Gra c e Me m o ri a l Ba p t i s t Ch u rc h SPIRIT OF G R AC E INSIDE THIS ISSUE: May 11th is Stewardship Report 2 Pastor’s Notes 2 Nursery Schedule 2 Youth Ministries 3 Children’s Ministry 3 Church Family News 3 (May Events & Menus on the MAY CALENDAR DEACONS OF THE WEEK May 4-10 SCOTT PURVIS DAVID KESSLER ED DEMEYERE May 11-17 RAY WILLIS RICHARD THOMPSON BRIAN COGGIN May 18-24 CHAD PALAO JOHN O’NEIL WES RAWLS May 25-31 ERNIE ANDERSON PAUL PARKER HAL JENKINS June 1-7 DAVID PILCHER FRED BURTON ANDREW PITMAN MAY 2014 18-Aug. 10) will be as follows: Sunday School – 9:00am Blended Worship Service – 10:15am No Regular Evening Worship Service** GROW Outreach - 6pm, 1st & 3rd Sundays **Sunday Evening Events Scheduled May 18, 6pm Mission Report & Concert Travis & Aimee Crowe Smith June 1, 6pm Dinner & A Movie (Youth Fundraiser) Meal in Fellowship Hall followed by “Grace Unplugged” in Worship Ctr. June 8, 5pm & We have a gift for all mothers in both morning services Sign Up by May 4th! GMBC Golf Tournament SATURDAY, MAY 10 8:00AM, ROYAL GOLF CLUB $45 Fee includes: Green Fees, Cart, Hot Dog & Soft Drink, Prizes. Contact Terry or Nancy Youngs, 985-788-2061 or 985-788-0523 All proceeds go to Asian missionaries, the Smith’s, who will be here for services on May 18. Grace Memorial Children’s Choir present Sunday, May 18 10:15am Service This is the kick-off of the Summer Worship Schedule -- Sunday School at 9:00am; musical at 10:15am. GMBC Theme for 2014 DINNER AND A MOVIE FUNDRAISER — Sunday night June 1st. This is a fundraiser event to help defray the cost of summer mission camp. The menu consists of one of the following meats: Sliced Brisket or Pork Loin. Sides will include roasted corn grits, green beans, rolls and apple blossoms for dessert. Child care is provided during dinner and the movie. Please feed your children before they come or bring a sack meal for them. Dinner begins at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall. The movie will start at 6:30ish in the sanctuary. Tickets are $15.00 and will be on sale May 7th thru the 28th. Check out the movie info online at to learn more and determine if you would like for your kids to see the film also. Page 2 Stewardship—April AVERAGE WEEKLY Sunday School (9:40am) Morning Worship Service (8:30am) Morning Worship Service (10:50am) Dialogical Worship (6:00pm) Bus/Van Ministry G.R.O.W. Outreach Wednesday Family Night 314 218 324 48 24 6 105 Budget Needed Per Week $ 17,308.00 Average Weekly Receipts (Budget) 18,608.03 Average Weekly Receipts (Budget & Designated) 21,109.86 YEAR-TO-DATE Budget Needs Budget Receipts Budget Expenditures World Missions GVOM Balance $ 294,236.00 280,111.56 264,630.96 6,949.54 614,947.00 New Church Members (Sept. 2013-Aug. 2014) By Baptism (Sept. 2013-Aug. 2014) 41 19 Praise to our Heavenly Father for the increased attendance the past several weeks as well as the additions to our fellowship. God continues to pour out great blessings upon His people, as we give ourselves to worshiping and serving Him. What an awesome God! Will you allow God to use you to bring the next person to meet Jesus? Our Financial Peace University group finished their last session this past week on a high note. I know those of you who were a part of the group were blessed. We’ll plan to start another group this fall for those who missed the last seminar. May promises to be a great month of opportunity at GMBC with Mother’s Day, graduations, our Children’s Choir musical presentation and a mission report/concert from Travis and Aimee Crowe Smith. Don’t miss the blessings. We will also begin a new Sunday morning worship schedule for the summer, beginning May 18. Sunday School will begin at 9:00am and worship at 10:15am. Be sure and make note of this change and invite friends to join us. See you Sunday. Decisions for Christ SMITH, Randy (by letter), 716 Ashland Dr., P.R.. 70452, 985-863-8555 LANDRY, Jonathan (profession of faith), 225 North Military Rd. 70461, 985-640-4552 WEIXEL, Savannah (for baptism), 56424 Almonaster 70458, 985-710-1983 HENDRIX, Alex and Kelsey Wilton (by letter), 103 Tiger Drive #1 70458, 985-710-0881 Congratulations to Mallori Coggin and Daniel Magee on their marriage, April 11. Gift Bags for Slidell Pregnancy Crisis Center GMBC Women on Mission will again assemble gift bags for the Slidell Pregnancy Crisis Center. They will be collecting the following items from May 1-May 25: Travel size Kleenex Lip balm/chapsticks Travel size hand lotions Nail files Peppermints Individually wrapped Dove Chocolates Also monetary donations. All ladies are invited to a morning fellowship to assemble the bags on May 31. WORSHIP SERVICE CHILDCARE SCHEDULE Everyone age 55 and older invited to... Childcare provided during Worship Services in Children’s B.A.S.I.C. Dinner Meeting Building for birth thru age 3. Children age 4 thru 3rd grade are dismissed to Children’s Church during services. Code 100 on the Worship Center monitor indicates more workers are needed in the Nursery May 4 8:30am Molly Graham and Judy