St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Messenger November 2014 From the Pastor’s Study, I A place where people are “doers” n September Sister Noreen Stevens from the St. Paul Area Synod was with us to install Ali as a pastor of St. Michael’s. As I spoke with her that morning she commented that she had been talking with a person who has been regularly visiting and worshipping at St. Michael’s for the past six months. This person is a pastor who had been serving a parish in in LaCrosse, Wisconsin before coming to the Twin Cities to be involved in a year of Clinical Pastoral Education training at Fairview Southdale. When Sister Noreen asked where she had been worshipping she said, “St. Michael’s in Roseville.” Then she went on to say that St. Michael’s is a place where people are “doers”! It was good to hear that someone could clearly see that just by visiting St. Michael’s. It is easy to talk about “loving our neighbor”, but what God calls us to do is actually embody love for our neighbor. One only needs look at the generous support you provide St. Michael’s, and the array of ministries in which we are involved in serving people, to see that we are “doers”. (To learn more about how we “do” ministry be sure and take a look at the Special Edition Stewardship newspaper that has been sent to each home.) The conversation with Sister Noreen reminds me of the comment of the great American educator, writer and theologian Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel when he said, "We have to have more than textbooks. We need text-people." As you know November is when we ask you to make a commitment of your time, talent and money to support the ministry that is done in and through St. Michael’s. As you reflect on what you will give, it is important to remember that to sustain the ministries in which we are engaged and support the addition of Pastor Ali Ferin on staff, the proposed 2015 budget has increased by 5 percent over 2014. In the Time and Talent sheet you will see all the ways in which you can be involved to make these ministries happen…those highlighted in red are ministries where we can use more help. We would ask that you return your commitment information by Sunday, November 16. Trusting in your ongoing faithful and generous support, THANKS! Roland Hayes Watch for a mailing from the Stewardship Committee soon! Y our mailing from the Stewardship Committee will include your pledge card, time and talent sign-up forms, and an all-new edition of St. Michael’s annual publication, the St. Michael’s Times. There’s news about your friends at St. Michaels; there’s history information you probably didn’t know; there are even recipes. (Yes, we reveal how Mary Duddleston makes that barbecue sauce for the Pig Roast.) You’ll want to read it cover to cover! The word of God which we hear in Scripture has to be become more than just a list of things we believe. God's word has to become the actual values and virtues we live. Every gift we give, every kindness we enact, every offering of forgiveness we struggle to extend, every attempt we make to reach out to the lost and isolated help make us the "text" of God's word; we make the Word of God real in our midst in our everyday attempts to imitate Jesus' love, mercy, forgiveness and generosity. In doing so we help give height and width and depth to the love of God, first and must fully embodied in the person of Jesus. Thank you for the way you so faithfully live out the values and virtues we read about in God’s word. Thank you for the way you help write the Word of God in the lives of others – often without uttering a word. continued on page 2 1 continued from page 1 Office hours at St. MIchael’s The main office is open from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. • • • Kathy Harris is in the office Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mary Nosek is in the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Lisa Koland is in the office Tuesday and Thursday afternoons The office phone number is 651-631-1510. 2 ADULT EDUCATION SUNDAYS - 10AM COURTYARD ROOM November 2 Communities of Faith Engaging Public Work for the Common Good Special November opportunities for Service and Worship Thanksgiving Eve Service Join us on Wednesday, November 26, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. for our Thanksgiving Eve worship service. Dr. Harry Boyte In the face of tumultuous changes in the economy, education, technology, and other areas, Americans are divided by partisan and other differences. Many feel powerless, retreating back into private life, “to you and your unit, what you know you can take care of,” as one woman in Richmond put it to pollsters. People worry that basic values such as pride in work and respect for everyday citizens are eroded in a materialistic, individualistic, and celebrity-oriented culture. In this presentation and discussion, Harry C. Boyte, director of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship at Augsburg College and a Senior Fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs, argues that conventional approaches to bridge the divide all too often fail. But over the past