I would like to serve in a ministry area… □ Audio/Visual □ Newcomer Follow-up □ Children’s Ministry □ Nursery □ Drama □ Office Help □ Greeters □ Prayer □ Kitchen □ Small Group □ Men’s Ministry □ Student Ministry □ Missions □ Transportation □ Moving Crew □ Ushers □ Mowing □ Women’s Ministry □ Music □ Other___________ Comments and Sign‐ups Please inform us of prayer requests/answers, phone, email, address changes, special event sign-ups, etc. For prayer requests please indicate choice: □ Email □ Prayer Sheet □ Pastors & Staff □ Pastors only ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Please detach and place in the offering plate. ‐ OVER ‐ Welcome! We hope that you are able to participate in the worship of our Lord and enjoy His presence today! If you are a guest, we want to welcome you! Please fill out the information portion of this bulletin. We would love to know who you are and to answer any questions you may have. Please remove the portion you filled out along the perforated line and place it in the offering plate. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. Jesus Christ gave us this ceremony to help us remember His death and resurrection. All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord are invited to take part during this special time. Please partake as the emblems are passed. Our time of Offering is a unique opportunity to worship. We hope that our giving is always done with joy and thanksgiving for what Jesus has already accomplished through Calvary. If you are visiting with us, Thank You. Please do not feel obligated to give as your presence today has already granted us joy. Sunday Morning Schedule 8:00 am - First Service 9:30 am - Second Service 9 - 11:00 am - Fellowship Time 9:30 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Third Service Treasurer’s Report: Weekly Need: $8,560.00 Last Week’s Offering: $8,989.22 2014 Weekly Average: $8,665.22 Capital Campaign total : $212,385.25 Attendance Last Sunday: unknown New Life Christian Church October 26, 2014 Sunday School is available at 9:30 am for all ages *The DVD series that runs with “The Story” will be shown 15 minutes prior to each service Welcome to our Worship Service. Please feel free to stand or sit during the Praise and Worship time as you feel led. Next week in service: November 2, 2014 Praise Team Practice : Team # 4 Communion & Offering Servers: 1st Service - Team # unknown at print 2nd Service - Team #2 3rd Service - Team # unknown at print “Love the Lord” Communion: Dennis Strong Offering: Bruce Bouwman Communion Clean-up for November: Mike & Susie Eckel Greeters: 1st Service – NEED SOMEONE! 2nd Service - Donna Mae Lundstrom 3rd Service - Carol Thull, Wanda Hohler Romper Room: 1st Service - Eileen Goodwin, Destiny Hansen 2nd Service - Rose Lynch, Diane Stearns 3rd Service - Pam & Derald Thorson “More Love, More Power” “Forever Reign” “Still” 1910 Co. Rd 82 SE. Alexandria, MN 56308 Website: www.your-newlife.com Email: office@your-newlife.com Office Phone: 320-763-7051 Senior Pastor - John Taplin 808-6795 Associate Pastor - Jeremy Schneider 491-7264 Worship & Women’s - Sue Ronning 766-8559 Office Manager - Tracey Anderson 763-7051 Maintenance - Scott Eustice 808-0233 Ministers - All Christians Offering Welcome/Announcements Communion Kevin Iverson We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week. All who have accepted Jesus as Lord are welcome to partake individually as the emblems are passed. This is His table. Jeff Klug Mission Highlight Message Series: “The Story” Week 24 - No Ordinary Man Lee Brewer New Life Christian Church Elders: Our Elders are available to help in areas of spiritual guidance and direction of the church. Lee Probert - 762-9355 Randy Hansen - 762-8029 Kevin Iverson - 760-8514 Mike Munson - 766-0184 Dave Kallevig - 762-1811 Lee Brewer - 808-6335 Thank you for worshipping with us today! Information Assistance Listening is Available for the Worship Service Please ask the person in the sound booth for a receiver and return following the service. You can use the ear buds provided or bring your own earphones. We Have a Staffed Nursery for children ages 0-3 years available in the Education wing during all services. Church Directory Online! You will need to register to be included in this great communication tool. You can include as much or as little as you would like others to see! It is: https://nlccalmn.infellowship.com/Directory Adult Sunday School is available at 9:30 am—Topic and Teachers: “The Berean Study”- Various teachers - Fellowship Hall “Romans” - Dean Ohman - Room 305 - also at 11:00 am (same room) “Foundations” - Various teachers - Library Opportunities This Week at NLCC Oct. 20 - Nov. 1— Pastors John & Jeremy are out of the office SUNDAY: 6:30 pm Smarge Groups - Fellowship Hall, Sanctuary, Room 107 12:15 pm Mission Potluck and Meeting MONDAY: 6:45 am Moms in Prayer - Room 107 6:15 pm Praise Team Practice - Sanctuary 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study “Twelve Ordinary Men” - Room 107 TUESDAY: 6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study - Fellowship Hall 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study “Believing God” - Room 107 2:00 pm Senior Bible Study - Fellowship Hall WEDNESDAY: 6:25 pm AWANA 6:30 pm Youth Group “The Way” - @ YFC (115 8th Ave E) THURSDAY: 6:30 am Women’s Coffee Club—Caribou North 11:00 am Food Drop 2:00 pm Women’s Coffee Club - Travelers 6:00 pm Love Inc. Talent & Treasure Fundraiser—Holiday Inn 6:30 pm Divorce Care - Room 110 SATURDAY: 1:00 pm Yes Club - Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall New Life Necessities Coming Events November 2 November 2 November 4 November 4 November 7 November 17-23 Set Clocks BACK 1 Hour Mission Thank You Breakfast General Election (NLCC is polling place) Senior Bell Choir at Grand Arbor Single Solution for Women Operation Christmas Child Drop off NOTE: Items for the bulletin are due by Noon on Wednesdays. REMEMBER to SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR on November 2. October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Our pastors bless us with their time, talent, prayers and so much more. Remember to take time to tell them (even though John and Jeremy will be gone until November 1), in your own special way what they mean to you. Thank you John, Jeremy AND Sue for your hearts that reach out and touch us in a BIG way! We love you! TODAY! Mission Potluck & Meeting—this month’s meeting will be Sunday as well!! Missions will meet on Sunday, October 26 following the third service (12:15 pm). Please bring a dish to share and be ready to hear from Andrew Paskewitz with Mid-Minnesota Cru. He will give you an update of what he and his wife, Emily have been up to. You don’t have to travel around the world to be involved in Missions! There is plenty to do right here and from here! Women’s Coffee Club - Last One of the YEAR! Let your Love of the Lord spark conversation with other ladies. There are two different times and locations on Thursday, October 30. First at Caribou North at 6:30 am and then at Travelers at 2:00 pm. Come for the coffee and stay for laughter! Missions Wants to Thank Everyone who blessed the people at Diamond Willow...from those who were able to come along on the trip to the wonderful people who donated food items, clothes and money. I was going to list all the individual items donated but the list is too long. The items literally took up over 8 full length tables plus -over half of the bus was loaded with items. Thank you so much for your continued support in this ministry. Now Missions wants to treat you. During our regular social hour we will be serving a pancake, sausage, egg breakfast on Sunday, November 2nd. Please come! Good News. Great Joy. Operation Christmas Child is an important ministry to children around the globe. Every shoebox gift you pack helps Samaritan’s Purse to reach children worldwide with the good news of God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas. NEW* Please no plastic shoeboxes, they don’t stand up well to the weather. URGENT: More Greeters Are Needed! If you would like to be that all important first impression, please contact Denise Powell at 612-802-2891. First service is crucial! Give of Your Time, Talent and Treasure! Reserve your seat/table at the third annual Love INC Fundraiser! Please contact your Love INC CMC (rep) for tickets or call the Love INC office at 759-3022. The Love INC Time, Talent and Treasure Fundraiser will be held on Thursday, Oct. 30 from 6-9 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Alexandria. This event also promotes the unity of area Christians—we hope you will attend! Learn more about Love INC by attending this event, visiting our website at www.loveincdouglas.org or “liking us” on Facebook. Fun, Good Food and Great Laughs are waiting for you on December 12 as New Life Christian Church celebrates "Thanksmas"! The fun begins at 5:30 p.m. with a turkey sandwich meal, followed by a variety show starting at 7:00 p.m. headed up by Karol Klug and topped off with dessert. This fun-filled event is a missions fundraiser with the funds raised being split between Pine Haven Christian Bible Camp and the two upcoming trips - one to India to visit Usha Rees and Aby Kallimel and one to Mexico to visit David Garcia. Hope to see you there. Women of Faith 2015 Please contact Lindsey Ebnet (320) 469-8699 if you would like a ticket reserved for Women Of Faith 2015. LOST & FOUND: Please check out the many items. There are many coats! Those items left after October 26 will be given to charity. Please Be Mindful of Those with Fragrance Sensitivities: as a courtesy, don’t wear perfume or heavily scented lotions to church. Date: ______________ 1st___2nd___3rd_____ Please print: Mr./Mrs./Miss Name ________________________________ Address ______________________________ City __________________________________ State ______ Zip ______________________ Phone # ______________________________ Is this a Home or Cell Number? E-mail ________________________________ I visited NLCC because I am... □ A Regular Attendee □ A 1st time Visitor □ Vacationing in the Area □ New to the Community □ A Family Guest I came as a guest of _________________________________ I would like to... □ Know more about New Life □ Know more about Baptism □ Become a member of New Life □ Talk with a minister □ Know more about the small groups and Sunday School classes offered at NLCC □ Know more about Children/Youth/Awana Please detach and place in the offering plate. ‐ OVER ‐
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