ATTENDANCE REPORT Worship total for May 31: 176 PRAYER REQUESTS Focus for the week: All graduates and their families Our family: Cheryl, Darlene F., Ruth G., Bernice, Paula, Nancy, Neil M., Skip, Sue, Herb H. and family, and Vicki’s family WEEKLY TITHES/OFFERINGS SUMMARY Needed for June: $ Offerings MTD: $ THANK YOU WORSHIP LEADERS Worship Leaders Today: Liturgists: Cathy Windland, Peter Anderson Children’s Message: Gina Sylvester Children’s Church: Sue and Paul Ushers: Grover Friend, Jim Kennedy, Ruth Grey, Jim Schultz, Nimi Tarpeh Greeter: Blanche Keeler Worship Leaders June 14: Liturgists: Robin Cannell, Cathy Windland Children’s Message: David Piltz Children’s Church: Katie and Todd Frank Gearheart, John Revell, Rosemary Revell, Dolores Robinson, Fred Ushers: Streckroat Greeter: Donna Jenkinson E m i l i e U n i t e d Me t h o d i s t C h u r c h 7300 New Falls Rd. | Levittown, PA 19055 | P: 215-945-5502 | F: 215-945-7321 email: | web site: Emilie Notes: | Emilie Day School: 215.945.3131 or MINISTERS: The members and friends of Emilie UMC PASTOR: Rev. Andrew Krpata ( VISITATION MINISTER: Sally Basdeo ( DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND WORSHIP: Ryan Fleming ( DIRECTOR OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE: Ann Ermer ( CELEBRATING 152 YEARS OF WORSHIP, PRAYER, & SERVICE 1863–2015 PASTOR-ON-CALL: Please phone (215) 945-5503 The pastor-on-call is available outside regular office hours for those experiencing true emergencies, such as a critical hospitalization or urgent physical, emotional or spiritual need. This Week’s Schedule Regularly scheduled, weekly meetings appear in regular type; special events and non-weekly meetings appear in bold. CALENDAR WEEK OF JUNE 7 SUNDAY, June 7 8:00 am Worship Sanctuary 9:30 am Nursery opens Last Sunday School 10:45 am Worship Sanctuary 3:00 pm East District Mission Bristol UMC 4:30 pm NA Chapel MONDAY, June 8 9:00 am NA VENTURING CREW MEN’S SOFTBALL MEETINGS ARE HELD EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 PM UNTIL 8:30 PM AT EUMC. TUESDAY, June 9 9:15 am Day School Closing 6:30 pm UMW Salad Supper 6:30 pm EUMC vs. Christian Life Center WEDNESDAY, June 10 9:15 am Day School Closing 1:00 pm Free Spirits 5:30 pm Thrift Shop Open ‘til 8:00 6:30 pm Day School Meeting Chapel Room 211 FDR Library Room 211 THURSDAY, June 11 6:30 pm EUMC vs. Grace Point 7:00 pm Day School K Graduation 7:00 pm Conversations on Tap Modified Summer Service FDR Bailey’s Bar FRIDAY, June 12 12:00 pm NA 6:00 pm Scout Overnight/Game Night Chapel Social Hall SATURDAY, June 13 8:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:00 am AA 6:00 pm Parent’s Night Out Chapel Chapel Social Hall CALENDAR WEEK OF JUNE 14 SUNDAY, June 14 8:15 am Hymn Sing 8:30 am Worship 10:15 am Contemporary Worship 4:30 pm NA MONDAY, JUNE 15 9:00 am NA 7:00 pm Trustees Meeting TUESDAY, JUNE 16 11:00 am Ruth Circle Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Chapel Conference Maryann’s Restaurant 6:30 pm EUMC vs. Woodside/Resurrection Boehm Middle School 7:00 pm Staff Parish Relations Committee 1 Library WEDNESDAY, June 17 1:00 pm Free Spirits Library 5:30 pm Thrift Shop Open ‘til 8:00 pm THURSDAY, June 18 6:30 pm EUMC vs. Bible Fellowship 7:00 pm Conversations on Tap 7:00 pm Finance Meeting FRIDAY, June 19 12:00 pm NA SATURDAY, June 20 8:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:00 am AA 5:00 pm Boy Scouts Eleanor Roosevelt Bailey’s Bar Library Chapel Chapel Chapel Social Hall Our 2015 Graduates: Tiffany Anderson, the daughter of Peter and Monica, graduated from the University of Pittsburgh on April 25 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Global Management. She is moving to Los Angeles, California and working for Amazon which hired her before she graduated! Samuel Bever, the boyfriend of Darlene Bancroft’s granddaughter, Lauren Sorenson, is graduating Magna Cum Laude with Honors Distinction from Drexel University with a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science. He has accepted a full-time position with e Money Advisor, a financial software company. Thomas Sandor Buscher, son of Bonnie Kershaw Buscher and grandson of Lois Kershaw, graduated from Bloomsburg University on May 9 with a B.A. in Business Economics and a Minor in Business Management. He is actively seeking employment and would appreciate any leads. Bobby Naylor is graduating from Harry S. Truman High School. Eric Sorenson, the grandson of Darlene Bancroft, graduates from Neshaminy High School. He hasn’t decided which college he will attend. He has attained the rank of Eagle Scout with Boy Scout Troop 102. Krysten Struk is graduating from Pennsbury High School. In the Fall, she will attend DeSales University for dance with a minor in business. She hopes to have the opportunity to study abroad. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Training session for volunteers in the Thrift Shop will be on Friday, June 19 at 7:00 pm. Anyone interested in working with us, please attend. We need men and women volunteers. Store hours are Wednesday 5:30 – 8:00 pm and Thursdays 9:00 – 1:00 pm. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Please note on your calendars that the change in worship schedule for the summer will take place on June 14 through September 6. There will be an 8:15 Hymn Sing, followed by traditional worship at 8:30. The contemporary worship time will be 10:15. This is the same schedule as last summer. Regular worship schedule will resume on September 14.
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