CELEBRATING Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference Dear Members and Friends of Desert Hills Lutheran, April is dominated this year by the celebration of the grace of Easter on April 5. As in past years, if any of you worshipping on Sunday can move to either 8:00am or 11:00am it will help the balance of the morning. The services will be the same and it is at 9:30am that we have our greatest need for extra space. Saturday at both 3:30 and 5:00pm we will celebrate Easter, Country Gospel style. I add to this a reminder that when we participate in Holy Week on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, it elevates the meaning of Easter. In April we also begin another round of New Member classes. The first meeting is on Thursday, April 9, with May 16/17 being the weekend you will be received into membership. If you are thinking about joining, these Thursday classes are excellent in helping you make up your minds if Desert Hills Lutheran is a good match for you. I do hope you will check us out. Finally, I will remind you of the Blessing of the Bikes on Saturday, April 18, 1 to 3pm. This event is still being planned but it would be good to mark your calendars now. I look forward to seeing you at worship. Blessings, Pastor Martin Consultant Update Over the past three months, our consulting firm, TAG, has obtained our church history, the number of ministries and programs, attendance and financial trends and demographic information. Also, they finished the analysis of the church survey, gathering input from six focus groups, and they met with staff members. The “purpose was to provide the church with an understanding of its current realities, and to help identify the key strategic issues for the visioning process.” Kevin Ford, TAG Consultant, gave the first report to members of our congregation on March 19 and asked for further input from those present. Over the next several months the consultant and key leadership will meet to review the information and work toward establishing a vision for the future direction of the church. Kevin will present the final report to the congregation on September 24. In this issue: Grace Notes ............................... Please Notify Us ......................... Abiding in God’s Eternal Care .... Parish Nurse Notes .................... Stephen Ministry........................ Women’s Ministries ................... Sewing Bee ................................. Men’s Ministries ........................ New Member Class .................... Social Concerns Committee ....... Blessing of the Bikes .................. FLIM Golf Classic. ....................... Fellowship News ........................ Footloose Singles Group ............ Red Cross Blood Drive ................ Estate Sale Dates........................ Show Your Art! ........................... Another Recipe from Jacqui ....... Council Highlights ...................... Lost & Found .............................. Scandinavian Club ...................... German Heritage Group ............ Foundation Corner ..................... Catalinas Community Chorus ..... Lent & Holy Week Schedule ....... Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Verse of the Month Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Grace Notes MELODY by Director of Music Ministry, Judy Starr On Sunday, March 8, the Music Ministry presented a Patchwork of Music. (Perhaps I will use that as a title in the future.) We offered beautiful traditional choral music, spirituals, festival style music, music mixed with media and topped off the evening with our bell choir and Gordon Swanson playing with the Music Academy on "Phantom of the Opera." Linda Reinhard graced our performance with her playing of the cello. Gordon Swanson is so good at "just knowing" that we need extra music and makes it happen. There was something for everyone. What a wonderful music outreach. There were many first time visitors and community members who were touched by your performances. Personally, as director of Music Ministry, I want to thank all the directors and participants for their extra rehearsals and dedication to our mission of lifting our voices for the grace of God and making an incredible outreach. You all are an inspiration to those who get to hear you sing and play. When the directors met with Troy about the sound needs and run-thru for the concert, it was decided by all that we should have a stage manager so that I could be freed to be with the two choirs I conduct. I suggested Denny Buckley because of his theater experience. I had written over eight pages of shifts and cues which he, Sid La France and Dave Sterling helped to accomplish. During the run-thru, we found additional shifts were needed. Items like music stands, rotation of the nose of the piano, podiums and many other things had to be all choreographed for a smooth-running concert. All of this preconcert preparation made for a seamless concert. Thanks go to Lois Youngren for being the "runner" and getting all groups in the sanctuary on time. Our ushers and greeters accommodated concert goers beautifully. There are many people who worked behind the scenes to make this event successful. Please take time to thank Joe LaFata and Bernie Doyle who helped to setup the sanctuary by adding chairs and bell tables for the concert, removing them for the weekend services and then putting everything