generation, public work, a framework of citizenship with deep roots in our society and our faith tradition, focused on everyday citizens as the foundation of democracy, has emerged as an approach which can help us to renew the democratic soul of America. November 9 and November 16 The Prophecies of Advent: What Are We Waiting For? Dr. Carolyn Pressler Advent, the dictionary tells us, has to do with “waiting.” But for what are we waiting? The Old Testament texts we hear during the season of Advent are full of audacious promises and impossible visions. Wolves and lambs will live peaceably together? There shall be endless peace for the throne of David? What do these promises mean? How can we possibly believe them? During these two sessions, we will reflect on Israel’s ancient prophecies, and our own, very current hopes. Dr. Carolyn Pressler is the Harry C. Piper, Jr. Professor of Biblical Interpretation and Seminary Professor at United Theological Seminary. She has been tussling with these texts for a long time, and welcomes the opportunity to wrestle once again with God’s outrageously hope-filled promises. November 23 Does Raising Children in an Overindulgent World Pose Threats for Your Child’s Spiritual Well-Being? Dr. David Bredhoft Dr. Bredhoft, author of How Much Is Enough?: Everything You Need to Know to Steer Clear of Overindulgence and Raise Likeable, Responsible and Respectful Children will discuss recent research on childhood overindulgence, how it affects children throughout adolescence and adulthood, as well as what parents can do instead. Dr. Bredhoft will talk about the relationship between overindulgence and the threat it poses to a child’s spiritual health and well-being. November 30 Questions I Have Always Wanted to Ask a Pastor! Today Roland will be present to answer any questions you have for a pastor. The Desserts II book group meets at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25, at the home of Kelly Barkve to discuss Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian. 3 Nursery will be provided. After the service, come to Fellowship Hall for pie, coffee and conversation. Please plan to bring a pie to share that evening. Because we anticipate a larger crowd than usual we will need more pies for our post-service well as people to help setup, serve and clean-up. Be watching for sign-up sheets on the bulletin board across from the church office. We’re hosting a meal at the Chinese Hospitality Center O n Saturday, November 15, St. Michael’s will provide and serve a meal for the University of Minnesota Chinese Hospitality Center for scholars and families. This time of food and fellowship supports 175-200 students, and is an act of hospitality and welcome to the Twin Cities community. We need volunteers to help prepare, serve, and clean-up. Please contact Pastor Ali if you are able to help with this wonderful opportunity! 4 Tutors needed he Roseville Area School District T is seeking academic support for students in grades four through eight. Tutoring schedules are flexible. Contact Pastor Ali if you can help. With our Youth Twisted Thanksgiving Feast Sunday, November 23--noon to 2 p.m. Fellowship Hall On November 23, students in grades three through five are invited to a potluck to give thanks! Everyone is to bring a food beginning with the first letter of his or her FIRST name. (Please, also bring a favorite food to donate the Keystone Food Shelf.) We will feast our way through our wacky menu, and learn about sharing and gratitude. Sign up on the bulletinboard in the hallway. Sunday School Program rehearsals: • Sundays during the Sunday School hour: each Sunday in November and on December 7. Parents, please make sure you child is present for as many rehearsals as possible. • Saturday, December 13, 9-10:30 a.m. (in the Fellowship Hall) Parents, encourage your child to be present during as many rehearsals as possible. We need them!! And plan now to attend our Sunday School Program on Sunday, December 14, in the Fellowship Hall. Middle School Urban Immersion Service Retreat November14-16 Middle schools students will participate in a service retreat in Minneapolis November 14-16. They will work at a number of service sites, experience poverty and how it impacts individuals and communities, and learn how to be advocates. Students planning to participate should attend an information meeting, along with their parents, at noon on Sunday, November 9, in the Courtyard Room. T Summer Youth Mission Trip set for Detroit he senior high school youth mission trip will take us to Detroit in June 2015. There’s a sign-up sheet on the youth bulletin board in the church hallway. A $100 deposit is required with sign up. Contact Marta if you have questions. 