Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church

Palos Park
Community Church
12312 S. 88th Avenue, Palos Park Illinois 60464-1825
Know God’s Word, Show Christ’s Love in Care for One Another,
Go in the Spirit of Service, Grow New Life in Christ
October 12, 2014
Today’s News
Your presence makes a true addition to the service of God. If you
happen to be a visitor, today let this be your church. We hope this is
only the first of many worship experiences among this family of God.
Core Values of PPPCC
God-Focused, Christ-Centered, Spirit-Led.
Bible-Based. Shared Ownership. Nurturing Family of Faith
Nursery Care newborn through 24 months (as of
September 1, 2014), 8:15 a.m. through 12:15 p.m. every
Children’s Ministry during Worship - 8:30 a.m. and 11:00
a.m. Wee Church throughout Worship for children 2 &
3 years of age as of September 1, 2014 in the Sonrise
Room. Children’s Worship Time dismissed during
Worship Pre-K through 5th Grade children, in Primary
The Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church seeks to become a
community of vibrant believers who are inspired by an awesome God
and transformed through His word and Spirit to
share Christ’s love with the world.
Thank you to Amber Chapman (8:30) and Pat Marusarz (11:00) for
teaching Wee Church today. Your gift of service is greatly appreciated.
Education Hour classes resume today and include: Preschool aged
children (2 yrs.–PreK) meet in the Sonrise Room and are taught by Mona
Tapia, K – 2nd grade meet on the stage in Primary Hall and are taught
by Lori Goral and Michelle Miller, 3rd–5th graders meet in Primary Hall
and are taught by Maggie Downs. Middle School students meet in the
library and are taught by Wesley Zuro. Confirmation students meet in
the Friendship Room and are taught by David Carlton and Bob Van
Baren. WF Bible Study meets in the WF Room and is taught by Paul
Grivakis. Adult Electives include: Acts of the Apostles meets in the
Map Room and is taught by Tim Gibbons. A Bird’s Eye View of
Presbyterians meets in the Original Sanctuary and is taught by Mary
O’Connor. Steve Brumbaugh’s class, From the Solas to the Core
Values and Mission of PPPCC will begin next week, October 19.
The Back to the Basics quilt squares are due today, October 12.
Please leave your completed square on Maggie Downs’ desk or give it
directly to Norma Carson. Thank you to everyone who has already
completed a square. As we went to print, we had 75 quilt squares out of
100 needed.
Lunch Bunch goes to lunch in different places each Sunday after
worship. If you would like to have lunch with a bunch, instead of being
alone, please consider yourself invited. The group usually gathers in the
Narthex to go. A schedule of future places is posted on the bulletin
board. Today, according to that schedule, the “bunch” is lunching at
Sophia’s, 7110 W. 159th Street in Orland Park.
The Hazelnuts, a group of mostly retired men, gathers for Breakfast at
9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The place
is Royalberry, 6417 W. 127th Street in Palos Heights. The group is named
after founder Bob Hazel. No agenda. Everyone pays for his own
breakfast and good conversation is had by all.
Bible Focus Group meets this Wednesday, October 15. Everyone is
invited to join us in the Library at 10:00 each Wednesday morning!
Church Night activities continue this Wednesday, October 15. Classes
and Choirs include: Children’s Handchime Choir (5:45–6:15 p.m.),
Children’s Choirs (6:15–7:00 p.m.), Chancel Choir (6:30–8:00 p.m.),
Junior Youth Club and Youth Club (7:00–8:00 p.m.), Bible Focus Group
(6:30–8:00 p.m.), Small Groups in October and November. Please see
Palos Plans for more information.
Remembering Group: Life Through Death - On Thursday mornings
(through October 16) we are offering a Remembering Group from
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at PPPCC. It is facilitated by Jill Long, Spiritual
Care/Bereavement Coordinator at Heartland Hospice. All who have
experienced grief and loss, whether recent or in the past, are welcome
to join us as we honor and remember our loved ones.