back up for the concert on Sunday night. These two tireless workers did all that for us in addition to helping to serve dinners on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. The office staff was so helpful to us with programs, tickets and promotions. Please take time to thank our unsung heroes who worked during the concert and behind the scenes and also help us every week in addition to concert times. Without them, concerts would be extremely difficult. Blessings to all! H A R M O N Y The first week of April completes our journey to the cross culminating with our Easter services. There will be choirs at Maundy Thursday, Good Friday services and also on Easter. We hope everyone will find a service to attend during the Easter celebration. The Music Ministry will continue to make beautiful music all year long! 2150 S. Camino del Sol Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352 520-648-1633 www.dhlc.org Please Notify Us! Worship Times Saturday — 3:30 & 5:00pm Sunday — 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am Please be sure to make the church office aware of the desire for pastoral visits, communion at home, hospitalization, condition changes or moves to different facilities or home. Be sure to let us know the name of the hospital or facility. We want to stay in touch with you! Holy Communion is celebrated the 1st & 3rd weekend of each month at all services. Sunday School Classes at 9:30am September-May Office Hours Monday-Friday — 8:30am to 4:00pm Pastoral Staff Rev. Dr. Martin N. Overson, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Richard Lind, Associate Pastor Quail Notes newsletter is published monthly. E-mail articles for consideration for the April issue by March 15 to quailnotes@dhlc.org. Limit articles to 300 words or less. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions. Abiding in God’s Eternal Care Bruce Brainard who died Sunday, March 1, 2015 Dave Guse who died Monday, March 16, 2015 Betty Wismeyer who died Thursday, March 19, 2015 2 Notes Incorporating spiritual values into health education “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven… “ Ecclesiastes 3 The conversations about Advance care planning, Palliative Care and Hospice have been frequent among church staff and members here at DHLC. We need to be comfortable having conversations with loved ones and friends, ask one another questions, especially when someone is faced with a serious illness, and/or when we know that we’re aging and becoming frail. Life is precious and worth fighting for. But, so is the process of dying, and so every option is worth carefully considering. People deserve the confidence and security in making choices whether death is welcomed or feared. Everyone deserves skillful attention to their physical comfort, emotional and spiritual well-being and sense of personal dignity. Our families deserve respect, communication and support. Advance care planning is making decisions about the care you would like to receive if you happen to become unable to speak for yourself. These are your decisions to make, regardless of what you choose for your care, and the decisions are based on your personal values, preferences and discussions with your loved ones. If you are in an accident or have an illness that leaves you unable to talk about your wishes, who will speak for you? You can tell your family, friends and healthcare providers what your wishes and personal beliefs are about continuing or withdrawing medical treatments at the end of life. Conversations that focus on your wishes and beliefs will relieve loved ones and healthcare providers of the need to guess what you would want. Share your personal values with your loved ones. Discussion on the questions and thoughts below can help guide conversations to allow everybody to understand what the goal and priorities are, and to put into writing should you be unable to speak for yourself: How do you define quality of life? What is your understanding of where you are and of your illness? What are your fears and concerns regarding your illness and the future? Deciding what kind of medical treatment and/or life-sustaining treatments are available, do you want or not want should you be diagnosed with a life-limiting illness? What outcomes are unacceptable to you and what are you willing to sacrifice and not? How do you feel about nutrition, hydration, being lucid and pain management in the end of life? Who would be your best advocate at the end of your life? What would a good day or good death be for you? If given the option, would I use hospice and when? Who do you want near you at the end of your life, where do you want to die? There are over 6,000 Palliative care and Hospice programs nationally, and although the services are invaluable, they are no panacea. Palliative care and Hospice are patient and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life and death by anticipating, preventing and treating suffering. Throughout the continuum of illness and the dying process it involves addressing physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs. If you have concerns, questions or would like to discuss Advance care planning, Palliative care and Hospice, contact the Parish Nurse at 520-648-1633, Ext. 29 or email parishnurse@dhlc.org. May you find peace in your soul, accept the truth of nature, the beauty of God and the gift