View the current Calendar of Events at 

Sunday Morning Adult Educa on 9:50‐10‐35 in the Fellowship Hall TODAY: Sharing Our Stories
As part of our ongoing efforts to hear from one another about
the ways that we experience and know God two Gethsemane
members will be with us to share their faith stories. Kirsten
Eickenberg will share how her faith recently led to a personal
transformation and Tim Bates will share how his recent work in
the Philippines has shaped his faith and life.
November 2: Don’t miss this special All Saints Day Adult
Forum! Paul Mckenzie, Director of Music and Fine Arts will
present Music for the End Times: Catholic Requiem/
Protestant Cantata. We will examine the musical traditions of
the Requiem Mass and the Protestant Chorale based Cantata. Featured music will be the Faure Requiem and the Telemann
Jesu, Joyous Treasure.
Men’s Ministry Breakfast: How to Read the Bible Tuesday, Nov 4, 7:00 AM in Fellowship Hall The next Men’s Ministry Breakfast is Tuesday, November 4 at
7:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. The speaker is Karoline Lewis,
a scholar, teacher and writer.
Karoline thinks the future of homiletics is biblical preaching
and being able to interpret biblical texts into the lives of congregations so that the text becomes the shaping, forming, living
word of God that it’s meant to be. The sermon needs to be the
very living presence of Jesus and God for us.
A hot breakfast is served with an $8.00 contribution requested.
Sign up on the blue sheet in your bulletin if you plan to attend.
ALL are welcome!
View the current Calendar of Events at Sunday, 26 October
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM Adult Education
Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship and
Rite of Confirmation
12:00 PM New Member Class
Art Committee
Monday, 27 October
9:00 AM Fitness Group
5:30 PM Stewardship Team
6:30 PM Hymnus rehearsal
Cub Scouts
7:00 PM 33 The Series
7:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous
Tuesday, 28 October
11:00 AM CIP Cooking Class
1:00 PM Staff Meeting
6:30 PM Men's Bible Study
Social Ministry Team
7:00 PM Mainstreet School of Performing Arts Concert
Technology Team
Wednesday, 29 October
9:00 AM Quilting
5:30 PM Congregation Meal
YOUth Choir
Youth Bells
6:00 PM Contemporary Band
6:15 PM Children's Choir
6:20 PM Voices of Praise
6:30 PM Confirmation
7:45 PM Sr. Choir
Thursday, 30 October
10:00 AM "Behold!" Bible Study
4:00 PM After School Kids (ASK)
5:00 PM Children's Bells
6:00 PM Jubilation Ringers
Friday, 31 October
9:30 AM La Amistad
Sunday, 02 November
Daylight Savings time ends
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM 3-year-olds Stepping
Stones event
Adult Education
Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
12:00 PM Early Communion Class
El Salvador Trip informational meeting
Week of October 26, 2014
It’s Last Sunday Sign‐up for 4th Saturday and PSP Each month we need 25 volunteers to feed the hungry and food
insecure in our area. That’s 15 opportunities to volunteer for the
4th Saturday Café breakfast in Fellowship Hall AND 10 opportunities to volunteer for serving supper on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday at
People Serving People shelter for homeless families in Minneapolis. On the last Sunday of each month there will be a table in
the Gathering Space for information and signing-up. Please stop
by after worship today to check it out and sign-up to serve.
Warm Wear Collec on Ending A congregational meal is
served on Wednesdays
from 5:30-6:30 pm. All
are welcome. A $3/person
donation is requested.
Wreath Sale Today The tradition continues. Wreaths are again being sold at church
this year to support the 9th grade trip to Montana, backpacking
with Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. Christmas season is just
around the corner, so remember to get your order in. Wreath
orders will be taken today and next Sunday. Look for the official order display and youth in the Gathering Space. Garland,
swags, spruce tops and 4 sizes of wreaths will be sold, and will
be available for pick-up beginning Sunday, November 23.
Thanks for your support!
Hopkins, MN
Violin needed A student who is a part of Gethsemane’s music lesson program,
Band Together, needs a violin to continue lessons with Gayle
Thomas this school year. If you have a violin sitting in a closet
and not being used, and you would let a 12-year-old use it for
this school year, call Director of Music, Paul McKenzie at 952
935-1753 x113 or e-mail
Our October collection of new or gently used winter jackets,
snow pants, boots and NEW hats and mittens/gloves for the
Winter Warm Wear Drive at ResourceWest will end on Friday.
If you’ve forgotten to bring your donations, please do so by
then. Throughout the winter, schools will refer children who
lack warm clothing to ResourceWest. Today you can also make
a monetary donation by using the pew envelope and marking it
for Need of the Month, with checks made to Gethsemane and
“Warm Wear” on the memo line.
