WEEKLY GIVING REPORT - MARCH 1 Budgeted Need Actual Giving Building Loan Need $22,776 $30,724 $2, 885 Actual Giving $2,560 MEN FOR CHRIST The annual Men For Christ Rally is held at Brookside Bap(st Church, Brookfield, WI. on Friday-Saturday, March 27-28. You may sign up at the Informa(on Desk to car pool. Register online at: h4p://menforchristrally.org. MINNESOTA BAPTIST LADIES RETREAT MBA Ladies Retreat is April 10-11 at Grace Bap(st Church in Owatonna. Our pastor’s wife, Kim Morrell, leads a workshop on Renewing Your Bible Study. Lodging and transporta(on coordina(on will be facilitated through the registra(on form. • Theme: Renewed and Refreshed • Speaker: Beth Lynch • Music: Mac and Beth Lynch More informa(on including cost, workshops, and retreat schedule is available at the Informa(on Desk. Registra(ons are due by March 22. ABF ACTIVITIES, MARCH 29 Adult Bible Fellowship classes are planning special family ac(vi(es for Sunday, March 29. There is no evening service that day. Mark your calendar and plan to par(cipate in one of these ac(vi(es. These (mes provide opportuni(es to spend (me together as families, increasing our awareness of others and their needs, which leads to opportuni(es to encourage and minister to one another. Informa(on on each ABF ac(vity is shared in ABF classes. Also watch for an insert in the bulle(n on Sunday, March 22, that lists all ABF ac(vi(es planned for Sunday, March 29. LOOKING AHEAD March 22-25, Missions Conference March 27, Interna(onal Outreach March 27-28, Men For Christ Rally, Brookside Bap(st, Brookfield, WI March 28, Deo Cantamus Concert, 7:00 p.m. March 29, Deo Cantamus Concert, 4:00 p.m. March 29, ABF Ac(vi(es; No PM Service March 31, FBCS Kindergarten Open House April 5, Easter Sunday April 10-11, State Ladies Retreat, Owatonna April 12, Membership Class begins April 13, CBTS Friends & Family Banquet April 19, CBTS Presiden(al Installa(on Service, 2 p.m. No PM Service March 8, 2015 MORNING SERVICE Why Don’t Things in Life Add Up? Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 Dr. Ma4 Morrell EVENING SERVICE COMMUNION It Is Finished John 19:30 Dr. Ma4 Morrell FOURTH BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MUSICIANS This morning we feature the ministry of our high school choir, band, and handbells as they begin their spring ministry tour in our morning service. Remember them in prayer this week as they travel and minister in area churches and schools. NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 15 Next Sunday evening, March 15, we welcome Jason and Beth Stamper back to our church. Jason served as Youth Pastor from 2006 to 2011. Jason, his wife, Beth, and their four children are now preparing for ministry in the Philippines along with Mark and Amy Stamper. During the evening service, Jason will give us an update on their deputa(on and ministry goals, and he will preach. MISSIONS CONFERENCE We are just two weeks away from our annual Missions Conference, March 22-25. Begin praying now for God’s special blessing on our conference, that He will direct in the presenta(ons, and that our hearts will be open to receive what God has for us through the ministry of our par(cipa(ng missionary families: Grotzkes (Spain), Sco4s (Thailand), and Straubs (Zambia). Brochures outlining the conference schedule are available at the Informa(on Rack. Offerings will be received for the missionaries on Sunday morning, March 22, and Wednesday evening, March 25. TEEN CAMP/MINISTRY TRIP, JULY 4-14 Teens are combining a ministry trip with summer camp at The Wilds, New England, July 4-14. Camp speaker is Steve PeKt. Teens will need to raise funds for this trip, so consider hiring a teen for some projects so that you can invest in this ministry trip. See Pastor Ken Thompson for more informa(on. SUNDAY 9:15 a.m. ....................................................................ABF, Sunday School Classes 10:30 a.m. ..................................................................................... Morning Service Church Library is open immediately following the service. 4:15 p.m. .............................................................................. Trek/Journey Awana 5:00 p.m. ............................................................. Sign Language Class, Room 223 5:30 p.m. ................................................................................... Awana Grand Prix 6:00 p.m. ................................................................................. ESL, School Library 6:00 p.m. ...................................................................................... Evening Service Communion 7:15 p.m. ............................................................ Missions Commi4ee, Room 223 MONDAY 6:30-9:30 p.m. ........................................................ TCBI, Eschatology, Room 223 TUESDAY 9:30 a.m. .......................................................................... MOMS, Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. ..................................................................... KniKng Night, The Waters WEDNESDAY 10:30 a.m. ................................................................ Golden Agers, Fellowship Hall FBCS Science Projects 7:00 p.m. .................................................................................... Midweek Service Chris(an Liberty, Pastor Brent Belford 7:00 p.m. .................................................................. Children’s Choirs, Youth, ESL 8:15 p.m. .................................................................................... Men’s Basketball THURSDAY 6:30 a.m. .............................................................. Adelphi Bible Study, Room 223 10:30 a.m.-Noon ............................................... Priscilla Fellowship, The Crossings 12:00 p.m. .................................... Adelphi Bible Study, US Bank Plaza, Downtown 7:00 p.m. ...............................................................Hannah Fellowship, Room 250 SATURDAY 7:00 a.m. .............................................................. Adelphi Bible Study, Room 223 9:00 a.m. .................................... Wise Woman Conference, Twin City Fellowship ELEMENTARY SUMMER CAMP Elementary students (3rd-6th grade) are encouraged to experience Camp Chetek, June 15-20. Pick up a registra(on form at the church office, or go to www.campchetek.org and download the registra(on form. Turn in payment and registra(on forms at the Recep(on Desk. Make checks payable to Fourth Bap(st Church. $115 if full payment is made by Sunday, March 15 $125 if $40 registra(on fee is paid by March 15 $135 if registering aNer March 15
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