the Bulletin - First Reformed Church of Platte

Pastor Harry Koops & Pastor Mike De Jager
Morning Worship - 10:30 A.M. — Sunday April 26, 2015
Welcome to all who have joined us in the house of our Lord today.
We are glad to have you with us.
Welcome / Announcements
Call to Worship
Praise Team
Children’s Message
Congregational Prayer
Offering - (children ages 3-5; released for Promise Lambs)
Special Music: Dakota Jubilee
Scripture: Ephesians 5: 21-33
Message: “The Sanctity of Marriage”
*Hymn # 536 Happy the Home, vs. 1, 2, 3
“For this reason a man will leave his father
and mother and be united to his wife, and the
two will become one flesh.” Ephesians 5: 31
* Hymn # 536 Happy the Home, vs. 4
*Please stand as you are able
If you have a prayer concern you would like the entire church to
pray about please contact the church at 337-3251; or an Elder.
Opportunities for Worship and Service next week
Sunday April 26—9:30 A.M. Sunday School for all ages
— 10:30 A.M. Worship
— 11:30 A.M. Fellowship time
Greeters: E- Scott & Angie Bultje – Aaron, Alexis & Aiden
W- Leonard & Carol Weins
Center- Terry Vanderheiden
Sunday School Nursery: Jared & Heather VanDerWerff / Pager: Kay Hubers
Welcomers: E- Lowell DenBesten / Tom Tatum-W
Worship Nursery: Jason & Mindi Veurink / Ross VanZee / Pager: Shelly Keegel
Promise Lambs: Teacher- April Veurink / Helpers: Karley Olsen, Deb VanZee
Media: Beth Koops / Organist: Gloria Koopal
Worship Leader: Duane Strand
Coffee & Cookies: Jared & April Veurink / Steve & Karen Christensen
USHERS: E- Doug Meyerink, Steve Christensen/Ron Vanderheiden, Jarod
Opportunities for Worship and Service next week
Sunday May 3—9:30 A.M. Sunday School for Pastor Harry & Pastor Mike’s
— 10:30 A.M. Worship
— 11:30 A.M. Fellowship time
Greeters: E- Ryan & Amy Ringling – Hudson, Emerson, & Logan
W- Steve & Karen Christensen
Center- Duane & Janet Schneiderman
Welcomers: E- Judy Oster / W - Tom Tatum
Worship Nursery: Eric & Ruth Audiss/ Randal Brumbaugh / Pager: Karen Christensen
Media: Sam Chance / Organist: Margie Dyk
Worship Leader: Martha Patzlaff
Coffee & Cookies: Jared & Heather VanDerWerff / Doug & Glenda Veurink
USHERS: E- Bob Boltjes, Ross VanZee / Dennis DeHaan, Paul Baas -W
The prayer concern boxes are available in the entryways.
All concerns placed there will be prayed about & will remain confidential.
Tuesday, April 28 – 7:00 p.m. Full Consistory Retreat at Molly’s Manor
Wed. April 29 —7:00 p.m. Bible Overview
Pastor Mike’s day OFF is Monday & Pastor Harry’s is Friday
PO Box 418 -- Platte, SD 57369
Church Phone: 337-3251
The church bulletin, sermons, & other info are available on line at
Here at First Reformed we desire to be a nurturing family where we
actively reflect Christ’s love and build trusting relationships.
 THOSE DEALING WITH HEALTH ISSUES: Mary Scholl (hip replacement last
Monday), Ed Oster (in McKennon Hospital for treatment and observation for a ministroke and pneumonia), Kyle Kuipers (starts chemo and radiation on Monday),
Duane Schneiderman, Delores Anderson, Rich Postma, Ruth Lucas, Jean Blom,
Renee Brondsema, Myron Tatum, Allen Polly, MaKenzie Oberbroekling, Marlin
Olson, Richard Dimick, Scott Rougemont, Dennis Iedema, Joanne McIntosh, Harold
& Iona Pavlis, Jeanive Solheim, Bob & Donna Kenobbie, Betty Anderson, Al &
Arlene Fiskus, Dick Dyk, Gerry Dyk, Suzanne Schoenrock, Steve Christensen,
Philip Pranger, Laura Pranger, Ruby Hoffman, Harvey Mount, Donna Ringling,
Sherri Backes, Dennis Leistra, Randy Dyk, Yuna Schoenrock, Melissa Seaman
 Please pray for our missionaries & their work: Wayne Townsend, Victor & Lori
Selemani & family, Conda DeVries, Fred Wilgenburg—Center of Hope
LIVING HOMES: Delores Anderson, Ivan Holter, Anna Vanderheiden, Florence
Westra, Orin VanZee, Bonnie Plooster, Andy DeHaan, Jim Tatum, Gert Wesseling,
Jim Wesseling, Harriet Meyerink, Vera Nelson, Gertrude Teeslink, Lyle DeHaan,
Clarence & Bettye Mason, Dwight DeJong
 Words of Hope Regional Event, Sunday, April 26, 7:00 P.M. at Community
Reformed Church in Sioux Falls. Come to a special evening with Words of Hope's
David Bast and hear a message and updates on their international broadcasting
ministry. An offering will be received for its Mideast and Turkey programs. The
Teel family will provide music. Refreshments will be served.
