February 2015 The Beacon Prayer Concerns: Gwen Baskett, Lynne Benson, Jim Bond, Cathie Brink, Mary Alice Brown, Becky Clegg, Bill and June Davies, Marie Edwards, Emma Ferrell, Dwight Greene, Bettye Greger, Grace Hale, Mary Harmon, John and Pat Lee, Mike and Carla McKinney, Dottie Piontek, Virginia Rogers, Sandy Smith, Vic Sydnor, Penny Tate, Priscilla Tillman, Barbara Whitlock, Pam and Keith Williford, all Service men and women serving our country. Names on the Prayer Concern List will remain two weeks unless advised otherwise. Sympathy is extended to… Jack and Sandy Robinson for the death of Jack’s brother-in-law. PRESENCE…. Sunday Worship Attendance: January 4—248 January 11—239 January 18—228 January 25—234 Sunday School Attendance: January 4— No Sunday School January 11—137 January 18—134 January 25—144 Wednesday Worship Attendance: January 7—26 January 14—20 January 21—23 January 28—23 ANNOUNCEMENTS SOUPPER BOWL SUNDAY LUNCH, FEBRUARY 1, 12:00 P.M., FELLOWSHIP HALL - SEE PAGE EIGHT. THERE WILL BE NO PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING FEBRUARY 1 – Due to Soupper Bowl Sunday church events. THERE WILL BE NO UMYF FEBRUARY 1 NOR SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8. YOUTH SUNDAY WILL BE FEBRUARY 8! The youth will meet in the sanctuary at 8:00 a.m. BENSON ADULT FELLOWSHIP WILL MEET FEBRUARY 12, 11:30 A.M., FELLOWSHIP HALL – An excellent program is scheduled with Dr. Mike Walden from NCSU discussing the Economic Outlooks for 2015. Dr. Walden is one of the outstanding practical economists in North Carolina and the nation. To make your reservation contact Bob Cook 919-848-7206 or c7654k@earthlink.net CHILDREN'S COUNCIL WILL MEET SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, FELLOWSHIP HALL IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 11A.M. SERVICE. FEEL FREE TO BRING A BAGGED LUNCH. WOMEN’S RETREAT REGISTRATION REMINDER - Women who already know they will attend Women's Retreat Weekend should send their registration form and first payment to Cindy Hallman by Thursday, February 5, if possible. Registrations can be submitted later, but getting these initial registrations is very helpful for planning. Thanks so much! Your Retreat Planning Committee A WEBSITE CALLED UMC MARKET.ORG was set up by the General Council on Finance and Administration. They partnered with Zebraplace to present UMCMarket.org, the online portal designed for United Methodists to shop online at a variety of retailers who will donate to a local church or other United Methodist entity. Funds received will be used for ministries. Check it out for yourself. THANKS TO ALL WHO SO GENEROUSLY DONATED BOOKS TO OUR LITTLE FREE LIBRARY – We now have enough to fill a dozen LFLs! Please visit our library frequently and take several books home to enjoy. The library is located on the walkway behind the Administration Building. BULLETIN INSERTS – If your ministry area would like to include an insert into the bulletin with more information than the announcement page can cover, please submit information/design two weeks prior to the desired Sunday of publication to Mary mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org or 919-787-0789. This procedure will help conserve paper. MARCH NEWSLETTER INFORMATION DUE FEBRUARY 10 – Submit to Mary at mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org or 919-787-0789. SPECIAL MESSAGE ABOUT ONLINE GIVING - Please remember that ongoing pledge offerings can be automated even if you don't choose to utilize the Benson website or take advantage of online donation options. There are electronic giving authorization forms available from Colette Murphy, Business Manager. Complete the form and return it directly to Colette to get started. URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS – If you need pastoral care after office hours, please be in touch with Pastor Kelly Lyn or Pastor Jeff and leave a detailed message. The pastor on call will follow up as soon as possible. Kelly Lyn Logue, Senior Pastor – 919462-0339, Jeff Babajtis, Associate Pastor – 919-545-4080. CHRISMONS - 2015 – It is already time to start making new Chrismons for 2015. If you would like to help this year, please let me know and I will give you supplies. To donate a Chrismon in honor or memory of someone, contact me so we can select one for this special person, committee, or group etc. Benson has many Chrismons, but there are numerous more designs that we do not have and new designs are available each year. Your support is greatly appreciated. Martha Derbyshire 919-783-8528 or 919-9718513. TRUSTEES WILL HOLD GROUND WORK SESSIONS, 9:00 – 12:00 P.M., SATURDAYS – MARCH 14, APRIL 18, MAY 23 AND JUNE 13 – We hope this will give more members an opportunity to help us beautify the campus grounds and fellowship with the church family at the same time. Jerry Crenshaw jerrychome@gmail.com FAT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 5:30 P.M., FELLOWSHIP HALL, PANCAKE SUPPER – SEE PAGE FIVE. ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 5:30 P.M., FELLOWSHIP HALL, MEAGER MEAL – SEE PAGE SIX. ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP SERVICE, FEBRUARY 18, 6:30 P.M., SANCTUARY—SEE PAGE SEVEN. COUPLES WEEKEND RETREAT AT CAMP ROCKFISH—A weekend focused on strengthening your marriage will be launched at Camp Rockfish February 27—March 1. This retreat will be a chance for couples to come together and work on building a stronger relationship with each other and God. Couples will engage in a superb slate of classes and worship, while enjoying awesome Rockfish activities and some quality time together. Cost is $175 per couple. For more information or to register, please contact Debbie Powers at 910-425-3529, ext. 22 or Debbie@camprockfish.org. Benson Memorial UMC “THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW” for all those serving in lay servant leadership Church Office Hours 8:30 am – 5pm Mon-Thurs; 8:30 am-1pm Friday 919-787-0789 bensonmemorial.org www.facebook.com/bensonmemorialumc Church Staff Jeff Babajtis, Associate Pastor jbabajtis@bensonmemorial.org 919-545-4080 Cortney Babajtis, Minister of Children and Youth cortneypaige84@gmail.com 919-787-0789 Mary Elizabeth Hearn, Director of Music Ministries/Organist hearn59@msn.com 919-787-3232 Mary Honeycutt, Administrative Assistant mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org 919-878-0789 Colette Murphy, Business Manager cmurphy@bensonmemorial.org 919-787-0789 Shannon Luxford, Preschool Director sluxford@bensonmemorial.org 919-787-0789 Anne Jenkins, Choir Director anneanj@aol.com 919-787-5916 Jennifer Riggert, Director of Chimes and Instrumental Music jdriggert@att.net 919-785-9079 Kevin Thompson, Director of Music for Wednesday Nights kthompson74@gmail.com 919-800-1519 Announcements for the Bulletin All information to be printed in the bulletin announcement insert are due to Mary by noon on Tuesday each week at mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org or 919-787-0789 *Note that written announcements may be edited for content or length. Bulletin Inserts To include an insert in the bulletin with more information than the announcement page can cover, submit information/ design two weeks prior to the desired Sunday of publication to mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org or 919-787-0789 *may be edited for content or design Newsletter Deadline All information for the Beacon, monthly newsletter, is due by the tenth of each month to Mary at mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org or 919-787-0789 Verbal Announcements for Sunday Worship To ensure your announcement is highlighted verbally during worship services, please mail both pastors by noon on Thursday. klogue@bensonmemorial.org ; jbabajtis@bensonmemorial.org Website Information Email Ken Bond kenb624@yahoo.com or Pastor Jeff at jbabajtis@bensonmemorial.org Room/Space Reservations Email or call Mary at mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org or 919-787-0789 *Please plan ahead as our facility is used by many ministries and missions throughout each week. Be sure to arrange to get a key—do not assume that the building or your assigned room will be unlocked. Please leave the room in better shape than you found it. Let the office know of any concerns. Contact info updates Our Database information is only as updated as the information you give us. When your address,phone numbers or BENSON MEMORIAL UMC Benson Memorial United Methodist Church Kelly Lyn Logue, Sr. Pastor 4706 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 27612 Phone: 919-787-0789 Fax: 919-787-0466 Web Address: http:// www.bensonmemorial.org URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS If you need pastoral care after office hours, please be in touch with Pastor Kelly Lyn Logue or Pastor Jeff Babajtis and leave a detailed message. The pastor on call will follow up as soon as possible. Kelly Lyn Logue, Senior Pastor—919-462-0339 Jeff Babajtis, Associate Pastor—919-545-4080 CELEBRATE OUR FAITH, STRENGTHEN OUR FAITH, SHARE OUR FAITH Information for the March Beacon is due February 10. Please submit all information to Mary Honeycutt. 919–787-0789 mhoneycutt@bensonmemorial.org
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