Prayer Line: 567-3950
Phone: 567-4665
410 Main St. Maurice, IA
November 23, 2014
8:30 and 10:45 AM
“What is More Important? Faith or Works?”
James 2:14-26
You are invited to attend the closing service for
TEC that will be happening at 5 p.m.
8:30 and 10:45 AM
“Taming the Tongue”
James 3:1-12
In preparation for this teaching please talk with
your family about good things can happen when
our words are good – or how bad things can happen
when our words are not good.
Welcome our New Members! The following are
joining Maurice Reformed Church this morning...
8:30 worship:
 Brent, Kelli, Karter, Brody and Destiny Hooyer
 Jon Eveland, our Jr. GAP Youth pastor
10:45 Worship:
 Glen, Michelle, Samantha and Evan Bomgaars
 Jarrod Puffenbarger, our Sr. High Youth Pastor
and his wife Stephanie and children, Marc,
Emmalyn and Alaina
A Note of Thanks from the TEC Team…
Thank you for letting us use your church throughout
this weekend. It was definitely a blessing to have such
a great facility. Thank you supporting us and being a
part of the TEC community!
Church Family Prayer Box
 Vern Muilenburg was hospitalized last weekend with the flu and
returned home on Monday.
 Shane Walter had total knee replacement surgery on Thursday,
November 20th in Spencer. Surgery went well and he is hoping to be
home by this weekend.
 Darrel Van Regenmorter is hospitalized at Mercy Medical.
The Sign up sheets are located in the fellowship hall near the info
booth. Sign ups include:
Sign up for a poinsettia
Sign up to volunteer for nursery, Thanksgiving eve, Children's Christmas
program and/or Christmas Eve candlelight service
Sign up to help deliver groceries after the Thanksgiving Eve service.
Sign up to help at the Traveling Nativity, December 13 and 14.
because of the TEC Retreat in our church
Thank you to Mark Van Ommeren for making the visual for this
morning’s teaching.
Sign up for your Poinsettia TODAY! They will be ordered
tomorrow for the first Sunday in Advent next week! You can sign
up for one at the information counter or contact Sharon Plendl if you have
any questions. The cost is $14.00 payable at the church office. You will be
able to take your plant home after the Christmas Eve candlelight service.
Keep Christ in Christmas this December! Look in your mailbox
today for an advent devotional that you can use through this season of
preparation. Inside you will find devotions written by fellow members of
MRC. Check it out and get ready to begin reading next week!
Monday Night Football at the CONNECTION - 7:30 pm join us for
food and watching the Baltimore Ravens vs. New Orleans Saints. Bring a
friend. Eric Cleveringa is our host!
Thanksgiving Eve Service is Wednesday evening at 7 PM
Do plan to come for an evening of music, Scriptures, and thanksgiving
No Wednesday night Family Meal or adult discussion group at the
Connection this week.
Pioneer Club
Reminder that there will not be any Pioneer Club activities this week
Wednesday, November 26 for Thanksgiving break. You are welcome to join
us for the Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7 pm.
Reminder to Pioneer Club teachers/helpers: Our next planning
meeting will be on Sunday, November 30 at 4:45 PM in room 9.
Thanksgiving Worship Service is November 26 at 7 PM
Come for an evening of music, Scriptures, and thanksgiving testimonies.
Offering that evening:
 All undesignated offering will be going towards specific items
that the mission team along with the deacons have picked.