It is not too late to be a part of this year’s Hanging of the Green. A
complete list of all the people needed for this year’s program is on the
bulletin board outside the choir room. Please see Megan Marshall or
Maggie Downs if you would like to participate. Our next Saturday
rehearsal is this Saturday, October 18 at 9:00 a.m.
The children (PreK–5th grade) will be singing with the Chancel Choir
next Sunday, October 19, at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Children
need to be in the sanctuary at 10:40 a.m. to practice with the Chancel
Choir before the worship service begins. Please let Maggie Downs
( know if your child will be singing with us next
THE FALL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING is scheduled for next Sunday,
October 19, immediately following worship. At that meeting, Session will
present its proposed budget and the Nominating Committee will present
the following nominees. For Session: John Dolan, Kristin Kruzich, Amy
Murray, Mary O’Connor and Randy Ytterberg. For the Deacon Board:
Michael Alioto, Judy Goral, Rosemary Harris, Penny MacDonald, Anita
Stocks, and Martha Zatkalik. The committee will also be nominating
members of the 2015 Nominating Committee.
Nominees for the Pastor Nominating Committee have been selected
and are put before the congregation for election. The following have
agreed to serve: Shirley Agrimonti, Steve Brumbaugh, Laura Dolan, Jim
Klockow, Abbie Niewiadomski, Tim O’Connell, Cathy Robieson, Randy
Ytterberg and Wes Zuro. The PNC will be elected as part of our
congregational meeting.
GO Team is excited about a fun family event coming to PPPCC this fall.
On Saturday, October 25, we will be hosting a Dessert Theater with
comedian Scott Davis. Be sure to save the date!
Help needed! We need to add to the rotation of Ushers, Scripture
Readers and those who lead the congregation in the Prayers of the
People. If you would be interested in participating in the worship
leadership of the church in one of these ways, please let Pastor Carlton
WORLD SERVICE is collecting items to be given to the homeless and
children's homes. WANTED: sample size shampoos and conditioners,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap, Campbell’s soup labels, box tops
for education. Place your donations in the Campbell’s Soup container in
the church office.
PADS is starting! We need some cooks for dinners on Fridays. We also
need some helpers. If you are able to do either or both, please see Anita
Stocks. The first Friday in November will be our first night. Thank you!
Caring Adult Ministry seeks to care for the senior members of our
congregation by visiting those who are homebound. We are looking for
additional volunteers to help with this important ministry. If you would
like to be a visitor to our homebound, please speak with Pastor Carlton,
Melissa Klockow or Amber Chapman.
Third Quarter giving records are now available. If you would like a copy
of your giving record, contact Dorothy at church by phone, or email and she will be happy to accommodate you.
October 19
Luke 15:11-32
Prodigal Son; Prodigal God; The Sin of
the Older Brother
October 26
(Prettols Preach)
* * * Pa l o s Yo u t h M i n i s t r y * * *
TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m.!!
Topic: Difference Maker
Next Saturday night event
is November 1st
LOL Retreat is January 23-25
WF Retreat is February 13-16
Need more info about the Youth Ministry?
Online Parent Ministry
Contact Bob Van Baren at
708-448-5220 (office)
or 708-601-1060 (cell)
Church E-mail:
Personal Email:
Moving Forward
Moving Forward is a 6-week small group series focused on discipleship and strengthening of our community at PPPCC.
It is not too late to sign-up!!!!!!
. . . Serving Us Today . . .
