Mexico’s Single Window Ventanilla Unica de Comercio Exterior Federico Schaffler, PhD Texas A&M Interna1onal University Texas Center for Border and Economic Development NASCO Regional Compe11veness Summit Corpus Chris*, Texas, April 27-‐28, 2015. Objec1ves of the VUCEM Ø Stop using paper by conver?ng manual processes into electronic documents. Ø Reduce ?me in customs clearance. Ø Have informa?on prior to customs clearance for the successful implementa?on of risk analysis. Ø Easily search and access informa?on from remote loca?ons to a central repository of informa?on with appropriate limita?ons and permits based on the func?ons and powers that every user of the informa?on has . Ø Influence the compe??veness of the economy by allowing Sources: h=p:// www.ventanillaunica.g index.htm par?cipa?on in the processes of foreign trade. Benefits of the VUCEM Sources: h=p:// www.ventanillaunica.g index.htm Ø Delivery of electronic informa?on in a single point of contact. Ø Permanent 24/7 aMen?on anywhere. Ø Reduced ?me and cost. Ø Improved logis?cs. Ø More transparency. Ø Increased legal certainty. Ø Elimina?on of paper forms. Ø Improved informa?on security. Customs dispatch with VUCEM BUSINESS MEXICAN CUSTOM BROKER MEXICAN SINGLE WINDOW CAAAREM MEXICAN “IRS” BANK 1. Documents sent to Mexican Custom Broker A.A.) 2-‐ A.A. sends COVE and documents to VUCEM 3.-‐ Clasifies merchandise and prepares Pedimento 4.-‐ Sends Pedimento to Pre-‐valida?on Trade-‐ related informa1on submiRed only once in a single point of entry. 5. Sends correct Pedimento to Valida?on. 6. Generates Valida?on Code 7.-‐ Pays Pedimento. 8.-‐ Presents simplified Pedimento and merchandise at the Port of Entry MEXICAN CUSTOMS Development schedule The roles of all participants and the interaction between them and the government entities were delineated from January to April of 2011. The Ministry of Economy guided the process and SAT was responsible of Customs. Mexican ins1tu1ons included in VUCEM Ministry of the Treasury Ministry of the Economy Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural development, Fisheries and food Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Defense Ministry of Health Ministry of Energy Ins1tute of Tequila Mexican Ins1tute of Coffee Suppliers Na1onal Ins1tute of Anthropology and History Na1onal Ins1tute of Fine Arts Federal Agency of Environmental Protec1on Over 30 public and private en11es are included. 40 documents, 165 processes and 200 different data elements, many of which must be delivered several ?mes VUCEM op1ons Importer or Exporter Mexican Custom Broker Export / Import STARTING POINT Export / Import STARTING POINT STARTING POINT Export / Import Export /Import STARTING POINT Digitaliza?on COVE Pedimento Conclusions • Encourages web services instead of web page access. • Establishes fast and secure procedures for audits. • Allows faster and safer international operations • Promotes interaction between government and private users. • Facilitate direct documentation uploading. • Digital exchange of documents. • Relatively easy to interface or “export” to other countries. Sources: h=p:// www.ventanillaunica.g index.htm Thank you Federico Schaffler, PhD (956) 326-‐2546 Services of VUCEM Sources: h=p:// www.ventanillaunica.g index.htm Ø Consul?ng. This service includes modeling of ac3vi3es of the government agencies and the private sector in foreign trade. Ø Scanning. It consists of installing a module that will scan 150 million sheets that cons3tute the historical paper informa3on of the General Customs Administra3on. Ø Wireless network. It consists in implemen3ng a wireless network in the 49 customs offices. Ø Implementa?on These services include automa3on of the processes detected from the private sector and also the procedures of the government agencies. Ø Informa?on. This service consists in defining solu3ons for management and opera3on informa3on stored in the "Ventanilla Única". Ø Opera?on and maintenance. This service consists in the opera3on and maintenance of the "Ventanilla Unica". Ø Addi?onal Services. It includes several sub-‐services for the func3oning of the "Ventanilla Única": Ø Mobile processing. It consists in providing handheld devices to the customs inspectors, in order to verify the documenta3on suppor3ng the foreign trade transac3ons. Ø Training. Several courses to make an efficient use of the tool. Ø E-‐learning module. E-‐learning is to train and support through web technologies all the users involved in foreign trade. Ø Organiza?onal change management. This is a process designed to mi3gate the undesirable effects of organiza3onal change in government agencies, ins3tu3ons and various actors in the trade.
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