They are as follows:
*$$ Need to meet budgeted expenses at
-ATLAS Orange City Area
-Amistad Cristiana
*Disaster Relief Funds needed for:
-Hope Haven Waiver home personal items
-Rock Valley Disaster Relief rebuilding fund
*Tom Johnson in Niger Ministry needs:
Meeting & Training room needs:
-Pull-down projection screen $275
-Magnetic white boards 2@$200 each
-2 Large A/C units
-Medium size fridge to hold refreshments $600
Hausa audio Bibles (could use 500 @ $30/unit)
*Paradise Bound in Guatemala Ministry Needs:
-Support of $500/discipleship students tuition (37 students)
-Laptops for team use (3 @ $1500 each)
-DeWalt Drills for teams use (5 @ $275 each)
-Support the Aviation ministry goal of $100,000 startup
*Vasya & Maranda Heytsi in Ukraine needs:
-Seminary expenses & travel 2x/yr $1300 each trip
-Increased house & vehicle fuel expenses $6/gallon
-Natan’s school tutor fees $6/week
-Dental needs for Maranda
-Food and wood expenses for heating for church and needy
who come to the church
If you wish to designate your offering to a specific mission, such
as the MRC Mission Fund budget, or local charities of your
choice, such as Bethany Christian services, Village Northwest,
Inspiration Hills, etc. PLEASE mark that clearly on your envelope
or check.
We will have a grocery offering for four different organizations in the
area at the Thanksgiving service. These are the Orange City Food Pantry,
Hope Pantry in Sioux Center, Family Crisis Center of NW Iowa, and The
BRIDGE. There is a list available of suggested items at the information
Grocery items will also be in a reverse offering this morning.
Baskets will be passed containing paper slips with a grocery item listed.
You are encouraged to bring the item which you pick from the basket. If
you are interested in helping to deliver the groceries after the
service on Wednesday night, please sign up at the information center.
Elders and Deacons elected at the congregational meeting -
Elders elected were Evan Grotenhuis, Billy Korver and Mark Van Ommeren.
Deacons elected were Brad Cleveringa, Jon Schmidt and Mike Vermeer.
The Senior High Youth Group is proud to present Traveling
Nativity for the 2014 Christmas season! Mark your calendars for
the evening of December 13 and 14, and consider signing up to help
in an area of need. (Sign-ups are in the Fellowship Hall.) Hope you can
make this special presentation of the true meaning of Christmas!
Angel Tree and ATLAS Angels will be available next Sunday - Be
sure to stop by and pick up an angel. We will also have a sign up sheet
next week for those who would like to deliver Angel Tree gifts later in
Service Project Opportunity: The Siouxland Diaconal Conference is
partnering with Disaster Response Services of World Renew, JFA and
the Rock Valley Recovery Group to organize volunteer groups to join the
recovery work in homes that were flooded the week of June 15th in
Rock Valley, Iowa. There is an urgent need for construction material
and also several mobile homes. We are asking for financial contributions
that will be used to purchase the materials so that the volunteers can
continue to move forward with restoring homes and basements helping
families get their lives back to normal. Please prayerfully consider how
you can help. Checks can be written to Justice-For-All with “Rock
Valley Recovery” in the subject/memo line. To receive a volunteer
application and a medical release form, please contact Justice For All
at 712-476-2804.
Thanksgiving Day CommUNITY Meal in Orange City
 A Thanksgiving meal will be held at Living Water Church in Orange
City, serving turkey and all the trimmings from 11:30 AM to 1 PM on
Thanksgiving Day. They have needs for the meal. Needs include: baked
pumpkin pies, turkeys and people to cook them, roasters, workers for
1 hour shifts for serving and clean up, and financial donations to help
with expenses. If anyone wishes to help with this event, contact Ronda
Noteboom, (712-548-3755 or or Sandie Vant
Hof (712-230-0537 or This is an invitation to
anyone to attend. (they provided meals to 450 people last year, including delivery and take out!). The meal is free to attendees.