of life and salvation… Anna Tometczak, RN, Parish Nurse Resources: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization; Hospice Video Basics Stephen Ministry As Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator, I have the privilege of making initial home visits on people going through a difficult time. I hear their stories of sadness, loss, grief, illness, death, loneliness, isolation -- from our church, family and God sometimes. I have heard the question asked, “Where is God? I’ve prayed and prayed and He didn’t answer my prayers.” We are fortunate to have trained, skilled, caring Stephen Ministers who can provide one-on-one, spiritual, high quality care that is confidential. They visit that hurting person weekly to bring healing through Christ-centered care. Below is the personal testimony of one of our own care receivers, published here with her written permission. “I was beyond help. There was no control over the panic I felt; an overwhelming imminent threat of death. I had many ways of suicide thought through. Going to church was not any solace. A friend called out of nowhere (we had only met twice) and she came to my house. She was a Stephen Minister. To me she glowed a bit like an apparition. No – she was real. There was a crack in my door. But I was scared to give up the pattern of fear and panic in my life. The next time she visited I saw a glimmer of light, a gift of compassion. I didn’t think anyone would understand. We talk almost every week. There are still moments when it comes and goes. But not without knowing she is there for me – a call away. I am beyond the darkness, beginning to glow a bit in the Light of His presence. With loving thanks to God in Jesus, and a patient and blessed Stephen Minister.” Please contact Emilie Odde, 393-0639, to learn more about Stephen Ministry. 3 Women's Ministries at DHLC FUN and LAUGHTER with Moravian Bishop Kay Ward leading the sessions. Kay was working under extreme pain and has informed us that she had both knees replaced on March 23! Let's flood her mailbox with good wishes and more joy and laughter. Write to her at: The Honorable Bishop Kay Ward, 800 Hidde, #127, Watertown, WI 53098 Tuesday, April 7, 9:00am - 10:30am - Bible Study Please note change of day! This month we will study Jezebel: Friends in Low Places (hum a few bars with Garth Brooks). There will be food, video and discussion. ALL women are welcome! The hostesses will be Sheryl Aamodt & Carol Holm. THANKS to all who contributed to the annual Women's Ministries Thankoffering Service. The results this year totaled $2,731.00 with half going to the Rev. Herb and Corinne Chilstrom Women Seminarian Scholarship Fund and half going to Women and Children in Crisis. Women's Ministries (W-ELCA) has voted to change their fiscal year to January 1- December 31. At the April luncheon we will vote to approve the revision of Constitution/By-Laws to reflect the change. Many cookies were baked by DHLC women for Empty Bowls on March 21. Monday, April 13, 11:30am - 1:30pm - Luncheon Program: Autism Awareness by Jenny Culver Hill, Founder of Angels Purse, Inc. Ladies have 'volunteered' to bring their All-Time-Favorite Family Potluck dishes to share (and their recipes). This should be yummy and bring back memories and stories from the past. Saturday, April 18, 10:00am - 3:00pm Lutheran World Relief truck is coming to Tucson! It will arrive at Streams in the Desert, 5360 E. Pima, Tucson. From 10:00 until 11:30am you will be able to Meet & Greet the W-ELCA Grand Canyon Synod Board ... mimosas and snacks will be served. Bring your quilts and kits (go to www.LWR.org for more information). Let's fill that truck with LOVE. Check out the map in the fellowship hall to see where your gifts are sent. Canyon Echoes, bi-monthly e-mail publication from W-ELCA Grand Canyon Synod, is now available. If you didn't receive a copy, call Suki at 702-493-7436. If you have a PASSION for helping women build their confidence and their faith, at home and around the world, we NEED and WANT you! There are abundant opportunities within Women's Ministries. Call Judy Gunson (625-1151) to see where you might fit. "On your feet; APPLAUD GOD!" ... which is just what over 190 women did during the annual Women's Retreat held on Valentine's Day at DHLC. It was a delightful day of Buzzings from the Bee We have had a month of giving! Recipients of 40 quilts in March were Genesis House Shelter, Homeless Veterans, The Girl’s Orphanage in Sonora, Water of Life Christian Camp in Amado, the Navajo Mission and Lutheran World Relief. An additional two quilts were sold as upcoming graduation gifts. Does that give you any ideas? We put smiles on the faces of the little girls in Haiti with our latest donation of 34 pillowcase dresses. Sewing Bee ladies are busy preparing quilt kits which can be made at home by members of the congregation or interested friends. The project requires that each volunteer complete one twin size quilt top from simple patterns. All fabrics will be cut to size and provided. The rest of the assembly will be completed by the Bee. If you have a sewing machine and would like to help in this way, please see us any Wednesday morning. Perhaps you bid on the beautiful quilt donated by the Bee to the Empty Bowl Project silent auction in support of Valley Assistance Services in March. If you didn’t win, we have great quilt gifts for new babies and special occasions available for sale all year for the needs of the congregation. Stop in on Wednesday mornings from 9:00am to 12 noon in the fellowship hall and discover the fun and friendship at Sewing Bee. We have coffee and conversation at 10:15am. For more information , please call Diane Johnson at 399-2810. 