Service Hosts:
Abbie Niewiadomski, Jerry Niewiadomski
Ron Heitz, John Dolan, Ju Hyun Kim, Jeff Scipta
Sexton - Reilly Scanlon / Logan Lochow / Derek McCurdy
Sound System - Audio Team
Video - Video Team
Prayers of Petition - Randy Ytterberg
Reader - Bob Van Baren
Badge Table - Tony & Michelle Parrish
Lock Up - Dave Robley
Outside Greeter - Bill Schaafsma
Blood Pressure - Eveline Botanga
Narthex Hosts - John Ludwig, Tim Robieson
Coffee Hour - Don & Jean Methven
Sanctuary Flowers have been given by the Kuhn family in celebration of all of the October
birthday anniversaries.
T his Week a t
Palos Park P resb yterian
Commun ity Churc h
Sunday, October 12
7:30 am
Devotional Service
8:30 am
Contemporary Service
9:45 am
Education Hour
11:00 am
12:15 pm
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Amy M. & Michelle P.)
Monday, October 13
9:00 am
Moving Forward Small Group - Royalberry Restaurant (Bob Van Baren)
6:30 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Pat Marusarz)
7:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Davies Home (Grant & Carol Davies)
Tuesday, October 14
9:30 am
World Service
12:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Ebersole Home (George & Bev Ebersole)
6:30 pm
Go Team Meeting
7:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Niewiadomski Home (Jerry & Abbie N.)
Wednesday, October 15
10:00 am
Bible Focus Group
5:45 pm
Children’s Handchime Choir
6:15 pm
Children’s Choirs
6:30 pm
Chancel Choir
6:30 pm
Bible Focus Group
7:00 pm
Junior Youth Club and Youth Club
7:00 pm
Finance Team Meeting
7:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - DeAngelis Home (Anthony & Tami D.)
7:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Kathy Stanek)
Thursday, October 16
10:00 am
Remembering Group
2:30 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (David Carlton)
7:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - O’Connell Home (Tim & Leanne O’Connell)
7:00 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Cudney Home (Nick & Sarah Cudney)
7:00 pm
Stephen Ministry
Saturday, October 18
9:00 am
Hanging of the Green Rehearsal
9:00 am
Officer Meeting - Original Sanctuary
Sunday, October 19
7:30 am
Devotional Service
8:30 am
Contemporary Service
9:45 am
Education Hour
11:00 am
12:15 pm
Congregational Meeting
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Amy M. & Michelle P.)
Blood Pressure Screenings will be taken in the Library at 12:15 p.m. following the worship service.
We Are A STEPHEN MINISTRY Congregation
Associate Pastor
Director of Children’s Ministry
Director of Youth Ministry
Director of Music & Worship
Executive Assistant
David Carlton
Margaret Downs
Bob Van Baren
Megan Marshall
Susan Schmidt
Ralph Pugh
Starts This Week!
Moving Forward
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Moving Forward?
It is a 6-week small group series that focuses on the vision statement
What is the Vision Statement?
We seek to become a community of vibrant believers who are inspired
by an awesome God and transformed through His word and Spirit to
share Christ’s love with the world.”
What are the specific topics?
Becoming a Community, Vibrant Believers, Inspired by God’s Word,
Transformed by the Holy Spirit, Sharing our Lives and Moving Forward.
Is it more meetings centered around denominational issues?
No. The main focus will be discipleship, stewardship and building
community with one another.
Do I have to be a member to participate?
Why is it important for me to attend?
Because you are an important part of the PPPCC community now, and
as the church heads into the future. We need to be unified as a
congregation in order to truly honor all that God intends for us to be as a
What if I have to miss a week or more?
No problem. We will help you get caught up. We don't want anyone to be
left out because they have to miss a session.
When are the groups meeting?
Groups are meeting in the morning, afternoon and evenings throughout
the week. If you can't make any of the times, let us know and we will do
everything we can to start a group at a time you can make.
How can I register?
Stop by our table in the Narthex, or go to the Small Group page on the
website and sign up there!
-----------------------------------------------------Moving Forward Sign-up Sheet
Name ______________________________________________________
How many attending ___________________________________________
Which group attending _________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________________
Child care needed?
Contact Bob Van Baren at or 708-448-5220