HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Xt summer (2015) in “A Total Life Caring Ministry” ANCHOR NOTES 2015 Edition No. 16 June 25, 2015 SUMMER WORSHIP TIMES BEGAN JUNE 21 Last Sunday we changed our Sunday worship schedule to have two services rather than three. This was possible because our Sunday School is in recess during the summer months. We will follow the same schedule as last summer with two Sunday services— 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., but this summer we are continuing our Saturday evening worship schedule with services each Saturday at 5 p.m. with guitar accompaniment, as we have had all year long. So you all have three chances to worship on weekends through Labor Day. Join us in praising the Lord! FAVORITE HYMNS SUNDAYS A few weeks ago we asked, ‘Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like us to sing on a Sunday?’ We got many responses, but there were some hymns that came out on a “top ten” list, so on the last two Sundays in June (21 & 28) we are singing them. We thank everyone who took part in this exercise. Now, just show up with strong voices to sing these favorites. 2015 SUMMER PROGRAMS AT HOPE Parents are registering their children for the summer camp programs we are providing at Hope in July and August. “CAMP HOPE” Summer Day Camps— July 20-24 and July 27-31 from 9-3 p.m. for children 3 and up. Vacation Bible School— August 10-14 from 9:00-noon for children ages 3 through 12. This year’s theme will be “Hometown Nazareth— Where Jesus was a Kid.” You can sign up now. Drama Camp— August 17-21 9 a.m-3 p.m. for children 4 and older. We’ll perform the play “The Amazing Grace Race” on Friday evening at 7 pm. Please look for the registration forms for any or all of these camps. CONVERSATION TIME WITH OUR PASTOR ANIMATE YOUR FAITH Beginning this Sunday Pastor Hill will gather with people at 9:35, between the 8:30 and 10:30 services, for an interesting conversation around Christian faith practices using a resource called “Animate Practices.” Each session begins with a brief DVD presentation and leads to a lively discussion. This week the topic is “Prayer.” Plan on spending some time this Sunday in growing in your faith and knowledge. EAGLE SCOUT GARDEN DESIGN PROJECT Jonathan Laza has just received final approval for a plan to clean up and renovate our garden by the church entrance. He plans to begin work right away. Anyone who is interested in helping out with the project may contact him by calling him or texting him at 631-375-7816. We will be dedicating an area in the garden in memory of Katharina Scheer. HOPE’S ONLINE GIVING OPTION We are grateful that members have been taking advantage of it. “Faithstreet” provides us with a way for people to make donations to any of our church funds by using credit cards or their personal bank checking or savings accounts. Our church pays a small fee and donors can also pay a small fee to offset the cost of the program so gifts can be made on a “one-time” basis or on a recurring weekly or monthly basis. Special cards indicating that a gift was made are available from the ushers to be placed in the offering plate. There is even a QR code that users can access to make their donations using Smartphones. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SEEING THE PLAY SISTER ACT? The play “Sister Act” will be performed in Bellport at the Gateway Playhouse July 1-18. A sign-up sheet is posted on the door to All Saints’ Hall for anyone who is interested in going together with others from Hope. We will set a date when we know who wants to go. If you are interested, please sign up. If you are not in church this weekend and want to be added to the list call the church office or email Pastor Hill at rohill@optonline.net. A LETTER ABOUT THE TERRIBLE EVENT LAST WEEK IN CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA It has been a long season of disquiet in our country. From Ferguson to Baltimore, simmering racial tensions have boiled over into violence. But this … the fatal shooting of nine African Americans in a church is a stark, raw manifestation of the sin that is racism. The church was desecrated. The people of that congregation were desecrated. The aspiration voiced in the Pledge of Allegiance that we are “one nation under God” was desecrated. Mother Emanuel AME’s pastor, the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, was a graduate of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, as was the Rev. Daniel Simmons, associate pastor at Mother Emanuel. The suspected shooter is a member of an ELCA congregation. All of a sudden and for all of us, this is an intensely personal tragedy. One of our own is alleged to have shot and killed two who adopted us as their own. We might say