Jenkins 10:50am Kay DeLuca and Melisa Thompson May 11 8:30am Jan Laletin, Royce Ballance, 10:50am Darla Mansfield, Brenda Hedrick May 18 10:15am Mary Jane Smith, Kristina Romero Daphne Stewart, Christy DaSilva May 25 10:15am Esther Warnick, Pam Hogan, Beth Rawls, Inga Pichon VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Contact Elaine Strahan, 290-9619, if you can help. Tuesday, May 20, 6:30pm Menu: Bro. Jerry’s Brisket, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Cobbler Guest Speaker: Jeff Ingram Louisiana Baptist Adult Ministry Sign up on the Sunday bulletin tear-off or call the church office by noon on Monday, May 19, to make reservations. MARK YOUR CALENDARS— BASIC Night Out to Cuevas’ in Picayune! Thursday, May 8, leave Slidell @ 6:00pm Carpool or meet us there for good fellowship. Let us know if you want to ride church van. BASIC Dinner Meeting, June 10th, 6:30pm Meeting earlier in month due to VBS, June 16-20. Page 3 MISSIONFUGE SUMMER CAMP is June 23-28 at Mississippi College. There will be a lunch fundraiser on May 18th following the children’s musical, and then on the evening of June 1 st we will have the Dinner and a Movie fundraiser. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY MAY 25th. Watch for details. CONGRATULATIONS to our Bible Drillers for knocking State out of the park. YOUTH HUDDLE meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the youth room. Love Ya! Bro. Jerry YOUTH PARENTS: We need your email address so we can keep you up to date and a part of our new online Parent Ministry. We would like to have your cell information also so we can text you with reminders and updates. Please send that info to me at or to Kim Grubbs at . ...Darla Mansfield and Debbie Thomas on death of their aunt. ...Greg Bazin on the death of his father, Gus. ...Pam Edwards on the death of her mother. ...the family of Timothy Free upon his death. Mark Your Calendars Grace Memorial’s VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 16-20, 9am-12:30pm Music & Education Hey Church! I just want to take a moment to thank the Choir, Orchestra, Sound and Lighting, and Media folks for their part in the Easter Musical. You all always do a great job. I know I loved it. Also, since we are going to one service for the Summer, it would be a great time for former choir and orchestra members to come back (we miss you) and for anyone else that is interested to join as well. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. And, thank you Sunday School Teachers for laboring over lessons and being so faithful in teaching the saints of GMBC the Word of God. Keep up the great work! Everyone have a great Summer. In Christ, Bro. Mike Hello Church Family, Vacation Bible School is coming soon! If you are reading this on the church website, you are just one click away from registering your kids right here, right now! Go to the home page and click on the giant VBS badge! It will take you step by step through the process, piece of cake. (actually easier than a piece of cake, more like a jar of jelly beans, and someone has already lifted the lid for you!) So sign up today! Also, it has been laid on my heart how much of a blessing it is to be able to be a part of the children’s ministry here at Grace. Thank you for allowing your kids to participate in all the different areas of this ministry. I wish you could see what I see, the volunteers we have in Sunday School, Children’s Church, RA’s, GA’s, Pre-school Choir, Children’s Choir, Mission Friends, Bible Drill and of course VBS, are such a blessing. The dedication and commitment to teaching your kids is inspiring and shows a sacrificial love that is truly from the Lord. The people involved in these ministries believe that your kids are worth it, and even though it might have been scary or daunting at first, they have persevered and, you see so much fruit coming from their labor. Let me encourage you, if you feel led, to join us in being a part of one of these ministries. Especially if you have kids that are attending any of these different groups, we have positions that will fit your schedule and abilities. So pray about it and contact me, we can figure out the hurdles together. State Bible drill was incredible! It was truly blessed. It was full of surprises, lessons, and blessings and that is just me speaking for myself! I am honored to be a part of such a God centered program. With all my heart, Mitch CHURCH STAFF BOB HEUSTESS Senior Pastor JERRY SMITH Associate Pastor Students/Facilities MICHAEL MOHLER Associate Pastor Music/Adult Education MITCH PELTONEN Children’s Ministry Assistant RICK JOHNSON Facilities Manager RHENA COGGIN Office Manager DEBBIE THOMAS Secretary/Receptionist KIM GRUBBS Student Secretary CHRISTINE HOLTON Music Secretary AMY LUTMAN Financial Secretary & Outreach Secretary DIANE LANE Treasurer ELAINE STRAHAN Nursery Coordinator & Church Hostess Early Learning Center VENITA RICHARDS Director Ministers EVERY CHURCH MEMBER MEMBER
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