4 Men's Ministries at DHLC Men’s Bible Study -- meets weekly in the patio room on Thursdays at 1pm. All men are invited to attend. We are continuing in our study of 2 Kings. RHeeszel@gmail.com. Beginning in May and for the remainder of the summer Rueben Heeszel will be the sole contact person. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast -- is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, at 8:30am in the fellowship hall. Our speaker in April will be Al Felly. He will be informing us about the school they established in the town of San Pedro, on Ambergas Island, in the country of Belize in 1974. All men are welcome, so please set aside time to attend the breakfast fellowship. Men@Work –this group meets on the first & third Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Patio Room of the church. In April the dates are the 7th & 21st. If you have any questions or would just like to learn more about the group please contact Tim Warlick tim.warlick@cox.net or call/text him at 336-7567. Handy Man Services – is here to provide help to members and friends of Desert Hills Lutheran Church. If you would like to request services from this group, please let us know. The contacts during April are either Marv Berke at 648-0148, MSBerke@msn.com or Rueben Heeszel at 903-7188, New Member Class A NEW MEMBER CLASS starts Thursday, April 9, at 9:30am or 6:30pm with New Member Weekend on May 16/17. Pastor Overson leads the six-week class exploring the various membership options and opportunities here at DHLC. Sign up on the CONNECTION CARD in the pew rack or call the church office at 6481633. You may join as an Associate, Winter or Year-Round Member. at Men’s Health – meets on the 3rd Monday of the month from October thru May. In April the group will be meeting on the 20th. The meeting will be held at 9am in room 102, the back portion of the Chapel. The contact person for this gathering is Jerry Blackmore, at 6480424 or SISUJerry@aol.com. Another Successful Women’s Ministries Event — “Erin Go Bra Fashion Show” What an afternoon of JOY and LAUGHTER! The Women’s Ministries brought back the “Erin Go Bra Fashion Show” on St. Patrick’s Day with wonderful success. The event was sold out and donations were amazing. The total received was $3,595! All of the proceeds were given to guests Alma Cota de Yanez and Mother Olivia from the Casa Hogar Madre Conchita Girls Orphanage in Nogales, Sonora. Thanks to all of the women who made this possible. Blessing of the Bikes The annual Blessing of the Bikes will take place Saturday, April 18, from 1-3pm for both motorcycle and scooter riders. The bikes will be on display in the parking lot for everyone to come and take part in this event. All are invited for food, fun, music and blessings! Fund for Leaders in Mission (FLIM) Golf Classic Do you like to play golf and are you concerned about pastors for the future? The 12th Annual FLIM Golf Classic is Monday, April 6, with a noon shotgun start. This golf benefit is for future pastors and is open to everyone. This year it will be held at Oro Valley Country Club. For more information, please contact Ron Golberg (3990122), Lowell Kramer (299-2206) or Pr. Ken Ahlstrand (481-4536 or pasken@comcast.net.) 5 Footloose Singles Group Fellowship News Retrieve your poodle skirt, high school varsity sweater and saddle shoes for our 50's sock hop on Friday, April 17, at 5pm. The Fellowship Committee will serve hot dogs and root beer floats and a DJ will play "our" music for dancing. The cost is $10.00 per person. Tickets are available at the reception desk. There may even be a Sadie Hawkins dance!! Footloose Singles Group is two years old! Join us to celebrate two great years of fun, fellowship and food. We are having a potluck at Angie Porters on Friday, April 10, at 5pm. A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Angie's address is 811 W. Mission Twin Buttes Rd. Red Cross Blood Drive We will have a Red Cross Blood Drive at DHLC on Tuesday, April 14, from 9am to 2pm. To schedule your appointment or for more information, contact Parish Nurse, Anna Tometczak, at 648-1633 or log on to redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: desert. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” Mother Teresa Attitude by Charles Swindoll “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company … a church … a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact that people will act in certain ways. We cannot change the inevitable. Yet one thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you … we are in charge of our attitudes. April Estate Sale Dates Sale Times: 7:30-11:30am Thursday & Friday, April 9 & 10—700 Desert Hills Dr., Desert Ridge Thursday/Friday, April 16 & 17—331 E. Paseo Chuparosas, Country Club Estates Thursday/Friday, April 23 & 24—1008 N Desert Horizon Dr., Quail Creek Another of Jacqui Coble’s Great Recipes Chicken Salad 2 cups cooked chicken breasts (you may use canned chicken breasts) 1/4 cup diced celery 2 Tbls. red onions 1/4 cup golden raisins 1/4 tsp. salt (optional) 1/4 cup dried cranberries 1/4 tsp. pepper 1/4 cup sliced almonds 4 croissants, split 3/4 cup mayo In a large bowl, combine the first nine ingredients. Spoon 1/2 cup into each croissant. Serves 4. Enjoy! 