November 16, 2014
By Helping People
Come to Christ
Grow in Christ and
Belong to His Family”
Prayer Line: 567-3950
9:30 AM ONLY
Phone: 567-4665
410 Main St. Maurice, IA
“At MRC we exist to
Glorify God by
“How to Have a Faith That Hungers for More”
Bob Upgren teaching
A Heartfelt “Thank You” goes to Bob Upgren for
leading us in spiritual growth this weekend.
Thank you Bob, for being used by God. May God
continue to richly bless you as you minister in the
name of Christ around this country.
8:30 and 10:45 AM
“Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”
James 2:14-26
Pastor Don teaching
Please use this passage as mealtime devotions
with your family as you prepare for this
teaching. How can your family practically
carry out the teaching of this passage?
Feel free to join the TEC closing service at MRC
starting at 5 PM.
No Sunday School today or next Sunday.
Church Family Prayer Box
 Congratulations to Blaine and Cassie Reuter
on the birth of their daughter, Harper Kae,
born on November 7 in Floyd Valley Hospital in
Upcoming Surgery:
 Shane Walter will have total knee replacement
surgery on Thursday, November 20th in
The Sign up sheets are located in the fellowship hall near the info booth.
Sign ups include:
Sign up to host a Monday Night Football
Sign up for a poinsettia
Sign up to volunteer for nursery, Thanksgiving eve, Children's Christmas
program and/or Christmas Eve candlelight service
Sign up to help at the Traveling Nativity, December 13 and 14.
or Next Week because of TEC —They will resume on November 30.
Monday Night Football at the CONNECTION - 7:30 pm join us for food
and watching the Pittsburgh Steelers vs Tennessee Titans. Bring a friend.
Mike Mulder is our host!
Wednesday family night meal served from 5:15-6:45 in the Family Life
Center - Menu this week: “Hot Beef” Sandwiches/Mashed potatoes, Corn,
Pumpkin bars. Freewill donation is appreciated.
ADULT DISCUSSION Wednesday Nights 6:30 pm-7:45 pm at the
CONNECTION: Join us at the CONNECTION in Maurice as this Group will have
discussion each week on various topics that pertain to everyday life. Come
when you can. This week’s discussion question is: “Is our physical breath
actually a picture of a deeper spiritual reality?”
Singles Night Out, Friday, November 21 - meet at 6 PM at the Connection
and eat at Lally’s in LeMars. Games & fellowship afterward at the Connection.
Call Marty Driggers with questions or to sign up, 567-5623.
November 22 Musketeers vs Tri-City. Tickets are $5. Deadline to sign
up is TODAY. Payment is required when you sign up. Please talk to Pastor
Kurt or Jo Dekker. We will be taking the church bus to the event. Bus will
LEAVE church at 5:30 pm on Nov 22.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who worked, donated food and for those
who came out and supported the Harvest Supper this past week. Again this
year, it was a huge success! Thanks for all your help!
(If you brought food in a non-disposable dish, they are on a table in the
Family Life Center)
THANK YOU to all who helped prepare and attended the Spiritual Growth
Weekend. Thank you to the MRC Evangelism Team for bringing this to
Maurice Reformed Church Family~
THANK YOU so much for the generous gift of the gift cards for groceries
and gas! To come back from Guatemala and receive that gift was a true
blessing and answer to prayer. We are touched greatly by your prayers
and support! We look forward to connecting with you while we are back
in Iowa for a few weeks. Much love - The Schrock Family
Opportunities for Service and Giving
College Student Care Packages this week
- Jr. GAP wants to bless those in college from
Maurice Reformed. We are planning to make
and assemble care packages for them this
week, November 19th. If you have any of the
items below, please bring them by my office
any time before November 18. Thank you! –
Jon Eveland, Jr. GAP Youth Pastor
Following are some suggestions of supplies to buy
for College Care Packages:
-Homemade goodies
-Ramen noodles
-Cough Drops
The Senior High Youth Group is proud to present Traveling
Nativity for the 2014 Christmas season! Mark your calendars for
the evening of December 13 and 14, and consider signing up to help in
an area of need. (Sign-ups are in the Fellowship Hall.) Hope you can
make this special presentation of the true meaning of Christmas!
Poinsettias - We will again be decorating the sanctuary with poinsettias
this year. You can sign up for one at the information counter or contact
Sharon Plendl if you have any questions. You will be able to take your
plant home after Christmas.
Newly Elected Elders and Deacons - The annual congregational
meeting was held last Sunday evening. The 2015 MRC budget was
approved. Elders elected were Evan Grotenhuis, Billy Korver and Mark
Van Ommeren. Deacons elected were Brad Cleveringa, Jon Schmidt and
Mike Vermeer.
The MRC Thanksgiving Eve service will be on
Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00 p.m.
Please come to worship, hear
testimonies and Scriptures, and
please bring along your Thanksgiving
Offering and an offering of nonperishable food and paper goods
that will be donated to the local food
pantries, the Family Crisis Center,
and the BRIDGE.
December Maurice Moments Deadline - Please give your
items to Jan Budden by November 20. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday it is important to get your news items to Jan on time!
TEC, Teens Encounter Christ, will be happening at MRC this
upcoming weekend, November 20-23. High school students from
around the area will be staying at the church. Some are looking to
strengthen their relationship with Christ. Some have heard of Him,
but have never encountered Him. Some may not even want to be
there! Please pray for each of the students that will be attending
the weekend. Also pray for the leadership staff, comprised of
adults as well as students that have attended the weekend previously. Many will get very little sleep over the course of the weekend! And if you are available, please make plans to attend the TEC
closing on Sunday evening at 5 PM. You will be amazed at what
God has done in the lives of those high school students.