5 Especially for women of the congregation November Circle Meetings Women’s retreat is February 6-8 Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 4, 9:30 a.m. at church Put it on your calendars now! This year’s women’s retreat is February 6-8 at Bay Lake Camp in Deerwood, Minnesota Elisabeth Circle will meet on Wednesday, November 5 , 1:00 p.m. at the church. Women’s Christmas Buffet Monday, December 1 6 p.m. It will be an evening of great food, great fellowship and great music! All St. MIchael’s women are invited. Bring a friend, too. We’ll be entertained by the Four Seasons Barbershop quartet The Sarah Circle is hosting this wonderful “start-of-the-season” evening Sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway across from the library. Include your name, the number of guests you’ll bring, and indicate what dish you’ll bring to share. Questions? Call Sandy Gibson at 651-636-3899 6 Life of the Congregation Social Ministry Family Service Day November Social Ministry Events Family Volunteer Day Rezek House Meal Delivered Sandwich Making and Delivery Global Health Ministries Quilting & Bandage Rolling Chinese Hospitality Dinner Loaves & Fishes Bread Ministry Meals on Wheels November November November November November November November Weekly Weekly Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:00-11:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided 1 3 9 10 & 24 12 15 17 Contact for more information on any event. November’s Social Ministry Volunteers Rezek House Meal Jill Griffin and Dennis Skovsted Sandwich Delivery Heidi Gunderson November Panera Bread Pick Up Sunday – Mary Fischer Tuesday – Mike Krachmer Wednesday – Terry Boehlke Friday – Lou and Burle Gengenbach Gear up for Winter THANK YOU! Many thanks for your generosity in donating winter clothing items! Our collection will provide warmth and security to many families. We collected: 37 Coats 35 Hats 7 Snowpants 35 Gloves and Mittens 4 Boots 5 Scarves Sandwich Making for Union Gospel Mission On November 9, St. Michael’s members will take a few minutes after the 8:45 a.m. service to make sandwiches and deliver them to Union Gospel Mission. Together, we make 336 sandwiches in about 20 minutes! With enough help, we are usually done in time to join the Religion in Life program! 7 Our hungry neighbors need you! Families (children ages 8+) are invited to volunteer for a morning of service. Helpful hands are needed for sorting and re-packing food, which will be sent to food shelves and soup kitchens in our community. Meet at the Golden Valley Second Harvest Heartland location: 6325 Sandburg Road #1700, Golden Valley, MN 55427. About Store to Door Store To Door is a nonprofit grocery shopping and delivery service for seniors in the Twin Cities metro area. Store to Door provides the service to over 1,800 people who want to remain independent despite their age, health, mobility or disability. The service helps to make it possible for elderly people from all income levels to stay in their homes after they are no longer able to shop and bring home their own groceries. Store To Door would not be able to carry out the mission without dedicated volunteer shoppers and volunteer order takers. Order takers call from home day or evening, taking grocery orders using an online ordering system. Additional order takers are especially needed this fall. To learn more about services or volunteering, call (651) 642-1892, or visit Families matters We celebrate the baptism of Norwood David Singleton on October 5 (son Bryce Singleton and Kelli McCully) Thanks to our blood donors! W e would like to thank the 38 St. Michael’s members and the three members of the community who were willing to donate blood to our blood drive. We celebrate the baptism of Lucas James Fuerstenberg on October 12 (son of Cheryl and Gregg Fuerstenberg). We celebrate the wedidng of Michael Eide and Jennifer Hanson on October 4. There were a total of 27 units of blood collected. This will help save many lives. Thank you so much to Maxine Kornmann and Joellyn Reinke for working at the Canteen. Thank you to Roland, Leesa, Kathy and Fernando for their support! BEFRIENDERS TO MEET Befriends will meet at 7:00 p.m. On November 13 in the church library -Sandy Gibson & Mary Plath, Blood Drive Co-chairs We congratulate the following members of St. Michael’s who were confirmed on October 26 Mara Rae Anderson Samantha Elaine Bilotta Marissa Lee Bogert Patrick John Gregg Jack Phillip Indritz Hunter James Klaras Haley Marie Prochazka Thomas Henry Rolfs Matthew Sonnack Solvi Thompson Wagstrom 8 Coming in December Youth Mission Trip Reflection Hanging of the Greens! Join us for our annual hanging of the greens • • • • Sunday, November 30 noon Enjoy lunch Decorate the church Make Christmas treats Sing some carols Simple Gifts in Concert at St. Michael’s Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014 7:00 p.m. H Cecil Cecil & LLinda inda C Criss riss H Community: Wallace – June 15-21, 2014 families Herere’s e’s an uan pdupdate ate ab abouton oneone of thof e fathe milies the St. St. servedserved during during their mithe ssionmission trip MicMichael’s hael’s Yo Youthyouth trip W Wa allace, W Wes es103 t Vir ginia, LDrive aslast t summ er. totoWallace, West Virginia, summer. As one of Address: Bertha Sponsor: Wallace UM Church Featuring Billy McLaughlin, Billy Oehrlein, Torie Redpath, Heather Moen, Laura McKenzie, Ashleigh Still, and Amy Courts the week’s projects, the young people worked at Whi le theyofwCecil ael’s installed erWallace, e in Wa W allace , th26448 e SCriss. t. 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