Sticky Note:
Are you INVOLVED in your
children’s spiritual life or are
you like the “dry-cleaner
parent” who drops them off
at church to get “cleaned up”
Sunday, November 23
8:30 and 10:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship led by Pastor Don
No Sunday School
5 PM TEC Closing Worship in our sanctuary - you are invited
Monday, November 24
9 AM Fellowship Through Fitness in Family Life Center
1-4 PM Yarn Connection at the Connection
6:30 PM Bell choir rehearsal
7 PM Faith Bible Study meets in the multipurpose room; Bible
study leader and hostess, Cheryl Van Wyk
7:30 PM Monday Night Football at the Connection
Tuesday, November 25
9:30 AM Staff Meeting in conference room
Wednesday, November 26
7 PM Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
Thursday, November 27
Saturday, November 29
6:30 AM Elders Fellowship at church
Sunday, November 30
8:30 and 10:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship led by Pastor Don
9:40 AM Sunday School and Adult Growth Groups
4:45 PM Pioneer Club leader planning meeting in room 9.
Children’s Christmas Program
Rehearsal updated schedule:
Saturday, December 6: 9 - 11 AM Rehearsal
for children in 1st through 5th grades.
Saturday, December 13: 9 - 11 AM Rehearsal
for children in 1st through 5th grades
Saturday, December 20: 9 - 11 AM Rehearsal
for all children Preschool 3 through 5th grade.
Sunday, December 21: 9:40 AM during the
Sunday School Hour in the sanctuary
Sunday, December 21: Children’s Christmas
Program at 6 PM
Parents: Be sure you and your children are
listening to the Christmas Program CD. Need
extra copies of the lyrics, talk to Tara Oolman.
Volunteering at MRC
This Week – November 23
Sharing the Word 8:30 and 10:45 AM Pastor Don DeKok
Organist - Judy Vlietstra
Pianists - 8:30 Carissa Jensen 10:45 Julie VIs
Greeters – 8:30 Jerry & Dawn Wiltgen, Bob & Beth Zeutenhorst, Terry & Amy
Aberson (west) 10:45 Jerry & Sharon Vermeer, Steve & Julie Vis, Matt & Karen
Westenberg (west)
Little Blessings Nursery 8:30 Cindy VanDer Weide, Laura Haverdink 10:45 Katie
Koole, Samantha Bomgaars
Big Promises Nursery - 8:30 Kim Van Klompenburg, Grace Vander Schaaf, Angel
Vander Zwaag 10:45 Bruce and Amy Bos
Prayer Room - 8:30 Lori Van Gorp 10:45 LaDonna De Vries
Flower Chairperson - Sharon Plendl
Next Week – November 30
Sharing the Word 8:30 and 10:45 AM Pastor Don DeKok
Organist - 8:30 Janene Van Gorp 10:45 Marge Van Ommeren
Pianists - 8:30 Shellie Vander Schaaf 10:45 Kristi Hargens
Greeters – 8:30 Terry & Brenda Baartman, Matt & Kelli Bartlett, Aaron & Kari
Beadner (west) 10:45 Betty Anderson, Anita Baartman, Dan & Linda Zevenbergen
Little Blessings Nursery 8:30 Aaron & Amanda Haverdink, Maddie Schwarck
10:45 Adam & Ashley Maassen, Jaci Davis
Big Promises Nursery - 8:30 Amy Krogman, Haley Holverson 10:45 Jason & Kristi
Hargens, Evan Bomgaars
Prayer Room - 8:30 Don Van Horssen 10:45 Lee Maassen
Flower Chairperson - Sharon Plendl
Jr. GAP Ministries
November 26 – No Youth Group (Thanksgiving Eve)
Next week - December 3 – “Take up your Cross” led by Jon Eveland
Lunch – December 3 - Hanah Van Beek, Dylan Feenstra, Collen Van
Thank you to all of you that contributed and donated items for the
college care packages. We were able to make a few extra – 25 total because
of the support we received. Those are such a huge blessing to receive!! It is
wonderful to be able to bless our college students in this way!
– Jon
Sr. High Ministries
November 26th: No Youth Group. Please consider joining the
congregation for worship in the sanctuary at 7pm (let a leader know
if you need a ride)!
Pray for the TEC Retreat in our church this weekend. Pray
specifically for:
Erin Miedema and Zachary De Jong who attend our senior
high youth group and are candidates at the retreat and Shianne
Borchers is working at the TEC weekend.