that this was an isolated act by a deeply disturbed man. But we know that is not the whole truth. It is not an isolated event. And even if the shooter was unstable, the framework upon which he built his vision of race is not. Racism is a fact in American culture. Denial and avoidance of this fact are deadly. The Rev. Mr. Pinckney leaves a wife and children. The other eight victims leave grieving families. The family of the suspected killer and two congregations are broken. When will this end? The nine dead in Charleston are not the first innocent victims killed by violence. Our only hope rests in the innocent One, who was violently executed on Good Friday. Emmanuel, God with us, carried our grief and sorrow – the grief and sorrow of Mother Emanuel AME church – and he was wounded for our transgressions – the deadly sin of racism. I urge all of us to spend a day in repentance and mourning. And then we need to get to work. Each of us and all of us need to examine ourselves, our church and our communities. We need to be honest about the reality of racism within us and around us. We need to talk and we need to listen, but we also need to act. No stereotype or racial slur is justified. Speak out against inequity. Look with newly opened eyes at the many subtle and overt ways that we and our communities see people of color as being of less worth. Above all pray – for insight, for forgiveness, for courage. Kyrie Eleison. The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in America PASTOR HILL’S SERMONS ARE ON YOUTUBE In recent weeks Pastor Hill ahs posted his Sunday messages on Youtube for everyone who wishes to see and hear them. Notices are sent out on Monday with a link to the correct place where you can see them. You can type the words: rohill 1047 into the search box on youtube.com. Another way to locate them is to copy and paste the address below into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/user/rohill1047 Or: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYoeBE8udFumccirSgheugA THIRD ANNUAL MEN’S STEAK-OUT AUGUST 4 This annual event will be held on Tuesday, August 4, at the home of Pastor Hill located at 123 Wedgewood Drive in Coram. It is sponsored by the Men’s Breakfast Fellowship and there is no cost for the event, but many men bring along a pot-luck dish or dessert to share. We gather at 6 p.m. Friends are invited to come for this event, so please sign up in advance. JOB OPENING: SATURDAY NIGHT GUITARIST AND WORSHIP LEADER Over the past several years we have been very blessed by having musicians provide lively guitar accompaniment for our Saturday night services. This year we had Dianne Browning and Erik Stenswold playing for us. At the end of the summer both of them will be focusing on their studies, so we are now beginning a process of finding a person who can provide music leadership for these services on a weekly basis. While many of our members come to worship only on Sundays, this year we have had a very good attendance at our Saturday evening services, even on Saturdays when there are no Teen Ministry sessions. On several weekends this has been the largest service of all four weekend services! If you know of someone who has the skill and the desire to serve the Lord in this way, please tell them about this need. To get more information about the position they can contact our Worship Team Leader Steven Gerlach, Director of Music Joyce Stahl, or Pastor Hill. TEEN MINISTRY REGISTRATION LETTERS A few weeks ago a letter about this fall’s Teen Ministry was sent out to families with new potential students. We’re still waiting for registrations to come in. In the meantime we will send out a letter to all returning students’ families (and a second letter to potential new students). Please respond to it as soon as possible. Teen Ministry begins on September 19th. T he A nc ho r N o t e s i s p ub l i s he d f o r t h e m e m b e r s a nd f r i e nd s o f HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 46 Dare Road Selden, NY 11784 E-mail us at: hopelutheran@msn.com Site: www.hopeluth.com Phone: (631) 732-2511 Fax: (631) 732-8369 Pastor’s Cell: (516) 848-5386 OUR MINISTRY TEAM Dr. Richard O. Hill, P astor Laura Laza, Director of Discipleship (& Anchor Nursery School) Joyce Stahl, Director of Music Dianne Browning, Assistant Director of Music Eric Stenswold, Saturday Musician Susan Soper, Pastoral Assistant Heidi Thide, Anchor Nursery School Teacher Melissa Itara Assistant Teacher Barbara Nugent, P arish Secretary Linda Favale, P arish Bookkeeper Donna Haller, Sexton and Assistant Youth Director John Kelly and Rich Hoppe St. Mark’s Bread Food Pantry Ed Gildersleeve, Carol Wolff, and Rich Wolff Congregational Deacons
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