentic Christians.
For Your Diary …
All children are invited to participate in our children’s programmes.
Just follow the others when indicated in the service.
At Mornington
At Lenah Valley
0—5 years in the Creche Room
0—11 years
Combined service @ Mornington to
farewell Pastor John and Heather and
welcome Rev Dr David Roffe and his wife
Men’s Shed
Church Meeting, Dine & Pray
Men’s shed
15-16 Mid Year Assembly
Church Together
Men’s Breakfast
An exciting and fun filled programme—great friendships—discovering Jesus for real
at Mornington
Men’s Shed
Revolution Youth — Recommencing 24 April—Chocolate Night
Contact Dan Hutchison on 0457 765 907 for details
Pray for our church services on Sunday morning @ 9.00am in
Pastor John’s office, 10am front room @ Lenah Valley
Pray for our church and community every Sunday evening 4.45pm @
Lenah Valley and Monday evening 5.30pm @ Mornington in the
Prayer Room
Wednesdays 7.00—9.00pm
for College age and upwards
Contact Stuart Semmens 0407 423 760
are held at various locations.
Please ask at the office for a venue that
best suits you for prayer and bible study.
Recommencing 23 April
9.30am—12.00 noon at Mornington
Contact Raie Semmens 6244 2586
for further details
Corner of Care
Your prayers are greatly appreciated for
those in our church family who are not well
at present and those who are undergoing
News & Prayer
Mid Year Assembly will be held May 15 and
16. Our keynote speaker will be Karl Faase.
This is a great opportunity to hear Karl speak
and to share what’s going on in churches
around the state. Churches need to nominate their delegates by May 1 by sending the
relevant forms to Rodney Marshall.
A farewell light lunch will be held on Sunday
26 April for John and Heather, as this is their
last Sunday with us in John’s role as pastor.
is personal hygiene
We need: soap, combs/small hairbrushes, toothbrushes for 2-4yrs and 5-9yrs.
We are still in need of small pencil cases and
Please place items in the containers located in the
foyer @ Mornington and Lenah Valley each Sunday.
Our prospective interim Senior Pastor, Rev Dr
David Roffe and his wife Joy are looking for
suitable accommodation (eg granny flat) from
the end of April. If you have something that
may be suitable, or know of something, please
contact Peter Clarke on 0418 146 142 or email
It will also be the first Sunday that Rev Dr
David Roffe (our intentional interim pastor)
and his wife, Joy will be with us.
Please bring something to share for lunch in
order to make this occasion a special celebration.
(Op Shop)
Urgent Help Needed !!!
Ladies, we need your help to 'man' the
Citywide Op Shop. If you can spare a couple
of hours during any of these times please
talk to Maggie Perkins on 62434811.
Tuesdays 3-5pm (Café 400)
Thursdays 10:30-12noon (Time Out)
& 3-5pm (Café 400)
Sunday after church