TEC is looking for places to shower for the upcoming TEC weekend
which is Nov. 20-23. If you would be willing to let them use your
shower, please let Stacy Jasper know ASAP. Please call him at 712540-3510. The most likely times they would be needed would be
early mornings or later evenings. Thank you.
Thanksgiving Day CommUNITY Meal in Orange City
 A Thanksgiving meal will be held at Living Water Church in
Orange City, serving turkey and all the trimmings from 11:30 AM to
1 PM on Thanksgiving Day. They have needs for the meal.
 Needs include: baked pumpkin pies, turkeys and people to cook
them, roasters, workers for 1 hour shifts for serving and clean up,
and financial donations to help with expenses. If anyone wishes to
help with this event, contact Ronda Noteboom, (712-548-3755 or or Sandie Vant Hof (712-230-0537
This is an invitation to anyone to attend. (they provided meals to
450 people last year, including delivery and take out!). The meal is
free to attendees.
Sticky Note:
Baptism We are blessed to celebrate new
births in our church on a frequent
level! Do you remember the vow
you make at the time of their
baptism? Are you living it out?
Take those opportunity challenges
(Teacher, Pal, Mentor, etc.) and
Sunday, November 16
9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship lead by Bob Upgren
No Sunday School.
Monday, November 17
9 AM Fellowship Through Fitness in Family Life Center
5 PM Bell choir rehearsal
6 PM Counting Team meets in the conference room
7:30 PM Monday Night Football at the Connection
Tuesday, November 18
9:30 AM Legacy Bible study meets in the Fireside Room
9:30 AM Staff Meeting in conference room
1:00 - 5:00 PM Stitches of Love in room #9
7 PM Mission Team Meeting
Wednesday, November 19
5:15-6:45 PM Wednesday night family meal served in the Family
Life Center
6:30 PM Pioneer Club
6:30 PM Adult Growth Group meets at the Connection
6:45 PM Jr. GAP meets in the Bus Barn
6:45 PM Senior High meets in the youth room
8 PM Young Adult Group meeting
8:05 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal in Room #8
Thursday, November 20
9 AM Fellowship Through Fitness in Family Life Center
7 PM Celebrate Recovery meets in the youth room
Friday, November 21
6:00 PM Singles group - going out to eat at Lally’s in Le Mars and
games & fellowship afterward at the Connection
Saturday, November 22
5:30 PM Bus will leave for the Hockey Game in Sioux City (must
reserve a ticket by today, Sunday, November 16)
Sunday, November 23
8:30 and 10:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship led by Pastor Don
No Sunday School
5 PM TEC Closing Worship in our sanctuary - you are invited
The Missionary Home in Orange City is currently in urgent need of
financial gifts to cover monthly utility bills for the 2 apartments, which
run about $500 a month. Funding was depleted this summer by some
necessary repairs and improvements made. The Missionary Home offers
home-like accommodations to missionary families on furlough or breaks
at no cost to RCA missionaries; a discounted rate to non-RCA mission
workers, and to other guests when available. The apartments are funded
by families/individuals, East and West Sioux women’s groups, and
churches. Please send your donation to The Sioux Union Missionary
Home, c/o RCA Global Ministries, 612 8th St SE, Orange City, IA 51041.
For questions or to schedule a group tour call Kathy at 712-737-4952.
Volunteering at MRC
This Week – November 16
Sharing the Word 9:30 AM Bob Upgren
Organist - 9:30 Marge Van Ommeren
Pianist 9:30 Laura Haverdink
Greeters – 9:30 Darren & Ashley Wielenga, Jeff & Sara Wielenga, Evonne Wielenga
Little Blessings Nursery & Big Promises Nursery - NWC volunteers
Prayer Room - 9:30 Jerry Vermeer
Flower Chairperson - Sharon Plendl
Next Week – November 23
Sharing the Word 8:30 and 10:45 AM Pastor Don DeKok
Organist - Judy Vlietstra
Pianists - 8:30 Carissa Jensen 10:45 Julie VIs
Greeters – 8:30 Jerry & Dawn Wiltgen, Bob & Beth Zeutenhorst, Terry & Amy
Aberson (west) 10:45 Jerry & Sharon Vermeer, Steve & Julie Vis, Matt & Karen
Westenberg (west)
Little Blessings Nursery 8:30 Aaron & Amanda Haverdink, Maddie Schwarck
10:45 Adam & Ashley Maassen, Jaci Davis
Big Promises Nursery - 8:30 Laura Haverdink, Amy Krogman, Haley Holverson
10:45 Jason & Kristi Hargens, Evan Bomgaars
Prayer Room - 8:30 Lori Van Gorp 10:45 LaDonna De Vries
Flower Chairperson - Sharon Plendl
Jr. GAP Ministries
THIS Week @ Jr. GAP:
November 19 - Service Project We will assemble care packages
for college students
Lunch November 19 - Kaitlyn Westenberg, Jon Moerman and
Jamie Bradshaw
Next week: November 26 - Thanksgiving Eve Worship
service - NO Jr. GAP
Sr. High Ministries
Which senior high youth leader sometimes puts sour cream in
their ice cream?
 Which leader had once been brought back to school by the
 Which can’t swim?
Come to youth group this Wednesday, November 19 to get
answers and learn more about Jesus’ Parables and how they
apply to us today. See you there!
Lunch November 19: Youth leaders, Ryan & Dyan Vander
Sluis, David & Eunice Koopmans
Next week: November 26 - Thanksgiving Eve Worship
service - NO Sr. High meeting