Discovering God’s Blessings: A Year of Deep Listening What are you most grateful for?
Write a short note about what you
are most grateful for - email it to us,
post it on our Facebook page or
upload a picture, Tweet it on the
youth Twitter account, or yes, you
can write it on your blue worship sign-in sheet. We want to hear
from you and hear how God has blessed you!
Look What I Can Do! Welcome to Gethsemane Our 10th More-or-less annual Gethsemane
Talent Show Youth Fundraiser will be hosted
on the big stage at Eisenhower, and we need your talent!
 If you are visiting today and looking for a new church
home we invite you to pick up a Visitor Packet in the
gathering space.
 Elevators are located by the north and south
 Large Print Bulletins & Hearing Enhancement
Units for use during worship are available from the
 The Nursery is available during worship. Changing
stations are in the nursery and downstairs restrooms.
 We invite you to sign in and include your Prayer
Concerns on the blue sheet in your bulletin and
place them in the offering plate. Concerns are kept
confidential if requested.
All ages are invited to sign up their act and offer it for our show
on Sunday, November 9, which runs from 4:30 – 6:00 pm, to
help us raise money for next summer’s youth trips. If you’re not
sure whether your abilities can be appreciated on stage, ask the
Youth Guy. (He knows how to put on a show, and how to put
you in it!) A number of briefly-entertaining skills will be videotaped ahead of time to be screened that night (for those of you
who get stage fright or have an act involving dangerous animals, skateboards or speeds in excess of 100 mph...)
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the kitchen.
Sign up soon so you can arrange an audition (or filming) by
November 1! Questions? Contact Bob at 935-1753 x114 or
Volunteers, dona ons needed for Scandinavian Fair Social Ministry Team Mee ng on Tuesday The Social Ministry Team will have one of its four yearly meetings on Tuesday, October 28 from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Gallery.
New participants and new ideas are always welcomed. You’re
invited to come and check out what’s going on.
This year’s Scandinavian Fair is Friday, Nov 14 from 4:30-8 pm
and Saturday, Nov 15 from 10 am to 2 pm. Lots of volunteers
are needed to help in a variety of ways. Sign up on the blue
sheet in your bulletin or contact Brenda Eckes at 612-345-5725
We also need your donations:
Informa onal Mee ng for El Salvador Mission Trip Join us at noon on Sunday, November 2 in the Fireside Gallery
for an informational meeting about this summer’s trip to El Salvador.
The trip is July 8-18, 2015 and will be approximately
$1,500. For more information and a preliminary itinerary please
make plans to attend the meeting. Initial deposit is due November 16. This is an intergenerational mission trip that is available
for anyone who has completed their junior year of high school.
Gently-used items for our Nearly New Shop (see below)
Brown paper bags
Hand-crafted items for the Boutique
Baked goods and sweets for the Bakery and Sweet Shoppe
Early Communion Class Sunday, Nov 2 at 12:00 pm We are offering communion instruction for all children who
wish to begin receiving the sacrament. We will begin with a
meal and proceed through a series of active learning exercises
to teach the basic concepts of communion. Each family will be
sent home with a parent and child workbook to review on their
own. If your child has further questions we invite you to visit
with one of the pastors again; otherwise your child will be invited to then begin receiving communion at any time.
Sign up on the blue sheet in your bulletin or contact Pastor John
at or 952-935-1753.
Thanksgiving Dinner Sign‐up Begins Next Sunday Our 18th Annual Community Dinner is on Thanksgiving Day at
1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. It takes the support of many, many
people to make this happen. Beginning next Sunday, look for
sign-up areas to volunteer for providing food, roasting turkeys
and/or helping at the dinner. And it’s not too early to register to
attend. Just call the church office during business hours.
Author comes to Gethsemane On November 18 at 7 pm everyone is invited to “A Visit with
William Kent Krueger.” The best-selling local author will
focus on his novel Ordinary Grace. While reading the book is
suggested, it’s not required in order to attend. This special event
is open to men, women, neighbors and friends. Invite others to
join you for what is sure to be a very interesting hour. Book
signing and sale will follow.
Dona ons accepted for Ebola crisis Nearly New Shop accep ng dona ons We are taking donations of your gently-used household items,
knick-knacks, items you bought and never used, books, linens,
etc. Donations may be left downstairs by the kitchen or you
may deliver them as we set up the fair.
We cannot take appliances, large furniture items, or clothing,
but your other items are more than welcome. Proceeds go with
the rest of the fair profits to fund mission work.
Lutheran World Relief is working with local partners in West
Africa to address the Ebola crisis. If you would like to contribute toward this effort, you can make a donation using the pew
envelopes. Write your check to Gethsemane, and indicate
“Lutheran World Relief” on the memo line.
Remember Gethsemane Memorial Foundation in your will or estate planning.