6 Show Your Art! A Ministry of Beauty The art exhibitors in the church lobby are all DHLC members. If you are an artist, this venue is to show the talents which God has given to you to share with others! Sign up for upcoming openings to display your creativity, adding beauty to our walls. Opportunities are available for next winter's "high season." Call Paul Suneson (3999415) and he'll usher you through the process. It is easy and gratifying ... a blessing for everyone. If you know a member-artist, who might be a little shy about such an exhibit, encourage her/him -whether a new talent or an "old hand" previous exhibitor. Congregation Council Meeting Highlights March 17, 2015 The Estate Sales Team presented a proposal for distribution of funds earned through their ministry. The proposal was approved as presented. Several church policies were reviewed and discussed and further information was requested for the next meeting. Updates on several projects were provided by council members and progress noted. Financials were reviewed and discussed. The overall budget information is positive, income is on budget and expenses are under budget. Attendance continues to increase at all services. Upcoming important dates were noted which include a Congregation Update Meeting from our consultants on March 19 and the Grand Canyon Synod Assembly June 12 and 13. Members of DHLC, do you have a member of your family currently attending a Lutheran Seminary? If so, please let us know. Call the office at 648-1633 and tell us their name, how they are related to you, and where they are attending seminary. Lost & Found The following items may be claimed at the reception desk: A light green jacket, a black jacket, two baseball caps, a small yellow bowl with cheese spreader, a plastic bowl with blue lid, sunglasses, reading glasses, a single earring, a bracelet with stone setting, a brooch pin and a set of car keys. Foundation Corner Scandinavian Club The Scandinavian Group will meet Tuesday, April 14, at 5pm. The program will be the life and music of Edvard Grieg including live performances by our Desert Hills musical family. Bring a dish to serve 10-12 for potluck, your own plates and silverware. All are welcome to attend! German Heritage Group The German Group will meet on Monday, April 27, at 5pm. Please bring a dish to share and your own table setting. The program for the evening will be Larry Bergsgaard, a retired law enforcement agent for the state of Minnesota. Since retirement, he has authored seven novels. Larry will speak about his journey from agent to author, his German heritage and adventures in Germany, and brag about his German mother-in-law’s worldclass cooking. All are welcome. The Greatest Legacy Gift Ever Given It has been said many times, “We cannot out give God.” It is so true because God gave us the greatest legacy gift of all time. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 This was God’s legacy gift to us. What will be our legacy gift – a gift we leave upon our own death? It will most likely honor our loved ones. Will it also honor God and His continued work here on earth? We are encouraged to tithe ten percent during our lifetime. Many are not able to make that happen. However, leaving ten percent upon our death is the easiest time to leave a full tithing gift because we no longer need the asset or income it produces. If your heirs can’t live on the ninety percent you leave them, they won’t be able to live on one hundred percent. Please prayerfully consider returning a small portion of the gifts God has blessed you with through your estate plan. To plan your tithing legacy gift, contact our ELCA Regional Gift Planner, Greg Shepherd, at: gregory.shepherd@elca.org or 909910-6823. Resources from the DHLC Foundation For helpful information and gifting strategies, please visit the resources section of the DHLC Foundation website at www.dhlc.org/foundation. Catalinas Community Chorus Concert, Sunday, April 12 — 3pm The chorus will present Songs of the Homeland. Tickets are $10 and are available by calling 303-6474 or at the door on concert day. Singers are members of the community with Bill Bellah as the artistic director. If you like music from many lands and cultures, you won't want to miss this eclectic and interesting program. From Ireland's Danny Boy to America's Sure on this Shining Night by Samuel Barber, you will be in for a treat around each corner. From Appalachia to Russia and many points in between, the program promises to be fun, insightful and interesting for all. 7 Holy Week Schedule Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion Thursday, April 2 — 7pm Good Friday Worship Friday, April 3 — 12 noon & 7pm Easter Sunday Weekend Worship Saturday, April 4 — 3:30 & 5pm Country Gospel Band Sunday, April 5 — 8, 9:30 & 11am Choirs, Organ & Brass CELEBRATING Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Permit # 16 2150 S. Camino del Sol Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352 www.dhlc.org Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material Please Deliver Promptly Please notify the church office of any address changes. 8 Green Valley, AZ
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