 Servicemen: Philip Pranger, Cody Schoenrock & their families.
 K-12 Spring Concert and Art Show will be held on Thursday, April 30, in the
DCS gym beginning at 7:00 p.m. The K-12 grades will provide musical numbers
“’Til the World Hears Your Song” and some art pieces will also be on display.
Before or after the music concert will be an excellent time to walk the halls and see
the talents in the field of art that the Lord has given our K-8th grade students. Look
for hot air balloons with Zentagles, water colored drawings, weaving, and creative
projects that our younger students have put on the walls for you to enjoy. Don’t
forget to look for two quilts that the junior high students have made with wire and
 Our sympathy goes to Case & Audra Blom and Lorraine Plooster and family on the
death of their father, Cornie Blom on April 16. Please remember these families in
your prayers.
 Our sympathy also goes to Wes Hoekman, daughters Jody and husband Rick
Sternberg and family and Michelle and husband Darwin Hubers and family and
other extended family members on the death of Rita Hoekman on April 15. We ask
the Lord to comfort them in their loss.
 Congratulations to Doug Lucas and Cindy Sybesma who were united in marriage
yesterday! We ask the Lord’s blessing on their new family.
 “My family and I would like to thank you for your generous gift. God has truly
shown his presence to us throughout this difficult time. We really appreciate all your
thoughts and prayers.” –The Heller family
 Michael English and Doug Anderson, both Dove Award winners, will do a Benefit
Concert on Sunday, June 28, at 7PM, at Sioux Falls First (formerly First Assembly
of God). Tickets are available for $10 at Crossroads Book & Music. A free-will
offering will be taken for Center of Hope.
 We thank Dakota Jubilee for bringing special music with us this morning. We
appreciate their willingness to share their talents with us!
 This is the last week for our Promise Lambs ministry. Many thanks to Tiffany
Maydew, Heather VanDerWerff, and Jamie Feiok for all their organization for
this program and to all others who served as leaders and helpers throughout
the year!
 Today is the last day that the Good News greeting cards are here on the
Volunteer table. They are free so grab a few in sharing your faith in meaningful
ways with others. Who is encouraged by a thoughtful, handwritten card?
Average Weekly Giving March 2015
Average Weekly Giving Budgeted 2015
Average Weekly Giving Year to date
Total shortage for Budget - year to date
Important Sunday School Information-For Adults, Young People and Children
Today is the last day of Sunday School for all the young people and children along
with Marilyn Strand’s class. However, Pastor Harry and Pastor Mike’s class will
continue for another two weeks due to the amount of information being covered in
their classes and will conclude on May 10. If you are attending Pastor Harry or
Pastor Mike’s class, we have a couple of options for your children. Daycare will be
provided for the younger children as normal during those two weeks. If you have
children who are older on up to the 6th grade, there will be scheduled games to
participate in. For children that age, you can meet in the room across from the
nursery during those two weeks. Any questions, feel free to give Pastor Mike a call.
 Game Night – Young couples and singles are invited to an evening of games and fun
on Friday, May 8th at 7:00 p.m. here at the church. Bring a snack if you want and
kids are welcome.
 Beth Koops was approved by consistory to fill in as temporary secretary until the
hiring and interview process is completed over the next several months. Her hours
will be Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
 The Deacons are now accepting bids for mowing the church and parsonage property.
Please mail them to the church at PO Box 418 by Monday, May 11th.
 Platte Ministerial is looking for 3-4 people who would be willing to conduct a Bible
Study at Twilight Vista Assisted Living. This would be an informal study held about
once a week in the afternoon with the residents. We need people to lead the study
and someone to set up the schedule. If this is an area you can help in, please contact
Beth Koops at 337-3244 or
 MARK YOUR CALENDAR for these upcoming events:
Honor Our Graduates Sunday—May 17
FRC Vacation Bible School—June 1-5
Annual Church Cleaning— July 13-18
Leadership Summit—August 6 & 7